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苹果公司发布于旗下iPhone手机的最新一代产品——iPhone4.相比于前三代的产品.新产品无论是在硬件配置还是软件上都有了较大的升级。它在处理器方面采用了与iPad相同的A4处理器,频率达到了1GHz.处理速度更快,分为16GB和32GB两个版本。  相似文献   

近日,浪潮英信服务器在题为“发轫应用创新思维”的新品发布会上推出了全球第一款应用单路至强处理器的服务器“NP120”,这款产品的面世开创了前端接入服务器标准的新革命。它采用IntelXeon1.8GHz处理器,利用超线程技术将物理上的单颗处理器模拟出两颗处理器的性能。NP120系统总线达400MHz,采用ECCDDR内存,最大可扩展至4GB,体现出海量时代海量处理的设计理念。在数据保护上,NP120集成SCSIRAID,读盘速度快,数据处理存储安全无忧。单路至强产品NP120与浪潮两路至强产品NL360、四路至强产品NC2…  相似文献   

直到今天,许峰雄仍然是卡耐基梅隆大学的骄傲。许峰雄就是那个被叫做“深蓝之父”的人。他和他的两个伙伴制作出来的那台“深蓝”是个庞然大物,有1.4吨重,里面装了32个并行处理器、世界上所有国际象棋大师的棋谱,还拥有每秒计算2亿步棋的能力。1997年5月11日,许峰雄用它战胜了国际象棋世界冠军、世界排名第一的  相似文献   

介绍了TI公司专为电机控制而设计的数字信号处理器TMS320C240的正交编码脉冲电路,给出了它在交流电机控制中的应用例子。  相似文献   

一、地球模拟机。 用途:创建虚拟地球;运算能力:40万亿次/秒;所在地:日本横滨。它是世界上功能强大的计算机,坐落在一幢恒温的巨大建筑中,5000个处理器铺满了整整三层楼,每层面积都有4个网球场那么大,地球模拟机的线路一共用去了2800km电缆,该机器目前主要处理人造卫星得到的数据,然后对50年后的海洋温度进行预测.此外它还能预测全球变暖的后果,其准确程度是前所未有的。另外,地球模拟机还将用于预测导致地震的地壳运动。  相似文献   

英特尔、IBM和摩托罗拉公司与美国3个国家实验室合作,最近推出划时代的超紫外线光刻苡片制造设备。 这个集团日前在美国加州的桑迪亚国家实验室(SNL)正式展示了这部生产机器原型,期望它能带动芒片业下一阶段的增长。由这些公司集资逾2.5亿美元研发成功的苡片生产设备使用超紫外线(EUV)光刻技术,将创造出比传统光刻技术小20%~7%的电路. 据预测,到2006年,利用EUV技术生产的处理器速度将达到10Hz,是当今最快的奔腾4处理器(1.5Hz)的6倍以上.这部通称步进机(stepper)的苡片刻机器,至少4年后才会进入商品化附段,初期将可制造0.07微米的电路的苡片.  相似文献   

田祖伟 《娄底师专学报》2004,(6):138-140,158
以Intel X86处理器为基础,分析了Linu X2.4内核中内存管理子系统的实现机制,并对Linu X2.6内核内存管理子系统所做的改进进行了描述。  相似文献   

研制了一套基于可编程片上系统处理器的综合实验教学平台。该平台硬件以Cypress公司的PSoC4作为核心处理器,结合PSoC 5LP作为板载仿真器,根据PSoC技术特点集成了丰富的外围功能模块,可完成模拟电路、数字电路、嵌入式处理器等方面的实验教学。介绍了PSoC 4处理器的特性,阐述了平台硬件系统设计、软件开发流程以及实验项目设计。该平台可根据教学要求开设基础专业知识实验、综合实验以及开放性实验,有助于培养和锻炼宽专业、多层次学生的基础应用和系统设计能力。  相似文献   

