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大学学术国际化是我国在全球发展大环境背景下的必然选择,也是大学教育自身发展的必然要求。目前我国大学学术国际化趋势明显,但对大学学术国际化过程的风险存在误解,其交流和传播还存在障碍。提高大学学术国际化水平的关键在于:要正确对待学术本土化与国际化问题;发挥好政府、学校、师生三方合力的作用;同时学校要积极组织在职教师的外语培训学习。  相似文献   

加拿大高等教育的量变、质变及其特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
加拿大高等教育过去40年的数量发展主要表现为高等学校学生、教师及学校数量的显著增加,其质变主要表现为越来越强调应用研究、国际化和商业化等。加拿大高等教育体系的主要特征为:政府干预日益增多,大学与经济间联系日益加强,市场规则与机制逐步引入,大学集权管理不断加强,大学功能日益商业化。  相似文献   

美国、英国、澳大利亚的高等教育国际化   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
本文研究美国、英国和澳大利亚的高等教育国际化。通过采用一个共同的分析框架,分析这三个发达国家高等教育系统的国际化背景、国际化战略、政府和专业机构的国际化角色以及国际化的评估,并对个别研究型大学进行个案研究,以说明国际化是如何在大学内落实的。结果说明高等教育学国际化是受大学外部的全球化、科技和竞争等因素推动以及大学内部的文化和组织等因素影响。这三个国家的高等教育国际化在历史背景、广泛战略和评估方面有相同的经验,但在地区政治、传统和政府的角色方面有明显的不同。  相似文献   

全国高校后勤管理考察团一行18人于7月21日——8月12日历时22天对加拿大渥太华大学、圣保罗大学、辛尼加应用技术学院及美国的曼哈顿社区学院、纽约州立大学长岛分校、弗吉尼亚乔治梅森大学、加州大学总部及其长滩分校进行了访问考察。 1.加拿大的高等教育及后勤管理 1.1 加拿大高等教育我们在加拿大共考察了三所大学:渥太华大学、圣保罗大学、辛尼加应用技术学院。加拿大国立高校过去经费来源的主体是联邦和省政府投资约占70%左右,30%是学费收入。由于经济方面的原因,近两年政府  相似文献   

麦吉尔大学是加拿大第一家提供商业课程的大学,其管理学院是加拿大最负盛名的管理教育机构之一。国际化是管理系的发展重点之一。在《金融时代》世界管理学院的排名中,麦吉尔大学的MBA排名第36;其毕业生的全球流动性排名在前10名之内;项目的国际化程度全加排名第一。管理学院  相似文献   

加拿大著名大学是国际化的大学,师生来自不同的国家,大学教育反映了文化的多样性。其中阿尔伯塔大学作为加拿大一流的研究型大学,是创造研究与基础教学的孵化器。文章全面思考加拿大的教育,认为教学的文化包容性、教师的教学、科研与社会服务实质的结合及学生学习的合作能力培养是加拿大教学与科研的特色。正是由于大学的办学特色,也促进了加拿大经济、文化与社会的发展,对整个社会的和谐产生了积极的影响。加拿大大学的办学,促进我们对自身高等教育健康发展从不同的角度思考,教学中不同文化的对话,身份的认知和个体独特性的发现是我国高等教育国际化进程中需要着力研究的方面。  相似文献   

<正>2014年1月7日,中国教育报发表署名邱开金的《高职教育,怎样迈出国际化步伐》文章。文章主要介绍了浙江工贸职业技术学院组织创业教育考察团赴加拿大和美国两所大学考察交流的收获和感悟,认为基于经济大国给力职业教育、职业教育崛起备受国际关注、高职内涵发展亟待走向国际化三点原因,中国职业教育"从本土化走向国际化的时机已经成熟",但我们仍须深思和探究究竟应该怎样才能迈开步伐走向国际化。  相似文献   

教师队伍的国际化是研究型大学发展的先决性条件。研究型大学教师队伍国际化应着重解决四个问题:一是理性认识教师队伍的国际化;二是建立与国际接轨的教师管理机制;三是加强国际化教师的引进与培养;四是切实提高教师的英语应用能力。  相似文献   

加拿大西北社区学院的ESL教学主要有三个特点:一是采用“交际法”培养学生的语言交际能力;二是采用时事材料进行课堂教学;三是教师经验丰富。我国的高职大学英语教学应该借鉴加拿大西北社区学院的教学特点对高职大学英语教学方法,教学内容及师资队伍建设进行改革。  相似文献   

新加坡的大学国际化改革特点及其启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新加坡从1997年开始大学国际化改革至今,具有三个重要特点:受政府支持和控制;体制转变非常灵活;以经济发展为主导.这些改革的成功之处给中国的大学改革带来了有益启示.  相似文献   

This paper is based on a study of three Confucius Institutes in Canada. The research aims to explore the nature of operations at Confucius Institutes, ranging from the selection of partnering Chinese universities, to the program planning at each individual site. Specifically, it focuses on the perceived impacts of the Confucius Institute partnership on the Canadian hosting institutions. Data was collected through interviews with key administrative staff from three Canadian universities. The theoretical framework of constructivism from international relations theory and concepts drawn from the literature on the internationalization of higher education were used to analyze the findings. Key issues revealed from the data include the host’s perception of Confucius Institutes as China’s cultural diplomacy and soft power strategy, the progression of partnerships between Canada and China over time, and university autonomy.  相似文献   

