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This article draws on data emerging from an evaluation of behaviour support strategies in secondary schools in an education authority in Scotland. The authors all work at the University of Glasgow. Jean Kane has research and teaching interests in the area of special educational needs; she offers consultancy to local authorities in the development of inclusive policies and practices in schools. Dr George Head has research and teaching interests in the area of social, emotional and behavioural difficulties and social inclusion; he is also an experienced teacher. Both Jean Kane and George Head are lecturers in the Faculty of Education. Nicola Cogan is a researcher at the Strathclyde Centre for Disability Research and has a background as a research psychologist in the health sector.
In Scotland, the growth of behaviour support provision is closely related to broader policy on social inclusion. It is argued in this article that new models of behaviour support can be developed in the light of previous and related experience in the development of inclusive support systems in schools. The authors present a typology of behaviour support, drawing upon their evaluation of provision, and discuss the characteristics of the types of support that emerge. Using data from exclusion statistics, pupil case studies and interviews with teachers, managers, pupils and parents, Jean Kane, George Head and Nicola Cogan explore the implications of their work for future developments in support for pupils who present difficult behaviours.  相似文献   

《Education 3-13》2012,40(4):343-362
This article presents findings on pupil attitudes towards learning foreign languages in Key Stage 2 (ages 7–11) in primary schools in England. As a consequence of the National Languages Strategy, the University of Warwick was commissioned by the then Department for Education and Skills to undertake an evaluation between 2003 and 2005 of 19 Pathfinder local authorities which were piloting language learning at Key Stage 2. As part of this investigation of developing primary language practice, a total of 319 pupils in 41 case study schools were interviewed. Findings indicate that, despite the majority of children interviewed being positive about their initial language learning experience, as time went on the need for differentiation and challenge emerged. Furthermore, a number of pupils would have welcomed feedback about their own progress. These are all aspects of early language learning which continue to merit attention, as shown by more recent studies such as by C. Cable and colleagues.  相似文献   

The National College for School Leadership (NCSL) was launched in 2000 with a remit to supervise and further enhance educational leadership development initiatives in England and Wales. Its corporate plan for 2003–07 set out a series of key objectives, which include a commitment to demonstrate the impact of the NCSL on school leadership. Some empirical evidence is beginning to emerge regarding the efficacy and impact of programmes delivered under the aegis of the NCSL but systematic studies of the ways in which school effectiveness is enhanced in schools that have been subject to multiple interventions in leadership development are less visible in the literature. This article reports on a study that included both a questionnaire survey and case studies of 10 schools which required school leaders, at all levels from middle managers to headteachers, to reflect on the impact that national programmes, both individually and cumulatively, were having on their personal professional development and on their schools as a whole. Findings of the study suggest that there is evidence that national leadership programmes are impacting positively on leadership in schools although the level of impact appears to be variable across programmes. The paper is offered as one contribution to the International Study of the Preparation of Principals (ISPP) project based at the University of Calgary.  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been an increased recognition of the importance of parenting and the way in which parenting programmes can be an effective intervention in changing behaviour and parent–child interactions. The aim of this research, funded by the Department for Education and Skills, was to provide a map of parenting programme provision in England. In phase 1 of the research data were collected through responsible local authority (LA) officers from all LAs in England to explore the different types of parenting programmes available. On the basis of findings from phase 1 of the research, 20 examples of particular types of parenting programmes were selected for more in‐depth study. In phase 2 field‐visits were undertaken to parenting programmes and interviews undertaken with staff. The paper reports the extent to which LAs have access to or provide educationally related parenting programmes in England and the nature of that provision, including infrastructure, organization and funding; the set up of programmes and referral systems; participants and dropouts; types of programmes; programme content and follow‐up; evaluation; staff training; and difficulties experienced in providing such programmes and for parents in accessing them. The findings are discussed in the light of the implementation of Parenting Orders and the operationalization of the Antisocial Behaviour Act 2003.  相似文献   

