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Previous studies have shown that the start plays a critical role in sliding events and explains more than 55% of the variance of the final time in luge. Experts evaluate the contribution of the arm strokes to be 23% of the total starting performance. The aim of the present study was to develop a measurement and feedback training tool (Speedpaddler) for the arm strokes of high-performance luge athletes. The construction is an aluminium alloy framework with a customary belt conveyor system, which is driven by two synchronized servo motors. Training is possible with constant speeds up to 12 m · s?1 or several speed curves, which simulate the acceleration of different luge tracks. The construction facilitates variations in the inclination and speed of the conveyor belts and thereby the resistance and movement speed. If the athlete accelerates the conveyor belts during arm-paddling, the torque of the motors decreases. Torque measurements and high-speed video offer valuable insights into the several technique criteria. Comparisons of arm-paddle cycle durations on ice and on the Speedpaddler with 18 luge athletes (national team and juniors) showed no statistical differences. The Speedpaddler might be a useful tool to improve starting performance all year round.  相似文献   

Optimal exercise performance in well trained athletes can be affected by arterial oxygen saturation failure. Noninvasive detection of this phenomenon when performing a routine ergometric test can be a valuable tool for subsequent planning of the athlete's training, recovery, and nutrition. Oximetry has been used to this end. The authors studied 339 athletes performing a similar exercise trial under well controlled environmental conditions. Maximum speed, oxygen uptake, and heart rate levels were simultaneously measured. From the obtained data, six patterns were found: (a) athletes in whom oxygen saturation is constant (≥ 95%) during test execution; (b) athletes displaying a progressive desaturation with incremental exercise intensities; (c) athletes presenting a transient desaturation in the anaerobic threshold region; (d) athletes starting with a mild-to-moderate desaturation at the beginning of the test, but reaching normal saturation values at the end; (e) athletes displaying mild-to-moderate desaturation levels throughout the whole test; and (f) athletes displaying a transient desaturation in the anaerobic threshold region and a new desaturation at the end of the test. In conclusion, it is believed that establishment of desaturation patterns by validated oximetry could be a first approach to evaluate the adaptation of the cardiorespiratory system to exercise intensity, helping to improve results.  相似文献   

Understanding the relationships between front crawl swimming technique and the corresponding fluid dynamics is important to athletes seeking improved performance and an edge over their rivals. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) swimming modelling provides a controlled and unobtrusive capability that provides many previously immeasurable quantities including full flow fields and information on the forces experienced by the body throughout the stroke. In this study, a coupled biomechanical-smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) method is used to determine when peak arm thrust occurs and how the ratio of arm–leg thrust changes with stroke rate. A dynamic biomechanical model of a female national-level swimmer was generated from a three-dimensional laser body scan of the athlete and multi-angle videos of sub-maximal swimming trials. This was coupled to the SPH method to simulate the fluid moving around the body during front crawl swimming. Two distinct peaks in net streamwise thrust were found during the stroke coinciding with the underwater arm strokes. The peak arm thrust occurred during the transition from pull to push (left arm) and midway during the push (right arm). Finally, the ratio of arm thrust to leg thrust was found to increase with increasing stroke rate.  相似文献   

For decades American athletes in less-popular – or ‘minor’– sports suffered from a lack of institutional and practical support from their sports' governing bodies. The AAU, in particular, failed to provide the funds necessary for athletes in the sliding sports of luge and bobsled to obtain proper training and opportunities to compete. By the early 1970s, the American Olympic effort was in chaos as athletes from the Eastern Bloc, taking advantage of their nations' determination to field the best possible teams, began to excel at both the summer and winter Olympic Games. In response, Congress authorized a presidential commission to study the situation and make recommendations about how best to improve amateur sports in the United States. The result of the commission's work, the Amateur Sports Act of 1978, reorganized governance of amateur sports to the benefit, particularly, of athletes in sports such as luge and bobsled.  相似文献   

