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基于Web2.0型人的数字图书馆交互界面设计   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
作为一种基于市场调查、工业设计与人机交互(HCI)的研究取向,型人(Personas)是实践以用户为中心设计(UCD)的一种方式。在一项包括文献综述、统计分析与界面设计的实证研究之后,在中国科学院研究生院创建四种基于Web2.0用户行为的型人,并且讨论如何结合数字图书馆的服务模式和他们的行为模式。最后,提出这次型人的进阶方法。  相似文献   

关于Web2.0影响下数字图书馆发展的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着信息环境进入Web2.0,网络及用户行为产生了巨大变化,人们不得不对数字图书馆将来的发展进行思考。文章认为,未来的数字图书馆将会走进家庭,嵌入社会,会加快与其它机构合作的步伐,会树立权威服务的意识,会注重以用户为中心和坚持文化和教育职能。  相似文献   

应用Web2.0核心技术的图书馆信息服务创新   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Web2.0是一种以用户为中心的网络技术与服务,有其核心技术和模式,而Lib2.0是Web2.0在图书馆的应用.目前如Blog(博客)、Wiki(维基)、RSS(新闻聚合)、Folksonomy(分众分类)等Web2.0的核心技术已经被广泛使用,可将其应用于图书馆信息服务的创新,包括书目导读、信息推送、合作数字参考咨询、学科导航、远程教育等方面.  相似文献   

基于Web2.0的图书馆建设研究综述   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
文章对近三年发表的Web2.0在图书馆中的研究与应用的全部文献进行了分析与归纳,从Web2.0概念及涵义、图书馆2.0的基本理念与原则、Web2.0技术应用研究、Web2.0创新图书馆服务模式的思考等方面对Web2.0在图书馆的应用进行了综述,旨在数字图书馆的建设中引入新理念、新技术、新应用,使数字图书馆的服务方式与技术手段能更好地适应新环境的变化,使图书馆在信息万变的大潮中永立不败之地。  相似文献   

New and innovative information technologies drive the ever-evolving library profession. From clay tablet to parchment scroll to manufactured paper to computer screen pixel, information storage, retrieval, and delivery methods continue to evolve, and each advance irrevocably affects the way libraries, and librarians, work. The Internet has forever altered information and library science, both in theory and practice, but even within this context the progression continues. Though ambiguously defined, Web 2.0 offers a new outlook and new software, presenting librarians with potentially invaluable new tools and methods. This paper discusses the creation, implementation, and maintenance of a Web 2.0 technology, the wiki, as a resource tool for an academic biomedical library.  相似文献   

Web 2.0的反思   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该论文探讨了Web 2.0的价值,以及存在的问题。Web 2.0鼓励用户创造内容给网络舆论管理带来了更大的挑战,Web 2.0网站尚未找到成功的盈利模式,Web 2.0深受信息质量问题、安全问题、版权问题等困扰,而且Web 2.0网站的用户参与度其实很低。作者认为Web2.0并未改写网络传播业。  相似文献   



The research evaluated participant satisfaction with the content and format of the “Web 2.0 101: Introduction to Second Generation Web Tools” course and measured the impact of the course on participants'' self-evaluated knowledge of Web 2.0 tools.


The “Web 2.0 101” online course was based loosely on the Learning 2.0 model. Content was provided through a course blog and covered a wide range of Web 2.0 tools. All Medical Library Association members were invited to participate. Participants were asked to complete a post-course survey. Respondents who completed the entire course or who completed part of the course self-evaluated their knowledge of nine social software tools and concepts prior to and after the course using a Likert scale. Additional qualitative information about course strengths and weaknesses was also gathered.


Respondents'' self-ratings showed a significant change in perceived knowledge for each tool, using a matched pair Wilcoxon signed rank analysis (P<0.0001 for each tool/concept). Overall satisfaction with the course appeared high. Hands-on exercises were the most frequently identified strength of the course; the length and time-consuming nature of the course were considered weaknesses by some.


Learning 2.0-style courses, though demanding time and self-motivation from participants, can increase knowledge of Web 2.0 tools.


  • Course participants'' knowledge of Web 2.0 tools increased significantly.
  • Medical Library Association members liked the online course format, particularly the hands-on exercises and self-pacing.
  • There was no significant difference in course completion rate or course satisfaction among participants from academic, hospital, or other library settings.
  • Few survey respondents pointed specifically to workplace technology blocking as a reason for non-completion, though this underestimates the effect of such blocking on hospital and corporate library staff.


  • MLA members appreciate having online continuing education (CE) courses. New short, online CE courses were developed based on the findings of this survey.
  • Hands-on exercises may improve learning and increase motivation.
  • Time and self-motivation are necessary for completing online courses.

