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This article analyses the previously unresearched dynamics of sexual harassment in cross-gender, one-to-one PhD supervision in a UK social science faculty education department. I discuss two women research students' reflections on their supervisory relationships with a sexually harassing male supervisor, including the processes of obtaining a supervisor and the establishment or curtailment of the relationship. When students decide whether or not to be supervised by a particular individual there is a tension between personal compatibility and relevant research expertise. Once the relationship is established there is a further tension because the boundaries between discussions about academic work and personal life are so easily blurred. In particular, it is suggested that the sexually harassing male supervisor cannot simply be viewed as an aberration, for his exploits reveal a strategic exploitation of conditions which are actually integral and arguably necessary to this distinctive academic relationship.  相似文献   

Previous research shows that there are individual differences in academic achievement associated with gender and race. Research also suggests that student engagement is an important determinant of student outcomes/achievement. The present study explored student engagement at an extra-large community college. It specifically investigated possible individual differences in student engagement and explored how it maps on to student achievement. As predicted, the results indicate that there are gender and race differences in student engagement—females show greater engagement than males, and African-American students show greater engagement than students of other races. The results are discussed in the context of student achievement as indicated by students’ self-reported GPAs.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether girls’ and boys’ perceptions of their teacher may explain gender-related difference in academic motivation. One hundred and twenty-nine ninth-grade Israeli students (67 males and 62 females) completed a questionnaire designed to assess their motivation to learn, their affect while studying in school, and their perception of their teachers’ behaviors. The results indicate that girls tend to perceive their teacher as more supportive than do boys and that this perception mediates gender-related differences in motivation and emotional experience. This finding suggests a mechanism to explain gender-related differences in motivation and highlights the importance of investigating those characteristics that can affect student perception of the teacher as supportive. Beyond the known contribution of the need for a supportive environment, knowledge of such characteristics can help promote adaptive motivation.  相似文献   

We examined the development of children's self- and task perceptions during the elementary school years. 865 first-, second-, and fourth-grade children (ages 7–10) completed questionnaires assessing their perceptions of competence in, and valuing of, activities in several activity domains (math, reading, sports, and instrumental music). Factor analyses showed that even the first graders had differentiated self-beliefs for the various activities. These analyses also indicated that children's competence beliefs and subjective task values formed distinct factors. Analyses assessing age and gender differences in children's beliefs showed that for all the activities except sports, younger children's (particularly the first graders) perceptions of competence and subjective task values were more positive than the beliefs of the older children. Boys had more positive competence beliefs and values than did girls for sport activities, and more positive competence beliefs for mathematics. Girls had more positive competence beliefs and values than did boys for reading and music activities.  相似文献   

This article analyses educational research on gender inequality carried out in the Netherlands between 1982 and 1991. It can be regarded as a case study on the conceptualisation of the problem of gender inequality in education. In the Netherlands two types of research can be identified: policy‐orientated research, which was largely concerned with primary and secondary education, and action research which developed from within and focused on adult education. In the beginning most researchers in both types of research were aware of the problems related to the concept of ‘disadvantage’. Later on, policy‐orientated research on gender and education has increasingly approached education primarily as a means of preparing for a promising position on the labour market. The concept of disadvantage, which at first appeared to have been superceded, has been frequently applied in the analysis of gender in education. Action research, however, focused on the learning processes of women considering feminine qualities to be positive and valuable. We discuss the criticism from women's studies of the research carried out. Finally, the central concepts of the Dutch research are related to the classifications used in England.  相似文献   

性骚扰的现状及立法对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前我们国家的法律中没有关于性骚扰的明确规定,实践中对该种行为的认定和惩治都没有法规可以遵循。而现实生活中的相关案例因法律规定的不完善而缺乏审理的依据。性骚扰行为在国际国内都广泛存在,国外已有关于性骚扰的立法,提出了我国目前防治性骚扰立法的较为可行的办法。  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

美国是世界上最早对大学校园性骚扰行为进行研究和防治的国家,目前已就校园性骚扰行为的内涵、界定与类型等问题形成了共识.在秉持"限制权力"、"保护弱者"与"制度为本"等理念的基础上,美国建立了一套包括"学校内部处理"、"行政力量救助"与"特殊司法判决"等措施在内的校园性骚扰行为应对机制.  相似文献   