为分析我国优秀男子跳远优势和不足,采用文献资料法、对比分析法、数理统计法等方法,对中外优秀男子跳远运动员运动参数进行分析,结果表明:(1)我国优秀运动员在腾起初速度、水平速度和起跳时间与国外优秀运动员相比没有显著性差异,表明我国优秀运动员在这三方面运动能力是较强的。(2)我国优秀运动员腾起角度、垂直速度和运动成绩与国外运动员存在显著性差异,我国优秀运动员腾起角度和垂直速度都小于国外运动员可能导致跳远成绩小于国外运动员。(3)我国优秀运动员腾起角与垂直速度都小于国外优秀运动员原因:①是运动员起跳腿缓冲和蹬伸能力不足;②是摆动腿和手臂的摆动速度慢;③是髋关节和骨盆运动原因;④是运动员最后3步积极加速上板意识不足。  相似文献   

通过对九运会中国男子百米跑优秀运动员途中跑的技术录像解析,分析所获得的速度、角速度、步频、步长、单步各时相等运动学参数的具体指标,并与国内外优秀百米跑选手作比较,结果认为,九运会男子百米途中跑速度较以往有了明显的提高,原因主要是步长的提高,但与国外优秀选手还有差距,主要原因是步长不足;中国百米跑运动员应减少腾空时间以增大身体重心位移的支撑与腾空时间比;九运会男子百米跑运动员的摆腿及摆臂技术差异较大,且摆臂时前摆不足后摆过大,使身体产生向前的动力不足。  相似文献   

我国女子跳马技术现状与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对39、40届世界体操锦标赛,雅典、北京奥运会女子跳马决赛运动员动作的类型、难度、完成质量与成绩关系的研究和对北京奥运会中、美女子跳马相关数据的对比分析,认为中国运动员选用的动作单一,整体难度和完成动作的质量上还与美国队存在差距。提出了转变训练思想、加强基础体能训练并力求创新等对策,如把“以强带弱”改为“以弱促强”;充分利用规则和器械特点找准技术突破口;加强速度和力量素质训练;发展适合我国运动员身体特点的动作,提高动作起评分等。  相似文献   

对男子速滑运动员500m起跑姿势的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用三维摄像DLT法,用3台松下M9000摄像机在比赛条件下分别从侧面和正面进行同步定点、定焦拍摄,完整记录了参加2004年世界杯哈尔滨站男子500m速滑比赛的中、美共9名运动员的起跑动作。旨在揭示站立式起跑姿势和三点式起跑姿势的各自特点,研究结果表明:站立式起跑预备姿势利于从静止状态转入快速起动蹬冰状态,其稳定性低于三点式起跑姿势,采用三点式起跑姿势的起动前冲力更大,便于运动员增大起动步长,但采用站立式起跑姿势有利于提高起动频率;起跑阶段采用站立式起跑姿势的滑行速度明显高于采用三点式起跑姿势的运动员。  相似文献   

Home advantage in the Winter Olympics (1908-1998)   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We obtained indices of home advantage, based on the medals won by competing nations, for each event held at the Winter Olympics from 1908 to 1998. These indices were designed to assess home advantage while controlling for nation strength, changes in the number of medals on offer and the performance of 'non-hosting' nations. Some evidence of home advantage was found in figure skating, freestyle skiing, ski jumping, alpine skiing and short track speed skating. In contrast, little or no home advantage was observed in ice hockey, Nordic combined, Nordic skiing, bobsled, luge, biathlon or speed skating. When all events were combined, a significant home advantage was observed (P = 0.029), although no significant differences in the extent of home advantage were found between events (P > 0.05). When events were grouped according to whether they were subjectively assessed by judges, significantly greater home advantage was observed in the subjectively assessed events (P = 0.037). This was a reflection of better home performances, suggesting that judges were scoring home competitors disproportionately higher than away competitors. Familiarity with local conditions was shown to have some effect, particularly in alpine skiing, although the bobsled and luge showed little or no advantage over other events. Regression analysis showed that the number of time zones and direction of travel produced no discernible trends or differences in performance.  相似文献   

中长跑是一项竞争激烈的田径体能竞技类项目,中长跑的体能消耗最大,对运动员的身体素质、速度耐力要求都非常高。本文对影响中长跑成绩的几种因素进行了分析,并对如何高效训练运动员的速度能力进行了深入探讨。  相似文献   

