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Rural buildings have undergone deep changes with the historical transition from traditional agriculture to industrial society. This paper discusses these trends in Italy, focusing on major changes in agriculture, design approach, and land-use planning, referring to some regional cases and relative building typologies. The analysis of the main historical treatises on the subject of farm building design allowed us to evaluate how the evolution of the technical approach influenced the architectural quality of rural buildings. This latter was traditionally based on a close relation between aesthetic values, functionality, and simplicity, broadly acknowledged only recently, as shown by the loss of landscape integration of farm buildings constructed in the last decades. By analysing the processes of reuse of historical buildings and construction of new farm buildings, we have found out different and time-evolving ways of referring to rural heritage and identity. In some cases, they have been considered important references, even through typological evolution aimed at combining traditional values with new needs and available techniques. In other cases, old farm buildings have been considered unsuitable things of the past, or rather have inspired new constructions based on an idealized and mystified concept of rurality. Since landscape integration of rural buildings plays a crucial role in the EU concept of agriculture, the choice of architectural quality postulates to be adopted for the design of new rural buildings is a key theme. Both consistency with pre-industrial tradition and typological discontinuity must necessarily consider consciously the relationships with historical buildings, whose important values have increasingly come to the fore over the last years. Once consistency with historical farm buildings is assumed as a design postulate, contemporary interpretation of traditional typologies through modern building techniques is a very challenging and topical field of study. Various degrees of consistency with traditional typologies are possible. Therefore, this approach calls for the development of analytic and metadesign methods aimed at decomposing rural building typologies into their essential physiognomical features, allowing designers to modulate them to meet ever-changing requirements.  相似文献   

As an important element in the cultural heritage of a people, traditional rural constructions need to be conserved over time. Graphic and metric documentation methods play a key role in the preservation of cultural heritage. In this paper different existing methods of graphic and metric documentation are analysed in order to select the most suitable for the documentation of agro-industrial buildings according to their characteristics. The selected one is a simple close-range photogrammetry method, which is affordable and easy to understand for non experts. It is based on the use of plumb lines, a conventional digital camera and monoscopic restitution. The application of the method is illustrated in a particular case consisting on the graphic and metric documentation of a windmill. Also the accuracy of the method is evaluated in this particular case.  相似文献   

风景名胜区周边涵盖大量本土乡村,随着旅游业价值提升,旅游产品挤压乡村空间,导致原始乡村空间异化,乡村空间从传统的农业生产、生活空间异化转变为复合型空间。以大理三月街片区为例,以问题为导向,从生产、生活、生态等方面分析三月街片区成为"灯下黑"的原因,针对风景名胜区边缘型乡村的现状及问题,提出合理重构"生产、生活、生态"空间、提升乡村"造血"功能、与风景名胜区共建共享、提倡公共参与等发展路径。  相似文献   

The paper presents a set of synthetic architectural parameters dealing with the morphological aspects of rural buildings. The definition of these parameters represents a fundamental step of the FarmBuiLD research model (farm building landscape design), proposed by the authors as a tool for the analysis of the architectural characteristics of both historical and contemporary rural buildings, as well as the meta-design of new construction and transformation of contemporary rural buildings. The FarmBuiLD's module of physiognomical characterization of rural buildings allows to define the analytical-design parameters through the following phases: a critical analysis of the international scientific literature, a preliminary identification of the essential physiognomical characteristics of rural buildings, and an in-depth study of validation and calibration focusing on specific study cases. This work presents the preliminary definition of the parameters and a discussion about their experimental application through illustrative examples. Given their numeric value and strictly instrumental, thematic and complementary nature, the proposed parameters do not have any geometric, formal or stylistic characterization, and thus can be considered as capable of leaving an appropriate level of freedom within the design of solutions aimed at meeting both contemporary and future functional and aesthetic needs.  相似文献   

