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Rabbits were trained in eyelid conditioning with a “backward” arrangement of unconditioned stimulus (UCS) followed by conditioned stimulus (CS). When such a CS was tested alone it was observed to produce substantial conditioned responding if the UCS had been arranged to be “surprising” during the backward pairings, but not if it had been arranged to be “expected.” The comparisons were made in a within-subjects design where the surprisingness of the UCS on the different pairing occasions was manipulated by preceding the UCS by discriminative CSs which were otherwise either never followed by the UCS (CS?) or consistently followed by the UCS (CS+). The results may have implications for the nonmonotonic course of responding seen during backward conditioning, as a UCS is at first surprising, but then expected on the basis of contextual cues.  相似文献   

A comparison was made of heart-rate (HR) responses of restrained rats to CSs that were part of an explicitly unpaired or a truly random control procedure. Subsequent to these procedures, an assessment was made of the relative capacities of these CSs to affect an established HR CR in a combined-cue paradigm and to impede the development of a HR CR in a reversal-conditioning situation. The principal findings were (1) that the explicitly unpaired and truly random CSs generated HR responses of opposite direction, i.e., HR acceleration vs. HR deceleration, respectively, and (2) that conditioning of a decelerative HR CR to the CS that had earlier been employed in the explicitly unpaired procedure was retarded compared to what was obtained to the truly random CS. The two CSs did not have reliably different effects in the combined-cue test. It was suggested that the truly random CS may have produced both associative and nonassociative influences on HR. It was hypothesized further than the explicitly unpaired CS may have acquired the capacity to function as a conditioned inhibiting stimulus.  相似文献   

Rats’ responding was maintained on a random-interval 1-min food schedule. In addition, non-contingent pellets were delivered, independently of the animals’ behavior, at either fixed intervals (Experiment 1) or at random intervals (Experiment 2). As the rate of delivery of the periodic and aperiodic free reinforcers increased, the rate of responding decreased. But these free reinforcers, in addition to having this inhibitory effect, had also a local excitatory effect upon responding: lever-pressing increased to a level above its mean rate following the delivery of a free food pellet. The time course of this behavioral aftereffect of free reinforcers, for both fixed and random intervals, was dependent upon the proportion of the interval between successive free food deliveries. The relation of these results to those obtained with response-contingent reinforcement, free punishment, and in schedule-induced phenomena is discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of morphine preexposure on place conditioning with morphine was investigated. In the first experiment, five injections of 10 mg/kg morphine were administered to rats prior to place conditioning or taste-aversion training with morphine. Although this number of preexposures retarded taste-aversion learning, there was no effect on place conditioning. In subsequent experiments we investigated the role of context blocking in UCS preexposure in place conditioning. In one experiment, preexposure to five morphine injections prior to place conditioning resulted in a reduced place preference, compared with preexposure and place conditioning in different contexts. However, the overall detrimental effect of morphine preexposure was questionable, because the rats that were preexposed were only marginally different from those that were not preexposed. In a final experiment we examined the effect of a context change from preexposure to place conditioning with 15 preexposures and demonstrated a detrimental effect of preexposure on place conditioning that was context specific. These results support a role of classical conditioning in place-preference conditioning with morphine.  相似文献   

Retarded conditioned response (CR) acquisition produced by unconditioned stimulus (US) preexposures has been attributed either to interference resulting from contextual conditioning or to habituation of the US. Both perspectives assume that the amount of retardation is directly related to the number of US preexposures. This assumption was examined in two experiments. In Experiment 1, separate groups of rabbits received 200 paraorbital shock US preexposures either in one session or spread equally over 10 daily sessions. Subsequently, all subjects received 150 CS-US pairings. Acquisition of nictitating membrane CRs was retarded relative to a naive control group only in the group that received the preexposures over 10 sessions. Thus, the number of US preexposure sessions, rather than the number of US preexposures, determined whether or not retarded acquisition was observed. In Experiment 2, four groups of rabbits received 1, 5, 20, or 40 shock US preexposures in each of 10 sessions. Over the subsequent 150 CS-US pairings, similar levels of retarded CR acquisition were observed in groups that received 20 and 40 US preexposures per session, a weak retardation effect was observed with 5 preexposures per session, and no retardation was observed with 1 preexposure per session. Thus, Experiment 2 suggested that retarded CR development was not greatly influenced by increasing the number of US preexposures above some minimum threshold number of exposures per session. Implications for current theories were discussed.  相似文献   