论发展运动员速度力量的训练方法   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
速度力量是速度与力量的综合表现,它的提高受速度素质与力量素质的牵制。力量和速度是决定快速能力的发展因素。速度力量的典型表现形式是爆发力、起动力、反应力。爆发力的提高有赖于最大力量的发展,快速用力、超等长练习法是发展爆发力的有效方法。起动力的提高与最大力量密切相关,采用专门练习对发展起动力有积极作用。反应力包括弹跳反应力和击打反应力,超等长练习是发展弹跳反应力的有效手段;退让练习、模仿练习对发展击打反应力有促进作用。  相似文献   

运用录像观察法、数据统计法、文献资料法,对第20届冬奥会优秀速滑运动员1000m比赛战术进行了研究。通过对国内外优秀速滑运动员1000m比赛的分段时间与速度及战术运用的比较与分析,统计出我国运动员与国外运动员相比,在起跑绝对速度上没有差异,而且同国外运动员相比还快了一点,表现出我国运动员在比赛前200m段落中速度较快。由于前200m滑行速度过快,消耗了较大的体能,因此,随着距离的延长,在后程距离段落中速度下降幅度较大。同国外运动员运动成绩相比存在着较大差距。同时,我国速滑运动员在全程距离比赛中体力分配不合理,导致200~1000m两个段落速度下降过大,最终成绩不理想,形成战术运用不当,与国外运动员相比形成较大的反差。  相似文献   

The kinematics of a badminton racket during a smash stroke was observed in this study with the purpose of investigating stroke dynamics and racket behaviour. Motion capture measurements of the racket during several smash strokes performed by three players of different skill levels indicated a clear increase in racket velocity at impact with increasing skill level. Variations between translational and rotational contributions to the impact speed could also be seen between the players. The advanced player produced a much higher peak angular velocity and also relied much less on translation, with a translational velocity of only 8% of the total velocity versus the 20% for the recreational player. It is proposed that, as an alternative to shuttlecock speeds, racket head speed measurements can be used as an indicator of performance, and can also provide some insight into the interaction between the racket and player.  相似文献   

目的:探讨国内和国际比赛中200m个人混合泳运动员的节奏策略,各种泳姿对比赛成绩的影响以及性别和游泳能力水平所扮演的角色。方法:国内和国际各三场比赛中94名运动员的分段成绩和比赛用时百分比用于分析,采用双因素方差分析来探讨性别(男、女)和游泳能力水平(1-3名和4-8名)对各泳姿比赛用时百分比的影响,另外通过皮尔逊相关系数来确定哪种泳姿(分段成绩)对比赛成绩的影响。结果:国内和国际比赛中运动员均以最快的速度完成前1/4赛程,在比赛中间阶段速度明显下降,最后1/4阶段再全力冲刺的比赛节奏。获得奖牌者的仰泳成绩相关系数最高(r>0.730),4-8名运动员则是自由泳成绩(r>0.620)。国内和国际比赛中男子运动员在蛙泳阶段的比赛用时百分明显高于女子(P=0.005,P=0.006),但在自由泳阶段较低(P=0.034,P=0.005)。结论:不论性别和游泳能力水平,国内和国际比赛中200m个人混合泳运动员的节奏策略均为抛物线型。其中男子运动员更倾向于积极加速的节奏策略,而女子则青睐于消极的节奏策略。在国内外比赛中,1-3名和4-8名分别与仰泳、自由泳成绩强相关。在专项训练中,应该考虑性别和游泳能力水平的差异尤其在仰泳和自由泳泳姿上。  相似文献   

王旭瑞 《精武》2012,(32):16-17
随着世界各大体育赛事对田径项目越来越重视,而跳远作为田径重要技巧性项目,跳远质量和运动受素质不断提高,起跳动作是跳远技术的主要环节,人们还渐研究起跳技巧来提高自己的运动成绩,俗话说:细节决定成败,跳远不但要求运动员综合素质要高,更讲究运动过程中的细节给跳远带来的作用,目前,在高校教学和训练中,很多老师重视助跑和下肢的技术,以便更直接更快速的提高跳远成绩,而忽视对上肢摆臂技术的教学和训练。该文针对目前这种教学误区,分析了正确的上肢摆臂对起跳的速度、力量以震技术带来的影响,对助跑和起跳起到非常重要作用。  相似文献   

