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中学生要写好作文,必须掌握好语言这个工具,善于采择语言,驾驭语言,用准确、简练、生动、形象的语言来反映客观事物,传达思想感情。但是,语言的掌握和运用不是一件容易的事情,是必须下一番苦功夫才能办得到的。下面我们谈谈学习语言的途径和方法。一、学习语官的途径(-)向群众学习语言语言是人类社会实践的产物,随着社会生活的不断发展变化,作为交流思想的工具的语言也必然不断发展变化并且日趋丰富。我们现在使用的词语、句式,都是人类在长期社会生活中逐渐创造、积累起来的。今天,广大人民群众在建设新生活的过程中又不断创…  相似文献   

英语习语——反映英国文化的一面镜子   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
语言是人类用来表达思想、交流感情的工具。不同的语言反映出使用该语言民族的地域、经济发展、风土人情和社会习俗。语言反映社会文化,同时又受社会文化的制约。语言中的词汇与民族文化息息相关,而词汇中的习语(idiom)的发展和变化,反映了使用这种语言的民族的发展。  相似文献   

语言和谐是人类社会发展的基本条件,是人类语言自身的发展要求是人类交际获得成功的前提,也是语言使用者追求的最高境界。由于政治、经济、文化等因素的发展变化,导致了语言间的竞争。  相似文献   

1.社会发展是一个不以人的意志为转移的自然过程。人类社会与自然界一样,其发展变化都受其本身所固有的内在规律的制约。世界上各个民族、各人种差别很大,文化语言千差万别,各直又生活在不同的自然环境里,但其社会发展规律是基本相同的。事实证明,人类社会的发展不是杂乱无章,  相似文献   

委婉语作为一种修辞手段,是人类语言使用过程中的普遍现象,委婉语大多与社会生活息息相关,它随着语言的发展而不断变化,在当代英语中,委婉语广泛运用于社会生活的各个领域。  相似文献   

外语语言能力与语言交际能力关系探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
花蓉 《教学与管理》2005,(12):65-66
语言是人类进化过程中的产物,是不断发展中的人类为了达到各种社会目的而进行社会交流的一种社会工具。许多语言学家、心理学家、社会学家对于人类语言的研究与调查表明,人类语言的产生与发展是以社会为前提的,是社会造就了语言,离开了社会就不存在语言,离开了语言也就无所谓社会。作为人类社会发展的产物,语言从来就是一门交际工具,母语的习得是从这个意义出发的,那么,学习一门外语也是如此。学习外语就是为了掌握对外交际的工具。学外语的过程就是不断获得外语知识,并把这些知识运用于社会实践的过程,即语言能力与语言交际能力的培养过程。语言能力与语言交际能力是两个不同的概念,但两者之间的联系是不可分割的。外语学习的目的是使学生同时获得这两种能力。  相似文献   

互联网的应用和普及极大地改变着人类的生产方式和生活方式,无线电、有线电视及通讯业的飞速发展,极大地缩短着人们的距离,语言一物质社会发展的语音外壳,无时无刻不记载着社会变化、发展的每一个细节。俄罗斯这个兼容性极强的民族,在经历了天翻地覆的变化以后,已经融入世界发展的大潮之中,尤其是互联网的发展和外语应用的普及,给俄罗斯语言以深刻影响,这种影响在俄语礼节语言中表现得淋漓尽致。  相似文献   

语言在人际交往过程中起到中流砥柱的作用,同时也是作为一种特殊的社会语言现象而存在。语言的产生与发展伴随着人类社会的产生与发展,无时无刻都处在变化发展的过程中。本文以社会发展为视角进行探讨,分析研究语言在社会发展的形势下的变化。  相似文献   

杜慧心 《学语文》2011,(3):62-64
语言是人类思维和交际的符号系统。而词汇是其中最活跃、最敏感的部分,社会的发展、语言环境的变化总会适时地通过新词新语的产生与发展反映出来,即“语言与社会共变”。其中一些独具特色的新词以某种现象的出现为契机.通过各种方式推衍而形成一个新的族群.  相似文献   

语言是人类社会中客观存在的现象,是人们表达思想、相互交际的工具。语言是以语音或字形为物质外壳,以词汇为建筑材料,以语法为结构规律而构成的体系。人们在社会历史发展过程中,逐渐形成一定的语言,如汉语、英语、俄语、日语等。但是,随着社会的发展变化,语言也会发展变化,如现代汉语就是从古汉语发展变化来的。  相似文献   

