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实验室有关范畴学习的研究只局限于对分类的研究上,这就导致实验室研究基础上提出的范畴模型不能够充分说明自然范畴的结构。所以,只有拓展实验室范畴研究的范围才能弥补二之间的差距。  相似文献   

运用认知语言学的范畴理论,首先讨论英语词汇的分类,英语词汇可分为基本范畴,上位范畴和下属范畴词汇。然后重点探讨英语基本范畴词汇的特点:词形简单,使用频率高,构词能力强,适应性广,隐喻用法多。因此,认为基本范畴词汇是英语词汇学习的首选和重点,范畴理论对英语词汇学习提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

沈兆文 《考试周刊》2009,(10):103-104
范畴化是认知语言学研究的核心内容,是人们认知世界以及用思想作用世界的重要的认知工具。认知语言学中的范畴化理论主要包括原型范畴理论以及基本层次范畴理论,这两个理论对于英语学习的研究搭建了新的平台,尤其对于英语词汇学习的研究提供了新的视角,并且对某些语言现象提供了分析依据。  相似文献   

以原型范畴理论为指导,阐述基本层次范畴的特点,探讨如何应用基本层次范畴、高层次范畴、低层次范畴及隐喻等理论来增强对词汇的认知能力,提高大学英语词汇学习的效率。  相似文献   

范畴化是人脑对客观世界进行分类和定位的心理过程。语言的范畴化长期以来一直是认知语言学研究的焦点。在已有的献中,对原型范畴有大量的研究,而对基本层次范畴理论的讨论相对较少。有鉴于此,章探讨了与基本层次范畴理论密切相关的几个问题。即基本层次范畴的定义,基本层次范畴的特征.在语言中的具体表现形式以及基本层次范畴的普遍性。  相似文献   

本文从认知语言学的角度,对范畴化理论的等级结构及其过程进行了粗浅探讨.范畴化是人与客观世界相互作用对事物进行分类的高级认知活动.范畴化有三个层次,即基本范畴,上位范畴和下属范畴.原型范畴在基本层次范畴得到最好体现.范畴化是一个完整的动态过程,经历了无范畴,范畴化,非范畴化和重新范畴化四个阶段.  相似文献   

分析了经济社会发展、国家中长期教育改革发展规划纲要之战略主题、高职教育培养目标、高职学生全面发展对高职学生学习方法能力的迫切需要;揭示了目前高职教育能力培养实践的严重专业化倾向及其同高职学生综合职业能力、创新能力的脱节;梳理了教学方法中的概念获得模式和范畴教育理论,认为概念获得模式中的概念并不等于范畴,而且在概念获得模式中,学生的概念获得或形成过程异常费时,而范畴教育理论则缺乏相应的教学法操作流程,因此有必要构建范畴教学法、培养高职学生根本性的学习方法能力,设置相应课程或增加相应教学内容。  相似文献   

文章分析了经济社会发展、国家中长期教育改革发展规划纲要之战略主题、高职教育培养目标、高职学生全面发展对高职学生学习方法能力的迫切需要;揭示了目前高职教育能力培养实践的严重专业化倾向及其与高职学生综合职业能力、创新能力培养目标的脱节;梳理了教学方法中的概念获得模式和范畴教育理论,认为概念获得模式中的概念并不等于范畴,而且在概念获得模式中,学生的概念获得或形成过程异常费时,而范畴教育理论则缺乏相应的教学法操作流程,因此有必要构建范畴教学法、培养高职学生根本性的学习方法能力,设置相应课程或增加相应教学内容。  相似文献   

文章通过对儿童语言学习系统的"三环学说"和"四范畴理论"的整合性研究,从而确认整合性理论应该是早期教育的基本理论。  相似文献   

在现实条件下,人们可以通过多种类别学习方式学习类别知识,而以往有关类别学习的实验室研究仅局限于对分类学习的研究上,这就导致研究结论并不完全适合其他类别学习方式,所以有必要拓展实验室关于类别学习的研究范围。分类学习与推理学习存在本质差异,二者由于对类别信息的关注点不同,所导致的类别表征也不同,即不同的类别学习方式会导致不同的类别表征。  相似文献   

Instructional pictures may be classified on the basis of how they convey meaning including classification as representational, analogical, or arbitrary (Gropper, 1963; Knowlton, 1966). Some previous reviews of picture effects have dealt with only the first category of pictures-that is, pictures that are isomorphic with the objects or concepts that they represent (Alesandrini, 1982; Levin and Lesgold, 1978). Other reviews have also considered arbitrary or non-representational pictures such as flowcharts and graphs (Levie and Lentz, 1982; Macdonald-Ross, 1977a). This article discusses research on all three types of pictures and considers how each type may play a crucial, yet different, role in the learning process. The focus is on picture effects in adult meaningful learning such as concept learning, learning from prose materials, and learning from expository text.  相似文献   