Children who leave care into adoption and special guardianship are often considered by schools and local authorities to have found their “happy ending.” Yet there is growing evidence that the impact of prenatal and early trauma, abuse and neglect does not disappear upon placement in a permanent family. Rates of social, emotional and mental health difficulties remain high, and the group has pronounced educational needs. Whilst having high levels of involvement with education and health services, families report significant difficulties in mobilising understanding, support and provision. In the context of growing numbers of children in England finding permanence through adoption and special guardianship, and the Department for Education’s increasing focus on addressing the needs of this group, this paper highlights the key role of Educational Psychology Services in supporting adopted and other permanently placed children by providing training, consultation, assessment, intervention and research for children and their families, their schools, and the local authorities.  相似文献   

A significant volume of research demonstrates that out‐of‐school learning activities enhance student development in terms of cognitive, affective and social outcomes. However, there is also evidence that the opportunity to engage in these activities has been severely reduced in recent years. This paper explores the extent to which the provision of such opportunities is unevenly distributed—spatially and institutionally. The paper draws on research from two recently completed projects: one charting the distribution, attributes and vulnerability of local authority outdoor education centres across England and the other exploring variations in provision and participation in out‐of‐school learning within secondary schools throughout the UK. The paper highlights the uneven, precarious and uncertain nature of such activities and demonstrates that important regional and structural variations in the support and provision of opportunities for such activities by local authorities appear to have an important role in determining the provision of activities at the level of the schools.  相似文献   

Sociological research on the presence and yet invisibility of asylum‐seeking and refugee pupils in the educational system in the UK is noticeably absent. This article offers insights into the ways in which the presence and the needs of such pupils are conceptualised by local authorities and schools. It draws on the results of a survey of 58 English local authorities and qualitative data from three case studies of LEAs and a sample of their schools. The ethical position adopted by officials and teachers in these three sites offers a compassionate model of social inclusion based on a holistic approach to the asylum‐seeking and refugee child. It contrasts with the restrictive and often hostile government stance on immigration, asylum and integration.  相似文献   

This is the first article to compare and contrast the outcomes of Office for Standards in Education (Ofsted) reports on the management of school attendance issues in primary and secondary schools, out-of-school and local education authorities (LEA) provision. The findings indicate that schools and LEAs are judged using very strict criteria based on a school's or LEA's authorized or unauthorized rates of attendance, which are then compared with national norms, targets and Ofsted criteria. By contrast, out-of-school providers, often pupil referral units (PRUs), are given much more latitude despite their more obvious and serious attendance difficulties. This paper presents an insight into the reasons given by Ofsted inspectors for making either their positive or negative judgements on schools', PRUs' or LEAs' performances on the management of their attendance agenda. The implications of these findings are considered and conclusions drawn based on the evidence. Further research will be necessary to compare the findings in this paper with subsequent outcomes given the proposed changes with Ofsted's methodology and criteria for conducting its future inspections.  相似文献   

The MBA has always aroused controversy in the UK. The background to this and some explanations are presented, together with an analysis of what is perceived by some to be a crisis for MBA provision. Whilst the number of programmes has expanded, demand, particularly for full-time programmes, has weakened due in part to the recent recession. The paper offers explanations of these adjustments and some evidence that the MBA is gradually becoming a standard qualification for senior management. It is argued that what appears a crisis is an overdue adjustment of expectations. Graduation salary premia have declined as the supply of places and graduates has increased. As a consequence, most schools will experience pressures to reduce experience requirements and real fee levels. Increased customer price-consciousness will result in a greater focus on costs for business schools and their faculty. A brief history of the origins and evolution of the MBA in the USA and UK is provided, with an emphasis on the importance of the revised US model of the early 1960s for the subsequent success and upward drift of the MBA. A number of tensions and challenges in MBA provision are identified.  相似文献   

