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In recent experiments in which the social influences on feeding in Mongolian gerbils were investigated, observer gerbils acquired food preferences from conspecific demonstrators only if the demonstrators and observers were either related or familiar. Even then, the effects of demonstrator gerbils on observers’ food choices lasted less than 24 h. In similar experiments with Norway rats, the familiarity/relatedness of demonstrators and observers had little effect on social learning, and the demonstrators’ influence on observers’ food choices lasted many days. We examined the causes of these differences and found that, after observer gerbils interacted with either unfamiliar or familiar conspecific demonstrators that had been fed using procedures typically used to feed demonstrator rats, they showed long-lasting social learning about foods, whereas observer rats interacting with conspecific demonstrators that had been fed as demonstrator gerbils normally are fed showed effects of familiarity/relatedness to demonstrators on their social learning about foods. Procedural differences, rather than species differences, seem to be responsible for reported inconsistencies in social learning about foods by rats and gerbils.  相似文献   

Two groups of rats (N = 11) were trained at two trials a day for 16 days in Phase I and 13 days in Phase II. Responses on Trial 1 were always rewarded in both phases. Percentage of reward (50% vs 100%) was varied on Trial 2 of each day of Phase I. Trial 2 on each day of Phase II was never rewarded. A partial reward effect (PRE) was observed on Trial 2 of Phase II. The implications of the results for intertrial explanations of the PRE were discussed.  相似文献   

During training intended to establish positive and negative backward associations, pigeons received periodic 3-sec illuminations of a grain magazine, with food simultaneously available on 50% of the illuminations. For backward-positive subjects, a red keylight followed food trials only; for backward-negative subjects, it followed no-food trials only. During this training, the birds hardly ever pecked the red stimulus (no evidence of backward conditioning). However, when the red stimulus subsequently preceded and signaled grain for all birds, the backward-positive subjects pecked sooner and more often than did the backward-negative subjects, and control subjects performed at an intermediate level. Increases in the amount of original training did not significantly change the facilitatory effects of the backward-positive stimulus, but seemed to enhance the retarding effects of the backward-negative stimulus. These group differences cannot be attributed to what happened after the backward stimuli during original training. The features of the present technique that could possibly have produced strong and long-lasting positive and negative backward associations are discussed in comparison to prior research that has indicated weak or transitory evidence of true backward conditioning.  相似文献   

祭火文化是蒙古族民俗文化的重要组成部分,也是蒙古族藏传佛教文化的重要内容之一.本文运用民族学的研究方法,对新疆蒙古族藏传佛教祭火文化从产生、内容、形式等方面进行全方位、多层次的论述,特别分析了新疆蒙古族藏传佛教祭火文化的历史缘由、祭火习俗的宗教文化内涵及其现实意义.  相似文献   

蒙古族的传统体育文化与古代蒙古人原始宗教联系密切,历史上形成了颇具特色的宗教信仰,即基于“万物有灵”观念的多神崇拜.这原始纯朴的信仰使其观念无羁、思想无垠,对其延续至今的蒙古族传统体育文化产生了深远的影响.  相似文献   

都市化改变着城市蒙古人,却又激励了他们自身的批判性。化的交流互动,使民族身份的认同成为一种流动性的、复合性的,因此,对民族自称、民族自我意识和自我识别意识的强调,以血统和血缘的强调,就成为都市化进程中的自省小说的主题。  相似文献   

比较蒙英两种语言的民同,无论对于母语是蒙语的人学习英语还是蒙英互译都有着重要的意义。而蒙古语助动词还不是实义动词完全虚化的结果,它们的虚化程度相对于英语的助动词要弱得多。蒙古语助动词在语义上已经达到了相当程度的虚化,但在形态上仍保留着实义动词的各种特点。  相似文献   

蒙古族服饰中的性别意识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蒙古族服饰中的社会性别意识表现明显,在服饰制作、款式、色彩、装饰等方面都有所表现,服饰中性别意识的形成受传统观念、生产方式、生活方式及宗教等因素的影响。  相似文献   

蒙古族茶习俗包括了制茶习俗、饮茶习俗等内容。通过详细说明蒙古地区制茶.饮茶的饮食生活习惯,对各地区茶习俗进行具体分析,探究其共同点和普遍规律,并进行了理论阐释.不仅对茶用具、茶习俗等表面形式进行研究,还对蒙古人民族意识、心理特点等进行了深入探讨,强调了茶文化的内在文化特性,认为茶与茶习俗不单是饮食对象与生理需要,也是一种不容忽视的精神需求与享受。  相似文献   

浅析蒙古族的饮食文化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蒙古族的传统食品分为白食和红食两种。白食即各种奶制品;红食即各种肉制食品。白食和红食在制作过程中,多采用一些具有蒙古族特色的传统工艺。在品尝食品时,再配以蒙古族待客的传统礼仪,使蒙古族的饮食风格具有浓郁的民族特色,形成了独具特色的饮食文化。  相似文献   

