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This paper contributes to current debates about the contradictory character of approaches to learning and teaching in UK higher education by suggesting an ideal‐typical distinction between an academic orientation and an instrumental orientation. The paper suggests that these two distinctive orientations are associated with different kinds of student expectations on entry to UK higher education. Furthermore, the instrumental orientation is associated with an increasing preference within institutions for modes of programme delivery that are compatible with the instrumental tendencies of audit and surveillance. Institutions are likely to give priority to instrumental approaches not for pedagogic reasons but because they are convenient for the administration.  相似文献   

This study examines university teachers' beliefs about the role of technology in achieving the pedagogical aims of learning within teaching development initiatives at a Finnish university. The initiatives targeted technology adoption in teaching and learning and were enhanced within teacher groups, with support from a university-level network program. Thematic interviews were conducted with the members of 11 initiative groups, covering 18 teachers from various disciplines. The qualitative content analysis revealed diverse belief groups. Technology was perceived as a tool for the promotion of self-paced studying without explicit learning aims; for active and interactive learning; for integrative learning with continuous assessment; and for meaningful learning. The study highlights the need for a more systematic explication of teacher beliefs and the acknowledgment of alternative ways of thinking in teacher developmental programs. (Keywords: higher education, pedagogy, teacher beliefs, technology)  相似文献   

从汉字甲骨文及英语词源对教和学的再认知可知,汉字甲骨文教和学中均含有代表智慧的符号,即爻。中华文明符号中体现了教与学的内在统一,即启迪智慧或悟道。英语词源的研究也显示,教育的本质是启蒙(lead out)。本文对高等教育任务进行了剖析,并指出高等教育目的的立足点及对培养对象能力的侧重点在中外有所差异。  相似文献   

对远程高等教育教学模式的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
相对于传统教育课堂面授教学模式而言,远程高等教育教学模式是异地异步教学模式;远程高等教育实施的基本教学模式是:导学→自主学习←助学模式;组成基本教学模式的导学模式、自主学习模式、助学模式是多样化的。在构建远程高等教育教学模式的过程中应注意转变观念、达成共识、慎言“模式”等。  相似文献   

This paper develops and defends a notion of trust in higher learning, and examines the pedagogical challenges of its pursuit within the sphere of higher education. It argues that the experience of trust between teachers and students is a necessary foundation for a critical, dialogical learning environment, yet it is a pursuit and sensation that can be imperiled by many of the demands and restrictions placed upon teachers in higher education. This discussion is of a philosophical nature with the aim of providing a perspective on a concept that has often been neglected in recent educational debate.  相似文献   

论社会转型时期的大学教学:变革、挑战与趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,伴随着工业时代进入信息时代的社会转型期的来临,现代信息技术对大学教学产生着越来越深远的影响,使传统的大学教学遇到前所未有的冲击。本文从三个角度比较深入地论述了社会转型的大学教学:大学教学的变革现状如何;大学教学遇到的挑战是什么;大学教学的未来趋势怎样。  相似文献   

高师院校公共教育学定位的依据是 :公共教育学开设的目的 ;公共教育学、教育学、教育科学之间的关系 ;教育计划中关于教育类课程的开设情况 ;高师毕业生走上工作岗位后 ,教育学对其教学工作指导价值的大小和作用的范围等。公共教育学的定位应该是 ,也必须是应用性和独立性 ,即在性质上它是应用学科 ,在教育学科体系中它处于一个独立的位置。  相似文献   

The Dearing Report emphasised the idea of a 'learning society' as the new context of UK higher education, but conceived this on a model of adaptivity to economically- and technologically-driven change. While there are real shifts in their social relations here with which universities have to reckon, they can also be understood on a much richer model of exploratory social intelligence. The growing concern for environmental sustainability is both a recognition of the need for this alternative model, and a major ground of its importance.  相似文献   

案例教学在教育学教学中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
案例教学是教育者本着理论与实际有机整合的宗旨,遵循教学目的的要求,以案例为基本素材,将学习者引入一个特定事件的真实情境中,通过学生主体性的学习,培养学生反思、创新能力,使理论与实际紧密结合的一种有效教学形式。案例教学是通过分析、讨论和总结案例三个阶段进行,是弥补当前教育学教学不足的有效形式。  相似文献   

