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Studies have found that prior involvement in student politics while in school seems to be a good predictor of adult political engagement. While most studies of adults have obtained retrospective data on participation in school elections, there have been few studies of students about this activity. We contribute to this latter relatively unexplored area by reporting the results from a national survey of Australian secondary school students about the relationship between participation in school elections and future intended political engagement activities. We found that voting in school elections is positively related to feeling prepared to vote as an adult, to being committed to vote when 18, to political knowledge, and to engagement in forms of peaceful activism. Running for student government office is related to political knowledge and participation in peaceful activism. These results reinforce the findings of adult retrospective studies, and show that participation in school elections serves as a beneficial experience in the preparation of students for life as an active adult citizen. The implications of these findings for the structure and conduct of student elections in schools are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper considers African-American student protests in secondary schools during the 1960s and early 1970s. Taking a national perspective, it charts a growing sense of independence and militancy among black students as they made the schools a focal point of activism. Activist students challenged established civil rights organisations on a variety of questions. They also engaged in an escalating series of protest activities to make schools change. Much of this focused on curricular change, particularly adding black history courses and hiring African-American teachers and principals. Generally, these protests proved quite successful. Black students also protested against conditions encountered in integrated schools, where they often met hostility from whites. Distinct regional patterns characterised such activities, with more protest over school issues in the North and greater conflict regarding desegregation in the South. By the mid-1970s the era of black secondary student protest concluded, although its legacy continues to live.  相似文献   

This article sets out to examine the experiences of college student activists involved in Students Against Sweatshops on the Beautiful River University campus. Based on observation and interview fieldwork, the paper explores how students negotiate and understand their activism against the backdrop of neoliberalism. The paper concludes that being a contemporary student activist requires advanced time management skills and the capacity to ascribe multiple meanings to activities (for example, hanging out and doing activism simultaneously). This emphasis on using one’s time wisely resonates with students who are surrounded by the language of neoliberal reform. By analysing how students prioritise activism, outreach to new members and develop friendships, and position themselves as part of an international network, I show that student activism is influenced by the neoliberal environment at Beautiful River University at the same time that student activists are working to resist and counter such practices.  相似文献   

This article documents the decline of 1960s-style student protest, but argues that activism is far from dead on American campuses in the 1970s. The authors find that there is a new mood in America that is reflected in current student political activity and from which have emerged new forms of student activism. The analysis suggests that as student character and mood change, so do the forms of activism students employ. The implications of this conclusion are significant in terms of evaluating past research and setting a future agenda for research on student activism.  相似文献   

浅谈大学生诚信道德素质的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当代大学生是未来市场经济建设的主力军,是社会生产力发展的关键,因此,大学生的诚信素质尤为重要。目前,由于受传统文化、体制及教育缺失等因素的影响,大学生诚信教育仍存在一些问题,为此有必要通过以诚信的思想教育学生、以诚信的人格感染学生、以诚信的舆论引导学生、以诚信的实践感化学生、以诚信的制度约束学生等方法来加强大学生诚信教育。  相似文献   

目前,高职院校学生管理工作尚未能很好适应高职大学生的管理要求,存在着思想政治教育与学生管理工作脱节,职业规划、就业指导与学生管理工作结合不到位,学生网络思想政治教育与学生管理工作未形成合力,学生自我管理机制不够完善等问题。要解决这些问题,需要高职院校从切实提高思想政治教育课教师的积极性、加强学生工作队伍的专业素养提升、深化职业规划和就业指导在学生管理工作的渗透、完善学生网络管理和教育与学生管理的工作机制、重视发挥学生自我教育、自我管理、自我服务的作用等方面入手,提升高职院校学生教育管理效率,推动高职院校学生管理工作更科学、更健康、更深入地开展。  相似文献   

This article is concerned with the historical origins of student activism in Greece and an analysis of present activism in nine institutions of post-secondary education. The empirical analysis was based on a sample of nearly 1500 students and revealed that activism mainly relates to the regional origin of the student. The findings are used to make some speculations on the likely future course of student activity.  相似文献   

