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无论在内容开发、录音制作,还是在产品发行、营销上,车载有声读物都还处于起步阶段。在内容储备与质量、定价与销售渠道、市场竞争力与受众定位等方面存在许多问题与不足,如文本来源单一,内容储备不足;价格过高,销售渠道单一;用户黏性不足,难以养成使用习惯;市场占有率低,难以同其他媒体抗衡,法制建设不健全,盗版侵权问题挤占盈利空间。从车载有声读物自身优势、巨大的潜在市场、丰富的文化资源储备、已有的发展基础四个方面来看,车载有声读物发展具有可行性。从内容与受众、质量与价格、销售与营销、宣传与品牌以及广告与盈利五个角度来看,车载有声读物的发展路径还可以更明晰。  相似文献   

高校图书馆服务营销策略分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王嵘 《图书情报工作》2008,52(6):128-128
阐述服务营销的概念,既分析了高校图书馆外部服务营销策略,包括从市场选择策略和市场定位策略分析高校图书馆服务营销的目标市场营销策略和从产品策略、价格策略、渠道策略和促销策略四方面分析高校图书馆服务营销的4P策略,又从组织结构与人才策略两方面分析了高校图书馆内部服务营销策略。  相似文献   


This article examines 10 factors affecting the U.S. international syndication business in the 1990s, especially sales in Western Europe. Despite sluggish sales and the enforcement of EC and national quotas, the study suggests that syndicators offering high‐quality programming and adopting proactive and creative marketing strategies will prosper and maintain their competitive edge during this decade. The author suggests two key strategies, cooperative agreements and creative pricing, as means of coping with financial challenges and expanding international sales of television programs.  相似文献   

科技期刊的营销策略   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
昌炎新 《编辑学报》2004,16(6):436-437
期刊"营销"除了发行之外,还涵盖策划、经营、售后服务等更丰富的含义.科技期刊必须改变以作者市场为主体的经营理念,借鉴其他行业及国外先进的营销方式,结合本行业实际,认真研究以读者市场为主体的营销策略,从而拓展自己的功能,实现多元化、产业化发展.  相似文献   

毛菁华 《出版科学》2007,15(2):76-79
图书库存量持续上升和读者"买书难"现象并存,反映了出版社在图书营销中没有形成有效的区隔,主要表现为:产品低水平重复生产过剩,促销手段模式化,营销传播缺乏针对性和创新性.因此,出版社在营销中应注重以对市场的细分构建读者区隔,以对市场专长的清晰界定构建产品区隔,以策略性的传达构建营销传播区隔.  相似文献   

The Book Industry Study Group and The Idea Logical Company carried out an online survey to capture publishers’ comments on how market conditions were changing and what they are doing differently as a result of the economic pressures in the consumer market. About 250 individuals responded to the online survey. Interviews were carried out of more than a dozen executives at large and small publishers and their accounts to get further insights. The goal was to identify what are the sales conditions for trade book publishers today and what publishers are doing to change sales and marketing and even editorial practices to accommodate changing times. What we have learned from that joint effort is reflected in this article.  相似文献   

Lebanon’s publishing industry is mainly turned towards export to the Arab market; subsequently, the analysis of the Lebanese book production can provide a fair overview of the state of publishing in the Arab world. And the picture is far from bright; however resourceful and dynamic, Arab trade publishers cannot reach the sales figures one would expect in a region of more than 362 million people. A relatively low purchasing power and the lack of efficient distribution channels, in addition to piracy and censorship, are endemic problems they have to face on a daily basis, not only in marketing their books throughout the region, but also in dealing with foreign publishers and agents. Indeed for many of these, the Arab market remains incomprehensible and not transparent. However, it is only through apprehending its reality that they can adapt their level of expectations to it in order to achieve successful licensing deals and establish sound partnerships in the region.  相似文献   

科技期刊"三次售卖"营销模式探析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
关卫屏  刘斌  游苏宁 《编辑学报》2010,22(6):513-516
增强科技期刊营销能力,力求实现三次售卖.要高度重视发行工作(一次售卖),组建专业的发行公司.逐步实现卖广告(二次售卖)、卖品牌(三次售卖).同时,应注意提高营销管理水平,避免各营销环节的衔接不当,引入项目管理模式.  相似文献   

This paper uses time series data on UK book sales to establish what correlation exists between the national income of a country and its sales of books. This is tested by comparing series data in real terms for GDP per capita and for various data series for the UK market, including sales invoiced by publishers and point of sale data on consumer purchasing. The first period, from 1985 to 1999, shows a strong relationship between total sales and GDP per capita. In the second period, from 2001 to 2015, the link appears to disappear when we examine invoiced sales from publishers, even before the impact of the 2008 crisis. This is also including the growth of digital sales towards the end of the period. The direct consumer data shows sales tracking GDP until the onset of the financial crisis; thereafter the only trade sector to have kept pace with GDP is children’s, and this contrasts with the areas of adult fiction and non-fiction. Have we therefore seen a structural shift in the book market? If we have passed peak book, what has brought about this uncoupling of book sales from economic growth? Factors are considered including changes in retail, competition from other media, and a prioritization of experience over the accumulation of stuff.  相似文献   

周强  曹巍 《出版科学》2016,24(4):93-95
引进版科技图书的全营销策略突破了传统营销“为售而售”的运作模式,通过选题策划初期的深度介入,中期的设计优化和预售,后期销售渠道的多维度拓展,实现了成本及风险的有效控制,最终赢得更为广阔的销售市场。  相似文献   