Two studies used a one-trial-a-day aversive conditioning procedure with rats as subjects to investigate the effects of a noise versus a light CS on conditioned freezing. Experiment 1 demonstrated that less conditioned freezing was elicited by the light, although the two CSs led to similar levels of freezing to the contextual cues of the conditioning chamber. Experiment 2 replicated these outcomes and showed that the manipulation of CS intensity produced results similar to those of modality, with the more intense CSs eliciting less freezing. The second experiment also determined that freezing to contextual cues resulted from context conditioning. According to the Rescorla-Wagner model, CSs that condition poorly should generate little competition with context conditioning. Since neither the modality nor intensity factor reliably influenced context conditioning, as measured by context-evoked freezing, the studies provide no support for the view that the effects on CS-evoked freezing represent differences in the strength of conditioning to the various stimuli. This finding raises the possibility that all of the CSs conditioned well but varied in their abilities to elicit freezing because they differed in terms of the form of defensive behavior under their control.  相似文献   

Rabbits under high or moderate water deprivation received in Stage 1 either paired (CS+), unpaired (CS?), or no-tone/shock presentations, with the pairings being appropriate for nictitating membrane conditioning. In Stage 2, all groups were given paired tone and water deliveries for jaw-movement conditioning, while, in Stage 3, all group received the tone and shock paired together for membrane conditioning. In Stage 2, the previously established aversive CS+ suppressed jaw-movement conditioning under high deprivation, and membrane CR decrements were directly related to deprivation. Also in Stage 2, the aversive CS? raised jaw-movement conditioning under moderate deprivation. In Stage 3, membrane CR performance immediately returned in the aversive CS+ group. For the other groups, conditioning was faster under high, relative to moderate, deprivation; however, the initial membrane CR occurrence required more trials if unpaired presentations were used in Stage 1. These results suggest that CSs can acquire both opponent-process and associative effects expressed according to the prevailing training conditions.  相似文献   

Three experiments examined rats’ ability to discriminate a compound conditioned stimulus (CS) from the individual elements of that compound in a flavor aversion conditioning paradigm. In Experiment 1, presentations of a compound of sucrose and saline solutions were followed by lithium chloride injections, but presentations of those elements individually were nonrein-forced (positive patterning). Conversely, in Experiments 2 and 3, presentations of the individual elements were followed by lithium chloride injection, but compound presentations were non-reinforced (negative patterning). The discriminations were acquired in all three experiments. In addition, all three experiments investigated the effects of preexposure of the discriminative stimuli on subsequent acquisition of the patterned discriminations. In positive patterning, preexposure had no measurable effect on the acquisition of responding (suppression) to the reinforced compound stimulus, but slowed the loss of suppression to the nonreinforced elements. In negative patterning, preexposure slowed the acquisition of suppression to the reinforced elements but had little effect on the loss of suppression to the nonreinforced compound.  相似文献   

Two experiments are described, which involved the investigation of interactions between the nature of the conditioned stimulus (CS) and the nature of the unconditioned stimulus (UCS) in producing signal-centered behavior. In Experiment 1, rats received response-independent heat reinforcement in a cold environment. For some groups, this heat UCS was signaled by presentations of a standard aluminum retractable lever; for other groups, it was signaled by a retractable lever covered in acrylic fur (furry lever CS). Only the subjects that received the furry lever CS paired with heat exhibited differential CS-contact behavior, when compared with unpaired, aluminum lever, and warm control subjects. In Experiment 2, hungry rats received pairings of either an aluminum or a furry lever with food (UCS). When compared with unpaired controls, only the subjects that received the aluminum lever paired with food showed differential signal-directed behavior; the subjects receiving the furry lever CS did not show differential contact with the CS, but instead exhibited differential food tray entry behavior during CS presentation. In the two studies, the signal-directed behavior exhibited by subjects resembled either thermoregulatory or feeding behaviors characteristic of rats. The results suggest that signal-directed behavior is determined by a complex interaction between the ecological relevance of the CS and the nature of the UCS—an interaction that can best be described in terms of a behavior systems model of conditioned responding.  相似文献   

