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At a time when both philosophy of education and the arts are under threat within education, this article inquires into interdisciplinarity as one way of approaching the disciplines of philosophy of education and aesthetics. The article offers a retrospective autobiographical intellectual history and phenomenology of the author's own learning and scholarship within Higher Education in three main areas—philosophy of literature education, women's studies, and philosophy of music education, areas paralleling the three periods of her academic career. One sub-theme of this narrative about the balancing act of working in literature and music through philosophy of education is the author's ongoing resistance to professionalization or disciplinary academic control—of literature, philosophy, and music—while being a critical student of educational theory and practice in these areas—philosophy, literature and music within philosophy of education—of thus being “betwixt and between.” Two other themes comprising the article's subtext are “praxis” and “embodiment.” The double entendre of the phrase “working through” entails, first, using the arts of literature and music to practise philosophy of education; and secondly, embracing the psychological, ethical, and spiritual introspection that comes with critical engagement of the arts and its discourses. In short, the article aims to reprise some burning philosophical educational questions that have preoccupied its author over the years, questions deemed especially pertinent to the current increasingly diverse membership in the discipline of educational studies.  相似文献   

教师是天然的"哲学家",哲学化是他们教育生活中不可避免的行为.传统的教师教育体系虽然也体认到这一点,但并未使教师对哲学产生浓厚的兴趣,也无法对他们的教育实践产生真实的影响,这是由于其没有充分考虑到教师学习的独特方式所致.教师哲学的诞生有助于扭转哲学在教师教育体系中的尴尬处境,并对教师的专业发展产生更加显著的作用.教师哲学是一个"三位一体"的概念,它首先是指面向教师的哲学,其次是与教师一起做哲学,最后它是基于教师自身的哲学.从国际范围来看,教师哲学的实践模式主要有三类,即支持教师撰写教学哲学陈述,构建教师哲学探究共同体以及开展"哲学家驻园(驻校)"项目.  相似文献   

“教师”“教材”“教法”作为教育的核心组成,具有“能动性”“灵动性”“互动性”等内在特征。当前,我国高职院校人才培养工作在师资储备、教材开发、教学手段上存在不足。要改变此现状,需立足“三教”改革,以教师改革为核心,教材改进为抓手,教法创新为突破,深入推进高职教育教学改革,推动教学质量新飞跃,从而进一步提高人才培养质量。  相似文献   

In Italy, the exploration of, and debate on, problems of educational rights and justice are not subsumed under the comprehensive rubric of “Urban Education”. They are rather studied from disciplinary realms and approaches such as social education or intercultural education that aim to understand and respond to issues of pressing social, political and educational concerns relative to migration, educational inclusion of immigrants’ and minorities’ children, recognition of cultural diversities as teaching and learning resources, among others. In this article the intercultural perspective is focused on the Italian occupational minority of the fairground and circus people, whose intensely mobile way of life impacts on their children’s school attendance and learning, and on the schools’ capacity to elaborate effective educational paths also able to valorize those people’s cultural diversity. Three relevant “bottom up” projects are here presented that mean to positively answer the mismatch between the mobility of the attractionist students and the schooling curricula, the annual teaching schedule and the attendance requirements.  相似文献   

随着基础教育阶段国际化的不断深入,在坚持立足本土、兼容并包的课程融合实践中,研究提出了高中国际课程融合教学实践的三个支点和四个突出特点以及课程融合教学实践中采用的“差异化教学”“混合式学习”“多元化评价”三个策略。“以学生为中心”并不是要弱化教师的作用;要真正落实“眼中有人,心中有人”;“以学生为中心”是为了学生,而不是站在学生的立场上。  相似文献   

哲学咨询是一种帮助人们解决思想困惑和价值错知的活动,其很多思想和方法与马克思主义实践哲学、马克思主义哲学教育相一致。马克思主义哲学作为经实践检验的正确世界观和方法论,能帮助大学生"建构"正向的人生价值观,而哲学咨询可以作为这种"建构"的纽带和教育的方式。哲学咨询的反思批判帮助大学生辨明社会思潮的正误,咨询对话有助于大学生认同正向的人生价值观,集体探究促进大学生内化和践行社会主义核心价值观。对于当今大学的哲学教育,特别是社会主义核心价值观的宣传、培育与践行,哲学咨询是一条可行而有效的实现途径。  相似文献   

本文以“工学结合”作为切入点,分析了当前高职英语教学的基本现状及问题,提出了“工学结合”视角下高职英语教学改革的基本路向,为实现培养应用型、高素质、具有“一技之长”的人才培养目标提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

