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Since 1994, 14 reliable national studies have provided longitudinal data revealing and analyzing trends in the public access computing, Internet access, and technology assistance and training that public libraries make available to the communities they serve. This article provides an overview of selected data from the 2012 study; examines major issues that have emerged from the data in the most recent studies; identifies key trends and changes in Internet-enabled services and resources provided by public libraries to their communities over the course of the 18 years of conducting the national surveys; and discusses selected future issues and challenges regarding public library Internet-enabled services.  相似文献   

The provision of public Internet access and related networked services by public libraries is affected by a number of information policy issues. This article analyzes the policy dimensions of Internet connectivity in public libraries in light of the data and findings from a national survey of public libraries conducted by the authors of this article. After providing a summary of the study methodology and findings, this article examines key policy issues that include the nature of sufficient bandwidth and broadband, the perpetuation of the digital divide of Internet access in libraries, the role of libraries as e-government access points, the complexities of funding Internet access, the impacts and contradictions of filtering, and the chilling effect of homeland security legislation in public libraries. This article concludes with a discussion of how examining these policy issues can lead to a better understanding of public libraries and the Internet access they offer within the context of public policy.  相似文献   

Access to government information has been considered an essential element of democracy since the foundation of the American republic. Over time, the amount of government information produced has increased significantly, and the rise of e-government has made access to online government information, communication, and services equally vital to participation in society and interaction with governments. However, the outlets of free public access to government information and e-government have constricted over time, leaving public libraries as one of the only free public Internet access points in most communities. As a result, public libraries serve as a social guarantor of access to and assistance with government information and e-government services. This article first discusses the historical evolution of the means of access to government information and changes over time in responsibilities in providing such access. After exploring the interrelationships between government information and e-government, the article then details the development of the role of public libraries as guarantors of e-government access. Finally, the article examines the impacts of policy on e-government access in libraries, leading to a set of recommendations and conclusions to support the vital library roles related to e-government.  相似文献   

While many studies have discussed the impacts of electronic government (e-government) on public libraries, little research has considered the extent to which the current federal government's implementation of e-government relies on the public technology access, training, and support provided by public libraries. A range of data and policy materials are drawn upon in order to illuminate the co-evolution of public libraries and e-government. Beginning with a discussion of the development of e-government and its impacts in public libraries, the access, goals, and challenges of e-government are detailed as they relate to libraries, and the areas in which current implementations of e-government would not be possible without public libraries. Based on the explorations of the co-evolution of e-government and public libraries, key policy issues are offered that require reconceptualization in order to better support the interrelationship between e-government and public libraries.  相似文献   


The information and knowledge society has resulted in the exponential growth of information and communication technologies (ICTs), thus creating a gap between those who use ICTs and those who do not; hence the emergence of the term “digital divide” in the 1990s. One of the milestones of South Africa’s National Development Plan, a policy that charts the country’s development up until 2030, is to ensure that high-speed broadband internet is universally available at competitive prices. Notwithstanding the importance of ICTs in public libraries, the provision of such is still taking place on a limited scale in South Africa. This article investigates the use of ICTs in public libraries in South Africa as a tool in bridging the digital divide. It also examines the inequalities in access and use and suggests ways in which ICTs may be used to reduce the digital divide. A qualitative research methodology was adopted. In order for public libraries to function as an important tool in bridging the digital divide, there is a need to standardize the provision of public library services with regard to the digital divide.  相似文献   

Millions of Canadians residing in Canada's northern, isolated, rural, and remote communities do not have broadband Internet access. This situation has led to a national “broadband divide.” That is, the deployment of wireline broadband is very limited in Canada's northern, isolated, rural, and remote areas because of the significant expense of installation and maintenance of the wired infrastructure needed to reach dwellings in these locations.Terrestrial broadband wireless technology, on the other hand, does not entail the same kind of physical infrastructure. As a result, there are dramatic changes in how spatial considerations affect the provision of broadband Internet services (BIS) to areas beyond the urban zone. In particular, the spatial question is now focused on assessing the capacity for different technological solutions to reach profitable population bases, and brings to the forefront organizations that are developing non-line-of-sight (NLOS) technologies that would permit wireless Internet access over much greater distances than current solutions.We begin this paper by establishing the importance of broadband connectivity to Canada's northern, isolated, rural, and remote communities. This discussion comments on the role of the Government of Canada in the provision of broadband connectivity to residents of these communities, and outlines the current regulatory issues that govern wireless services and policy formulation.The second part of the paper illustrates the use of geographic information system (GIS) approaches in the study of wireless broadband planning and deployment. Case study findings suggest that GIS applications can make a significant contribution to the analysis of wireless deployment planning, to the understanding of the relationships between wireless signal sources and consumers, and to the spatial configuration of terrestrial wireless broadband networks. We conclude the paper by discussing how the GIS approach employed could be used to inform the public policy process with regard to increasing access to broadband Internet services in all regions of the country, and thereby providing the opportunity for all Canadians, regardless of location, to fully participate in the Information Society.  相似文献   

