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For this study, the argumentativeness scale was revised to operationalize the predisposition to engage in any discussion of a controversial issue. This study examined propensity for entry into potential disagreement through discussion of controversial issues, and compared such tendencies in the workplace and the home. Results showed nonconfrontation conflict management style to be overwhelmingly the best predictor of willingness to engage in controversy, with a negative relationship. No differences were found between spouse‐, coworker‐, and self‐perceptions of willingness to discuss controversial issues. However, spouses's perceptions were more closely associated with self‐perceptions. Finally, the relationship between the argumentativeness scale and its revision was explored and found to be strong but not redundant. Implications of this and other findings were discussed.  相似文献   

Serials management at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library today reflects many of the trends evident in academic librarianship over the last decade, as well as internal trends toward decentralization and a regrouping of professional and nonprofessional tasks. New challenges for serials control face the Library's staff and its administration in an era of financial retrenchment.  相似文献   

当前 ,我们正面临着蓬勃发展的图书馆事业与逐渐“滑坡”的图书馆教育相伴随的局面。专业教育低落的主要原因是办学中的随波逐流、见异思迁和自惭形秽、妄自菲薄。要缓解专业教育危机 ,应采取守望相助、转移重心、发展内涵、奋力前进的对策。参考文献 5。  相似文献   

With support from the National Library of Medicine, the University of Maryland at Baltimore is creating an Integrated Academic Information Management System (IAIMS) that will serve as a prototype for academic health centers. A campus-wide undertaking, the IAIMS initiative at Maryland is characterized by its functional comprehensiveness and its planning model. The resulting strategic plan is serving as a guide in the ongoing model development within an interdisciplinary Hypertension Center.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

王蕾 《晋图学刊》2009,(3):64-68,72
文章对大学生阅读特点及影响大学生阅读习惯的社会因素和自身因素作了详细的分析,指出了加强高校图书馆导读工作的必要性和重要性。  相似文献   

LAPT at ten     
This article attempts to summarize and evaluate the first nine volumes of Library Acquisitions: Practice and Theory. Three stages of its development are noted: first, a period of eclectic subject matter and unevenness in selection, second, a period emphasizing a more structured social-scientific approach and, most recently, an outlook which stresses practical and generalizable aspects of common problems. This latter approach seems to be the most appropriate and effective, though possible drawbacks are noted.  相似文献   

Comrades at War     
Peter Busch 《Media History》2019,25(4):479-492


There is a noted lack of primary historical documents related to the Prague Spring, one of the key moments in the Cold War, available online. As such, there is a need for an online resource that presents these primary documents in their entirety, allowing researchers and the public to engage with these materials in a user-friendly, open access format. The Prague Spring Archive, a new project at The University of Texas at Austin, fills this gap. This article addresses the development, promotion, and future steps of the project.  相似文献   

Moves towards student centred learning and the growth in student numbers require less staff intensive methods of information skills teaching than those usually used. Funding from an Enterprise in Higher Education programme at the University of Northumbria at Newcastle allowed production of self‐teaching workbooks in a number of areas. A subsequent evaluation showed the books to be reasonably effective and helped in developing wider use of the books, including production of some in new subjects aided by further special funding. The need for close collaboration with academic staff, integration into the curriculum and the use of appropriate assessment was demonstrated.  相似文献   

李超平 《图书情报工作》1995,39(6):23-25,29
剖析了耗散结构理论在情报学领域应用研究的现状,分析了该理论合理的应用方式及途径,并运用耗散结构理论的方法重新建立和讨论了科学文献增长的逻辑斯蒂方程。  相似文献   

<正>随着岁月的流逝,总有一些人与一些事物淡出人们的视野和记忆,像矿藏一样,沉淀到历史地层的深处。除非特意作一番钩沉,否则,这些人、这些事、这些物,将永久地尘封。民国上海县政府旧址随着岁月的流逝总有些人与  相似文献   

有人问我最怕什么?回答:敲门声。在这个城里我搬动了五次家,每次就那么一室一厅或两室一厅的单元,门终日都被敲打如鼓。每个春节,我去郊县的集市上买门神,将秦琼敬德左右贴了,二位英雄能挡得住鬼,却拦不住人的,来人的敲打竟也将秦琼的铠甲敲烂。敲门者一般有规律,先几下文明礼貌,等不开门,节奏就紧起来,越敲越重,似乎不耐烦了,以至于最后“咚”地用脚一踢。如今的来访者,谦恭是要你满足他的要求,若不得意,就是传圣旨的宦官或是有搜查令的警察了。可怜做我家门的木头  相似文献   

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