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幼儿亲子阅读是幼儿早期阅读的一种重要的形式。本文以我国近十年有关幼儿亲子阅读的相关文献为基础,对幼儿亲子阅读的研究方法、幼儿亲子阅读的益处、幼儿亲子阅读影响因素、幼儿亲子阅读存在的问题及指导策略等进行回顾、分析和整理,总结我国幼儿亲子阅读研究的不足,并对我国幼儿亲子阅读的未来研究方向进行展望。  相似文献   

亲子阅读是提升幼儿阅读能力的重要举措。我们只有厘清亲子阅读现状,找准提升亲子阅读质量的策略,为幼儿营造想读的环境,并正确选择阅读书目,与幼儿一起阅读。这样,才能有效地推动亲子阅读活动。  相似文献   

沈银燕 《学周刊C版》2015,(12):116-117
亲子阅读是早期阅读的重要组成部分,它不仅让幼儿吸收各种各样的知识,而且也满足幼儿情感需要,它对于幼儿的身心成长具有特殊的意义。本研究采用问卷法对常州市怀德苑幼儿园亲子阅读的情况进行研究分析。我们请家长参与亲子阅读的课题研究,对他们进行前后两次调查,从幼儿亲子阅读现状的调查分析来看,在两次调查之间家长对亲子阅读积极性提高,认识到了亲子阅读教育的作用;家长在阅读过程中能尊重幼儿的主动性,并且为亲子阅读创设条件。亲子阅读还需更科学的、正确的引导方法。现实与理论相结合,对常州市怀德苑亲子阅读提出建议措施。  相似文献   

幼儿大班是走向小学的重要阶段,教师应该向幼儿灌输注重阅读的思想,把培养大班幼儿良好的阅读习惯作为幼小衔接工作中的重点。亲子阅读是培养幼儿阅读的最佳途径,亲子阅读既可以让幼儿汲取知识,又可以让幼儿获得亲子间的丰富情感。  相似文献   

亲子阅读可以促进幼儿多种能力的发展,但母亲在亲子阅读的过程中存在许多误区:对亲子阅读的目标认识不足,对亲子阅读的内容选择不到位,对亲子阅读的指导策略不到位.母亲参与亲子阅读,要树立正确的亲子阅读观,让孩子体会阅读的快乐;科学选择阅读材料,丰富幼儿的早期经验;采用形式多样的指导方法,使幼儿形成良好的阅读习惯.  相似文献   

该研究旨在探讨亲子阅读对幼儿语言发展的影响。在该研究中,采用观察法、谈话法和问卷法,对张掖市甘州区6所城乡幼儿园30名中班幼儿及他们的父母进行调查,发现城乡亲子阅读的儿童起始岁龄、亲子阅读频率、亲子阅读法、亲子阅读图书量及亲子对图书喜好的匹配性等方面存在明显差异;城乡父母讲故事的自我效能感都较高;城市幼儿比农村幼儿的语言发展水平较高。以此推断,通过亲子阅读来促进幼儿语言的发展,亲子阅读的儿童起始岁龄应早,亲子阅读频率应高,亲子阅读图书应多而丰富,亲子对图书喜好的匹配性程度应高,父母应更多地使用想象补缺法、互动共享法等亲子阅读法,但父母较高的讲故事自我效能感对幼儿语言发展的促进作用不明显。  相似文献   

亲子绘本阅读是传递爱,积累阅读经验,促进幼儿身心健康发展的过程。因此,幼儿教师和家长要对亲子绘本阅读加以重视,幼儿教师提高教学能力,指导家长和幼儿进行亲子绘本阅读,发挥亲子绘本阅读的作用,促进幼儿发展。  相似文献   

亲子阅读作为家庭教育的一种重要形式,它对培养和提高幼儿阅读能力具有重要的意义。文章基于亲子阅读,分析了亲子阅读对于提高幼儿阅读能力的重要意义,提出了如何提高亲子阅读的实效途径以及注意事项。  相似文献   

亲子阅读是增进亲子关系的一种方式,然而,许多家长对亲子阅读的认识并不全面,把亲子阅读误认为是"读书认字"。对于幼儿来说,阅读有助于幼儿语言能力和良好阅读习惯的养成,可以让亲子关系更加亲密。家长应正确理解、实施亲子阅读,让阅读成为一件快乐的事情,在阅读中,丰富幼儿的语言,帮助幼儿养成良好的阅读习惯。  相似文献   

