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Web 2.0时代OPAC发展及书目创新服务的思考   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
简述Web2.0、图书馆2.0以及OPAC 2.0的概念和特点,从Web2.0时代图书馆OPAC“以用户为中心”的理念出发,对其相关功能的加强、改进和革新进行详细分析。在此基础上,深入思考为适应这种OPAC的发展趋势,图书馆书目服务机构应如何转变传统思路,如何为提升书目服务效率采取各项有效措施。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 探讨政府数据开放中公众参与的理论模式,旨在指导政府部门有效实现公众参与数据开放的政策目标,以及推进政府数据开放中公众参与议题的研究进展。[方法/过程] 采用文献分析法、逻辑分析法和案例分析法,同时以公众参与阶梯理论作为分析工具,构建并实证政府数据开放中的公众参与模式。[结果/结论] 政府数据开放中的公众参与可从理论层面构建为告知型参与、咨询型参与、合作型参与和授权型参与4种模式,其核心涵义分别是政府向公众传达信息、政府咨询公众意见、政府与公众平等合作、政府与公众共同治理。这4种政府数据开放公众参与理论模式一方面在政府意图、主导力量、信息流动、公众信息知晓度和公众自治程度方面存在明显的特征差异,另一方面从国内外政府数据开放公众参与实践案例中获得良好的经验支持。  相似文献   


Applying four generic principles that are most relevant to strategic public relations management, this study examines the extent to which public relations is strategically managed in China. Public relations practitioners from four types of organizations participated an online survey (N?=?92) and an interview (N?=?20). It was found that public relations mainly contributes to routine operations rather than strategic policy-making. While typically given a direct reporting line with top management, public relations departments are not trusted to handle government relations and are considered inferior to the marketing department. Practitioners in the survey indicated the use of all four models to various degree in their organizations, despite that interviews revealed the difficulty to implement symmetrical communication model as compared to the other three models. In addition, practitioners were more proficient in fulfilling technician roles than managerial roles.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 探讨政府数据开放中公众参与的理论模式,旨在指导政府部门有效实现公众参与数据开放的政策目标,以及推进政府数据开放中公众参与议题的研究进展。[方法/过程] 采用文献分析法、逻辑分析法和案例分析法,同时以公众参与阶梯理论作为分析工具,构建并实证政府数据开放中的公众参与模式。[结果/结论] 政府数据开放中的公众参与可从理论层面构建为告知型参与、咨询型参与、合作型参与和授权型参与4种模式,其核心涵义分别是政府向公众传达信息、政府咨询公众意见、政府与公众平等合作、政府与公众共同治理。这4种政府数据开放公众参与理论模式一方面在政府意图、主导力量、信息流动、公众信息知晓度和公众自治程度方面存在明显的特征差异,另一方面从国内外政府数据开放公众参与实践案例中获得良好的经验支持。  相似文献   

The prevalence of verbal and physical aggression on daytime television talk shows has earned this genre the designation of “confrontainment.” In recent times academics, politicians, clergy, and media critics have frequently and publicly expressed their concern about the violation of moral values featured on the “The Jerry Springer Show.” On the other hand, sociologists in the functionalist tradition argue that commonly held moral values must be violated and the villains publicly punished for their transgressions to mark and reinforce moral boundaries. The goal of the study reported here was to assess the potential of “The Jerry Springer Show” for fulfilling these social maintenance functions. A content analysis of 100 episodes of the show over an eight-month period revealed that deviance from traditional family values is frequently featured on the show but that the studio audience and Jerry Springer played active roles in the public degradation of these transgressions, casting the show in a morally conservative light.  相似文献   

美国电视媒体对恐怖主义的报道具有媒介事件的典型特征:现场直播、预先策划、充满戏剧性、强制观看机制、高度人格化以及媒介扮演司仪角色等。这种报道方式一方面赋予了恐怖事件和恐怖分子在公众心目中的威望和重要性,放大了恐怖主义的传播效果;另一方面,它像其他媒介事件一样,强化了美国主流社会既有的社会秩序、价值观和通行的规则,提升了反恐在公众议程中的优先级和认同度。  相似文献   

奏议文书从唐前期通行的表、状、笺、启、牒、辞六种文书形态逐步扩充、分化,具体表现在书、奏日益兴起,与启、辞的上奏功能不断混合,状、启、书三类奏议文书兼具"公""私"性质,成为官僚士人阶层在制度内外彰显政治诉求的重要面向。从内容与功能角度,可将奏议文书划分为表状类、议类与疏类三种类型。一方面,三类奏议文书维持了较为稳定的书写程式与结构;另一方面,三种具有不同属性的奏议文书在各具职能的同时,又都与唐代的政治形势与制度转型相配合。  相似文献   

为研究财政政策对公共图书馆的扶持与促进作用,采用财政经济学理论对公共图书馆发展进行定性研究,由此可以说明:一方面,公共财政政策与公共图书馆的发展具有紧密的相关性;另一方面,运用财政调控政策工具来支持我国公共图书馆的可持续发展,进而构建具有中国国情的公共图书馆财政政策激励体系。  相似文献   

The move from “old” to “new” media centrally involves a shift in participatory possibilities, through which individuals and communities differentially access and populate the public sphere, assume voice, and partake in open discussion and debate. This paper offers a rich ethnographic case study of new participatory media in the shape of commenting systems in museums. By portraying the similarities and the differences in communicative affordances between two museum media—traditional visitor books, on the one hand, and a digital and immersive interface, on the other hand—light is shed on how media invite and intervene in possibilities for public participation. Furthermore, with their emphasis on visual design and display, studying participatory public media in museums helps highlight the semiotic construction of the public sphere as such, and how the notion of the public and laypersons’ contributions are materially displayed. Analysis of communicative affordances reveals the politics of remediation, and supports recent hesitations with regard to the promise of newer and “smarter” media: digital media affords more interaction than their analogue predecessors, but participatory content-production via analogue media is found to be discursively richer on a number of grounds.  相似文献   