If Latin America once represented a worldwide reference point for potent student activism, the region now stands out for the decline of activism. While other regions experience new forms and impacts of activism, Latin America's decline should be understood within two broad contexts: macropolitical and higher educational.The macropolitical context subsumes at least three major causal factors. One is the role of authoritarian rule, especially powerful in the 1970s but leaving a legacy that itself works against activism. Second, we must consider the more complex and mixed impacts of the redemocratization that has swept the region. The third factor is the general decline of the left both domestically and internationally.On the higher education side, decades of unprecedented growth in student numbers have fragmented the student body, especially as growth is accompanied by extraordinary institutional proliferation. Many of the newer institutions are inhospitable for student activism. Privatization has had an especially strong demobilizing effect. The institutional changes are accompanied by a changing profile of fields of study, away from some most associated with student politics. Finally, the concentration of top social scientists in research centers apart from the universities - and from the students - is also crucial.  相似文献   

铁人精神是我国工人阶级不畏艰辛,勇于开拓进取的民族奋进精神,体现了社会主义核心价值体系的根本要求,将其运用在高校学生党建工作上则具有理想信念教育、榜样激励教育和文化传播教育的功能。因此,我们必须以铁人精神为思想政治教育载体,通过党课教学、校园文化和网络舆论等形式创新高校学生党建工作的方法和手段,不断增强高校党组织的创造力,探寻高校学生党建工作的新思路。  相似文献   

随着网络技术的不断发展,互联网对大学生思想的影响更加深刻,高校网络舆情对大学生的思想和行为产生着重要影响。高校网络舆情具有"口香糖思想"特征,即具有重复性、普遍性和个体性的特征,这些都给高校思想政治工作带来了新的冲击和挑战。在新形势下,需加强大学生思想引领工作,切实做好思想政治教育进网络工作,丰富活跃学生健康良好的业余生活,进一步加强大学生心理健康教育。  相似文献   

From private to public, from small to large, campus protests and demonstrations have risen across the country to address institutional racism regarding a range of issues including offensive Halloween costumes, university/college seals, lack of faculty color, and racist vandalism. One such example occurred at Southwest University where Native American students were protesting the university seal, which represents settler colonialism and genocide. In this article, we provide a case study of Joy, a Diné (Navajo) young woman, and describe her student activism in regards to the seal and how she utilizes it to connect to her culture, language, and identity. We utilize critical race theory (CRT) and tribal critical race theory (TribalCrit) to analyze the institutional microaggressions that Joy experienced on campus. Our main conclusions explain how student activism enables students to address systemic racism and provides a vehicle to create better conditions on university campuses.  相似文献   

高校人文精神是高校所特有的精神环境和文化气氛,是以大学生为主体形成的文化观念、思维形式、行为特征和行为方式,它包括学校精神和传统、校风和学风、人文关怀与集体舆论等内容。将培育大学生人文精神的过程与思想政治教育结合起来,是高校进行思想政治教育的有益尝试。培育大学生人文精神既体现大学生个体发展需要,又符合社会主义核心价值体系的内涵。因此,人文精神的培育对大学生思想政治教育具有重要影响。  相似文献   

马佳妮 《江苏高教》2021,(4):107-115
国际学生在一国发展中的战略地位毋庸置疑。在国际学生的招收和使用上,国家和政府不是被动的接收者,政府在国际学生的招收和使用方面扮演重要的建构性角色。通过梳理和解读国际学生流动政策和措施,文章进一步厘清了21世纪以来欧美发达国家国际学生流动政策背后的新自由主义和民族保守主义逻辑。欧美发达国家一方面意识到争夺国际学生对于在"全球人才竞赛"中增强国家竞争优势至关重要;另一方面为照顾本国日益消极的舆论和选民日益高涨的民族主义情绪,严格缩紧国际学生的移民签证。在不同阶段或者不同执政党领导时期,国际学生流动政策呈现出以国家利益为轴心,在新自由主义与民族保守主义之间来回摇摆的演变态势。如何在激烈的"全球人才竞赛"中保持优势与照顾到更加民族主义的国内舆论之间保持平衡,成为欧美国家国际学生流动政策的重点和难点。  相似文献   