This paper discusses two important concepts—internationalization and the international marketing of higher education—and how they influence international students' choice of Canadian universities. The paper is based on two studies: one on 140 East Asian international graduate students who enrolled at two large Ontario universities in the academic year 2003–2004, and the other on 95 international undergraduate students who enrolled at an Ontario university in academic year 2005–2006. The research findings show that market segmentation determines the applicability of internationalization and/or marketing of higher education. Activities related to the internationalization of education play a critical role in influencing the research-oriented students' choice of a Canadian graduate school. Marketing activities have a direct impact on graduate students' choice in professional programs. “Twinning” or “incountry” programs—a blend of internationalization and international marketing approach—have a strong influence on undergraduate students' choice to come to Canada.  相似文献   

Under the Canadian constitution, authority over all levels of education, including higher education, rests with each of the individual provinces and territories. Although Canada has one of the highest levels of per capita educational attainment in the world, student access continues to be one of the most dominant policy areas in Canadian higher education. In recent years, a number of significant access policy reforms have been put in place by governments at the national and provincial levels. These initiatives are demonstrative of the continued and growing influence of marketization in Canada’s quasi-market system. This analysis provides some insight into these recent reforms and the influence that market principles have come to have in Canadian policies on both the supply-side and the demand-side of the country’s higher education sector.  相似文献   


Through increased international student tuition revenue, internationalization provides public Canadian higher education institutions opportunities to offset the effects of stagnant provincial operating grants or earmarked governmental allocations. Pathway colleges, institutions that are either operated by host institutions or as private corporations, offer international students alternative routes to bachelor’s degrees, pathways that are intended for students who do not meet the entrance criteria of Canada’s public sector universities. While beneficial for some students, our analysis shows that pathway colleges tilt the public university towards an academic model that eschews collegial governance structures, privileges a consumerist vision of education, and relies on contract and precarious academic labor.We presenta typology of pathway colleges, providing examples of this trend across Canada. Our study examines the potential increase of human vulnerability that these colleges both produce and rely upon for staff and student recruitment.


This paper explores the role of the Canadian federal government in two foreign policy areas: overseas development assistance and international cultural relations by providing a brief history of the federal government’s engagement in both policy areas and highlighting the contributions and challenges of Canadian foreign policy to the internationalization of Canadian higher education. More broadly, the paper explores the unique characteristics of the Canadian federal government’s role in higher education policy making, and in particular, its relations with academics and the university community. Ironically in a world increasingly characterized by greater international education flows, in Canada, there has been a narrowing of vision, a focus on more short rather than long term objectives and a limited engagement of dialogue between academics and the government to promote both development assistance and international education as Canada’s soft power.  相似文献   

Canadian adult education is predominantly institutionalized and professionalized, oriented more towards individual rather than societal needs, and marked by competition rather than cooperation among its providers.

Since the 1960s there has been a definite thrust towards motivation and education of underprivileged groups in society, among these those with low schooling, the poor, and ethnic minorities. Considerable strides have been made in the education of women. Retired people are another population group which made an impact on adult education in Canada. The use of broadcast television in adult education thus far is not widespread, but there is a growing use of tele‐conferencing for professional development. Most recently there is a growing interest among adult educators in non‐traditional clientele and forms of adult education, but very little show of interest and support by the governments. The two major competing thrusts in Canadian adult education are the further vocationalization and institutionalization of adult education, and the shift from adult education to adult learning which could lead to further individualization of adult education. It is too early to tell yet whether either one of these opposing thrusts will become dominant in the future and, if so, which one.  相似文献   

吴薇  邱雯婕 《江苏高教》2020,(4):110-117
为提升日本高校国际竞争力,日本文部科学省在2014年推出了"顶级全球性大学计划",并遴选出A类、B类共37所高校进行资助。研究以冲击世界百强为目标的13所A类高校为对象,基于注意力配置理论,采用文本分析的方法对13所高校提交审核的《改革构想书》中的国际化水平、治理改革、大学教育改革这三大维度的注意力配置情况进行分析。根据分析可知这13所高校在国际化发展中虽然聚焦维度比例各不相同,但大多集中关注国际化水平维度的多样性、语言教学能力、国际开放度,治理改革维度的管理机制,大学教育改革维度的教育质量这5个二级发展目标。高校结合自身特色,在注意力配置的方向、强度上做出不同的选择,规划绘制出一张共性与个性相结合的清晰的国际化发展蓝图,强弱结合保障国际化战略的可持续性发展。  相似文献   

加拿大高等教育改革的新动向   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为使加拿大青年接受“最好的教育”,保证国家在21世纪的繁荣,加拿大高等教育近年来实施了诸多新的改革。主要有:联邦政府通过经济手段积极介入和支持高教改革;高校主动面向社会办学,市场化取向显著;实施面向21世纪的教学改革,培养具有综合素质的复合型人才。  相似文献   

加拿大联邦和省区政府先后实施的多项全国性和区域性信息基础设施战略为其高等学校在科研、教学和管理等方面的信息化实践奠定了坚实的基础,而大学层次的信息化战略则成为创新高校信息技术治理模式,实现信息技术与高校学术目标战略匹配,推动信息时代大学系统变革的有力杠杆。从国家、省区和大学三个维度深入考察加拿大信息化战略的实施经验对于我国的高等教育信息化实践具有一定的借鉴和启示。  相似文献   

大学生领导教育自20世纪80年代以来在西方国家兴起并日趋活跃,最终蔓延到全世界。培养大学学生的领导力是加拿大高等教育的重要内容之一。目前加拿大共有12所高校开展本科生领导教育,其中卡莫森学院、皇家山大学、圭尔夫大学、新布伦瑞克大学、滑铁卢大学和约克大学等6所学校在本科生领导教育方面具有代表性。这6所学校在培养机构、使命、目标、计划、内容和方法上同中有异,异中有同,各有特色。鉴于此,通过介绍和比较加拿大6所高校面向本科生的领导教育计划,以期对于我国高等教育的发展有所启示。  相似文献   

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