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语篇思维模式作为语篇分析的宏观层面,其应用价值越来越受到人们的关注.它满足图式结构中"自上而下"对信息进行解码的条件.因此,在阅读和听力学习中,有效地利用语篇思维模式能达到迅速解码,提高阅读和听力理解能力.同时,在英文写作中,运用语篇思维模式来指导写作,比单纯让学生通过多读多写来提高写作能力更具有操作性,更能写出地道的英文文章.*  相似文献   

杨芸 《零陵学院学报》2004,2(2):115-116
语篇思维模式作为语篇分析的宏观层面,其应用价值越来越受到人们的关注。它满足图式结构中“自上而下”对信息进行解码的条件。因此,在阅读和听力学习中,有效地利用语篇思维模式能达到迅速解码,提高阅读和听力理解能力。同时,在英文写作中,运用语篇思维模式来指导写作,比单纯让学生通过多读多写来提高写作能力更具有操作性,更能写出地道的英文文章。  相似文献   

语篇分析理论在大学英语写作教学中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
中国学生在英文写作中存在语篇问题。具体表现在导言、正文和结束语方面。提高学生写作能力要从对比中西方写作思维模式的差异,强化语篇意识,重视构思入手。  相似文献   

大学生英语写作中常见的错误不仅存在于词汇、语法、句子,还有语篇。在列举英文写作中普遍存在的语篇问题的基础上,通过对比英汉文化和思维模式差异、篇章结构差异、语篇策略差异,来探讨汉语语篇思维模式对英语写作的影响。  相似文献   

从语篇结构层面进行描述,并且分析了本科生英文写作中的汉语思维现象,研究表明是语言文化差异和思维模式差异导致母语的负迁移。提高本科生英语写作能力,应多写阅读笔记和阅读总结,积累语言点,仿写,挖掘写作素材,注重英语思维习惯的培养。  相似文献   

通过语篇理论来构建在语篇框架下如何进行英文写作教学,进而使学生了解语法之外的不同语篇思维模式.提出了对英文写作教学的新思路和新方法。  相似文献   

由于受汉语思维模式的影响,大学生英文求职信写作在语篇风格、语篇建构、语篇衔接等方面存在诸多错误。英文求职信写作教学应借用过程体裁教学模式,采用对比范文、把握语篇风格,分析体裁、构建语篇,模仿写作、形成连贯语篇,讲评修改等教学法,帮助学生写出比较地道的英文求职信。  相似文献   

大学英语听力教学语篇由听力材料语篇和测试语篇组成。听力材料语篇通过书写平面、语义平面、词汇平面、句法平面等实现联结,而听力测试语篇与听力材料语篇之间通过照应、词汇衔接及连贯等进行反向联结。听力测试语篇联结及其与听力材料语篇反向联结研究揭示了词块、话题块及联想场在教学和学习中的重要作用。对联结及反向联结规律的掌握和运用,有助于提高多项选择选项和题目的解码速度以及对听力材料语篇的解码能力。  相似文献   

中西方文化溯源不同,思维模式存在明显的差异,影响了语言的表达方式。作者从英汉思维模式的差异出发,结合对大学生英语写作文本的分析,探讨了思维差异对英语写作中语篇组织的影响,并指出大学英语写作教学中培养学生对思维模式的敏感性、帮助他们用英语语篇模式来安排自己的文章结构使他们写出地道英文的必要性。  相似文献   

本文从中英思维模式的差异入手进行对比研究,探索思维模式的差异对大学生英文写作在词语选择、句子结构、语篇构建等方面的影响,并提出有效对策,以期为提高大学生英文写作能力起到抛砖引玉的作用。  相似文献   

语篇教学在大学英语教学中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了语篇教学及语篇教学模式的优势,并从语篇教学的层面探讨了大学英语阅读课的教学方法。  相似文献   

阅读在英语写作教学语篇环节中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
英语写作教学与阅读有着非常密切的关系。根据一些学者的研究分析,中国学生在英语写作中语篇错误比较突出,而阅读在文章主题思想的表达、段落主题句的写作以及信息粘合性等语篇环节中起着重要的范文作用。通过学习阅读文章进行写作教学可以有效地提高学生的语篇水平。  相似文献   

The research reported here employed a multiple-case study methodology to assess the online cognitive and metacognitive activities of 15-year-old secondary students as they read informational texts and wrote a new text in order to learn, and the relation of these activities to the written products they were asked to generate. To investigate the influence of the task, students were required to perform two different tasks which differed in complexity and familiarity. The first task was reading a single text and making a written summary of it, while the second consisted in reading two texts and making a written synthesis of them. To gather information about how students construct meaning from informational texts, we asked students to think aloud as they read and wrote in order to provide us with information about their comprehension and composition processes. We also examined their reading and writing activities during the tasks. The results show that to a large extent secondary school students lack the cognitive and metacognitive processes that would enable them to make strategic use of reading and writing. They also show that, although there are no major differences in the way secondary school students tackle these different tasks, those who create the most elaborate products evidence a more recursive and flexible use of reading and writing. The most obvious conclusion as far as the repercussions of these findings are concerned is that there is an urgent need for work on tasks of this kind in the classroom.  相似文献   