In this essay Duck‐Joo Kwak explores a moral perfectionist approach to citizenship education, which is distinct from liberal and communitarian models. One of educational challenges to this approach is how to cultivate our students' sense of membership, which is shaped by a thick sense of the good life, while being not merely compatible with but open to the pluralist perspective. Kwak maintains that what is required for this form of membership to society or community is our future citizens' ability to engage in highly self‐reflexive philosophical reflection on the human condition; such reflection gives them the skills necessary to live up to the tension between different selves of diverse origins or within a divided self. Examining Stanley Cavell's view of political education as an exemplar of the moral perfectionist approach to citizenship education, Kwak shows how the practice of his ordinary language philosophy can be a good way to cultivate this ability by teaching us how to “speak for others” by way of “speaking for oneself.”  相似文献   

目前,课程思政建设已经在全国所有高校、所有学科专业全面推进。如何才能切实有效地将"课程思政"落实到教学过程之中,已成为每一名高校教师必须思考的重要课题。以"大学物理"课程中"动能定理"的教学为例,采用PBL教学法和思维导图教学法,将科学精神、爱国主义教育、人生哲理、辩证唯物主义世界观等思政元素融入"大学物理"课程教学之中,对课程思政教学的设计进行了初步的探索与实践,为"大学物理"课程更好地开展思政教育提供参考。  相似文献   

Beginning in earnest in the late 1990s, educational researchers devoted increasing attention to the study of “active learning,” leading to a robust literature on the topic in the scholarship of teaching and learning. Meanwhile, during largely the same period, political theorists discovered the radical philosophy of Giorgio Agamben, which soon after began to ripple through more radical forms of philosophy of education. While both the SoTL works on active learning and writings of “Agambenian” philosophers of education have offered new insights into their respective fields, active learning has not yet received a systematic philosophical reflection and the community of Agambenian philosophy of education has not yet been systematized. This article addresses both gaps, first through an outline of existing Agambenian approaches to the philosophy of education and second by theorizing active learning as a form of “destituent potential.” The systematic reflection on the three threads of Agambenian philosophy of education—whatever, potentiality, and study—offers an introduction to less familiar readers, and the second section offers a model for how philosophical concepts can become theoretical tools for SoTL analysis.  相似文献   

Beginning teaching is challenging; this article examines the realities of practice for beginning early childhood teachers. Fourteen participants in their first year of teaching were interviewed; they worked in private and public early childhood education settings. Findings reveal that the reality of moving from the role of the student to teacher was disconcerting for these new teachers. This article reports the beginning teachers' views about the issues they faced, their perceptions of preservice teaching, and the impact that this had on their transition from student to teacher. While in college they were encouraged to start developing their philosophy of teaching, and they describe their experiences of putting their philosophy into practice. They also conveyed their opinions about working in environments where there was a lack of teaching and learning resources. The move to being a “real” teacher was a formidable experience for these participants and this should be recognized relatedly. Early childhood teachers work in a different context from teachers in general, so as beginning teachers the uniqueness of their concerns needs to be addressed.  相似文献   

龚放 《江苏高教》2020,(1):7-15
一百年前陶行知在南高师力主将“教授法”更名为“教学法”,看似一字之变,却彰显了教育哲学的天差地别。他的“教学合一”和“以学生为中心”思想,既脱胎于杜威的“儿童是太阳”和“新三中心论”,同时,也凸显了他对教育,特别是对大学教育问题与症结的深刻认识和犀利分析。时至今日,人们重温历史,仍然为其前卫、明晰的理念和深入浅出的阐释所深深折服。需要反思的是,对教育、教学本质内涵及要素互动的理解,是否仍有拓展的空间?对“教”与“学”角色互动和影响交互的认识,是否仍有深化可能?鉴于“以学生为中心”的提法易生歧义,“学生为本”更准确科学;而“学生为本”离不开“教师为要”;只有坚持“教师为要”,方能真正落实“学生为本”。笔者郑重建议:将“学生为本”与“教师为要”并提,作为现代大学办学的基本原则,它们如同鸟之两翼、车之两轮,互为犄角、互为表里,不可或缺也不可偏废!  相似文献   


Dominant discourses in physical education research center on subject-wide crisis. This is despite repeated calls to address enduring concerns about how physical education is taught. In short, the subject seems caught in Groundhog Day (defined by Oxford Dictionaries (n.d.) as “a situation in which a series of unwelcome or tedious events appear to be recurring in exactly the same way”). This article scrutinizes this position through Foucault’s lens of governmentality, which focuses particularly on power/knowledge relations and their relationship to subjectivity. Through this lens, research functions as a shaper of contemporary understanding and becomes a means for intervention by “experts.” The article is structured as a conversation between authors about dominant discourses in physical education research and issues of governmentality. It argues that research approaches such as action research are framed within other power/knowledge relations and may provide a way to wake up on a new day.  相似文献   