幼儿阶段是一个人阅读习惯培养的关键时期,幼儿阅读兴趣的激发和良好习惯的培养,离不开父母的陪伴和家园合作共育。针对现阶段亲子阅读情况不佳的问题,需要通过调动家长的积极性,家园共育,教师领头,活动助推等多种手段,提升家长的亲子阅读意识,依托亲子阅读活动的一些手段,保障亲子阅读的顺利实施,由教师进行亲子阅读活动的科学组织、实施与指导,有效培养幼儿良好的阅读习惯,促进幼儿健康成长。  相似文献   

全阅读教育理念与儿童早期阅读   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
基于全语言教育的全阅读教育理念强调为幼儿早期阅读提供多重开放的阅读情境、对象与方式、途径等.遵循这一阅读理念,有助于克服当前早期阅读教育单调、枯燥,被等同于识字教育等弊端.幼儿园应在开展绘本式阅读,让儿童在阅读绘本过程中深刻体会童年意义的基础上,多组织开展环境式阅读,促进幼儿亲社会性品质的形成;在亲子共读中感受亲情的温暖与支持,形成良好的阅读习惯与浓厚的阅读兴趣;在阅读自然之书中形成亲近自然的和谐精神.  相似文献   

The study addressed to what extent behavioral engagement and textual integration may differ when undergraduate readers work with identical printed versus digital texts in preparation for an exam versus for pleasure. We expected that working with printed texts would lead to greater engagement and better integration than working with digital texts, but that reading purpose would moderate this effect of reading medium because those reading in preparation for an exam would display greater engagement and better integration regardless of reading medium. Results showed interaction effects of reading medium with reading purpose on the behavioral engagement indicators of reading time and the length of the post-reading written products. For reading time, the interaction involved that students used longer time when reading digital and mixed texts for an exam, compared to reading for pleasure, whereas there were no difference between exam and pleasure oriented reading when reading printed texts. For the length of the written responses, students produced more text when reading printed texts for an exam than when reading printed texts for pleasure, whereas there were no differences in text production between reading for an exam and reading for pleasure when reading digital or mixed texts. Finally, there was an indirect effect of reading purpose on textual integration via text production when students read printed texts: students who read printed texts in preparation for an exam produced longer written responses compared to those who read for pleasure and, in turn, gained a more integrated understanding of the issue in question. These results are discussed in terms of the implications they offer and the avenues they suggest for future research.  相似文献   

立学做人是研究生的目标,而立学做人必重读书。读书有助于研究生拓展视野、丰富知识,启迪思维、增长智慧,更能提升素养、完善人格。攻读高等教育学专业的研究生,应读本专业看家书、与专业有关的书以及作为一个现代知识分子应该读的书。研究生的读书要讲究方法,应处理好博与专、快与慢、动与静以及进与出四对关系。  相似文献   

An emerging body of research has evaluated the role of growth mindset in educational achievement, yet little work has focused on the unique role of mindset to standardized reading outcomes. Our study presents 4 key outcomes in a sample of 195 fourth-grade students. First, we evaluated the dimensionality of general and reading-specific mindset and found that a global factor of growth mindset (GGM) existed along with specific factors of general and reading mindset. Second, GGM and reading mindset strongly predicted word reading and reading comprehension. Third, GGM and reading mindset uniquely predicted reading comprehension after controlling for basic word reading skills. Fourth, GGM was more strongly associated with reading comprehension for those individuals with weaker reading comprehension skills, whereas reading mindset was more strongly associated with reading comprehension for those with stronger reading comprehension skills. Our findings suggest the potential importance of assessing general and reading-specific mindset linked to reading.  相似文献   

马宏虹 《天津教育》2021,(7):119-120
随着新课程标准对高中语文整本书阅读提出了明确的规划和要求,整本书阅读教育理念正逐步渗透到高中语文阅读教学中。通过分析当前高中语文阅读教学模式存在的不足之处,结合整本书阅读教育理念,采取厘清阅读轻重,进行有效阅读;营造阅读氛围,增进阅读兴趣;创建阅读分享与奖励机制,优化阅读体验等方式,进行整本书阅读教育理念下高中语文阅读教学模式的创新与优化,以期促进学生更好地阅读理解与进步。  相似文献   