大学阶段是人生成生进行思想品德教育,是一个值得探讨、研究的问题.面对千姿百态的管理对象,思想工作方法应改传统灌输式的工作方法为告知式、集体活动式、具体帮助式、情境教育式,从而提高学生的认识问题、分析、解决问题的能力,提高心理承受能力和思想素质.  相似文献   

By employing one kind of a materialist rhetorical analysis, this article demonstrates that the 1964 Berkeley student protests functioned as détournement, resituating college students from a life governed by in loco parentis to becoming “student citizens.” This study has implications for the political activism of American college students today and rhetorical studies of materiality.  相似文献   

新媒体的广泛使用给高校思想政治教育工作带来了新的挑战。为了对高校思想政治教育的舆情监控进行研究,文章提出了一种可以快速、有效地发现和掌握新媒体下各种舆情事件的监控机制。通过多学科交叉融合的研究思想,文章使用理论研究、实证研究和实际应用相结合的方法,对新时代高校思想政治教育面临的困难以及舆情监控中的常见问题进行了探究。该舆情监控机制,为高校思政教育工作提供了支持,及时理清了学生思想变化脉络,有针对性地对学生采取了应对措施,有效化解了学生的思想危机,使得学生工作得以高效顺利推进。  相似文献   

大学生是国家振兴的生力军,背负着民族强盛的使命,树立正确的价值观是每个大学生践行“中国梦”的立足点,其关键在于独立人格的塑造.高校辅导员是大学生思想政治教育的基层队伍,加强当代大学生对“中国梦”内涵认知工作的针对性、增进大学生践行“中国梦”的实践性,成为了高校辅导员新的历史使命,因此,对当代高校辅导员师德养成提出了新时期的新要求.  相似文献   

关于高校思想政治辅导员育人工作的方法与技巧的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近10年随着国家教育体制不断深化改革和完善,高等学校的扩招工作也在不断的深入开展,受教育的群体也不断增多,推进了国民综合素质的提高。与此同时,高校思想政治辅导员的数量与学生的比例也在逐渐增加。随着高校学生数量的增多,如何扎实做好日常学生事务工作便成了辅导员的一项新的课题。笔者有效借鉴国内外学生事务工作的特点,结合学校实际,就当前高校思想政治辅导员日常学生事务工作方法和技巧进行了探讨和思考。  相似文献   

充分发挥大学生党员在思想政治教育中积极作用的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学生党员就像一面旗帜,在大学生思想政治教育中对大学生群体有着骨干带头作用、先锋模范作用、导向示范作用.为此,我们应积极构建大学生党员的组织发展机制、教育培训学习机制、先进性教育机制、学生党员联系学生机制、学生党员参与网络思想政治教育的互动机制、创新学生党支部工作机制,以充分发挥大学生党员在思想政治教育中的积极作用,推进大学生思想政治教育工作,引导大学生健康成长成才.  相似文献   

Student political activism remains a key issue in the Third World despite its decline in the industrialized nations. Students continue to be active in politics and frequently have an impact on societal events. The historical development of student politics and student involvement in independence struggles, the role of students as incipient elites, and the fragility of the political structures of many Third World nations all contribute to the efficacy of student politics. Universities, as key intellectual institutions in their societies, also play an important role in Third World societies. Students, especially those in the social sciences, are fairly easy to mobilize and they often have a basic interest in political and social issues. It is argued that student movements emerge from their social and political environment and it is not surprising that activism continues as a powerful force in the Third World.  相似文献   

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