Towards a useful classification of learning objects   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The learning object remains an ill-defined concept, despite numerous and extensive discussion in the literature. This paper attempts to address this problem by providing a classification that potentially brings together various perspectives of what a learning object may be. Six unique types of learning objects are proposed and discussed: presentation, practice, simulation, conceptual models, information and contextual representation objects. The common characteristics of each are synthesized in a proposal that a learning object is best described as a representation designed to afford uses in different educational contexts. The classification of learning objects proposed could be useful as a framework for designers of digital resources and for those engaged in use of these resources in educational contexts. Examples of learning objects are available for preview at http://www.learnactivity.com/lo/  相似文献   

动机作为语言学习诸个因素中最具有能动性的主观因素之一,对学习效率的影响不容忽视。通过对外语学习动机的释义、类型的分类,对教师在外语教学过程中激发和培养外语习得者的学习动机的做法加以归纳和探讨。  相似文献   

This study examined the types of learning behaviors students demonstrated while performing inquiry tasks. It also explored the relationship between the learning behaviors and students’ domain knowledge. We observed fourteen students in five groups during a ninth-grade biology course. Three types of learning behaviors (inquiry, collaborative, and minimally productive behaviors) were identified and time on each type was measured. The results suggest that students demonstrated different patterns according to the types of learning behaviors. Correlation analysis revealed that learning outcomes had a strong positive correlation with the inquiry behaviors but a strong negative correlation with the minimally productive behaviors. The results suggest that attention should be paid to facilitate the more meaningful inquiry behaviors while reducing minimally productive behaviors.  相似文献   

This study aims to examine the impacts of the inquiry learning strategies employed in a ‘Plastic Education Project’ on primary students' knowledge, beliefs and intended behaviour in Hong Kong. Student questionnaires and a test on plastic types were adopted for data collection. Results reveal that the inquiry learning strategies significantly improved students' knowledge of the types of plastic wastes and their corresponding beliefs. However, the strategies seemed not to change students' intended behaviour regarding plastic waste classification and management. The implications of the study for further learning and teaching in environmental education are discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper, a discriminative structured dictionary learning algorithm is presented. To enhance the dictionary’s discriminative power, the reconstruction error, classification error and inhomogeneous representation error are integrated into the objective function. The proposed approach learns a single structured dictionary and a linear classifier jointly. The learned dictionary encourages the samples from the same class to have similar sparse codes, and the samples from different classes to have dissimilar sparse codes. The solution to the objective function is achieved by employing a feature-sign search algorithm and Lagrange dual method. Experimental results on three public databases demonstrate that the proposed approach outperforms several recently proposed dictionary learning techniques for classification.  相似文献   

外语教学的历史是一部不断探询一种万灵的教学方法的历史。传统外语教学主要是强调教师建立在语言层面上教学方法的科学性和合理性,忽视了学习者因个体差异而采用的不同学习策略。在外语教学过程中,如何发现和培养学习者的学习策略成为当今外语教学过程中的重要环节。本文的目的主要是介绍外语学习过程中的学习策略以及六种不同学习策略培训模式。文章首先介绍了什么是学习策略,然后对策略培训培养模式的具体方法和利弊进行了初步探讨,并主张在外语教学过程中融入以策略培养为基础的教学模式。  相似文献   

词汇习得在整个语言学习过程中起着举足轻重的作用,也是影响学习者水平提高的一个重要因素。词汇的习得与学习者的记忆有着密不可分的关联,而记忆能力的强弱又与词汇习得的心理机制、词汇习得的途径及词汇习得的方法等许多因素有关。本文通过分析词汇习得的途径和词的类别,归纳出一些词汇教学的策略及教学方法,以便能更有效地进行英语词汇教学。  相似文献   

Changes in pedagogy to emphasise independent study and group work have increased the need for informal learning spaces on campuses. University libraries have been quick to respond to this need, partly because of the decline in book lending and partly because of technology enablers. Furthermore, new types of buildings that combine many types of facility, including libraries and informal learning spaces, are being built. This research aimed to explore students’ experience of such informal learning spaces, through focus groups and walk with interviews. It was found that the creation of different types of learning atmosphere, should be understood as a multi-sensory experience, and actively constructed by learners themselves. Informal learning spaces are important destinations for students, who have favourite places to study, where they often work alongside companions and find motivation to work in the presence of others.  相似文献   

Much has been written about the relationships between learning styles and learning preferences with the aim of tailoring teaching methods to the ways that students prefer to learn. This study used a sample of 201 management undergraduates to examine the relationships between Kolb's four learning styles and four learning types, and 12 different learning preferences. Only three significant relationships were found. It is suggested that large individual differences in learning preferences within each style and type, and small differences in learning preference mean scores show that, overall, there are weak linkages between learning styles and learning preferences. It is recommended that researchers control for Type I error rates and present effect sizes when statistically significant relationships are found to prevent chance and trivial findings from influencing educators. It is recommended that educators use a variety of learning methods and encourage students to be receptive to different learning methods rather than try to link specific learning methods to specific learning styles.  相似文献   

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