A great deal of policy attention over the past two years has been directed at insuring that more communities within the country have access to high speed or “broadband” connections. The 1996 Telecommunications Act promises through its universal service provisions that telecommunications services will be roughly comparable across urban and rural areas, but the rapid development of new Internet-based services and the networks on which they depend illustrates huge discrepancies in broadband availability. This paper analyzes some of the programs and policies that claim to address this network divide, using existing data to comment on their efficacy. These analyses suggest that the prospects for near-term broadband services in rural region are dim, and that the existing policy approaches appear insufficient to achieve the goal of widespread rural deployment.  相似文献   

This article presents an overview of the methods, findings, and the general implications of the 2007 Public Libraries and the Internet study. This annual study has chronicled public libraries' provision of Internet access to patrons and a range of related issues since the early 1990s. The 2007 study focused on the provision and maintenance of Internet access and services, infrastructure issues, community impacts of the technology, training, library technology funding, and e-government roles of public libraries. This article details these findings, exploring how the 2007 data compare to previous studies. It also considers the implications of these comparisons in terms of the levels of service that libraries are able to provide, the challenges that libraries face in providing these services, and the ways in which communities and governments rely on public libraries to guarantee public Internet access.  相似文献   

“三网融合”环境下我国图书馆面临的挑战与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电信网、计算机网、广播电视网的"三网融合"已成为必然趋势。"三网融合"所具有的覆盖范围广、终端可移动、内容大众化等诸多优势,将改变图书馆的社会信息中心地位,分流图书馆的传统用户,减弱图书馆免费服务优势,降低用户对图书馆的依赖性。我国图书馆应利用政策机遇拓展图书馆发展空间,利用平台融合机遇促进图书馆大众化,利用技术机遇提升图书馆数字化水平,利用内容机遇发展图书馆资源,利用用户机遇延伸图书馆服务。  相似文献   

党政领导需要决策参考信息。在互联网的基础上公共图书馆有条件、有能力做好决策信息服务工作。图书馆服务人员只要把握住决策参考信息的特点,为党政决策信息服务提供不同的、多层次的服务,就能把这项工作做深、做好。  相似文献   


Today's libraries-academic, research, public, and elementary and secondary schools-are in the midst of an extended period of unprecedented change and adjustment. Having never been static organizations, they have existed within and responded to changes in the communities they exist to serve. Computerization, electronics, and telecommunications have resulted in the alteration of almost every function performed in libraries today. The reference services extended by these libraries are no different. In keeping with their missions and goals, they must adopt and incorporate the new information technology now as well as the year 2000 and beyond. Problems and challenges which must be solved and met are discussed. There is no doubt that the library user will benefit as services are expanded to include among other innovations: services expanded beyond the walls of the library and its physical collection, interactive face-to-face teleconferencing with information specialists, and machines utilizing artificial intelligence which assist in identifying and locating information.  相似文献   

Public libraries play an important part in the development of a community. Today, they are seen as more than store houses of books; they are also responsible for the dissemination of online, and offline information. Public access computers are becoming increasingly popular as more and more people understand the need for internet access. Using a series of surveys conducted in 12 libraries across the state of Michigan, the current study is a step towards understanding why the computing facilities are widely used, and what are the motivations behind their use. In addition, barriers and other factors that hinder usage are also discussed. The findings from this study will help policy makers and library administrators evaluate the current allocation of scarce resources, help them promote greater use of the library's resources, and guide their future course of action. The study is conducted as part of a federally funded public computing center grant.  相似文献   


Outreach services provided by rural public libraries are crucial to fulfilling their mission to provide information access to the widest array of user groups. Particular socioeconomic and geographic factors in rural areas present challenges of access to information resources, yet there exists only a limited amount of published scholarly work examining outreach services provided specifically by rural public libraries. This case study of outreach services to elder users offers contextual evidence for the centrality of social equity and access to the larger work of rural public libraries. Primary data were collected through four semi-structured focus group meetings conducted with elder users of the agency’s outreach services as well as through narrative interviews with six agency staff members. Principal findings showed that elder users had particular information needs related to entertainment and intellectual stimulation, challenges of transportation, and a limited access to technology and internet service. WCPL outreach services were found to positively impact the lives and general well-being of elder users by providing vital social and community connections and serving as a key link for elder users to an institution understood to be central to the life of the community in general.  相似文献   

