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1.我不是在第一排。【误】I not am in Row One. 【正】I am not in Row One. 【析】否定副词not通常放在系动词的后面。2.刘涛和汪明是新学生。【误】Liu Tao and Wang Ming is new stuaents. 【正】Liu Tao and wang Ming are new students. 【析】两个或两个以上的人作主语时,系动词用be的复数形式"are"。  相似文献   

1.我和李梅在同一个班级。【误】Li Mei and I are in a same class.【正】Li Mei and I are in the same class.【析】same无论作形容词或作名词,其前都要加定冠词the或 this/that/these/those等,而不能加a。2.我能看一看你的照片吗?【误】Can I have look at your photos?【正】Can I have a look at your photos?  相似文献   

【本课选自人教版义务教育课程标准实验教科书《英语》(新目标)七年级下第8单元。】【教学目标】1.知识目标:A.To learn key vocabulary:noodle,cabbage,beef,size,bowl...and would like;B.To grasp target  相似文献   

1.put out【疑难分析】put out意为:“出版;生产;扑灭;关掉”。它是一个及物动词短语,其后要带宾语。【归纳点拔】put out的用法主要归纳如下:She put the light out and went to sleep.(关掉)  相似文献   

1.borrowed plumes借来的漂亮衣服;靠别人得来的声望【寓言】一只乌鸦披上了孔雀的羽毛,自以为漂亮,但不知道这些羽毛随时会掉下来。【例句】The imposter was exposed publicly and this stripped of  相似文献   

刘伟 《海外英语》2012,(16):274-275
In the past ten years, Korean language has received a remarkable success in its spread over East Asia, especially in China. There are generally five geographical factors making Korean language achieve in its spread. Influenced by the factors of natural environment, economics, immigration, politics and diplomacy, and cultural communication, the spread of Korean shows that the temporal characteristics of language variation and bilingualism, and the spatial characteristics of principle of proximity and population center.  相似文献   

【Riddles aboutnumbers参考答案】1.The number8. Take away the top half and 0 is left. 2. They are 7 and 1. 3. Eleven o' clock plus two is one o'clock. 4. Nine. 5. 2. 6. 6/9. 7. Sixty. 【初一英语Units1-4综合检测题参考答案】  相似文献   

代词一、考查人称代词1.Helen and Mary are good friends______often help each other(.江苏淮安)A.Them B.Theirs C.They D.Their【解析】前面的Helen and Mary是复数,后面句中的主语应用代词they,故选C。2.Healthy food and exercise help______to study better(.湖南株洲)A.us B.we C.our【解析】help sb(to)do sth意为"帮助某人做某事",help是动词,其后的代词要用宾格形式,故选A。【考点归纳】人称代词可分为主格和宾格。主格在句中作主语,宾格在句中作动词或介词的宾语。  相似文献   

City PK Village     
【话题】Nature Park【教材链接】PEP 5 Unit 6 B Let’s talk/Read and write【重点运用语言】1.There is/are…in my city/village.2.Is there a…in the city/village?Yes,there is./No,there isn’t.3.Are there any…in the city/village?Yes,there are./No,there aren’t.【拓展语言】1.The sky/air/buildings…is/are…2.I can…in my city/village.3  相似文献   

1.Wang Mei puts her hand into her pock-et,takes out her red cellphone and pressesthe talk key.(P59)【考点】动词take的相关短语【归纳】take out拿去,拔掉,去掉;take off脱掉(衣服);(飞机)起飞;take on开始显现;雇用,聘用;take up从事于;专注于……;占据(时间等);take  相似文献   

1.这支歌正变得越来越流行。 【误】This song is becoming more popular and more popular.【正】This song is becoming more and more popular.【析】英语中表示“越来越……”用“比较级 and 比较级”来表达,如:warmer and warmer(越来越暖和)。但多音节形容词或副词的比较级用“more and more 形容词或副词原级”来表达。例如.  相似文献   

1.M y parents gave______a nice toy dog form y birthday.(2006年北京市)A.I B.m e C.m y D.m ine【点拨】选B。give sb.sth.给某人某物,代词用宾格。2.—D o you know the w om an overthere?—Y es.She’s______aunt.(2004年济南市)A.Lily and Lucy B.Lily’sand Lucy’sC.Lily’sand Lucy D.Lily and Lucy’s【点拨】选D。题干中的aunt是一个人,是莉莉和露西两人的姨妈。3.M ore and m ore people in Shanghaiare ableto talk and w rite______English these days.(2004年上海市)A.for B.w ith C.in D.to【点拨】选C。“…  相似文献   