沈宇鹏 《体育学刊》2006,13(5):98-101
通过对2001、2003和2005年世锦赛男子自由泳项目前8名运动员比赛技术数据进行分析和比较,了解当今世界男子自由泳项目优秀运动员速度、划频、划幅的变化特征,并对男子自由泳运动员最佳划频和划幅组合特征进行探讨。结果发现:(1)短距离运动员划频明显高于中长距离运动员;中长距离项目运动员划幅增长也明显高于短距离项目运动员。(2)最高游速下,运动员的划频和划幅达到或接近最高水平。(3)男子自由泳运动员理想划频和划幅会随着个人特点和项目距离特点变化而变化。(4)个人理想的划频和划幅组合应保持有效划频和有效划幅的组合。(5)在疲劳状态下,仍能继续保持良好的划频和划幅是取得好成绩的关键。  相似文献   

In this study, we examined aspects of the 4 x 100 m relay that are amenable to mathematical analysis. We looked at factors that affect the time required to complete the relay, focusing on the performance of elite male athletes. Factors over which the individual athletes, and the team coach, can exercise some control are: the starting positions of the runners on legs 2, 3 and 4, the positions at which baton exchanges occur, the free distances at the baton exchanges and the running order of the athletes. The lane draw is shown to have an important influence on the relay time, although it is outside the control of the team coach. Teams drawn in the outside lanes benefit from the inverse relation between bend radius of curvature and running speed. For teams composed of athletes with different times over 100 m, we show that the fastest relay times are achieved with the fastest athlete taking the first leg, with the slowest two runners allocated to the final two legs.  相似文献   

Researchers have suggested that skill performance deteriorates when people try to exert conscious control over automatic actions. Unfortunately, little is known about the effects of different types of conscious processing on skilled performance by expert athletes. We conducted two experiments to address this issue. Experiment 1 investigated the influence of a specific form of conscious control (making technical adjustments to a stroke) on the putting skills of expert golfers. The expert golfers maintained putting proficiency (i.e. number of putts holed) when making technical adjustments. However, this form of conscious processing altered the timing and consistency of golfers' putting strokes. Experiment 2 compared the influence of technical adjustments and conscious monitoring (paying attention to the execution of the stroke) on expert golfers' putting skills. Technical adjustments had no disruptive influence on expert golfers' putting proficiency but did reduce the consistency of their strokes. However, conscious monitoring was found to impair putting proficiency. The implications of the work for theory and future work are discussed.  相似文献   

A review of existing mathematical models for velodrome cycling suggests that cyclists and cycling coaches could benefit from an improved simulation tool. A continuous mathematical model for cycling has been developed that includes calculated slip and steering angles and, therefore, allows for resulting variation in rolling resistance. The model focuses on aspects that are particular, but not unique, to velodrome cycling but could be used for any cycling event. Validation of the model is provided by power meter, wheel speed and timing data obtained from two different studies and eight different athletes. The model is shown to predict the lap by lap performance of six elite female athletes to an average accuracy of 0.36% and the finishing times of two elite athletes competing in a 3-km individual pursuit track cycling event to an average accuracy of 0.20%. Possible reasons for these errors are presented. The impact of speed on steering input is discussed as an example application of the model.  相似文献   

对国内外优秀跳远运动员和世界顶级跳远运动员的助跑速度利用率、短程和全程助跑跳远成绩差、K值三项指标进行对比分析,发现我国优秀男子跳远运动员助跑速度利用率明显高于世界顶级选手,但技术评定等级低于世界顶级选手,主要原因是起跳环节存在差距。不同运动员最佳的助跑速度利用率存在差别,高助跑速度利用率需要有与之相对应的起跳能力和跑跳结合能力。  相似文献   

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