关于“教学是什么”的“教学本质”追问是一种简单化的思维方式,这种思维方式制约着教学论学科研究的空间。既有教学论研究框架的形成有三个来源,一是被机械化的马克主义哲学,二是既有教育学的学科研究框架,三是心理学相关研究成果的简单移植。这三个来源使教学论学科发展具有先天性的不足。关于“怎样”的教学论研究将带来教学论学科的“向上”和“向下”的两个路径的转向。其向上发展的路径是思考教学“应当怎样”的教学伦理研究,其向下发展的路径形成描述或解释取向的实践教学论研究。  相似文献   

“思想道德修养与法律基础”(以下简称“基础课”)的教学自觉,既有对思想政治教育理论本身的反思,也有对“基础课”教学过程的回应,它是对“基础课”解决何种问题以及如何解决问题的回答。“思想道德修养与法律基础”教学应重新审视“成人教育”对思想政治教育提出的时代课题,并进一步围绕“人的思想政治教育”与“思想政治教育的人”“问题的思想政治教育”与“思想政治教育的问题”“历史的思想政治教育”与“思想政治教育的历史”展开前提批判和哲学沉思,肩负起“基础课”走向教学自觉的责任。  相似文献   

《中庸》是一部蕴含丰富生命哲学思想的儒家古典著作。开宗明义的“天命之谓性,率性之谓道,修道之谓教”三句话从天、命、性、道、教之间的关系谈起,既从本体论的层面探讨了生命的起源与发展,也从实践观的角度阐明了生命如何实现的问题。其中,“率性之谓道”承接“天命之谓性”和“修道之谓教”,蕴含顺应自然天性、激发主观能动性、展现自由本性等生命哲学思想的同时,也体现了十分深刻的教育意蕴。  相似文献   

This article describes an action research project that investigated which features of critical theory were useful for teaching everyday mathematics in an evening course for adults. Paulo Freire's philosophy of education and Jürgen Habermas’ theory of knowledge interests are among the main influences on exponents of critical mathematics education such as Ole Skovsmose and Marilyn Frankenstein. Through the use of dialogical processes and critical reflection, students engage in social and political issues in their lives or communities and, as a result of their increased consciousness and mathematical learning, take “transforming action”. This study highlights the value of learning in a positive environment, through dialogical processes and critical questioning. Participants of the study were able to overcome barriers to learning mathematics; engage in everyday issues involving mathematics; and make changes to the way they dealt with mathematics, as a result of increased critical consciousness.  相似文献   

What is pedagogy, exactly? Merriam-Webster defines it simply as “the art, science, or profession of teaching.” In contemporary academic discourse, however, pedagogy is generally left undefined — with its apparent implicit meanings ranging anywhere from a specific “model for teaching” (e.g., behaviorist or progressivist instruction) to a broadly political philosophy of education in general (most famously, a “pedagogy of the oppressed”). In this paper, Norm Friesen and Hanno Su follow the Continental pedagogical tradition in giving pedagogy a general but explicit definition. They do so by looking at how pedagogy arises both in everyday life and in school as unavoidably ethical activity undertaken primarily for the sake of the young person or child. Such activities, the authors maintain, are structured not so much by processes, methods, and outcomes, but by irresolvable oppositions and the tensions between them. They illustrate this inductively through a series of images and examples — moving gradually from ones involving parenting and early childhood to ones from elementary and secondary schooling. In this way, Friesen and Su show that pedagogy is not so much one or more ideologically focused or evidence-based instructional or psychological approaches to be mastered by a professional or teaching specialist. It is instead an independent but ethically informed practical perspective — one that can (and has) been extended to form a distinctively pedagogical theory and discipline. As such, it is something that is not only a part of our everyday life and culture, but arguably of all human cultures.  相似文献   

This article is an attempt to explore the religious vision of Moshe Greenberg in some detail, and in particular, to analyze how his approach to education is applied to and reflected in his ideas about the teaching and learning of Bible, and in his own Bible scholarship itself. The paper examines the connection between Greenberg's philosophy of religion and Wilfred Cantwell Smith's conception of religion as a collection of religious “symbols,” one of which is the sacred text itself. The article includes an analysis of Greenberg's Bible scholarship and writings on Bible education.  相似文献   

高校思想政治工作要坚决落实新时代立德树人根本任务,贯穿教育教学全过程。在“大思政”的背景下,思想政治教育不仅局限于理论课程教育,更要与其他专业课程、社会实践等内容相结合,从而发挥思想政治教育的合力。将志愿服务理念、活动融入大学生学习生活,实现课堂教学和实践教学、学校教育和社会教育、校园学习和终身学习的有机结合,是实践“立德树人”教育理念和“三全育人”的有效途径。因此,需要发挥志愿服务活动的思想政治教育功能,完善地方高校志愿服务体系,以构建“大思政”的育人格局。  相似文献   

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