Previous research has demonstrated that parenting programmes can be an effective intervention in changing behaviour and parent/child interactions. However, less attention has been given to the impact of these programmes in relation to improving attendance and behaviour at school. Lynne Rogers, lecturer in teacher education specialising in the post-14 sector, Susan Hallam, Professor of Education and Dean of the Faculty of Policy and Society, and Jacquelene Shaw, educational psychologist, all working in the University of London, set their debate in this article in the context of the Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003 and the Respect Action Plan 2006. These authors use their article in order to describe parents' perceptions of the impact of parenting programmes on their own and their children's behaviour, with particular reference to behaviour at home and at school. The perceptions reported here, and enlivened with direct quotes from parents, are based on questionnaire data from 142 parents and interviews with a sample of parents and teachers. Parents were broadly positive about the benefits of parenting programmes. However, where the child's problem was rooted in school-related issues, some concerns about behaviour and attendance remained. Lynne Rogers, Susan Hallam and Jacquelene Shaw close their article with a call for parenting programmes to be more closely aligned with activities in school and with educational processes.  相似文献   

The present study compared 124 adolescents from special schools for students with emotional and behavioural disturbances (EBDs) and 133 regular schooled adolescents with regard to their perceived maternal behaviour. It was also tested longitudinally whether effects of maternal parenting behaviour on subsequent externalising behaviour vary as a function of school type. The two groups did not differ from each other with regard to perceived maternal parenting behaviour. However, an interaction effect of school type and parenting behaviour on externalising behaviour was found. Maternal warmth/support predicted a decrease and maternal strict control an increase in subsequent problem behaviour only for adolescents from special schools. The importance of parenting programmes especially for parents of adolescents attending special schools for students with EBD is discussed.  相似文献   

Despite government commitment to the inclusion of children with special educational needs in mainstream schools, significant numbers of disabled children are placed in residential special schools. In the face of a distinct lack of information about the numbers or needs of these children, or about their experiences of living away from home at residential schools, the authors carried out research to examine why disabled children went to residential school, and their experiences of being there. This article focuses on the circumstances leading to a residential school placement, and the decision-making process from the point of view of local education authorities, and of parents. The paper reveals wide variations in the use of residential schools by local authorities, and conflicting views between and within authorities on the suitability of such placements. Parents' experiences are characterised by a lack of support in making very difficult decisions about the best place for their child to be, and a decision-making process dominated by delays, lack of information and conflict.  相似文献   

The power for the administration of elementary education belongs to local authorities. Except for major policies and principles and general plans that are to be determined by the central authorities, all other responsibilities and powers are to be delegated to local authorities for drawing up and implementing specific policies, rules and regulations, and plans, as well as for guiding, administering, and monitoring the work of the schools. The authorities of the provinces will define the functions and powers for administrative departments at the provincial, municipal (prefectural), county, and township levels. In addition to state appropriations, all local authorities are required to allocate a proper percentage of their respective funds for educational purposes so as to promote education in all places. Most of township revenues should be used for education. The local authorities may levy an extra tax for education, which shall be used exclusively to improve teaching facilities for elementary education. They should encourage state-owned enterprises, public organizations, and individuals to run schools and provide them with guidance. Also, they can encourage units, collective undertakings, and individuals to make financial donations to help develop education, but of their own accord, not by exaction. To ease the schools' economic burdens, fees charged to schools by various quarters must be strictly controlled.  相似文献   

Traditionally, education in Scotland has been viewed as a national service that is locally administered. This research casts new light on that relationship between the Scottish Executive and local authorities by drawing on evidence from an evaluation of the implementation of the additional support staff element of the Teachers’ Agreement which determined not only teachers’ pay structure but also established the professional conditions under which they would work. The paper identifies how local authorities and schools spent the grant aid on staff and equipment, how many additional support staff were appointed, and what impact they were reported to be having on teaching and learning. Information was gathered from a postal survey of all 32 Scottish local authorities and a random sample of 267 schools, and also from interviews held in six case study schools. The findings show that: all the grant aid could not be accounted for, the target number of support staff was not achieved, and their deployment and impact varied across local authorities and schools. By way of conclusion it poses the question: ‘Was the money well spent?’  相似文献   