This article investigates how the emergence of broadband Internet connectivity as an essential utility has influenced the development of public policies that aim to promote universal access to basic communications services in Canada. We utilize quantitative Natural Language Processing (NLP)/content analysis techniques to map the evolution of conceptual emphasis by stakeholders in their formal submissions to the telecom regulator along a series of public proceedings between 2009 and 2016. The analysis documents that the growing essentiality of broadband Internet access as an enabler of social and economic activities made its quality and affordability questions with broad economic and policy relevance that cross the traditional conceptualization of universal access in terms of the rural-urban digital divide. The case study offers a novel explanation for reliance on formal public consultation processes in administrative law in terms of policy innovation: Opening communication channels with the public can be valuable for enabling policymakers legitimize regulatory adjustments necessitated by technological change.  相似文献   

This research presents findings from a case study of how three municipal access channels were transformed into channelAustin, a digital community access center in Austin, TX. More generally, it addresses the question of how states and municipal governments can employ video franchise resources to promote sustainable adoption and use of broadband services. Drawing on participatory approaches to community development, this paper offers a model of community participation in local information ecosystems to guide planning and evaluation of these interventions. Findings indicate that digital community media projects like channelAustin can help municipalities serve information needs of ethnically diverse local publics, while also promoting advanced digital skills, economic opportunities, civic engagement, and social cohesion. However, the article recommends that more attention be placed on community outreach, partnerships with nonprofits and other local public media, local curation of citizen-produced, digital content, and the consolidation of accessible online distribution channels through which residents can connect and deliberate about local issues. I discuss the implication of these findings for efforts to connect broadband and media localism policies in the U.S.  相似文献   

网络的发展给公共图书馆发展提出了挑战,公共图书馆从建筑、空间、服务、馆员等方面不断推陈出新来适应网络的变化,满足现代读者的需求。本文介绍了荷兰的图书馆观念中心——DOK运用创新概念提供的创意服务,为我国公共图书馆发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]调查和分析澳大利亚公共图书馆政府信息服务所取得的良好成效并加以学习借鉴,对我国公共图书馆提高政府信息服务水平具有重要意义。[方法/过程]在文献分析的基础上,通过网络调查法探究澳大利亚公共图书馆开展政府信息服务的情况,介绍LA、LDS、PANDORA和AGLS 4个主要的服务项目,分析图书馆网站在政府信息导航、信息整合与参考咨询方面的服务。[结果/结论]澳大利亚公共图书馆政府信息服务具有历史悠久,以公众需求为出发点,与政府部门开展合作,服务方式多样的特点,其成功经验可为我国公共图书馆开展政府信息服务提供借鉴。  相似文献   

This is an exploratory study of public library services in Singapore for young people (defined as those people between thirteen to nineteen years of age) who are wheelchair bound. The research was carried out originally in 2000, but the study still informs policy makers in the Singapore system. Three main research questions are explored:
  • What are the information needs of wheelchair-bound young people?

  • What are their perceptions of libraries and library services?

  • What are the problems they face in using library facilities and services?

The study involves eleven wheelchair-bound people between the ages of twelve and twenty who were selected by means of a purposive sample.

Findings indicate that most participants enjoyed reading books but did not read newspapers. The computer was used primarily as a recreational tool, and the convenience of the Internet appealed to them. There were, however, problems in using computer equipment in the libraries. School libraries were generally inaccessible. There were also problems in using public library services and facilities as well as being in public places. Their use of public libraries was infrequent. They were unaware of the full range of library facilities and services.

The study concluded that there was a need and demand for library services by wheelchair-bound young people. Their information needs and reading habits were no different from those of any young person. Current library promotions were inadequate in stimulating or sustaining their awareness and interest. Transportation was the main obstacle in getting to libraries. The problems faced in using libraries were mainly related to architectural and physical access to library facilities and services.  相似文献   

In the context of its role in providing the day-to-day administration of the European Union, the European Commission is responsible both for stimulating the development of interactive electronic information services in Europe and for providing public online databases of information on the Union's activities. Following a brief survey of the background to the Commission's activities, this article outlines the Union's current telecommunications policy and the ongoing transition towards closer integration of the various telecommunications networks in Europe. It then describes the various practical arrangements for obtaining access to the Commission's online services, presents two of its programmes, which are intended to stimulate the professional use of electronic information services, and lists the various databases that it provides for public access.  相似文献   

公共图书馆弱势群体服务实效及解决方案   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
现实中的公共图书馆弱势群体服务受到冷遇,知识援助社会影响力有限。其原因可以归结为:弱势群体图书馆服务与其需求存在差异;公共图书馆的社会排斥性问题;图书馆服务的有限性成为弱势群体利用图书馆的障碍;弱势群体自身对图书馆的认知有限。公共图书馆弱势群体服务必须大开免费之门,加强与政府的公共关系,引入志愿者服务机制,做好群体需求调研,通过延伸服务让尽可能多的群体成员成为知识援助的受益者。  相似文献   

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