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本文采用文献资料研究法、总结分析法等研究方法对背越式跳高的过杆技术进行了整理、总结和分析。阐述自背越式跳高技术传入我国后出现的较为明显的两种不同的过杆技术的理论研究与实践训练对比,发现并阐述背越式跳高过杆技术的发展过程、动作解剖原理及两种过杆技术的实效性对比。  相似文献   

<正>背越式跳高是小学田径项目的主要内容之一,过杆动作是整个背越式跳高动作的核心环节,笔者借助海绵滚筒(以下简称滚筒)、软垫和小垫,采用靠、倒、裹、贴4个环节感受过杆顺序;引、沉、挺、踢4种方式掌握过杆发力;挤、抬、试、练4个阶段提升过杆能力,针对背越式跳高过杆技术进行个性化、游戏化练习,帮助学生掌握背越式跳高过杆动作。  相似文献   

葛旭干 《中华武术》2007,(12):50-50
正确的过杆技术是要把起跳的初速度充分转化为跳跃高度。过杆技术是背越式跳高的重要技术,而杆上背弓动作则是背越式跳高过杆技术的重点。笔者根据教材,并结合实践经验,采用了下列一些练习法,仅供同行参考交流。  相似文献   

背越式跳高是目前世界上最先进的跳高技术之一。研究背越式跳高的过杆动作,对于合理掌握这种跳高姿势,提高运动成绩是有重要意义的。笔者在上海体育科研所生物力学组及市运动技术学院的大力协助下,对背越式过杆动作做了一些测验和分析,供教练员和有关科研人员参考。  相似文献   

现代背越式跳高技术发展很快,特别是过杆技术,已经从“拱桥”式过杆技术发展成“卧7”式过杆技术。然而在教科书中一些教学过程被忽视,严重影响了背越式跳高过杆技术的掌握和提高,在此笔者将近年的教学心得与读者分享。一、注意解决从双脚起跳向单脚起跳背越过杆过渡时的技术问题  相似文献   

背越式跳高过杆技术教学,一 般采用先双脚跳背越式过海绵垫和过杆练习,待背越挺髋、后屈膝、压肩、收腿过杆动作熟练掌握之后,再通过短助跑单腿起跳等背越横杆的练习巩固背越式过杆技术。而单脚起跳背越过杆与双脚起跳背越过杆技术有较大差别,所以学生尽管双脚起跳背越式过杆技术已经掌握了,一进入短助跑单脚起跳过杆总会出现一些技术变形,成为背越式跳高过杆技术教学的一个难点。 单脚起跳背越过杆与双脚起跳背越横杆的判别主要有两点:第一,单脚起跳不像双脚起跳那样背对横杆,而是身体侧对横杆,在空中要转体形成背对横杆姿势,所以在起跳中要注意有助于空中转体的动能形成。第二,  相似文献   

正确的过杆技术目的是把起跳的初速度充分转化为跳跃高度,因此过杆技术也是背越式跳高的重要技术,而杆上背弓动作是背越式跳高过杆技术的重点。本人根据教材,并结合工作实践经验,采用了下列一些练习法,仅供同行参考交流。  相似文献   

如何客观定量地评定背越式空中技术的合理程度,这是背越式跳高教学与训练中待解决的问题。本文采用过杆技术的极坐标分析方法,提出以运动员过杆时极坐标的肩髋膝角的大小来表示空中的背拱技术。并以此来测定髋的高度和评定H_3的取值范围,进而建立背越式过杆技术的分类模式,为定量分析过杆技术的合理程度,为教学训练提供参考。一、研究方法的说明1.现场拍摄16名背越式跳高运动员的技术电影,  相似文献   

  2.通过学习,60%的学生能原地跳起做出背越式跳高的过杆动作,20%的学生能起跳后适时沉肩,空中做出“背弓”,20%的学生能在教师和同学的帮助下完成原地跳起过杆动作;发展下肢力量,提高空中身体控制能力。  相似文献   

大型运动会跳高比赛中的应用均采用背越式跳高。其中背越式跳高的收腿过杆动作是决定着是否成功过杆的关键。笔者长期从事体育教学工作,谈几点心得与大家探讨。  相似文献   

背越式跳高是一项技术动作较为复杂的运动项目,本文以成都体育学院田径专修学生为研究对象,通过对背跃式跳高起跳以及过杆阶段容易产生的错误动作进行总结,针对这些问题进行了细致剖析,说明其产生的原因,并提出应对的措施,为更好地学习背越式跳高提出自己的一些理解。  相似文献   

A number of studies have pointed to a plateauing of athletic performance, with the suggestion that further improvements will need to be driven by revolutions in technology or technique. In the present study, we examine post-war men's Olympic performance in jumping events (pole vault, long jump, high jump, triple jump) to determine whether performance has indeed plateaued and to present techniques, derived from models of human growth, for assessing the impact of technological and technical innovation over time (logistic and double logistic models of growth). Significantly, two of the events involve well-documented changes in technology (pole material in pole vault) or technique (the Fosbury Flop in high jump), while the other two do not. We find that in all four cases, performance appears to have plateaued and that no further "general" improvement should be expected. In the case of high jump, the double logistic model provides a convenient method for modelling and quantifying a performance intervention (in this case the Fosbury Flop). However, some shortcomings are revealed for pole vault, where evolutionary post-war improvements and innovation (fibre glass poles) were concurrent, preventing their separate identification in the model. In all four events, it is argued that further general growth in performance will indeed need to rely predominantly on technological or technical innovation.  相似文献   