Recent research suggests that multi‐strand and interlinked interventions meet the requirements of early primary school intervention programmes more fully than single programmes. A set of quality indicators, which education authorities and schools can utilize to review and evaluate processes and outcomes of such interventions, is derived from the outcome of an evaluation of the implementation of an early intervention programme (EIP) in literacy and numeracy, involving 274 pupils, in three North Ayrshire primary schools. The implications for primary prevention of difficulties in literacy and numeracy are discussed.  相似文献   

This article looks at the experiences of young people with Statements of special educational needs prior to and following moves from primary to secondary school. Pam Maras and Emma-Louise Aveling of the University of Greenwich, London, used interviews to develop six qualitative case studies focusing on the transition process. Findings from these case studies reveal that the young people varied in their expectations and needs during the transition to secondary school, and that schools differed in the quality and efficacy of the support systems they provide. Parents' and carers' responses suggest that additional support services were not necessarily the most beneficial way to provide for all of the young people. What did appear to be beneficial was continuity of support throughout the transition to a new school, and the provision of a dedicated space within the school, such as a special needs unit. Several of the young people adapted easily alongside their peers without special educational needs, while others required more structured support. Pam Maras and Emma-Louise Aveling suggest that effective communication between support services, the young person, and their parents can facilitate successful transitions by allowing support to be tailored to individual students' needs.  相似文献   

This article examines the role of the consultants in secondary schools and local authorities within a large‐scale consultancy‐based reform, the Secondary National Strategy (SNS), in London, UK. The SNS follows a cascade model of implementation in which nationally created initiatives are introduced and supported within local authorities (LA) and schools through LA‐based consultant teams. The article is drawn from a larger interpretive case study that follows the experiences of SNS consultants working within the reform from 2002 to 2006. The article uses semi‐structured interviews to reveal the various and diverse experiences that occur in schools as a result of the introduction of consultants within LAs. The article argues that introducing an SNS consultancy structure to work within LAs and secondary schools created dynamic, complex and shifting effects across secondary schools. While consultants often attempted to create developmental or learning experiences that resonated with teachers’ and departments’ experiences, these activities may also have served to further the institutional control of teachers’ workspaces. These effects are part of the complexities that exist within school change agendas. Exploring these contradictions helps in understanding school change within urban secondary schools.  相似文献   

This article provides an account of a small-scale pilot study of the cost and perceived benefits of the educational psychology services in two comparably small local authorities in England. This study is preparatory to a more detailed examination of the costs and likely benefits of state provision of educational psychology services in England. The work is contextualised by acknowledgement of the growing pressure on local authority services to trade and for schools to directly commission the services of educational psychologists. Provisional findings indicate significant differences between the impact of the two services that participated. The authors offer speculation on the effects for local authorities and schools, and ways in which the study might be developed to provide more satisfactory answers to the questions of “what is the value of educational psychology in practice” and “how best to deploy educational psychology services?”  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(1-2):67-83

In-service training programmes for educators (INSET) in South Africa have a common objective, namely to support unqualified or underqualified educators to teach their subjects well. The Science, Technology, Environmental and Mathematics Education (STEME) outreach programme is an initiative of the University of South Africa to support these educators with skills and knowledge to teach these subjects efficiently. This article reports on an INSET programme for science teachers who took part in STEME and serves as a case study to investigate educators’ perceptions of the programme. The study, which involved a total of 13 educators, had two phases which were conducted during and after the INSET programme respectively. A focus group interview was conducted in the first phase while individual interviews were conducted in the second phase at the participants’ schools. Participants valued facilitators’ knowledge, continuous support and demonstration of new skills in practical real-life situations. Their main concern was applying the skills at their schools within present circumstances. This case study can serve to inform other service providers on what educators expect from INSET programmes.  相似文献   

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