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The implementation of E-government aims at simplifying and improving the transactions between public administrations and their users or customers. The objective of this study is to analyze whether the factors behind the level of development of E-government among municipalities of a specific country are common to the improvement of digital administration in the largest municipalities from 81 countries worldwide. While previous studies provide evidence that municipalities from the same country, mainly those governed by left-wing parties, focus on differentiating themselves in the content of their Web sites, our findings emphasize that internationally, in the most important municipalities worldwide, all the political parties attempt to promote the development of a dynamic and participatory E-government.  相似文献   

分别以问卷、暗访和跟踪“读者之星”调查等形式,同时结合不同层次高校阅读调查情况,对在校大学生课外阅读进行分析对比,探究当代大学生阅读与素质之间的关系。提出个人阅读时间的投入和专业、学术类书籍阅读所占的比重,最终将会转化为学生的基本素质,直接影响到其成长、职业能力和对社会作用的发挥。  相似文献   

Courses: Media and Politics, Political Communication, Political Rhetoric, Media Effects.

Objective: By taking part in a classroom activity, students will explore how cognitive frames and media frames play a role in learning from political debates.  相似文献   

Kate Gray 《期刊图书馆员》2013,64(3-4):288-295
The backlash against the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA)/Protect IP Act (PIPA) legislation brings to light a battle that has been raging between Hollywood and Silicon Valley ever since technology made it easy to illegally copy and distribute copyrighted material. Many studies have been done on digital pirates in order to create a demographic, psychological, and ethical profile of them. This article compares these studies and examines the assumption that many of them are based on; namely, that digital piracy is always unethical or criminal in today's world. It also discusses alternative delivery methods that have been used by content creators and the implications for the future.  相似文献   

With the increasing disclosure of public information and government data through information and communication technologies, along with the considerable privately generated data now available online, individuals have access to a huge volume of information. This “disintermediation” of (i.e., greater direct access to) public information may improve transparency and facilitate citizen engagement, but it may also overwhelm citizens not only with too much information but also by requiring them to take responsibility for gathering, assembling, and processing information. Despite the importance of effective information processing to successful use of available information, existing studies have not yet fully integrated this consideration into research on citizen use of e-government and open government data. Based on information processing theory—according to which individuals have a finite information processing capacity, which is affected not only by the quantity and quality of information but also by one's preferences for how information is presented—this study examined the effects of information presentation type (infographic versus text) on perceived information overload, along with the consequent effect of information overload on perceived website usefulness. We also investigated whether individual information processing propensity (visual or verbal) moderated the effect of information presentation type on perceived information overload. Our results showed that textual information tended to cause greater information overload, especially for those with a propensity for visual information processing, and that higher information overload was associated with a lower perception of website usefulness. Moreover, individual information propensity moderated the effect of information type on perceived information overload; people with visual information processing propensity were more strongly affected by the presentation of textual information. We discuss the implications of our findings for improving the communication of policy information through government websites.  相似文献   

While privacy is a core value of librarianship, privacy standards differ by library and library vendor. These types of guidelines are necessary and useful, but understanding them can be overwhelming. Academic libraries increasingly rely on third-party, cloudbased vendors to manage their systems and to provide access to their collections. When selecting library systems, library staff must understand privacy issues and be aware of how vendors use data. However, libraries do not always have the staffing, time or knowledge, and vendors are not always interested in upholding library values. The project examines the content of privacy policies for popular library systems used by Canadian academic libraries. The research aims to help librarians better understand the policies, to help them make informed decisions about their own library systems. The process used to code the privacy policies and the results of the coding are included alongside recommendations for vendors and library employees. Building on two seminal privacy studies, the methodology is revised for a Canadian context and updated with today's terminology and context, making it adaptable for other libraries and context around the world.  相似文献   

In this study we sought to find whether there is a correlation between the journals that scientists read to those that they publish in. For the analysis, we selected the journals that include at least 10 articles authored or coauthored by Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai scientists and journals that were used at least 10,000 times in 2015. For each of the journals we also collected the Journal Impact Factor value for 2015. Our results show that Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai scientists do not necessarily publish in and read the same journals at the same rate. The data also shows that scientists tend to read journals with higher impact factor.  相似文献   

This study examined whether affect induced by television commercials influences the perception of news programming. An experiment showed that viewers in positive moods generated by television commercials perceive news stories viewed both after and before watching the commercials as more entertaining, relaxing, realistic, and more credible than viewers exposed to neutral commercials do. Of interest, viewers in positive mood, as compared to neutral mood, perceived the topic presented in the news story as less important and serious.  相似文献   

This paper details the findings from a study of airline compliance with Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations requiring that persons with disabilities not be discriminated against in the pricing of airline travel. These regulations mandate that if an airline website is inaccessible for persons with disabilities, the airline must charge the same price that is available on the website and may not charge a fee for purchasing tickets over the phone. To evaluate compliance, the websites of leading airlines were examined for accessibility in terms of the ability to check flight schedules and order tickets. Among the four airlines with barriers to accessibility on their websites, a series of phone calls were made by researchers to assess whether the DOT regulations would be followed. Two of the airlines, USAirways and United, practiced discriminatory pricing, even after being made aware of the regulations, in over one-third of the phone calls. This paper details the findings from the study and analyzes the data in terms of website accessibility, civil rights for travelers with disabilities, and policy implications.  相似文献   


Key points

  • Publishing is fixated on the format of the scholarly article, and this is stifling innovation.
  • Content should be presented in a way that adapts dynamically to the reader's needs.
  • A lot of interdisciplinary research is needed to transform reading, writing, and publishing processes.