黄河流域是中华农耕文明的发祥地,也是中国重要的农业区、经济区.覆盖范围面积广、人口多的特点使其成为农产业发展与乡村振兴的重点区域.在乡村振兴正式成为国家战略三周年之际,针对黄河流域的实际情况,结合乡村振兴战略实施阶段性的成果与问题,改文运用基于新乡村主义和地域振兴理念的整体设计方法,提出符合国家乡村振兴战略与新型城镇化...  相似文献   

中国传统村落根植于中华民族农耕文明,其价值蕴藏丰富的文化内涵.中国传统村落是世界上规模最大的农耕文明聚落遗产群,是记载古代社会变迁、文化融合的恢弘史诗,是当今世界极其丰富的自然人文旅游资源.中国传统村落发展存在的诸多问题,提出保护中国传统村落需秉持创新发展的理念,以留住乡愁.  相似文献   

传统民居是指按照传统方式建造的具有地域性或民族性特征,供家庭或家族居住使用的民间建筑。以清朝至民国时期甘南藏区传统民居为研究对象,通过系统的梳理、比较、分析认为:甘南藏区传统民居在其发展过程中,先后有帐篷、板屋、碉房、土木平房、土木二层楼房等多种形制的建筑风格;甘南藏区的居民由于不同的生产、生活方式使其在发展演变中表现出传统型、混合型以及商业型3种模式;藏族传统民居具有地域适用性强、多功能的土平屋顶、建材多就地取材、民居内部格局深受风俗习惯的影响等特征。  相似文献   

社区博物馆自引入以来,一直被理解为一种保护地域文化与生活的乘载工具,对经济议题缺乏研究,使我国社区博物馆实践普遍充满挫败感,直接导致社区博物馆理念在我国的不适与质疑。以此为切入点,通过社区博物馆与内生式发展理念的融合研究,从背景解读,理念的载体、进化、本土化及其彼此关联进行分析,提出了社区博物馆理念架构下的内生式发展是我国乡村地域可持续发展的理想形式,并结合日本乡村地域创生实例以期对我国本土化实践的启迪。  相似文献   

One of the major causes of pathologies in our historic buildings is the presence of moisture, particularly rising damp. Since these constructions tended to be built near water lines, to facilitate their supply, and because their walls are mainly made of high porosity materials, the presence of rising damp is constant. Although many historic buildings in Portugal have already been the targets of interventions to eliminate pathologies, the fact is that it has not been possible to do it properly. The treatment techniques available nowadays are quite diverse but all of them have low applicability to historic constructions. Research has been carried out, in this past years, at the Department of Civil Engineering of the University of Coimbra in collaboration with Department of Civil Engineering of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto to try and solve this problem. An old but poorly studied technique has been investigated experimentally and numerically in the past few years: ventilation of the base of the walls. It was experimentally validated to limestone walls 20 cm thick. Numerical investigation has been carried out in order to analyze the influence of different parameters on its efficiency. In this paper we present the results of the latest investigations that have been carried out about the influence of the size of the ventilation channel on its efficiency.  相似文献   

Anti-graffiti protection is becoming a common practice in many urban buildings, especially in areas of social decay. When Cultural Heritage objects are affected by graffiti, the application of anti-graffiti products can result not only in an unsatisfactory result but also in an irreversible damage of an invaluable cost. The materials commonly found in these constructions are very frequently porous and present different types of decay forms. For this reason, the protection of these materials should be carefully considered. This paper proposes a criterion to decide on the suitability and durability of an anti-graffiti product prior to its application in a porous surface of a protected building. Performance classifications are defined for a series of properties including colour and gloss, and hydric and durability properties, and minimum acceptable values or reductions in these properties are recommended.  相似文献   

Restoring cultural heritage is an extremely important job due to its immeasurable value. However, it also requires even greater attention in the case of a building. The actions taken on these constructions not only guarantee their preservation from the point of view of their historical value, but they also guarantee their stability as structures. The need to control historic buildings, analyzing their defects and their possible consequences, is decisive in preventing significant damage. This work demonstrates calculating the thickness of vaults in a church. It is easy to determine the interior and exterior 3D geometry of the church using scanner laser techniques. By combining both geometries, it is easy to determine the difference between the interior vaults and the roof of the church. However, the interior of both geometries is completely unknown, and it is not possible to act on their condition for structural consolidation purposes. This work shows the methods used to determine the interior sections of the vault thicknesses by referencing the internal geometry of both models with the interior of the church, using plumb line system scanning. The results obtained show accuracy better than 6 millimeters.  相似文献   

