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创新教育对广大生物教师提出了更新、更高的要求。作为生物教师,应如何适应创新教育的要求?是值得我们共同思考的问题。本谈谈作对这一问题的认识。  相似文献   

作为全国教育科学“十五”规则重点课题“教育研究与教师的专业发展”的子课题研究单位,自2002年下半年起,我们就在思考着这样一些问题:什么是适合教师的专业发展的教育研究?什么是适合基层教师的研究方法?什么样的教师研究方式能促进教师个人实践知识的更新?作为学校应该如何引导教师参与教  相似文献   

暗示是教师在日常的教育中经常用到的一种教育方式,但是如何才能正确地运用暗示?怎样才能更好地发挥暗示的作用?这是教师应该认真加以思考的问题。要解决上述问题,需要对暗示的性质、类型及影响因素作系统地分析,并找出有效地发挥暗示作用途径和方法。  相似文献   

写文章是为了改善我们的教育生活 教师为什么要写文章?很多人的回答是评职称.我以为这样的理由有点靠不住,论文的水准固然可以作为教师学术水平的“见证”,但也只是某种“见证”而已.“见证”与教育生活到底有多大的关系呢?校友曾和我谈起,如果一个人做生意,脑子里只是想着“挣钱”,那他一定不会“做大”.他说:“我们做生意,首先想到的是帮助客户解决问题,报酬只是我们解决问题之后的副产品.”这让我想起,我们部分教师写文章只是为了评职称,那么他的注意力就只会停留在文章是否能被发表这个层次上,而不会从写文章的原本要义出发去思考和写作.实际上,教师写文章是为了讨论问题、传播理念,进而改善我们的教育生活.  相似文献   

班主任教育方法的现状研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、问题的提出教师在对学生的教育过程中,由于教育方法不同,往往会产生不同的教育效果。现阶段,班主任教育方法是否适应素质教育的要求?是否符合学生的需要?直接影响着班级教育功能的发挥和学生身心全面、健康的发展。笔者通过对教师和学生的调查,发现班主任教育方法存在着一些问题,如:教育方法上强调灌输说教,忽视情感教育,方式简单模式化,班主任的教育能力有待提高等问题。作为教育工作者,如何面对现实?如何面对我们的教育实效?笔者一直在思考,试图寻找一种解决问题的方法。二、研究方法本研究采用了个案调查的方法,通过访谈、观察、问卷…  相似文献   

何为好教师?——论教师的道德   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在我们这个时代,好教师的标准是怎样的?我们的社会和教育怎样理解"好教师"?我们的教育本身是在促进教师不断优秀,还是通过一些拙劣的制度和无良的做法使得教师专业伦理的发展难以逾越一些障碍?作为教师,在现行的体制和现状下,我们是否追求做一个好教师?我们是否有必要思考何为好教师?  相似文献   

最近中央召开的全国教育工作会议中指出“教育体制改革的根本目的是提高民族素质,多出人才、出好人才”。那么在教育改革的过程中怎样评估一个好学校?怎样评估一个好人才?怎样评估一位好教师?怎样评估一门好课程……这些属于教育评估的问题迫在眉睫地摆在面前。总结我们自己办教育的历史和现实的经验教训,由于对教育评估的必要性、可能性、目的性及其作用,认识得有偏差,实行方法有偏差,在一定程度上影响教育质量。  相似文献   

重点推荐“以学生发展为本”是课改的核心之一。在“以学生发展为本”价值取向下,我们应该作怎样的思考?在办学中,我们如何正确而深刻地理解“以学生发展为本”呢?本刊特邀参加“2006中国长三角校长高峰论坛”的知名校长、专家,请他们从理性思考教育本原的回归、注重发挥校长的核心作用、重点关注教师的专业成长、科学认识学生的群体发展、不断创新学校的管理方式等方面发表自己的见解和看法。  相似文献   

黑格尔说过:"人们经常挂在嘴边的名词,往往是我们最无知的问题".大连西岗区小班化教育已走过了三年多的历程.广大教师对小班化教育的相火概念也许耳熟能详,脱口而出,但究竟什么是小班化教育的质量观?怎样树立科学的小班化教育质量观?对此,并非人人都能够说得清楚.因此,我们有必要再次思考和审视质量观问题--因为,教育质量观决定着我们的教育行为策略.  相似文献   

对教师而言,可外显的诸如信息、技术、方法并不重要,重要的是可以聚集内心力量的教育思考。何为教育思考?教育思考何为?在下面的文字、图示中我将要把自己近十年的诸多感受与思考呈现出来,尽管其中可能夹杂有错误、模糊和肤浅,但我相信,它们对大家形成正确  相似文献   

There are two central questions determining the pedagogy of teacher education: (1) What are the essential qualities of a good teacher, and (2) How can we help people to become good teachers? Our objective is not to present a definitive answer to these questions, but to discuss an umbrella model of levels of change that could serve as a framework for reflection and development. The model highlights relatively new areas of research, viz. teachers’ professional identity and mission. Appropriate teacher education interventions at the different levels of change are discussed, as well as implications for new directions in teacher education.  相似文献   

