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A partnership was initiated between educators of the College of Medicine and the McGoogan Library at the University of Nebraska Medical Center to establish a new educational component for incoming medical students. The objective was to encourage the development of the students' independent information seeking skills. A three-day seminar was introduced in which the process of seeking information was emphasized rather than the final product. Cooperative development of the seminar resulted in a fresh approach to educating medical students at the College of Medicine and the emergence of an ongoing instructional link between the library faculty and educators in the College of Medicine.  相似文献   

现代远程教育与图书馆关系探微   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
现代远程教育是网络时代教育发展的方向,图书馆具有远程教育的独特优势,探讨和认识两之间的关系,将有利于图书馆社会教育职能的开展。  相似文献   

For more than twenty years, the Ruth Lilly Medical Library has been a traditional part of the Indiana University School of Medicine curriculum. Recently, following changes to the curriculum, the Library's role has evolved to include responsibility for developing and teaching a Medical Informatics rotation as part of the senior year clerkships. Heavy emphasis is placed on acquiring life-long learning skills, especially on locating and critically appraising the best clinical evidence in the medical literature. In its first four months, the rotation has been quite favorably received by both students and faculty, but will continue changing to keep pace with future curriculum alterations and new technology.  相似文献   

This feature considers models of teaching and learning and how these can be used to support evidence based practice.  相似文献   

Objective:The study tested the efficacy of providing distance learning with real-time videoconferencing to broaden high school student knowledge of health careers.Methods:A pilot program was tried out and extended over ten years to include other schools in four different time zones and the National Library of Medicine. Survey results, site visits, and continued school participation were used as effectiveness indicators. Student ratings, site visits, and ongoing discussions were used to evaluate critical factors in the program.Results:Nine program factors contributed to success.Conclusions:Synchronous communication can be effective for outreach to special populations given appropriate infrastructure, technology, program design, and implementation.  相似文献   

This paper presents results from 21 semi-structured interviews with museum information professionals who were asked about their experiences working with information resources, tools, and technologies in museums. The interviews were analyzed to develop an understanding of the information literacy skills of museum information professionals. This paper presents the results of this analysis, and discusses the state of information literacy in museums, and the increasing need for museum information professionals to possess information literacy skills. The results illustrate how information literacy is defined by information professionals in museums, and how perceptions of information literacy and its importance to museums have changed over time.  相似文献   

This one-year project was designed to investigate the skills training needs of a group of 12 specialist registrars in psychiatry working as flexible trainees (part time) in the NHS. They had expressed concerns about their lack of information technology skills at training assessment seminars. A part-time project officer, was appointed to support the group giving information skills training to each flexible trainee on an individual basis, through a series of home visits. The project officer worked under the supervision of the London Library & Information Development Unit (LLIDU) from a home base, to identify with the insular feelings expressed by the project group. Project funding purchased a laptop computer with modem and a printer for each participant to use during the project. The training covered: basic search skills and developing search strategy techniques using quality filters particularly in relation to the MEDLINE database; how to search the Cochrane Library and PubMed and exploiting Internet information resources. The group asked for help with word processing and presentation software use. These needs were met in a series of half-day workshops. Experience and insight gained during the project will feed into future planning of information skills training for larger numbers of flexible trainees.  相似文献   

论数字化学习对信息素质的要求   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
樊文隆  沈治宏 《晋图学刊》2005,(4):27-29,84
本文分析了数字化学习较之传统的学习模式所具有的四大优势,研究了数字化学习在教育、技术、资源和人文四个方面对信息素质提出的要求,指出了适应数字化学习在信息意识、信息技能、信息道德三方面必须具备的能力。  相似文献   

Information skills training: a systematic review of the literature   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
The objectives of this study were to undertake a systematic review to determine the effectiveness of information skills training, to identify effective methods of training and to determine whether information skills training affects patient care. A systematic review, using an iterative approach to searching, was employed. Studies selected for inclusion in the review were critically appraised using a tool used in previous reviews. A tabular approach was used to provide a summary of each paper allowing synthesis of results. One thousand, three hundred and fifty-seven potentially relevant papers were located. On the basis of titles and abstracts, 41 potentially relevant studies were identified for potential inclusion. Further reading and application of the inclusion criteria left 24 studies for critical appraisal and inclusion in the review. Study designs included randomised controlled trials, cohort designs and qualitative studies. The majority of studies took place in US medical schools. Wide variations were found in course content and training methods. Eight studies used objective methods to test skills, two compared training methods and two examined the effects on patient care. There was limited evidence to show that training improves skills, insufficient evidence to determine the most effective methods of training and limited evidence to show that training improves patient care. Further research is needed in a number of areas.  相似文献   

