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Although educational psychologists once were tied in with teachers in solving instructional problems, the progression of the science of psychology has led them away from the practical aspects of teaching. Instead, educational psychologists find themselves talking about theories—in their own language—to each other, and not to their colleagues in the curriculum areas. To this end they are not a continuing source of productive information for solving practical problems in classroom practice. Suggestions are made for improving communication between educational psychologists and on-line educators.  相似文献   

Social,environmental, and developmental issues and creativity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Parents and teachers alike have been led to believe that the motivation that stems from wanting to earn a good grade or receive a gold star or do better than the person sitting at the next desk is a positive force. However, in the case of open-ended, creative tasks—tasks for which there is more than one possible solution—extrinsic constraints have frequently proven harmful. A social-psychological approach to the study of creativity is especially useful for answering the question of how best to foster creative behavior in the classroom. Rather than focus on the (largely innate or at least immalleable) differences between creative and uncreative persons, social psychologists concentrate on creative situations (i.e., the particular social and environmental conditions that can positively or negatively impact the creativity of most individuals). The present article explored this research tradition and proposed a theoretical explanation for the impact of motivation on creativity that is based upon children's conceptions of work and play.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate how geometrical models can be used in learning and teaching mathematics, in connection with the development of a process of reflective thinking, which we study first in general. Some more specific questions — arising from the use of geometrical models in the classroom — have led us to an experimental study, the results of which are presented and discussed in the paper.  相似文献   

The broad cognitive abilities defined by the Cattell–Horn–Carroll (CHC) theory have been shown to predict school achievement. However, the ecological validity of these constructs has not been studied in classroom settings. This study compares ratings by a sample of teachers (n = 53) and school psychologists (n = 86) of the importance of the CHC cognitive abilities in the classroom. The scale demonstrated adequate reliability (total scale α = .93, median α = .74), although evidence of construct validity varied between teachers and school psychologists. Both teachers and school psychologists rated quantitative ability, crystallized knowledge, and fluid reasoning as most important to school success. However, school psychologists rated short‐term memory and quantitative ability as more important than did the teachers. Importance of these differences for consultation is discussed. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

How do you study computers in education and what do you study about them? A theory is presented which distinguishes between cognitive effects with and of computer tools, the former constituting improved performance while an intellectual tool is available, the latter manifesting a subsequent cognitive residue as a result. Two studies are described, providing support for the theory. It is argued, however, that such analytic research fails to capture the multivariate rich classroom environments that the effective use of computers requires and brings about. A classroom history project is described as it evolves around tool use. It is suggested that another research approach — a systemic paradigm — is needed to study such rich and multivariate cases. The complementary relations between the analytic and systemic research approaches are examined.  相似文献   

This paper [1] collects syllabuses, teacher intentions, curricula and lesson plans under a general term agenda. First it explores the ways in which agenda do and do not relate to those classroom settings for which they claim to be agenda. It is suggested that curriculum innovators legislate for the classroom on the basis of idealized schemes and systems, and that such a basis contributes to the troubles schemes encounter during implementation in the classroom. Classrooms have systems of their own—systems of interaction—and if schemes for them do not have an empirical basis in those classroom systems, the systems will distort those schemes. The main part of the paper is given over to describing some gross features of the classroom system particularly: its a-topical, formal, collaborative, unfolding, orderly, busy, instantaneous, judgemental, identity related and questioning characteristics. The last section argues for and gives examples of educational issues such as evaluation, indoctrination, and teacher competence being discussed in terms of the classroom system in which they occur.I acknowledge the helpful comments of project colleagues, collaborating teachers and W. W. Sharrock.  相似文献   

Teaching and learning of mathematics in classrooms is interpreted as a situation of human interaction in an institutionalized setting. Using theories and categories from different disciplines - e.g., ethnomethodology, linguistics, cross-cultural studies—a documented mathematics classroom episode is re-analyzed. The analysis of the example is used to identify four hidden dimensions in the classroom process and thus deficient areas of research: The constitution of meaning through human interaction, the impact of institutional settings, the development of personality, and the process of reducing classroom complexity. Consequences for teacher training towards more reflected classroom experience are drawn.  相似文献   

Historically, ethnic minority children and girls have underachieved in American schools. This paper examines the role that stereotypes play in imposing obstacles to success for stigmatized children inside and outside of the classroom. Stereotypes convey explanatory information about groups—such as blacks are lazy, girls are bad at math, and so forth—that may be used as attributions for performance by adults as well as the children themselves. This paper presents a model that brings to light the underlying attributional structures of all stereotypes. Each of these attributional signatures has specific effects on judgments of responsibility and deservingness, help giving or punishment, self-esteem and motivation, and even performance inside and outside of the classroom. Through recognizing that stereotypes are vehicles for attributional judgments, educators are better able to anticipate the effects that stereotypes may have on students and take measures to counteract or diminish them.  相似文献   