Water-deprived rats served in seven conditioned lick suppression experiments designed to assess the effects on responding to a target CS of a series of unsignaled USs given in the training context following completion of CS training. Such treatment has been hypothesized to increase (inflate) the associative strength of the background cues from training (putatively, the CS’s comparator stimuli), thereby reducing responding to excitatory CSs and increasing the inhibitory potential of inhibitory CSs. Although posttraining extinction (deflation) of the CS’s comparator stimuli usually decreases inhibitory potential and increases excitatory potential of the target CS, posttraining inflation of the comparator stimuli had no effect on either excitatory responding to the target CS or summation test performance indicative of conditioned inhibition. This outcome was consistently obtained across a number of training, inflation, and test conditions selected to maximize sensitivity to any possible effects of comparator inflation. Implications of these null results for the comparator hypothesis of conditionedresponse generationare discussed.  相似文献   

Changes in affect toward a particular stimulus can take place very rapidly through Pavlovian conditioning, if presentation of the conditioned stimulus (CS+) paired with the unconditioned stimulus (US) is accompanied by presentation of a “CS?,” another value of the same dimension as the CS+ but not paired with a US. This effect has considerable generality. It has been observed in terms of both olfactory and visual CSs, in terms of appetitive as well as aversive conditioning, and for adult as well as infant rats. The CS? effect has seemed especially important for infants, which may be related to the general tendency for infants to exhibit less stimulus selection than older animals. Finally, the CS? effect has enabled the development of a simple test of short-term retention that can quite effectively assess memory for either incidental or target events. These tests so far have indicated a clear ontogenetic decrease in rate of forgetting over short intervals, corresponding to the well-known development-related decrease in forgetting over long intervals (infantile amnesia). The tests also have shown that short-term forgetting of intentional and target events is surprisingly similar, with some indication of more rapid forgetting for the incidental events. Alternative interpretations of the CS? effect and some preliminary tests of these interpretations are discussed.  相似文献   

Adding limited female cues to a conditioned stimulus (CS) facilitates conditioned male sexual responding. In two experiments, we examined the mechanisms of this facilitation effect. The color of the female cues on the CS was varied in Experiment 1. Similarity between the CS plumage color and the color of the live female (the unconditioned stimulus [US]) could only partially account for the results. The extent to which the facilitation effect represents a specialization of sexual behavior was examined in Experiment 2 by comparing conditioning with either food or copulation as the US. The CSs with female cues elicited more approach and grab responses regardless of which US was used. However, uniquely sexual conditioned responses (mounts and cloacal contacts) were enhanced only when sexual reinforcement served as the US. These findings suggest that the facilitation effect of female cues represents a general feature of appetitive behavior systems.  相似文献   

After backward pairings with a paraorbital shock, a tone CS was an effective punisher of licking in rabbits, yet yielded retarded forward acquisition of the rabbit’s nictitating membrane response. The observation of both excitatory and inhibitory associative effects after a common training protocol challenges the assumption of a unidimensional associative continuum and supports approaches that assert a multidimensional structure to associations.  相似文献   

Male and female rabbits received Pavlovian conditioning in which a 1, 216-Hz tone served as the CS and a 3-mA paraorbital electric shock train served as the US. Eyeblink (EB) and heart rate (HR) CRs were assessed. Half of the animals received prior exposure to the CS, while half were restrained in the chamber for a similar length of time but did not receive prior CS exposure. Different groups of each sex received three different CS intensities including 60, 75, and 90 dB (SPL) during both preexposure and conditioning. The results revealed that latent inhibition of the EB CR occurred only at the intermediate CS intensity, as indicated by a significant impairment of EB conditioning in this group. However, the magnitude of the decelerative HR CR was attenuated by prior CS exposure at all three CS intensities. Females showed faster EB conditioning than males, but latent inhibition occurred in both sexes. These results suggest that somatomotor and autonomic systems are affected differently by prior CS exposure.  相似文献   