Two correlational studies from the same data set demonstrated the distinctiveness of character and word reading for Chinese reading development among 337 Hong Kong Chinese children in grades 1–3. Study 1 examined the cognitive-linguistic correlates of single-character reading and two-character word reading. Rapid automatized naming, morphological awareness and visual-orthographic skill independently explained variance in both character and word reading beyond age, grade, nonverbal IQ and vocabulary knowledge. Importantly, rapid automatized naming and morphological awareness additionally explained variance in word reading even after statistically controlling for character reading; there were no such unique correlates for character reading beyond word reading. Study 2 investigated the roles of character and word reading in reading comprehension. Both were individually significantly associated with reading comprehension even when a multifaceted measure of language comprehension was statistically controlled. Moreover, character reading and language comprehension significantly explained variance in reading comprehension through word reading; word reading and language comprehension uniquely contributed to reading comprehension in the model. Results suggest that character and word reading likely reflect slightly different processes in Chinese literacy: Theoretically, these results underscore the importance of models of reading that integrate unique features of Chinese. Practically, these results suggest that character and word reading may depend on different cognitive-linguistic processes which can be cultivated when teaching them, separately or together.  相似文献   

The role of spelling recognition was examined in word reading skills and reading comprehension for dyslexic and nondyslexic children. Dyslexic and nondyslexic children were matched on their raw word reading proficiency. Relationships between spelling recognition and the following were examined for both groups of children: verbal ability, working memory, phonological measures, rapid naming, word reading, and reading comprehension. Children’s performance in spelling recognition was significantly associated with their skills in word reading and reading comprehension regardless of their reading disability status. Furthermore, spelling recognition contributed significant variance to reading comprehension for both dyslexic and nondyslexic children after the effects of phonological awareness, rapid naming, and word reading proficiency had been accounted for. The results support the role of spelling recognition in reading development for both groups of children and they are discussed using a componential reading fluency framework.  相似文献   

We examined the developmental relations between knowledge of reading strategies and reading comprehension in a longitudinal study of 312 Dutch children from the beginning of fourth grade to the end of fifth grade. Measures for reading comprehension, reading strategies, reading fluency, vocabulary, and working memory were administered. A structural equation model was constructed to estimate the unique relations between reading strategies and reading comprehension, while controlling for reading fluency, vocabulary, and working memory. The results showed that there was a unique effect of reading strategies on reading comprehension, and also of reading comprehension on reading strategies.  相似文献   

In the present study we investigated developmental relations among word reading fluency, listening comprehension, and text reading fluency to reading comprehension in a relatively transparent language, Korean. A total of 98 kindergartners and 170 first graders in Korea were assessed on a series of tasks involving listening comprehension, word reading fluency, text reading fluency, and reading comprehension. Results from multigroup structural equation models showed that text reading fluency was a dissociable construct from word reading fluency for both kindergartners and first graders. In addition, a developmental pattern emerged: listening comprehension was not uniquely related to text reading fluency for first graders, but not for kindergartners, over and above word reading fluency. In addition, text reading fluency was uniquely related to reading comprehension for kindergartners, but not for first graders, after accounting for word reading fluency and listening comprehension. For first graders, listening comprehension dominated the relations. There were no differences in the pattern of relations for skilled and less skilled readers in first grade. Results are discussed from a developmental perspective for reading comprehension component skills including text reading fluency.  相似文献   

This study explored subprocesses of reading for 157 fifth grade Spanish-speaking English language learners (ELLs) by examining whether morphological awareness made a unique contribution to reading comprehension beyond a strong covariate-phonological decoding. The role of word reading and reading vocabulary as mediators of this relationship was also explored. Results showed that fourth grade morphological awareness did not make a significant unique direct effect on fifth grade reading comprehension, controlling for phonological decoding, word reading, and reading vocabulary. Fourth grade morphological awareness did, though, make a unique moderate total contribution to fifth grade reading comprehension with reading vocabulary, but not word reading, mediating the relationship when controlling for phonological decoding. In contrast, phonological decoding made a nonsignificant total contribution to reading comprehension with neither word reading nor reading vocabulary mediating the relationship when controlling for morphological awareness. Alternative models were also explored, showing the importance of including both predictors in a model of ELL reading comprehension, primarily to include the support of phonological decoding to word reading and the support of morphological awareness to reading comprehension via reading vocabulary. Results highlighted the importance of morphological awareness in facilitating reading comprehension via improving reading vocabulary knowledge, and also the potential of interventions involving morphological instruction to support reading achievement for Spanish-speaking ELLs.  相似文献   

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