《Research Strategies》2001,18(3):181-190
Case-based, problem-based learning (CBPBL) is a student-centered approach that uses tightly focused minicases to help students demonstrate their ability to identify their information needs. It has been used successfully in science and medical learning, and lends itself easily to helping students develop the critical thinking skills that lead to information literacy. In this approach, after students are provided with a minicase, they control the chalkboard and direct their own learning by initiating the topics and setting the agenda that will lead to solving the case. The instructor's task is to serve as a facilitator, asking questions only when it serves to help clarify students' thinking, and guiding group processes when necessary.  相似文献   


Archives and digital collections have traditionally supported undergraduate research experiences or existed in the syllabus as neat, packaged projects or assignments. Now these artifacts are taking center stage in the digital liberal arts classroom. Librarians and archivists are also realizing new opportunities to teach undergraduates their professional tools and methodologies, and they are forging new ground in the classroom teaching students how to curate and create digital scholarly projects. This case study reveals the experiences of two information professionals who cotaught a distance digital liberal arts seminar. It seeks to expand the pedagogy of the digital liberal arts and explore its viability via distance education.  相似文献   

This study used content analysis to examine job postings from advertising agencies to find how often information literacy (IL) skills were seen in the job posts and how these skills manifest themselves. Five out of the six IL skills were seen in at least 41% of the job postings, however the skill of synthesizing information was rarely mentioned. It was also found evaluating data and using data software is performed by advertisers. This study concludes with asking librarians to introduce marketing students to more data and calls on librarians to consider the context in which IL skills are used.  相似文献   

论馆员现代信息知识与网络服务技能   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
许玉霞 《图书馆论坛》2000,20(4):64-66,90
论述了图书馆步入网上电子文献信息服务新时期后,现代信息知识与网络化服务方式对图书馆员专业知识水平和业务能力的挑战;指出图书馆员在网络环境下应具备的业务技能及提高网络服务技能的途径。  相似文献   

Since 2013/2014, an Information Literacy Advocates (ILA) scheme has been running at the University of Nottingham as an extracurricular module on the Nottingham Advantage Award programme. The Information Literacy Advocates scheme, which recruits medicine and health sciences students in their second year or above, aims to facilitate development of information literacy skills and confidence, as well as communication, organisation and teamwork, through the provision of peer support. Previous research indicates peer assistance effectively enhances such skills and is valued by fellow students who welcome the opportunity to approach more experienced students for help. This article, written by guest writer Ruth Curtis from the University of Nottingham, provides an overview of administering the ILA scheme and explores its impact on the Information Literacy Advocates, peers and librarians, and discusses future developments for taking the scheme forward. H. S.  相似文献   

In 1998 Thomas Jefferson University offered its first entirely online course. Librarians and library staff were integral in the development, support, evaluation, and refinement of this course. While staff members may have taken non-traditional roles in this effort, their roles generally fell within the broad guidelines of assisting University faculty with information and knowledge management. The development and support of distance course offerings will continue to be a focus at Scott Memorial Library.  相似文献   

Computers are integral to medical practice, education, and research. While medical students learn computer skills during their training, many practicing physicians do not have the same computer experience. To familiarize this group with the exciting developments in medical informatics, the Himmelfarb Health Sciences Library and Department of Computer Medicine at the George Washington University Medical Center organized a workshop "Introducing Your Office Computer!" for attending physicians. The workshop featured a short lecture/video presentation on computer applications in medicine followed by a "computer fair" of five computer applications. Eleven physicians attended the workshop. Feedback was very positive; many called later to request more detailed instructions on using the programs demonstrated. It was a valuable experience for the staff, and new bridges were built between departments and clients.  相似文献   

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