This article compares teacher education in China with Canada, with the aim of fostering a cross-cultural dialogue between the two systems. Using case studies the article attempts to address the following questions: What can the two countries learn from each other? Can Canadian teacher education be a possible alternative model for China? Can Canada’s teacher education curriculum be used to enhance greater pedagogical preparation and more pre-service teaching practice for China? Is Canada’s move towards strengthening professionalism in teaching of value to China?  相似文献   

Over the past 10?years an increasing number of articles have been published in leading science education journals that report on research about teacher identity and describe interventions that support teacher identity development. My purpose in this review paper is to examine how the construct of science teacher identity has been conceptualised and studied in science education. In doing so, I synthesise the findings of 29 empirical studies on teacher identity within the field of science education in an attempt to respond to the following questions: (a) In what ways have researchers used the construct of teacher identity to examine science teacher learning and development? (b) What approaches to supporting science teacher identity development have been documented in the literature? Following that, I identify gaps and limitations in the existing literature and I offer recommendations for future research in the area of science teacher identity and identity development: (a) studying teacher identity as a process; (b) connecting science teacher identity research and reform recommendations; (c) conducting large-scale, longitudinal and life-history studies; and (d) examining teacher identity enactment in school classrooms.  相似文献   

Today the quality of teachers is held to be increasingly important yet there continue to be doubts about whether teacher education programs graduate teachers ready to meet the challenges of their initial years of teaching. In some jurisdictions, other agencies (Ministries of Education, school districts, and private providers) are supplementing the work of teacher education through the introduction of new teacher induction programs which have become favoured policy initiatives to enhance new teacher transition, retention and quality. Evidence suggests that induction and mentoring increase teacher retention and ensure more effective socialisation of new teachers into the school culture. In spite of their growing popularity, the degree to which induction programs complement teacher education and/or impact new teacher professional learning remains unclear. In this paper the authors report a secondary analysis of data from an evaluation of the New Teacher Induction Program in Ontario, Canada to consider the implications for the future of teacher education by asking: What are the challenges facing new teachers? In what ways does the induction program support new teacher professional learning? What are the major implications for the future of teacher education?  相似文献   

This paper explores the thesis that teacher education prepares teachers to fit into existing patterns and structures of teaching, schooling and society. The key questions explored are: (1) How have some discourses emerged as privileged, as others have been eclipsed? (2) What do these processes reveal about the relationship of power and place in teacher education? The case examined is Northern Ireland. The author concludes that if teacher education is to be one of the means by which educators learn new ways of seeing within a deep sense of tradition, then teacher education itself needs to become a discursive project.  相似文献   

中师升格为高校是历史发展的必然趋势 ,但是 ,升格后的学校继续办清一色的师范教育 ,还是走多科性学院 (即综合化 )的发展道路 ?这是处在转型时期的中师迫切需要回答的一个战略性问题。本文在对特师所面临的社会环境及人才需求作出分析之后认为 ,综合化是特师走向高等教育的必由之路 ,并进一步对多科性特教学院的办学定位和发展模式提出自己的观点。  相似文献   

To open a window into perceptions entailed in the professional world view of special education teacher trainees, three research questions were developed: (a) What are their motives for joining the profession? (b) How do they perceive the role of the special education teacher? and (c) What are their expectations from teacher training? The research was carried out using a qualitative approach. Ninety-three students about to begin their professional training in special education in an Israeli teacher-training college completed a questionnaire consisting of five open questions. The data were analyzed according to the grounded theory approach. The research findings showed that the trainees chose special education because they wanted to belong to a group of teachers perceived as the most ethical; one that considers its mission to help ‘vulnerable’ individuals, mold their characters, and ‘have an impact on society.’ The role of special education teachers was perceived mainly as caring for students and their parents; the trainees expected that during their training, they would become completely familiar with the range of disabilities and how to deal with them, as well as learn about themselves and strengthen their teaching skills. The world of special education was perceived as ‘mysterious,’ having a high moral standing; as a closed profession, in that relations are limited to teacher, child, and parents; but with a spiritual aspect. The professional world of special education as perceived by the teacher trainees was different than that actually waiting for them, and for which teacher training institutes must prepare them.  相似文献   

The construct of the ‘good teacher’ has teacher knowledge as a fundamental component; but teacher knowledge is contested. Policy makers offer one version, articulated through such documents as Teachers’ Standards. However, it might be argued that this version of teacher knowledge, largely defined by national curriculum and assessment demands, does not constitute the whole of what teacher knowledge might encompass. Using a card sort research approach, this article explores what teachers say about teacher knowledge, and the implications this might have for the future of teacher education. How might the development of ‘good teachers’ be impacted in the light of these findings?  相似文献   

This research project aimed to introduce WebQuests to train special education preservice teachers in Singapore. The following research questions were posed: (1) Does the use of WebQuests in teacher preparation promote special education teacher understanding on Universal Design for Learning in accommodating students with diverse learning needs? (2) Are WebQuests useful tools that can enhance teacher’s higher-order thinking, engagement, creativity, and collaborative learning skills? (3) Does the use of WebQuests in teacher preparation foster stronger desires for teachers to integrate Information and Communication Technology in teaching and learning? Seventy-five preservice special education teachers responded to a survey questionnaire after experiencing WebQuest developed by the course instructor in teacher preparation program in Singapore. The majority of teachers indicated strong preference for WebQuest activities over traditional teacher-directed learning methods.  相似文献   

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