关于"教"与"学"的新思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着高校的改革,“教”与“学”都“冒”出一些新问题,学生埋怨学校所“教”不适应当前需要;教师则叹息学生不如八十年代的大学生素质高,而教师教学、科研任务繁重;同时毕业生就业等影响教学计划的落实。如何通过管理杠杆调动师生“教”与“学”的积极性?“教管部门”应针对扩招、“保研”、“就业”的等新问题出台新举措。  相似文献   

高等教育教学过程中的博弈分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教学工作是学校的中心工作,参与的主体主要是教师和学生。教师通过教学过程传授给学生知识,教学过程是师生间的一个博弈。传统教学模式,学生被动的地位和激励机制的缺失,容易导致恶性的博弈结果。教师会根据学生的反映而进行投入产出比较,如果学生不配合教师授课,教师会减少教学投入,会导致效率的缺失。通过建立良好的师生关系,精心设计导入,激发学生学习行为跟随等方式,使学生始终处于学习活动的思维主体,创造学生的学习需求,无疑可以实现教学过程的良性博弈。  相似文献   

This article examines the position that, while technology infusion into the teaching and learning process has occurred, gains have nonetheless come slowly. The question of whether or not such infusion is necessary is considered. Barriers to more rapid expansion of technology assisted learning are enumerated, and changes needed to speed infusion are identified. These include changes at the system level and those to be made by individual faculty.  相似文献   

高等教育学究竟是一个研究领城还是一门学科?本文针对这一理论上的热点问题.对国内有代表性的几本高等教育学专著进行细致的文本分析。从研究对象和基本问题、理论体系、研究方法等三个角度。按照学科标准对高等教育目前的发展状况进行分析.并得出结论:我国的高等教育学学科建设尚不完善,需要进一步向着更为多元和学科开放的方向发展。  相似文献   


This paper reports on one aspect the Research-led Teaching and Learning (RLTL) Project, which set out to investigate the reality of the university rhetoric concerning the relationship of research to teaching. The university, like many others, bases some of its claims to the excellence of its teaching and the quality of the learning experience enjoyed by its students on the close connection that is made between its research, and teaching and learning. The project was initiated to explore this relationship through evidence from students, academics and other members of the university. In doing so, we hoped to gain a clearer and deeper understanding of what the university means by research-led teaching and learning. The findings of the research and the report covered a wider range of issues than had been originally envisaged. This paper focuses on the first part of the report: what academics and undergraduate students understand and experience as research-led teaching and learning.  相似文献   

This paper critically examines two sorts of theories of teaching and learning in higher education ‐ the informal and the formal. It argues that defining the problem of how to improve the quality of higher education in terms of “theory into practice” is not useful; practice is continually informed by theory. However, there is a tendency to ignore the contribution of formal educational theory, which is experimental and forward‐looking, in favour of an essentially amateur approach to improving teaching, which is driven by institutional imperatives, rewards compliance rather than risk‐taking, and trivialises the teacher's experiences. Examples of this process are given; they include the Higher Education Council's draft advice on quality and the use of student ratings of teaching. The problem is redefined as one of bringing formal and informal theories into a fruitful relationship in order to develop, through democratic means, the practice of integrity in teaching. Some implications for the role of the educational development professional are considered.  相似文献   

王伟 《台州学院学报》2012,34(1):61-64,73
21世纪是数字化、信息化的时代,计算机技术、多媒体技术、通信技术在教学中的广泛应用促进了教学的立体化和网络化。网络化教学是对传统教学模式的一种变革,在网络环境下高校教师应重新定位自己的角色,培养学生学习的自主性和个性化,这是高校网络化教学要面对的重要问题。  相似文献   

通过介绍多元识读(能力)与多元识读教学的理论框架、教与学模式以及特点,结合高职公共英语特点,从师生角色、课程设置、教材、教学方法、评价及教学理念等方面讨论了其对我国高职公共英语教与学的启示。  相似文献   

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