Sexual harassment of female students by their lecturers has become a serious social problem in schools and institutions of higher education in Zimbabwe. The current study is an in-depth follow-up to Zindi's study (1994) and sought to investigate and establish whether or not inappropriate relationships between male lecturers and female students exist; whether female lecturers sexually harass male students; and whether there is a relationship between sexual harassment and students' performance in their studies. There may be a relationship between sexual harassment and the performance of female students in examinations. The results of a questionnaire completed by 83 students in one higher education institution in Zimbabwe revealed the widespread sexual harassment of female students by male lecturers and the different perceptions of such harassment held by male and female students. Possible implications of these findings to education are discussed and recommendations made.  相似文献   

长期以来,学界对《简·爱》的分析主要集中在两方面,即《简·爱》作为“女性主义狂热崇拜”的文本和作为“殖民话语”的文本。简·爱作为父权制下的女性和作为英国殖民者的双重身份使其能与梅森和罗切斯特分别进行性别层面和种族层面的共谋。简·爱与梅森之间的种族差异削弱了性别层面的共谋,而简·爱与罗切斯特的婚姻则象征着意识形态的结合,同时暗示了种族共谋的胜利,《简·爱》的结局也是帝国主义时期种族主义的产物。  相似文献   

蔡丹丰 《培训与研究》2007,24(4):106-108
性别差异的研究经历了这样的发展过程:以生理上的两性差别作为研究的出发点,从心理性度的角度对性别差异进行考察,以及从社会文化的范畴探讨两性心理和行为的差别。这一过程显示出,性别差异研究的不同取向反映了研究者自身对性别差异所持的不同观念。应该说,两性差异的形成既离不开个体的生理因素也离不开社会文化因素,而后者的影响作用更大。  相似文献   

美国、新西兰的立法与司法实践认为,在性骚扰案件中,加害人的品格证据具有关联性与可采性.对于受害人性方面的品格证据,美国的立法与司法实践中在运用时采取了有条件的采用态度;而新西兰则明确规定受害人性方面的品格证据不具备可采性,因而不能在诉讼中提交.其基本的价值取向在于鼓励受害人揭发此类违法行为和防止对受害人的"二次伤害",这些做法值得中国的立法与司法实践借鉴.  相似文献   

后殖民主义与女性主义是西方学术界“少数话语”的两种主要代表。近年来,一批被称作后殖民女性主义的批评家在二者之间开辟了一个新的理论空间。她们批评西方女性主义的白人中心主义和本质主义, 寻求建立一种适应第三世界妇女文本的理论模式和阐释策略, 并从后殖民立场对西方女性主义的经典作品进行了新的解读, 本文从理论与批评实践两个方面对这种新的学说进行了介绍和评价  相似文献   


Drug use was examined in a sample of high school students from a small city of 16,000 predominantly working-class residents. There were 579 high school participants (296 girls and 283 boys) of whom 102 were Black (53 girls, 49 boys). The analyses were based on responses to a self-report questionnaire administered to students by their classroom teachers. Items for this study were selected from a larger database that was part of a community-wide project. The findings did not support the general consensus among professionals who provide services to this age group that minority youth are more at risk for drug use than their White peers are. The White students were more likely than the Black students to have had exposure to legal and illegal drugs. Whites more than Blacks, and boys more than girls, used tobacco, but White females were more likely than the others to be alcohol users. Also, Black males reported the highest self-esteem, and White females, the lowest. These self-esteem reports were supported by the results from a question about thoughts of suicide—Black males reported the lowest percentage of suicidal thoughts, and White females reported the highest.  相似文献   

Sexual harassment in university communities is, at best, understood as the exercise of power by deviant individuals and is dealt with through sexual harassment policies, grievance procedures, reprimands and educational measures. Through a discursive analysis of one case of sexual harassment, this article illustrates how power is not merely attached to specific individuals. Rather, university communities provide the conditions under which sexual harassment is naturalised. The article illustrates how conservative and liberal discourses of academic freedom, juridical interpretations of collective agreements, and anti-feminist backlash discourses shaped knowledge in the public domain, while the voices of women students and feminist discourses on sexual harassment were either marginalised or silenced. The article supports the view that the discursive framing of sexual harassment constitutes power relations in the academy and ultimately legitimises sexual harassment. The article offers some discursive strategies for dealing with sexual harassment in university communities.  相似文献   

针对高校性骚扰行为,德国已形成由欧盟法、联邦法、州法和高校自治规范构成的独具特色的四级法律规制体系。该体系对预防和遏制愈发严重的高校性骚扰现象发挥着关键作用,特别是其中的高校自治规范对高校成员范围界定、性骚扰表现形态、处理责任主体、预防措施、处理程序以及惩戒机制做出符合本校实际情况的个性化规定,针对性和可操作性极强,值得我国关注和理性借鉴。  相似文献   

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