1.When farmers cut down trees,tigers can no longer hide and hunt.(P 64)【考点】cut的常用短语【归纳】cut away意为"切除,剪掉";cut down意为"砍伐;削减,压缩";cut in意为"插嘴,打断(谈话)";cut off意为"切断、阻  相似文献   

【中考再现】1.Today Chinese____by more and more people around the world.(2007年北京市大纲卷)A.was spoken B.is spoken C.spoke D.speak【答案】B【点评】这是考查一般现在时态的被动语态,一般现在时态的被动语态由“am/is/are 动词过去分词”构成,所以选B。【中考再现】2.——I feel very happy that I____to be the host.——Congratulations!(2007年江西省)A.choose B.am chosen C.was chosen D.have chosen【答案】C【点评】这里看似是一般现在时,从语境中发现,高兴的事应该是发生在被选后,所以后一句时态要用一般过去时,…  相似文献   

【考点1】Excuse me.Can you please tell me where I Can get a dictionary?(p.86)【直击中考】—____,could you tell me the way to the bank?—Yes.Go straight and you'll find it.(2006福建省宁德市)  相似文献   

1.【原句】T hat sounds nice.(P.14)那听起来很好。【单词】sound是连系动词,意思是“听起来”。【考例】—The best thing to do in H ainanIsland is scuba diving.The fish and the coralreefs are beautiful。—That really cool。(2005沈阳市)A.looks B.soundsC.becom es D.feels【解析】选B。这四个词都可用作连系动词,从上下文来判断,应是“听起来”之意,故选择B。2.【原句】—H ow longare you staying?你要在那儿停留多长时间?—Just for four days.(P.15)只停留四天。疑难解密【短语】how long的意思是“多久”,用来对“…  相似文献   

【原句重现】First, Linda and Lee learnt about the Rocket Club.首先,琳达和利奥了解了火箭俱乐部。(P87)【解析】first是序数词,意为“首先;第一”,序数词是表示顺序的,其前一定要用定冠词the或形容词性物主代词。如:The first class第一节课his first name他的名字。  相似文献   

【要点点击1】...andtheboywastoofrightenedtomove.(L26)【考点链接】Hewalkedfastforuscatchupwith.(2003天津市)A.so;thatB.such;thatC.enough;toD.too;to【答案解析】too...to...表示“太……而不能……”,本题句意为“他走得太快我们跟不上。”故用too...to...结构,答案为D。【要点点击2】Letmetellhimtofixit.(L27)【考点链接】Theteachertoldtheboylateagain.(2003武汉市)A.toB.notbeC.nottobe【答案解析】tell后要接带to的动词不定式作宾语补足语,不定式的否定形式为nottodo, 这里是nottobe。故答案为C。【要点点击3】Letmetellhertoturnitdown.(L27)【考点链接】Theradioistooloud.Please.(2003四川省)A.turnitdownB.turndownitC.turnitup【答案解析】turndown后接代词作宾语时要把代词放...  相似文献   

1.—What does your friend looklike3你的朋友长得什么样?—She is medium build and shehas long hair.她中等身材,留着长发。【解码1】look like意为“看起来像”,后接名词或代词。例如:The girl looks like her mother.那女孩看上去像她妈妈。【提醒】What does he look like1和What’s he like1是固定句型,其中what不能用how替换。【解码2】句中build是名词,意为“体格;体形”。build作动词时,意为“建造;修建”。例如:He is a man of strong build.他是个体格健壮的人。2.She always wears...她总穿着……【解码1】always是副词,意…  相似文献   

【新课标要求】1.学习过去进行时的基本结构与用法;2.学会简单描述过去发生的事情;3.学会讲简单的故事。【课程导入】亲爱的同学们,是否还记得你成长过程中难忘、有趣、尴尬的时刻?你相信世界上有UFO吗? In this unit,we will learn to talk about past events and to tell some interesting stories,【背景知识介绍】UFO(俗称飞碟),是Unidentified Flying Object的缩写,意指所有一切未经查明或者不可识别的飞行物。这个词最早出现于二十世纪四十年代美国空军的调查报告中。  相似文献   

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