Three experiments investigated conditioning of the rabbit’s nictitating membrane response (NMR) in a second-order conditioning procedure which intermixed first-order trials (CS1-US) and second-order trials (CS2-CS1) from the outset of training. Experiment 1 provided a controlled demonstration that substantial levels of second-order conditioning can be obtained with the NMR preparation. Experiment 2 showed that the level of CR acquisition to CS2 was an inverse function of the CS2-CS1 interval over the values of 400, 800, and 2,400 msec. Experiment 3 found that CR acquisition to CS2 and CS1 in second-order conditioning varied in a parallel fashion across CS1-US intervals. Similarly, Experiment 3A found that the level of CR acquisition to the two components of a serial compound (CSA-CSB-US) varied in a parallel fashion as a function of the CSB-US interval. The results of the CS2-CS1 and CS1-US interval manipulations were all predictable from the known CS-US interval effects in NMR conditioning with a single CS. The present results are discussed with regard to their implications for accounts of serial compound conditioning and second-order conditioning.  相似文献   

A series of experiments examined ontogenetically the effects of context saliency and CS-US interval on the learning of CS-US and context-US associations. Although adult rats generally showed an inverse relationship between CS and context learning that depended upon CS-US interval and context saliency, the opposite relationship held for preweanlings. Consistent with many contemporary learning theories, adult rats expressed CS-context competition in learning about the US. Preweanlings, on the other hand, exhibited potentiated responding to either the context or the CS as a result of strong learning about the other element. These results suggest that adult and infant rats process information in a qualitatively different manner.  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated the capacity of a nominal CS to overshadow background stimuli. Rats received CS-shock pairings in one compartment of a double-compartment apparatus. After training, the shock compartment was re-presented but in the absence of both the CS and shock, and overshadowing was assessed by measuring the rats’ latency to enter the compartment. In the first experiment, predictive values of temporal cues provided by CS onset and CS offset were manipulated. Rats readily entered the shock compartment, provided shock onset had previously been predicted by CS onset or CS offset. This indicates that background cues in the shock compartment had acquired little associative strength during training. In contrast, rats avoided the shock compartment under every condition in which shock onset had not previously been predicted by either CS onset or CS offset. In the second experiment, a precise temporal cue provided by CS onset was dissociated from other factors arising from CS-shock contiguity. It was found that rats’ reactions to the shock compartment after training was governed by both temporal and contiguity factors. The results are relevant to theories which state that conditioning is a function of a competitive relationship between stimuli present in an animal’s environment during training.  相似文献   

A sensory preconditioning analogue was employed to separate signaling effects from motivational effects observed in appetitive-to-aversive transfer of training. Rabbits received appetitive conditioning (tone-water pairings) of the jaw-movement response, followed by aversive conditioning of the nictitating membrane response, during which water delivery served as the CS for para-orbital shock. When the tone was subsequently presented, only subjects exposed to both sets of pairings demonstrated conditioned jaw movement and nictitating membrane responses. The occurrence of both responses to the tone is inconsistent with the action of reciprocal inhibition between motivational states. The results are interpreted in terms of multiple mediators for transfer-of-training paradigms.  相似文献   

Water-deprived adult rats were used in a conditioned-suppression-of-licking procedure to determine the effect of inhibitory training with a novel stimulus trained in simultaneous compound with a previously established conditioned inhibitor. This procedure constitutes an inhibitory analogue to the excitatory blocking procedure in classical conditioning. The conditioned-inhibition training consisted of either explicitly unpaired CS and US presentations or negative contingency training, in which the likelihood of the US was greater in the absence than in the presence of the CS, but the CS and the US were occasionally paired. To assess conditioned inhibition, a retardation test was used, and comparable retardation was obtained for subjects that were administered the blocking treatment and control subjects given similar conditioned-inhibition training with a compound stimulus in which the nontarget element was not previously established as a conditioned inhibitor.  相似文献   

In three experiments, rats received a single presentation of an auditory conditioned stimulus (CS) beginning simultaneously with an electric grid-shock unconditioned stimulus (US). Later, the CS was presented while the rats licked a drinking tube for water, and CS-elicited suppression of licking was taken as an index of the excitation conditioned to the CS. It was found that conditioning increased as a joint function of the duration of CS-US overlap and US duration. The evidence suggested that weak conditioning due to a brief CS-US overlap could be increased by extending the US beyond CS termination. Extending CS duration beyond US termination, however, did not strengthen conditioning; indeed, extending the CS 60 sec beyond US termination weakened conditioning significantly. It is suggested that these results shed light on a discrepancy in the recent literature on simultaneous conditioning.  相似文献   

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