In this article, the authors explore a growing awareness of problems and current developments in classroom and schoolwide research on subject matter integration. Schwab's four common places—including the learner, the teacher, the content, and the context—provide a framework for examining subject matter integration from a language arts perspective. Two lines of classroom-based research are examined that were conducted in response to the lack of integration within the curriculum: Explanation and Responsive Elaboration in Reading and Cognitive Strategies in Writing. As a result of these two lines of research, researchers became more aware of the importance of understanding the complexity of integrating process into content within the context of the classroom and the school. A major shift toward schoolwide integration in two Professional Development School settings is described that was created in response to these research findings. Teachers and researchers within specific contexts generated and implemented integrated instruction and curriculum content collaboratively. The authors conclude with emerging questions and principles for stimulating thinking among teachers and researchers who work toward furthering understanding of language and subject matter integration within specific contexts.  相似文献   

Positive psychology is a rapidly growing area of study for research psychologists, and more recently for school psychologists and educators as well. Yet religious education researchers and practitioners have yet to embrace this exciting new field. The current article introduces positive psychology to clergy and educators in religious institutions. By way of example, we explore gratitude, an area of particular focus among positive psychologists, demonstrating the benefits observed in those who possess and express this trait, and delineate how gratitude can be induced in the Jewish religious classroom.  相似文献   

School reform and transitions in teacher professionalism and identity   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In this paper transitions in the operational definitions of professionalism over the last 20 years will be discussed. As a consequence of (imposed) changes in the control of curriculum and assessment and increased measures of public accountability, teachers in most countries now work within cultures in which their careers are ever more dependent upon external definitions of quality, progress and achievement for their success. Although many experienced teachers have maintained their identities, finding room to manoeuvre within a general reduction in their traditional classroom autonomy, the pressure on these and younger colleagues is to comply with competency based agendas. In such cultures, attention to teachers’ identities—arguably central to sustaining motivation, efficacy, commitment, job satisfaction and effectiveness—has been limited.  相似文献   

Teachers and school psychologists are often involved in designing classroom behavioral interventions. Functional behavioral assessment, mandated under certain circumstances by IDEA (1997), is considered a best practices approach in designing behavioral interventions. A functional assessment can result in an intervention tailored to a specific student's needs. The purpose of this study was to determine whether teachers considered the function of a behavior when determining a classroom intervention. A sample of 209 Kentucky teachers were given scenarios of students exhibiting problematic behaviors. Information was provided so that the function of the behavior was apparent. The results found that few teachers considered the behavioral function when deciding upon an intervention. Few differences were found between regular and special education teachers. Implications for school psychologists are discussed. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Although teacher-thinking research is now well established, the specific mechanisms through which teachers construct new understandings of their teaching have not been closely examined. This paper presents four interrelated concepts—teachers' conceptions of practice, tensions in their practice, articulation, and local and professional language—which emerged as grounded categories from a longitudinal study of change in teachers' practice. The study focused on how a group of foreign language teachers integrated new ideas, encountered in an inservice masters' degree program, in their thinking about and activity in the classroom. The analysis traced the ways in which the teachers reconstructed their classroom practice, using professional discourse to rename their experience and thus to assign new or different meanings to their actions. The concepts, presented with illustrations from the study and accompanying analysis, have implications for research on teaching and teacher education as well as the design and execution of teacher education programs.  相似文献   

The authors argue that writing studies has not explored the ethical implications of using self-evaluations in classroom and large-scale writing assessment. Postmodern ethics does not attempt to provide moral answers to practices or activities but rather strives to explore and uncover hidden assumptions and unarticulated implications. Its focus is on the process of inquiry, not on determining the rightness or wrongness of individual practices. Using this postmodern ethical framework, the authors explore portfolio cover letters, reflective essays, self grading, and self-placement as depicted in college composition literature. They demonstrate a process of ethical inquiry that dovetails with validity inquiry, arguing that both types of research are necessary—although often missing—in the literature on self-assessment.  相似文献   

In a study at a commuter, upper-division, state university, researchers interviewed 199 randomly selected undergraduates concerning their perceptions of their classroom experiences. The students were divided into four age groups—20–29, 30–37, 38–45, and 46–55—with males and females in each group. Results showed that neither age nor sex could be used to predict student satisfaction or dissatisfaction with their adacemic experience and instruction. If these results are not idiosyncratic, it may be concluded that colleges seeking to recruit mature students for credit-bearing courses need not provide special courses or faculty for them; rather, mature students can be integrated into regular courses.The authors are indebted to Ms. Pamela Seay for her excellent interviewing, and to UTD students for their willingness to be interviewed.  相似文献   