Users' perceptions of university library websites: A unifying view   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
University libraries have invested a large amount of resources into digitizing information for the Web, yet scholars and practitioners question the value of this investment due to a lack of use of university library website resources (ULWR). Addressing this concern, researchers have investigated the use of ULWR and offered insights into the problem. However, studies have employed a single perspective rather than a comprehensive approach; as a result, the findings shed light on only part of the use issue. Also, existing studies have consistently reported that users with different academic roles have distinct usage patterns of ULWR and information sources. But they have not considered a wide range of users or systematically investigated such differences. This study examines these differences. This study examines (a) the user perspective, derived from technology adoption literature; (b) the website design perspective, embedded in human computer interaction literature; and (c) the library service quality perspective, based on information science literature. The second area is addressed by surveying a wide range of users, categorizing them based on their academic role differences, and then comparing their use of ULWR and information sources, thereby highlighting distinctive usage patterns. Research based on the responses of 315 participants shows that while users favorably rated factors derived from the perspectives of user and library service qualities for ULWR use, they perceived university library websites as somewhat difficult to use. Also, distinct user patterns are observed in this dataset.  相似文献   

Web 2.0烧钱     
在中国,但凡参加一次有关Web 2.0的研讨会,你首先要做出两种选择:一个是带足100张名片,因为那里有太多的网络精英,有太多新的面孔.另一个选择是你可以一张名片都不带,因为那里有太多的空想者,"凭借一个想法,就想融到百万美元投资的人比比皆是".Web 2.0的聚会有时候对于创业者来说更像一场幻梦.  相似文献   

Web 2.0感性     
很多人都在问,什么是Web2.0,他本质的东西是什么.目前业界对Web 2.0在观点上达成一致的地方,主要集中在Web 2.0所具备的三个特定,第一个是分众效应,第二个是互动性,第三个是原创性.  相似文献   

Web 2.0失败     
"自以为自己在做Web 2.0的人,拿着商业计划书去找投资商的那群人,在我看来90%说的不是Web 2.0,这是第一个90%;第二个90%是,现在一腔热血立志要做Web2.0的人,他们之中90%的人没有做过,或是没有做好过Web1.0,我们看到一批热血青年,让我感觉自己仿佛回到了1999年;第三个90%是现在风险投资、实业投资投的所谓Web2.0的项目,90%是投错了."和讯网CEO谢文很直白的讲述着他对国内Web 2.0现状的看法.  相似文献   

Among the huge maze of resources available on the Internet, UnCoverWeb stands out as a valuable tool for medical libraries. This up-to-date, free-access, multidisciplinary database of periodical references is searched through an easy-to-learn graphical user interface that is a welcome improvement over the telnet version. This article reviews the basic and advanced search techniques for UnCoverWeb, as well as providing information on the document delivery functions and table of contents alerting service called Reveal. UnCover's currency is evaluated and compared with other current awareness resources. System deficiencies are discussed, with the conclusion that although UnCoverWeb lacks the sophisticated features of many commercial database search services, it is nonetheless a useful addition to the repertoire of information sources available in a library.  相似文献   

Web2.0对Lib2.0的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过阐述Web2.0的概念、特点和技术,以及对Lib2.0的概述,分别从技术创新、服务创新两个不同的角度,论述了Web2.0的发展对Lib2.0的影响。Lib2.0趋向的成熟化。最终将把图书馆的数字化推向一个新台阶。  相似文献   

Web 2.O环境下的Lib 2.O   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
分析了在Web 2.0环境下,Lib 2.0的特点及相关技术和应用。  相似文献   

程杰 《图书馆学研究》2008,(1):29-31,45
为了解独立学院图书馆网站的建设情况,本文对全国29个省、直辖市318所独立学院图书馆网站进行了调查,结果发现,独立学院图书馆网站的建站率不高,只有17.61%,网站内容方面数字资源较少,服务范围狭窄,自身特色不明显,并对产生这些状况的原因进行了分析.  相似文献   

创新2.0是以用户为中心,以社会实践为舞台,以共同创新、开放创新为特点的用户参与的创新.文章对创新2.0的理念进行了阐述,简要介绍了Fab Lab、Living Lab和AIP三种典型的创新2.0模式,提出构建图书馆创新2.0的服务平台体系.  相似文献   

Web 2.0乱阵     
对于网络狂热份子(Geek,中文称"极客")来说,Web 2.0是草根一族的革命,他们要掀翻那些在互联网上立足已旧的门户网站.对于那些IT技术精英来讲,Web 2.0只不过是一次技术上的革新.这种革新所要完成的使命,仅仅是回归当初他们对互联网的设想,即人人都有权利自由的沟通.  相似文献   

论文在对国内图书馆Web站点检索系统进行调研和分析的基础上,指出其中存在的问题并提出了整合检索模式,最后介绍了国外图书馆Web站点的几种检索技术。  相似文献   

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