GPU的中文全称是“图形处理器”,是一个专门针对图形的核心处理器。它能使显卡减少对CPU的依赖进行部分原本是CPu的工作,尤其是在电脑对3D,(又称二了佳业_沐图形,比女洲橄一比;l)’等)进行处理时。我们可以把GPU和类电弓画杆找的画向CPU简单地理解”为:CPU是电脑的“大脑”  相似文献   

2007年的夏天当Prescott核心的奔腾4和赛扬D处理器开始流行,AMD的双核心Opteron也已浮出水面,带给了用户更好的运算体验。但同时处理器的功耗也达到了一个新  相似文献   

本简要介绍了Pentium处理器的核心结构,U、V流水线指令的配对规则。讨论了利用U、V流水线对汇编语言程序进行优化设计的方法以及超标量优化应注意的一些具体问题。  相似文献   

本文研究了混合二价金属钨酸盐相互之间在550~1150℃使用骤冷方法形成固溶体的情况。研究表明,一般离子半径相差15%以内的两种二价金属钨酸盐才能形成一完整或范围较广的固溶体,当温度允许,离子半径可扩大到25%,也可形成良好混合的固溶体。但不论何种情况,离子半径相差超过30%,一般不能进行良好混合,只能在较小区间形成固溶体或不形成固溶体。 各类二价金属钨酸盐相溶混形成固溶体,晶格参数一般呈有规律性变化,其中CaWO_4~SrWO_4,CaWO_4—PbWO_4,CaWO_4—CdWO_4随组成呈线性变化。  相似文献   

ApoE基因多态性和运动与血脂异常的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
载脂蛋白E有ApoE2、ApoE3和ApoE4三种主要的异构体,有ε2、ε3和ε4三种常见的等位基因,其基因编码可形成ApoE2/2、ApoE3/3、ApoE4/4三种纯合子表型和ApoE3/2、ApoE4/3、ApoE2/4三种杂合子表型.不同种族间ApoE等位基因的频率和基因型频率都不同.载脂蛋白E基因多态性是个体间血脂水平差异的常见遗传因素,与个体间血脂代谢和血脂异常的发生存在有一定的关联.此外,载脂蛋白E基因多态性可调节运动对血脂的影响作用,但其机制还有待于进一步的研究.  相似文献   



This research study explored children's views on issues about child abuse in Hong Kong and examined their implications on child protection work and research in Chinese societies.


Six primary schools were recruited from different districts of Hong Kong. Five vignettes of child maltreatment in the form of flash movies were presented to 87 children in 12 focus groups for discussion. The process was video-taped and the data were transcribed verbatim for data analysis by NUDIST.


(1) Children do not have a homogeneous view on issues about child abuse and neglect, and their awareness and sensitivity to different kinds of child abuse are also different; (2) some of their views on child abuse and neglect are uniquely their own and are markedly different from those of adults; (3) some of the views expressed by children, however, are very much akin to those of adults, such as the factors they would consider in deciding whether a case is child abuse or not; (4) children's disclosure of abuse in Hong Kong is often affected by the Chinese culture in which they live, like filial piety and loyalty to parents.


Children's views on issues of child abuse and neglect, no matter they are the same or different from those of adults, serve to inform and improve child protection work. Children are not only victims in need of protection. They are also valuable partners with whom adult practitioners should closely work.