This study examined perceptions of reform in the role and function of school psychologists advocated by Reschly (1988). A national sample of 137 psychologists endorsed integrated features of traditional practice and reform on assessment activities and classification issues, but they more strongly favored reform positions on activities associated with consultation/intervention and professional/training issues. The use of and preference for curriculum-based assessment strongly characterized psychologists more favorably disposed toward reform. Reform-minded psychologists included administrators and trainers as well as practitioners who receive relatively few new referrals per year. However, psychologists who conducted few evaluations appeared to do more counseling than consultation or classroom intervention. Discussion focuses on understanding psychologists' conceptualization of their current role and on identifying the characteristics and activities of the more reform-minded. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

When composition teachers evaluate student essays, how well-aligned is their grading practice with what those teachers profess is important about writing? How do instructors discover this alignment? This article describes the consequences of inadvertent misalignment by analyzing a document typically found in many writing programs—an instructor's essay evaluation checklist. A critique of this common assessment instrument reveals that, in trying to promote evaluative consistency, the checklist privileges product over process, the authority of academic discourse over the autonomy of students' own voices, and an analytic predisposition to student writing as opposed to an instructor's reader-response. In so doing, the checklist undercuts the kind of composition pedagogy instructors claim to espouse in their classroom practice. Perhaps these conflicts cannot be overcome, but, in response to this precarious predicament, this essay poses this question: Can assessment find its direction and vitality by acknowledging such conflicts? A dual heuristic, of sorts, is proposed for locating assessment techniques that directly address the conflicts inherent in the checklist. This heuristic seeks out in assessment what the checklist clearly lacks: dialogic and dialectic dimensions. Defining which assessment methods best fulfill this heuristic—and in so doing more honestly align pedagogy with evaluation—is the purpose of the concluding remarks in this essay.  相似文献   

The article by Benton and Hoyt provides data that creates an opportunity for a significant discussion concerning the role of educational psychologists in education reform. Education reform in teacher education has three identifiable stages. The first stage is the series of proposals that have been generated by a number of groups implying that education reform efforts will bring about positive change. The second component has been reactions or debates surrounding the proposals and significant changes proposed by national reports. Finally, there have been component parts of the proposals implemented in experimental ways in schools and colleges of education. Clearly, a segment of the educational psychology academic community has been involved in all three phases of education reform, and the need for maintaining a research posture and a demand for documentation of improvement is necessary from all educators—and in particular educational psychologists. The 1980s were the years for proposing and reacting. The years between now and the twenty-first century will be the time of implementation and evaluation of changes. The opportunity is present for active involvement of all interested educational psychologists. The article by Benton and Hoyt is a meaningful article for educational psychologists because it points out our differing opinions and provides some basis for us to understand our differences concerning specific issues in teacher education reform.  相似文献   

我国中小学心理教师的角色模糊及其深层次原因剖析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文对我国中小学心理教师的角色模糊现象及其体制的原因进行了理论探讨。心理教师的角色模糊主要表现为心理教师与管理者、与德育教师及与普通教师的混淆。造成这一混淆的根本原因在于心理健康教育在德育和管理框架内运作,缺少与特殊教育的联系,现存殊教育范围的狭窄及其与主流教育的脱节等。解决混淆的根本途径在于深化目前的德育与管理体制的改革,在特殊教育框架内,以特殊儿童的服务为核心,重新整合心理健康教育资源,使心理辅导与心理测评发挥其应有作用。  相似文献   

《Learning and Instruction》2002,12(6):589-604
In an attmpt to help both students and teachers to change their traditional roles in the classroom, educational psychologists have engaged in two types of projects. The first project can be condensed to “understanding the dynamics of self-regulated learning”. The second project can be summarized as “understanding the dynamics of powerful learning environments as a way to promote self-regulation in the classroom”. In this essay I attempt to establish the centrality of self-regulation as a theoretical assumption and a fundamental psychological construct. I argue that most current psychological models of self-regulation, and by implication the innovation programs that are based on these models, are not well focused, are incomplete, and harbor many misconceptions. I also argue that educational psychologists need to broaden the way they conceptualize the dynamics of learning contexts and find new ways to study the integrated processes that make up self-regulation in the context of the classroom. My main message is that students bring their own goals to the classroom and that these goals are the key to their adaptation system. These personal goals give meaning and organization, or in other words purpose, to a student’s adaptation processes in the classroom. Some of my comments are critical, but I do not intend to discredit the important work that has been done in this area. Rather, I want to argue that educational psychologists nee to broaden the way they conceptualize the dynamics of learning contexts and find new ways to study the integrated processes that make up self-regulation in teh context of the classroom. Doing so requires not only using a kaleidoscope of teaching methods, but also looking beyond these methods to explore the possibilities of theories that remain marginalized in educational research.  相似文献   

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