Lime renders are of great importance not only to enhance the appearance of the buildings, but also to protect and preserve old masonries. They constitute a specialized system, composed of several layers, in which each of them depends on the others and carries out some specific functions in order to assure a suitable performance of the whole. Knowledge of the traditional materials and techniques, as well as the know-how, is one of the key points in the maintenance and conservation of lime renders and, by extension, of our Heritage. However, the promotion of the use of cement and the industrialization process, which in the case of Spain took place about the 1960's, caused lime mortars to fall into disuse. In this article, classical treatises as well as the state-of-the-art researches were analysed to compile the properties of lime render layers, on the whole. The knowledge of these characteristics is essential to maintain and repair the existing renders as well as to formulate new compatible ones, while assuring their durability and appropriate performance. Lime is the selected binder for these recommendations because it was widely used as drawn from the literature.  相似文献   

The requirements of historical environments that are related to social and economical changes sometimes necessitate the re-use of historical buildings that no longer serve their functions. Deciding how to re-use historical buildings is a difficult problem when the concerns of decision makers are not aligned. This paper proposes a methodology for the appropriate re-use of historical patterns that have lost their original functions and discusses the results of such re-use. Appropriate re-use can result in a sustainable preservation of both historical assets and the environment. Thus, the respectful conversion of structures for new uses based on economic and social needs ensures the authenticity of the structure and of the historical environment. In this study, the historical pattern of Diyarbak?r Hasan Pasha Khan was evaluated through the application of the proposed method. Adaptation of the structure required knowledge of traditional construction techniques. The results reveal that the proposed methodology can be effectively used for historical patterns to prioritise between various re-use criteria. This methodology can be applied in the context of re-use problems and provides solutions for such problems in historical buildings.  相似文献   

Since 2005, Outstanding Universal Value (OUV) is the standard by which United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) evaluates world cultural heritage site suitability. The sites worthy of UNESCO preservation as well as the parameters used to demonstrate OUV are diverse. Our study focused on the uniquely distinguished rural landscape sites and the OUV parameter of integrity. Integrity however, is an elusive concept for which UNESCO provides no definitional protocol, and for which the scientific community objects to a static or pure historical interpretation. Given this, our work aims to analyse the concept of integrity and how it can be used to preserve the heritage of rural landscapes. After reviewing the UNESCO approach, we focused on the international scientific debate on the meaning and application of integrity. We designed and conducted a comparative study of UNESCO rural landscapes selected from the 2011 World Heritage List. Documents describing the historical, rural, and agro-ecological features of each of the fourteen rural sites were analysed. From this, several historical and ecological parameters were chosen as “values to have” and several socio-economic and management parameters were chosen as “values to maintain” to assess the integrity of each landscape. Our results found integrity to be a value of both cultural and natural landscapes and that it is key to site identity. We demonstrated that UNESCO assigns a high value to the following parameters: historical features, traditional crops and local products, land-use and agricultural practice permanence, and the presence of architecture related to agricultural activity. Finally, we found the relationship between culture and nature to characterize best the integrity of a rural landscape, rather than nature or culture alone.  相似文献   

城市色彩景观是城市整体风貌的重要组成要素,对于保护城市建成文化遗产,传承城市文化基因以及协调城市传统风貌区与周边建成环境有着重要的作用.借助视知觉理论,结合重庆市人民大礼堂历史文化传统风貌区的核心保护范围和建设控制地带的管控要求,划定风貌区周边片区色彩景观研究范围.从色彩景观评价和认知维度,采用MATLAB平台自拟程序...  相似文献   