A number of studies have pointed to a plateauing of athletic performance, with the suggestion that further improvements will need to be driven by revolutions in technology or technique. In the present study, we examine post-war men's Olympic performance in jumping events (pole vault, long jump, high jump, triple jump) to determine whether performance has indeed plateaued and to present techniques, derived from models of human growth, for assessing the impact of technological and technical innovation over time (logistic and double logistic models of growth). Significantly, two of the events involve well-documented changes in technology (pole material in pole vault) or technique (the Fosbury Flop in high jump), while the other two do not. We find that in all four cases, performance appears to have plateaued and that no further “general” improvement should be expected. In the case of high jump, the double logistic model provides a convenient method for modelling and quantifying a performance intervention (in this case the Fosbury Flop). However, some shortcomings are revealed for pole vault, where evolutionary post-war improvements and innovation (fibre glass poles) were concurrent, preventing their separate identification in the model. In all four events, it is argued that further general growth in performance will indeed need to rely predominantly on technological or technical innovation.  相似文献   

结合背越式跳高运动中常见伤病问题,探索核心训练手段和方法在背越式跳高运动员运动损伤中的应用,帮助运动员预防不必要的损伤,提高身体素质和运动成绩。  相似文献   

探索新的、能有效提高学生专业素质和综合能力的教学方法是田径项目教学的发展方向。对背越式跳高教学中采用实验法对个案教学法与传统教学法进行了比较研究,结果表明:个案教学法有助于学生形成“心理演练”和创设良好的教学环境,提高了教学质量和效率,更有利于达标成绩的提高和学生技术的掌握,有利于学生的教学能力以及其它综合能力的提高。  相似文献   

Currently, all elite high jumpers use the Fosbury Flop technique with a curved approach. This suggests that the curved approach presents some clear advantage, although there is no general agreement upon the mechanism or the mechanics. This study aimed to determine the characteristics of the approach curve and to investigate how it contributes to the generation of somersault rotation. A simple theoretical model was used to demonstrate that a tightening approach curve would change the inward lean towards the centre of the curve into outwards lean. Three-dimensional video analysis was used to record the performances of two elite male high jumpers in competition. It was found that in each case the radius of the approach curve and the inward lean angle both decreased towards the end of the approach. The amount of outward lean angular velocity generated was shown to be a major proportion of the required somersault angular velocity for a jump. It was concluded that the main advantage of a curved approach was that it resulted in the generation of somersault velocity providing the curve tightened towards the end of the approach.  相似文献   

Currently, all elite high jumpers use the Fosbury Flop technique with a curved approach. This suggests that the curved approach presents some clear advantage, although there is no general agreement upon the mechanism or the mechanics. This study aimed to determine the characteristics of the approach curve and to investigate how it contributes to the generation of somersault rotation. A simple theoretical model was used to demonstrate that a tightening approach curve would change the inward lean towards the centre of the curve into outwards lean. Three-dimensional video analysis was used to record the performances of two elite male high jumpers in competition. It was found that in each case the radius of the approach curve and the inward lean angle both decreased towards the end of the approach. The amount of outward lean angular velocity generated was shown to be a major proportion of the required somersault angular velocity for a jump. It was concluded that the main advantage of a curved approach was that it resulted in the generation of somersault velocity providing the curve tightened towards the end of the approach.  相似文献   

背越式跳高起跳技术主要由起跳腿的蹬伸技术与摆动腿的摆动技术所组成。目前,大多数人们集中于跳高起跳的"蹬伸"技术研究,对起跳阶段的"摆动"技术研究相对较少。文章运用现场技术录像和运动图像解析的方法,对我国优秀男子跳高运动员在起跳阶段摆动技术进行解析研究,结果表明:我国优秀男子跳高运动员起跳前摆动腿最大缓冲幅度比较大;在起跳阶段摆动腿蹬离瞬间,摆动腿膝关节角度变化较小。背越式跳高起跳过程中的摆动腿缓冲阶段,身体重心的高度、摆动腿膝角的变化情况与助跑水平速度的损失有显著性相关。助跑最后一步摆动腿的伸膝角度、伸膝速度与起跳腿着地时摆动腿的摆动速度、摆动腿离地后的最大摆动速度都有高度的相关性。  相似文献   

背越式跳高有关技术理论及训练方法的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用追踪监测、理论分析、数理统计等研究方法,探讨背越式跳高技术原理并运用于指导训练实践。研究表明,适宜的弧线曲率,具有双动力性质的起跳技术、速度潜力的挖掘利用、不同训练时期技术训练要点等方面的研讨,其思路和方法可行,对寻求运动成绩的再突破有积极的作用。  相似文献   

通过收集、整理大量的文献资料,就跳远运动员的腾空与落地技术对运动成绩的影响进行了探讨。通过研究表明:良好合理的腾空落地技术,有利于运动员助跑最后阶段的积极向前加速,使运动员保持高速、高重心完成起跳,提高了起跳和空中平衡的效果,有利于合理落地姿势的获得,减少落地时距离的损失,为运动员创造优异的运动成绩提供了有利的条件和保障。  相似文献   

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