李星光 《图书与情报》2021,(1):26-31,37
文章结合盐田区图书馆实践,提出了“智慧+”公共图书馆总分馆服务体系建设模式,主要介绍和分析了盐田区图书馆“智慧+”总分馆服务体系创建的目标思路、体系功能、实施措施和应用效果。研究认为,总分馆制建设的“盐田模式”构建了具有地域特色的、均衡高效的公共文化服务体系,提高了公共文化设施的服务效率。盐田区图书馆一方面实现了智慧技术的普及,为“十四五”时期公共图书馆总分馆建设及公共文化服务体系完善提供了新的服务模式和手段;另一方面打造了具有互联、高效等特点的智慧图书馆总分馆服务体系,为基层公共文化服务体系的高质量发展、资源跨界融合提供了新的切入点。  相似文献   

梁静 《图书馆》2012,(1):107-108,111
在社会信息公平体系中,信息技术有重要作用。一方面,信息技术因为知识产权保护而集中垄断,这在一定程度上造成了信息权力与信息利益过度集中,导致信息利益失衡;另外一方面,信息技术因为广泛普及而推广应用,扩大了信息活动的参与性,均衡了社会化信息利益分配,对实现信息公平有较好的制衡作用。  相似文献   

目前我国公共图书馆服务体系建设重蹈图书馆系统之间“各自为政”的覆辙,缺乏对公共文化服务体系的整体认识,过分强调公共图书馆的社会地位和作用。要解决上述问题,需要首先明晰图书馆公共服务体系与公共图书馆服务体系的区别,其次通过数据比较分析,强化建设图书馆公共服务体系的理论依据与实践依据,并采取总分馆制模式,以服务社会为原则,构建图书馆联盟。  相似文献   

张铁 《图书馆杂志》2012,(8):10-12,32
公共图书馆发展的资源一方面来自政府财政,另一方面来自社会。政府在公共图书馆制度建设方面的重要内容是培育图书馆社会支持组织、促进社会支持图书馆发展的责任。从图书馆制度的视角探讨公共图书馆社会支持的路径、方法与机制,以形成政府和社会对公共图书馆投入与支持的良性循环。  相似文献   

This study sheds light on the recent use of social media for protests, with the 2016 South Korean candle light vigils as the case study. An extensive amount of literature has explored social media’s potential for informing and mobilizing the public to engage in protest activities. Previous research has mainly focused on the direct effect of social media on protest engagement. Moving beyond the direct effect, this paper sought a better understanding of social media’s role in the democratic process by examining how social media affects political knowledge and protest participation, depending on an individual’s political interest level. To test these relationships, this study used survey data collected in South Korea during the mass candlelight vigils in South Korea in 2016 (N?=?922). Findings suggest that the knowledge gap narrowed amongst those with high social media use, mainly due to a greater knowledge drop for those with high political interest. On the other hand, when it comes to participation, the participation gap widened amongst those with high social media use, largely due to a greater increase in participation for those with high political interest. Implications and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

余胜 《晋图学刊》2011,(6):51-54
公共图书馆开展普法服务是承担社会责任的体现,是履行社会教育职能的要求,是进行服务创新的举措。本文总结、梳理了我国公共图书馆开展普法服务的实践和做法,对公共图书馆进一步做好普法服务进行了探讨。  相似文献   


Both Children’s services and Young Adult (YA) services have been recognized as essential in Japanese public libraries. This article reports on the present status of Children’s services and YA services in Japanese public libraries, based on the results of several investigations. These studies show that children’s services in Japanese public libraries already are generally popular. On the other hand, this article indicates that YA services in Japanese public libraries are gradually improving, due to the national recognition of the importance of YA library services. Examples of good practices in Children’s and YA services in Japanese public libraries are described and analyzed to identify the common themes that flow through these innovations. This article concludes with observations about the future involving library services for children and YAs, from the viewpoints of face-to-face traditional services and indirect services through their official websites.  相似文献   

目前,合同外包在各国政府部门信息资源管理活动中的应用非常广泛。合同外包自身的运作机制使其可产生节约成本、提高效率、更好满足需求等收益。而我国商务部公共商务信息服务合同外包实践也说明该方式的可行性。但从实际看来,合同外包具有一定的适用范围,而且在操作过程中需要注意成本、承包商选择、合约制定和管理制度等方面的问题。  相似文献   

Local governments are required to provide open access to their records as a matter of law; however, there is growing public concern about the security of private information found in these files. Before the advent of the Internet, individuals enjoyed a level of practical obscurity, as viewing public records required the time and effort of a visit to the records' physical location and prevented easy access to details of individual files. However, the introduction of the Web and the availability of digital documents have caused an unavoidable conflict. On the one hand, the government is required to provide the public with a transparent view of its activities by offering open access to its records, and on the other hand, local governments need to secure their citizens’ right to privacy. Especially since September 11, 2001, and the problems associated with identity theft, finding the right balance between accessibility and privacy is not a simple task. The purpose of this article is to report on the accessibility and extent of personal information found within online local government records and to understand how local governments are managing the dichotomy between providing open access to their records with maintaining the privacy rights of the public.  相似文献   

陈少平 《图书馆论坛》2005,25(2):233-235
当前公共图书馆普遍存在购书经费紧缺馆藏文献资源不足,而相对的民间私家藏书却日益增加,为使出版后的文献资源得到广泛的传播、开发与利用,就如何实施集中私藏公用提出了具体的操作方法。  相似文献   

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