This review, written to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the International Journal of Science Education, revealed a period of changes in the theoretical views of the language arts, the perceived roles of language in science education, and the research approaches used to investigate oral and written language in science, science teaching, and learning. The early years were dominated by behavioralist and logico-mathematical interpretations of human learning and by reductionist research approaches, while the later years reflected an applied cognitive science and constructivist interpretations of learning and a wider array of research approaches that recognizes the holistic nature of teaching and learning. The early years focus on coding oral language into categories reflecting source of speech, functional purpose, level of question and response, reading research focused on the readability of textbooks using formulae and the reader's decoding skills, and writing research was not well documented since the advocates for writing in service of learning were grass roots practitioners and many science teachers were using writing as an evaluation technique. The advent of applied cognitive science and the constructivist perspectives ushered in interactive-constructive models of discourse, reading and writing that more clearly revealed the role of language in science and in science teaching and learning. A review of recent research revealed that the quantity and quality of oral interactions were low and unfocused in science classrooms; reading has expanded to consider comprehension strategies, metacognition, sources other than textbooks, and the design of inquiry environments for classrooms; and writing-to-learn science has focused on sequential writing tasks requiring transformation of ideas to enhance science learning. Several promising trends and future research directions flow from the synthesis of this 25-year period of examining the literacy component of science literacy - among them are critical listening and reading of various sources, multi-media presentations and representations, effective debate and argument, quality explanation and the role of information and communication technologies/environments.  相似文献   

语篇分析法侧重于语篇的高层次结构的分析,是传统的语法翻译教学法的重要补充和完善,是提高学生阅读理解能力的关键所在,对日语阅读教学具有重要的指导意义。通过语篇分析法,教师能够帮助学生最大限度地获取文章的信息,从而提高阅读速度,增强阅读理解能力和写作能力。  相似文献   

As reading and writing are both language processes, one can assume relationships between them, but the exact nature of these relationships has not yet been determined. While a large body of research has addressed reading comprehension and written production independently, very little investigation has examined the possible relationships between these two psycholinguistic processes, particularly from a discourse and cognitive perspective. Argumentative texts were analyzed in the present investigation on reading–writing connections. Four tests were designed and tested on 439 eighth graders. The tests assessed psycholinguistic variables that account for the microstructural, macrostructural and superstructural levels of comprehension/production processing. Correlation results showed significant coefficients between reading and writing of argumentative texts in all the psycholinguistic levels analyzed. These results suggest that the processes involved in both activities share some common knowledge-based strategies.  相似文献   

The thinking processes of 14 adult Anglophone students of French performing challenging reading and summarizing tasks were compared in their first and second languages. Individuals proved to use equivalent proportions of higher-order problem solving strategies while writing and reading in both languages. These varied with people's levels of literate expertise in their mother tongue, correlating with the qualities of written summaries they produced in both languages. Uses of these problem solving strategies appeared unrelated to participants' levels (beginning and intermediate) of second language proficiency. Analyses of the verbal reports reveal thinking processes which are common to reading and summary writing in first and second languages but which appear to vary with people's literate expertise and relevant knowledge. Findings are interpreted in relation to Cummins' (1984) theories of the cross-linguistic interdependence of cognitive-academic skills and Van Dijk and Kintsch's (1983) model of discourse comprehension. Implications are drawn for theories of bilingual cognition, further research, and instruction in second language reading and writing.  相似文献   

英语写作能力是高中学生应具备的听、说、读、写四种基本能力之一,也是高考重点考查的项目之一。听说属于口头交际,读写是书面交际;听读是获取信息、学习他人的语言输入过程,说和写是运用语言表达思想的手段、是语言输出。  相似文献   

对于英语这门语言类学科来说,阅读是知识的输入,写作则是知识的输出,读与写可谓是相互促进的,读后写作更是一个惯用的教学模式。在高中英语教学中,教师需主动引用读后写作这一教学模式,提高高中生的英语语篇理解能力,改善他们的读写水平。笔者以读后写作提高高中生英语语篇理解能力的实践为研究对象,并提出一系列个人建议。  相似文献   

本文以最近几十年所出现的一种新的交际方式CMC(以计算机为媒介交流)语篇为研究对象,通过比较该类型语篇与口语语篇以及书面语篇的异同,从而总结出CMC语篇自身的特点。并得出以下结论:网络语言既不是口语,也不是书面语;它结合了口语、书面语和电子媒介三种特征,是一种可以和这两者并列的新的语篇类型。  相似文献   

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