The growing interest in the conservation of historic buildings encourages the development of water-repellent materials and methodologies to consolidate and/or protect stones. Recently, particular attention was devoted to composites of inorganic oxides nanoparticles and hybrid siloxane or silicone polymers. Here we present a study on the water repellence of a thin protective coating obtained through sol-gel process starting from Glymo and Dynasylan 40®, and loading the silicate matrix with nano-sized silica particles (Aeroxide LE1® -Degussa-Evonik). The coatings were applied to limestone, sandstone and granite samples. The silica nanoparticles have been characterized by XRD, the siloxane matrix through micro-Raman spectroscopy, while the surface morphology was examined by SEM. The efficacy of the treatments has been evaluated through static contact angle measurements and capillary water absorption. The optical appearance of the coatings was evaluated by colorimetric measurements. Nanoparticles at suitable concentration gave high values for the static contact angle (up to ∼ 150°), for all stone species even for four months exposure to atmospheric conditions. The coatings, in the water capillary absorption tests, however, behave as expected only for granite even if the long-term water direct contact reduces the hydrophobicity.  相似文献   

乡村遗产承载着人类与自然和谐相处的生态智慧,有机农业技术体系、敬畏自然人文精神和丰富的地方性知识都是未来生态文明社会建立和发展的重要基石。原真性保护、“疾风暴雨”式的利用和乡村文化自信消失,是当前乡村遗产保护的主要误区。从地方性知识共建出发,探索传统村落乡村振兴乡村遗产活化利用发展模式,是实现乡村建设生态文明的理想路径。  相似文献   

Historical plasters on light thin vaults, usually made by mats of reeds nailed to an upper wooden framework, were used in several historical and monumental Italian buildings and churches built between the 16th and the 19th century and almost all of the historical Italian theatres built between the 18th and the 19th century to cover the theatre-hall and to improve its acoustic properties. The non-destructive inspection of these structures is very important, but traditional inspection techniques are usually limited in resolution, which may be a problem for detection of defects at a very early stage. The paper presents the development and application of a high-resolution inspection technique based on a hybrid ultrasonic method, where a contact emitter probe and a non-contact air-coupled receiver probe are used. Results show the effectiveness of the method on laboratory samples and propose an inspection procedure for in-field application.  相似文献   

Historic buildings are of great cultural, research and aesthetic value, and they can reveal past events and developments. Tianjin, an ancient city originated from Yuan dynasty, is famous for its Group-living Yards. Derived from settlements in foreign concession districts, these Yards exhibit different building styles and are now an integral part of Tianjin's cultural heritage. However, many of these buildings disappeared due to the ravages of frequent fire disasters. To protect Group-living Yards and to alleviate fire losses, fire hazard survey was conducted. Then corresponding control and mitigation methods were proposed. Yuan Residence, one of the typical Group-living Yards, was employed as an example to demonstrate the availability of the methods proposed by using fire dynamics simulator. Finally, comprehensive suggestions and disaster mitigation methods were given for Group-living Yards in Tianjin, which gives guidance on developing policies and procedures for incorporating fire prevention and protection features into these buildings.  相似文献   

Historical buildings and castles that have been turned nowadays into museums, as an exhibition area for precious cultural heritage (CH) items, need more attention since they are CH objects by themselves. Moreover, the preservation techniques require often, significant interventions; however such changes are not always possible or are very limited. The aim of the present study was to investigate the influence of outdoor air pollution on the composition of particulate matter and gases inside the museum of Wawel Castle in Cracow, Poland. During this study a combination of micro and trace analysis techniques were applied, including energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) and electron probe microanalysis (EPMA). An intensive transport of air pollutants coupled with accumulation of the particles inside the museum was noticed (considerably higher in winter than summer). A high content of carbon and organic matter agglomerated with inorganic particles was determined. Those particles are of special concern because of their adhesive properties and reactivity. It was also noted that the conditions inside the museum favour the reaction of the particles with gaseous pollutants. It was especially the case for nitrate particles.  相似文献   

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