Practice implications

Children have, and are able to give, views on child abuse. They should be listened to in any child protection work no matter their views are same with or different from those of adults. As this study suggests, the relatively low sensitivity of the children to child neglect and sexual abuse, and their reluctance to disclose abuse and neglect due to their loyalty to parents are areas to focus on in preventive child protection work in a Chinese society like Hong Kong.  相似文献   

用“罗克奇价值观调查表”对312名汉、瑶族高中生进行调查,结果表明:各群体与总体、各群体之间对两种价值体系18个价值项目的排列相当一致。在终极性价值体系中,“拯救灵魂”、“成熟的爱”、“兴奋的生活”、“真知灼见”被列为四个最不重要的价值项目,“真正的友谊”、“自由”、“陕乐”、“合家安宁”被列为四个最重要的价值项目。在工具性价值体系中,“服从”、“合乎逻辑”、“清洁”被列为三个最不重要的价值项目,并且表现出所有群体的极其一致性,“愉快”、“有能力”、“心胸开阔”、“诚实”被列为四个最重要的价值项目。个别价值项目也存在着某些群体差异。  相似文献   

本概括了各种优良准则,并在极小最小距离^[1]准则下详细讨论了正交表L16(4^4),L16(4^5)的优良性,给出了一个正交表L16(4^5),它在上述准则下优于[2]附录中提供的L16(4^5)。  相似文献   

模态命题逻辑系统K、D、T、S4、S5、B所依据的公理有一定的差异,导致它们之间的定理有一定的差异,推理能力的大小也有所不同.由于定理集的不同导致S4、S5可进行叠置模态词的归约,而K、D、T、B不能;S5可进行嵌套模态词的归约,K、D、T、S4、B没有这种归约能力.  相似文献   



Emotional/psychological child maltreatment (ECM) is a major public health problem with serious consequences including emotional and behavioral problems. Nevertheless, ECM is an understudied area.


The aims of this review are to identify measures of ECM and to evaluate their psychometric properties and utilities. We provide a summary of ECM measures that have been tested for their reliability and validity, evaluate the quality of these assessments and suggest directions for future research.


We searched PsycINFO and Medline databases from 2000 to 2010 in addition to a hand search of retrieved references; 2344 were identified and the abstracts reviewed independently by two authors to identify relevant articles. Using pre-established criteria, 144 of those articles were selected and reviewed in full to assess whether the instruments included a separate measure of ECM and its psychometric properties.


Forty-five articles examining 33 measures met the inclusion criteria and were selected for further review. The majority of measures demonstrated acceptable reliability; fewer measures had evaluated one or more types of validity.


Both reliability and validity testing are required in order to establish more accurate measures of ECM.

Practice implications

Reliable and valid measures are necessary to enhance our limited knowledge about the distribution, determinants and consequences of ECM.  相似文献   



To examine how the subject of nutrition is being addressed in the work with children at risk of poor nutrition in educational institutions and what the barriers are which may hinder inclusion of this subject.


A structured questionnaire was constructed for the purpose of this study and was implemented with 111 students in Israel who are working in their internships in educational institutions with children who are exposed to risk factors of poor nutrition (e.g., parental neglect, lack of knowledge, poverty).


Participants attributed a high level of importance to integrating nutrition-related components in their work. However, the findings indicate less emphasis on nutrition-related components than on psycho-social-educational components, as well as a low level of collaboration with specialists in the area of nutrition. In addition, it was found that knowledge-based barriers and institutional-related systemic barriers may hinder future teachers’ capabilities to incorporate those components despite their favorable approach towards this subject.


The findings illuminate the need to reduce barriers hampering the individual work with children at risk of poor nutrition in educational institutions.

Practice implications

In the training of future teachers, there is a need to advance a bio-psycho-social educational approach incorporating a knowledge base about assessing situations of poor nutrition, including how to advance an interdisciplinary collaboration with specialists in the area of nutrition.  相似文献   

CaCu3Ti4O12材料的研究现状   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
综述了研究CaCu3Ti4O12材料反常巨介电特性的理论和实用意义。给出了CaCu3Ti4O12结构示意图和X射线衍射(XRD)谱。评述了制备不同维度CaCu3Ti4O12材料的常规制备方法、优缺点及低温下介电性能测定方法。从内禀和外赋的角度,分析了影响CaCu3Ti4O12巨介电特性的各种可能因素。指出了目前该材料研究需要解决的一些问题。  相似文献   

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