通过对国内外纸质书市场销售数据和国内现代公共文化服务体系建设进程的分析得出,目前世界范围内纸质书市场均呈现回暖趋势,其中中国的纸质书营销围绕现代公共文化服务体系建设,至少应该有10年的黄金发展期,之后理应还有10年左右的平稳滑行期。如何抓住国家现代公共文化服务体系建设的良机,采取适当措施,是做好当今纸质书出版与营销工作的重点。  相似文献   

Higher education textbooks sales account for a significant portion of the overall book market. This study makes an important contribution to the extant literature by examining students’ purchase of original textbooks in a developing market, Vietnam. Notably, it seeks to investigate why students do not purchase original textbooks as well as the difference in purchase behavior between different groups of students. The findings reveal that some key obstacles to students’ purchase behavior include high prices, insufficient availability, low perceived value, and the emergence of pirated textbooks. Another notable finding is that senior students who are female tend to purchase more textbooks. In light of these findings, marketing strategies are suggested for publishers, bookstores and universities who aim to promote the sales and consumption of original textbooks.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the interdependency between the market for music recordings on the one side and the market for concert tickets on the other side, assuming that there are positive indirect network effects both from the record market to ticket sales for live performances and vice versa. In a model with two interrelated Hotelling lines, prices in both markets are corrected downward when compared to the standard Hotelling model. In the integrated business model, file sharing has an ambiguous effect on firms' profitability. As file sharing can indirectly increase demand for live performances, overall profits can either increase or decrease, depending on the strength of indirect network effects. Finally, file sharing may induce firms to switch from the traditional business model with two separate firms to an integrated business model where one agency markets both records and concerts (so-called 360° deals).  相似文献   

This article establishes a 2-sided media market in which readers have heterogeneous beliefs, media outlets choose their reporting biases, and advertisement prices are determined by bargaining between media outlets and advertisers. The authors have shown that the presence of advertisers strengthens the reporting bias. The bias is increasing in the advertisers' bargaining power and is generally stronger if the advertisers can advertise in multiple outlets. Finally, the authors present an extension of the model on the formation of joint operating agreements for advertising sales among competing newspapers and show that the media bias will be mitigated.  相似文献   

This study investigates the current status and attitudes towards academic e-book publishing by mainland Chinese academic publishers through an online survey. This study collected survey data from 49 authoritative academic publishers in China, focusing on their e-book sales profiles and their perceptions of how e-book sales affect publishers and libraries. The data reveals that China's academic e-book industry is still at an early development stage and has a relatively small market. The findings show significant differences in the willingness and attitudes towards e-book publishing between SSH publishers and STEM publishers, and also demonstrate that the enhancement of the demand for e-books by academic libraries promotes the process of the digital transformation of academic publishers. This study then argues that Chinese academic publishers need to further improve the quality of academic e-books, accelerate the transition from academic content providers to academic content service providers, and strengthen their cooperation with stakeholders.  相似文献   

文章探讨出版企业打造私域流量的方法与路径。为应对市场由增量竞争向存量竞争转变,突破平台和关键意见领袖双重挤压的发展困境,出版企业开始向私域运营转型。文章聚焦出版企业的自播营销行为,从当前的发展现状、布局私域流量的思路和方法,论证出版企业打造私域流量的价值。研究发现,自播营销在引流、促活、留存、转化中表现出的优越性,能够促使出版企业的营销布局向打造私域流量转变。未来出版企业要实现对私域流量真正意义上的自在控制、屡次使用,需在公域引流、渠道整合、用户管理、矩阵布局等方面继续打造私域流量,以期赋能出版营销,提高产品的销量和品牌的美誉度。  相似文献   

咨询客户的需求是咨询机构营销的基础,客户选择咨询机构的标准是咨询机构开展营销的依据。咨询机构的营销策略主要是明确市场需求、加大宣传树立品牌并开展关系营销、全面分析客户需求、建立合作伙伴关系并开展主动营销、制作完美的项目书并进行营销、提高咨询机构的专业能力和服务质量、提高咨询产品的性价比和灵活运用市场营销技术。  相似文献   

Information on products, markets, distribution channels, sales management, the production and survival of sales personnel, sales results, consumer preferences, and purchasing habits is the lifeblood of the Life Insurance Marketing and Research Association's business. The library is its best-known information service and member companies are encouraged to use the library as a resource. The library provides information on all facets of marketing operations, based on a collection of materials covering all distribution systems. The library also works to stay on top of new developments in group insurance, pension, and health insurance marketing as well as those relating to individual life insurance.  相似文献   

Software used by book publishers to manage contracts, royalties, production workflow, sales, and marketing have begun to migrate from relatively closed systems that are internally maintained, to cloud-based platforms on the Web. Business drivers behind this migration include a highly dynamic market for ebooks and other digital products, pressures to cut costs, and a shrinking ROI horizon for technology investments. While questions remain as to how quickly the transition will take, the possibility of cloud-based book publishing promises to change the nature of publishing infrastructure and with it the role of the IT professionals in publishing.  相似文献   

江霞  颜志森 《编辑学报》2015,27(2):172-174
科技期刊出版业由传统的出版与经营管理转变为数字化出版,利用电子商务平台进行数字化、网络化营销已成为科技期刊的发展方向.认为:可开展基于科技期刊自建网站的电子商务营销;通过专业的电子商务平台开通科技期刊的旗舰营销店,实现科技期刊的多元化、多渠道的电子商务营销;通过手机付费平台进行科技期刊的网络化营销.科技期刊利用电子商务平台营销过程中需重视多方合作并加强管理,加强电子商务平台的内容建设及服务营销,加大培养电子商务专业化营销与管理人才的力度,不断扩大科技期刊的社会效益与经济效益.  相似文献   

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