河南蒙古族自治县位于青海省黄南藏族自治州,在历史发展的长河中因社会环境的变化,地理环境的制约,藏传佛教的影响,长期与周围藏族往来等原因,蒙古族自身原有的传统民族文化发生改变,许多表层文化现象如服饰、饮食、语言文字、风俗习惯等已基本与当地藏族相同。20世纪80年代当地政府和蒙古族群众开始蒙古语教育复兴工作,试图通过制度化的教育有效传承蒙古族文化,然而这一工作在其后的发展过程中却暴露出诸多问题,蒙古语的学习陷入困境。本文以此为案例,运用田野调查的方法,对河南蒙古语教育发展状况作了剖析。  相似文献   

呼和浩特市蒙古族中学生对蒙古族传统体育文化价值的认知具有随意性、片面性、单纯性,对蒙古族传统体育文化价值的认知程度较低,不能正确处理蒙古族传统体育与现代体育的关系。影响呼和浩特市蒙古族中学生对蒙古族传统体育文化价值的认知因素包括家庭、社会、学校和文化的更替、渗透、同化。  相似文献   

生态伦理学理论视野中的蒙古族生态文化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生态伦理学的核心思想为敬畏生命,尊重自然,和谐共存。蒙古族生态化的精神层面是指在与环境相互适应的物质生产、生活技能与知识的基础上产生的对生命的认识,对自然界的认识及对人与自然关系的认识;在这一框架内,上述生态伦理学的核心思想体现于萨满教曲折隐晦的表达中,体现于民间学情感化的表达中。  相似文献   

蒙语授课教师对蒙文版新课程教材评价的调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新一轮基础教育课程改革实施以来,民族地区教材的选用问题一直是个难点.内蒙古自治区蒙语授课学校2002年开始采用由人教社版教材翻译过来的蒙文版教科书,使用过程中存在一些现实问题.本研究采用自编问卷,对采自自治区各实验区的166名蒙语授课教师教材使用状况进行了抽样调查,结果表明:(1)蒙古族教师对人教社蒙文版教材认同度不高,各维度平均数均没有超过理论中数,其中评价最高的是"思想文化性",最低的是"实践适应性".(2)蒙文版新课程教材在学科分类上的认同度也偏低,"教学适应性"、"实践适应性"和"编写水平"3个维度上均低于50%.(3)师范院校教师和中小学教师只在"编写水平"这一维度上有显著差异,即师范院校教师认同低于中小学教师.(4)教师的教龄对教材评价结果影响没有达到统计学上的显著水平,只达到边缘显著水平,在"思想文化性"和"实践适应性"方面,新教师高于熟练教师;"教学适应性"方面熟练教师高于专家教师.  相似文献   

This case study identifies four targets groups that are specific to the achievement of the EFA Millennium Development Goals in Mongolia: boys, out-of-school children, vulnerable children and minorities, and children of herders. Boys from herder families in remote rural areas are at the greatest risk of drop-out or non-enrollment. The case study therefore focuses on problems with access to education for boys from nomadic herder families. The inverse gender gap in the Mongolian education sector is a well-explored topic in educational policy research. What is lacking, however, is a more comprehensive look at how, and why, the combination of gender, household income and location of school—urban, semi-urban, rural—affect access to education in Mongolia.
Amgaabazar GerelmaaEmail:

动词不定式在英语语法中是一个非常重要的概念.然而对于语言类型不同、语法结构迥异的蒙古语提出动词不定式是一个值得讨论的问题.蒙古语-qu动词与不定式动词有一定的共同特征,即它们“兼具动词与静词特征”这种双重性,但不能因为英语(等)的不定式动词一般都可以用-qu动词来翻译,就可以得出后者亦即“不定式”这样的结论.从蒙古语-qu动词与英语不定式的“非限定性’意义、句法功能等方面的比较看,“蒙古语有动词不定式”的见解不符合蒙古语的实际.  相似文献   

汉语中借用蒙语词语由来已久,有的被借用过来后,早在汉语里面生了根,完全成了汉语的词。有的随着时代的变迁而被淘汰,还有的以方言的形式存在并使用。本文着重从文化这一新的视角探察了汉语中蒙语借词的来源及其使用、演变情况。  相似文献   

蒙古族舞蹈本身具有深厚的宗教意蕴,正是蒙古族人民心灵深处那对于生命、对于自然的折射和独自。而这种意蕴由于蒙古民族能歌善舞的天性得到了充分发展,使得许多与宗教有关的蒙古族舞蹈在其流传的过程中渐渐淡化为民间舞蹈。  相似文献   

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