This study examined the role that health librarians could play in helping patients to find information. A questionnaire survey was sent out to 50 health librarians in the north-west of England. It examined the following: the type of library and users, access to information for patients, librarians' attitudes to provision of information to patients and their knowledge of other sources available to their users. Ninety-seven per cent of librarians said that they could recommend quality information sources to patients, but many suggested that there were practical problems in allowing patients to use health libraries due to lack of appropriate resources, facilities and funding. Advantages of health library involvement in patient information include having a local point of contact for patients and the ability of librarians to find, evaluate and organize good-quality resources. However, health library staff may not have enough time to answer enquiries from the public and may lack training in dealing with patients. Innovation, especially in developing on-line services, could offer a way to provide a service without overloading the physical requirements of a library. Librarians could also collaborate with other staff to improve patient information.  相似文献   

The book market is one of the last media markets affected by digitization, so the question is whether this market follows the same patterns as other media industries before. Our study analyses if these digitization processes lead to a stronger market orientation thus commercialization of a market that traditionally has been understood as a market of cultural goods. We conduct a market analysis and a survey among authors, publishers and booksellers in Germany and Switzerland to answer this question. Our findings support the notion of an increased market orientation among publishers and booksellers. However, the tendencies towards commercialization cannot be attributed to digitization alone but might happen even without it.  相似文献   

This study explores the relationships between inoculation andthe spiral of silence theories. Inoculation strategies wereemployed to mitigate the process of the spiral of silence, especiallyfocusing on resistance to counter-attitudinal attack, attitudinalconfidence, willingness to speak out, fear of isolation, andchange of attitude. A field experiment was conducted in a two-wavesurvey of randomly sampled citizens in Taiwan. The issue employedwas Taiwan's political future in relation to the People's Republicof China. Results are consistent with major inoculation findingsand support the study's core hypotheses: Inoculation treatmentsenhanced people's resistance to attitude change. People whoreceived an inoculation pre-treatment, as compared with thosewho did not, became more confident in their attitude over time,more willing to speak out on behalf of one's attitudes, andmore likely to overtly resist the counter-attitudinal attemptsof others to influence oneself. Received for publication November 21, 2002. Revision received August 14, 2006. Accepted for publication November 28, 2004.  相似文献   

In this article we examine the memories of bookstores revealed in entries made to the Singapore Memory Project. Two main themes appeared in these memories: the bookstore as a material place and the bookstore as part of wider life events. Our findings reveal that bookstores (1) have played roles in the life routines of many Singaporeans, (2) are theatres of materiality, and (3) are places where social interaction can take place. From this evidence we argue that the physical bookstore, albeit being dismissed as a dying breed, still does have a number of resources to draw on in its fight with online bookselling.  相似文献   

There has been a recent surge in artistic designs to conceal oneself from ambient surveillance in public places. These center on the masking of identity to undermine technological efforts to fix someone as a unique entity apart from the crowd. Ranging from fractal face paint and hairstyles, to realistic resin masks, to reflective underwear, anti-surveillance camouflage ostensibly allows people to hide in plain sight. These designs, however, enact an aestheticization of resistance premised on individual avoidance rather than meaningful challenge to the violent and discriminatory logics of surveillance societies.  相似文献   

With the rapid development of interactive communication technology, the Internet is a major source of news and also plays an important role in connecting individual members of society. However, Internet users may have different perspectives on whether the Internet positively functions as a medium for public deliberation. Based on the assumption that being exposed to information on public affairs is a crucial step for one's civic engagement, this study explores how individuals’ motives related to news consumption, elaborative online news reading, and online news sharing influence their perceptions of online deliberation using structural equation modeling method (N = 998). The study finds significant relationships between news consumption motives and elaborative news reading and sharing behaviors, but only elaborative reading behavior had a significant effect on one's perceptions of online deliberation. The implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Dimensions is a partly free scholarly database launched by Digital Science in January 2018. Dimensions includes journal articles and citation counts, making it a potential new source of impact data. This article explores the value of Dimensions from an impact assessment perspective with an examination of Food Science research 2008–2018 and a random sample of 10,000 Scopus articles from 2012. The results include high correlations between citation counts from Scopus and Dimensions (0.96 by narrow field in 2012) as well as similar average counts. Almost all Scopus articles with DOIs were found in Dimensions (97% in 2012). Thus, the scholarly database component of Dimensions seems to be a plausible alternative to Scopus and the Web of Science for general citation analyses and for citation data in support of some types of research evaluations.  相似文献   

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