Language is a mirror of society. It is one of the most important communication tools and social changes or potential social changes can often be reflected in it. We use language as a barometer of social changes and from the perspective of sociolinguistics. Social changes also determine the variations of Chinese language. Based on the former study about the relation between language and society, this paper mainly talks about the catchwords or popular language and social changes during the Cultural Revolution.  相似文献   

素质教育对教师语言提出了新的要求:要关注学生的全面发展,努力使教学卓有成效,也要注意把握课程本身的特点,形成独特的语言风格。素质教育中教师语言的变化,情感起着重要作用。  相似文献   

语言是一种社会现象,它随社会的变化而变化。从语言系统本身的发展来看,在一个社会阶段中,重要的概念、事物、关系、体系等都有最终被词化的倾向,即以独立的词项去承载其语义。因此,社会影响着语言,只有把语言置于动态的社会之中才能揭示语言的动态本质。  相似文献   

This paper describes and analyses the changes and innovations in English language teaching in Singapore from the 1980s to the 1990s. The review includes a brief historical look at changes in the English language syllabuses from the colonial days to the recently launched 2001 syllabus. Trends and practices in English language teaching and learning will be discussed in the context of the various educational initiatives in Singapore. The paper will conclude with some thoughts about the future of ELT in the island state.  相似文献   

目前国内外语教学对语言知识的讲授主要侧重在共时层面上,把一些共时变异形式视为不规则或固定用法来讲授,要求学生特别记忆。其实共时的变异形式和不规则形式是由历史语言演变造成的,系统完整的外语语法教学应该同时参照语法的历史部分。文章以单词发音拼写规则与词汇形态屈折变化规则的教学为例,探讨了外语教学如何借鉴历史语言学的研究成果并应用到共时语言知识和语法的讲授中,以及历史语言知识对共时语法中特殊变异形式的解释作用,同时对学生心理和语言观上的影响也加以阐述。  相似文献   

Vocabulary is important in language and language acquisition, but it did not catch as much attention as it deserved for a long time. In this thesis, I'll go through changes of vocabulary studied in linguistics and language teaching as well as rise of L2 vocabulary acquisition studies. Several aspects of L2 vocabulary acquisition studies will then be reviewed.Issues that need to be further studied will at last be put forward.  相似文献   

This paper aims to gain insight into language production and academic language of 4- and 5-year-old students and their teachers in the course of a teacher intervention during kindergarten science education. The study is based on videotaped classroom observations, and specifically focuses on the academic language use of students (Nintervention = 18, Ncontrols = 26) and teachers (Nintervention = 5, Ncontrols = 5). The results suggest that this general teacher intervention yields interesting changes in language use and production. Patterns of change over time confirm the idiosyncratic and non-linear nature of these changes. Science lessons represent an appropriate context in which to acquaint students with academic language, which can be used as a basis to build upon more sophisticated language skills.  相似文献   

刘政元 《海外英语》2012,(8):253-256
Linguistic subjectivity is pervasive in almost all the utterances.Language without speaker’s affect,judgment and view point doesn’t exist.Idioms constitute one important part of the language and culture.Knowing a language includes knowing idioms in that language.Variation is one important aspect to idiom.Different from ordinary phrases,idioms tend to be frozen in form and meaning and don’t allow change in structure and meaning.However,variation is one important aspect to idiom.The words of some idioms can be moved orsubsti tuted by other words.The syntactic structure of idioms can be altered.Some idioms function as normal sequence of grammatical words.They have changes in tense and aspect.All these changes contribute to the creation of idiom variation.Speakers create new idiom out of the original ones by modifying the original idiom to convey extra meanings.Idiom variations are the results of people’s creative use of language.  相似文献   

国外三种主要外语教学法述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
外语教学法是外语教学中讨论最多的问题之一。外语教学法门类众多,各具特色。本文试图对语法翻译法、听说法和交际法的优缺点加以评述,并在此基础上分析讨论在新世纪外语教学法的发展趋势。  相似文献   

Language proficiency before school entry has proven to be a powerful predictor of literacy development. This longitudinal study examined how simultaneous exposure to two richly inflected languages from birth contributes to the development of language-related literacy precursors at preschool age compared to peers exposed to one language. The community language turned out to be the stronger language of the bilinguals by 4 years of age and to a great extent age-appropriate compared to monolingual peers. The same initial exposure conditions resulted in three bilingual and two monolingual language proficiency profiles. For the bilinguals changes in the proportion of exposure to two home languages and frequency of language-specific social interactions explained proficiency in each language, whereas for the monolinguals exposure did not explain language proficiency. Our findings give support for the primary impact of exposure on the development of bilingualism and preliteracy skills.  相似文献   

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