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凤眼莲对Cu2 、Pb2 、Cd2 等离子的耐受性为:Cd>Pb>Cu.短期累积去除率为Pb>Cu>Cd;表明凤眼莲在快速高效去除低浓度含铅废水、治理含镉废水和作为铜污染废水的指示性植物等方面有良好的应用前景.  相似文献   

在实验室水培条件下,研究了浮萍、满江红、凤眼莲等水生植物对Pb2+的累积吸收能力。用原子吸收分光光度法对三种植物的水培液中Pb2+的浓度进行了测定,并比较了三种植物对Pb2+的累积吸收能力的大小。结果表明:浮萍对Pb2+的累积吸收能力及抗性最大,满江红次之,凤眼莲最小。在治理轻度铅污染水体时,三种植物均是较好的备选植物,而在治理重度铅污染水体时,应首选浮萍。  相似文献   

采用新型稳定塘即二级厌氧池-氧化塘-氧化沟组合工艺处理广西某小城镇生活污水。工程实践表明,该工艺处理效果良好、运行稳定,各项指标均达到《污水综合排放标准》(GB8978—1996)中的二级标准。  相似文献   

为更好地推广应用鱼肥,2006年9月至10月进行了几种鱼肥的对比试验。试验采用湖南五指峰生物药业公司生产的三种不同N、P比例的鱼肥(N:P分别为2∶1,1∶1,1∶2),对面积同为5亩的池塘进行肥水效果对比,结果表明:氮磷比为1∶1的鱼肥效果最好,氮磷比为2∶1效果次之。  相似文献   

“死亡”与“救赎”是基督教文化的核心观念,而梭罗的散文代表作《瓦尔登湖》正表现出了强烈的死亡意识和救赎意识,并由此奠定了《瓦尔登湖》的精神结构与话语系统。对死亡的关注和罪恶的反思,是梭罗的基督教文化精神的充分体现,而其深广与执着的救赎意识更是将这种文化精神推向了极致。  相似文献   

Hydroponic experiments conducted to examine the chromiun uptake by C. communis in the presence of different Cr concentrations (Cr6+ 100 and 200 mg/L, respectively) and free histidine supplementation (0.5 and 1.0 mol/L) showed that shoot and root growth of C. communis decreased greatly with increasing Cr concentrations in the medium; and that the species was a typical excluder since it accumulated high concentrations of Cr in roots but comparatively low concentrations in shoots. Chromium in shoots and roots of Cr24 -supplied plants ranged from 329-1880 and 3788-4240 mg/kg DW, respectively, while those of Cr24 -histidine-supplied plants ranged from 478 to 629 mg/kg and 4157-4303 mg/kg DW, respectively. With Cr present in the hydroponic solution, C. communis accumulated more Cr in its tissues. Increasing histidine application to the solution significantly increased chromium accumulation in the plant tissues but could not alter the accumulation pattern of plants although it induced a higher concentration of Cr in its shoots and roots. These features suggested that C. communis may serve as an alternative species in a constructed wetland for phytoextraction treatment of Cr-containing wastewater and for phytostabilization of Cr mining spoils.  相似文献   

根据史料,解读朱自清写作《荷塘月色》时的真实思想,对“性”精神分析论者的观点进行探论,这篇散文是作者对自我道德人格的一次思考与确认,是非常时期朱自清灵魂挣扎的一面镜子,而不是来自作者自然生理的“性”意识。  相似文献   

低浓度废水化学需氧量的测定方法比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
比较了回流法和分光光度法测定低浓度废水化学需氧量(CODcr)的分析结果,在保证较高的准确度和精密度的前提条件下,后者能大量减少试剂用量,缩短分析时间。  相似文献   

霍邱县水门塘是至今仍发挥灌溉作用的皖西地区古代3大水利工程之一。清代霍邱水门塘的水利管理,实现用水者在维修和灌溉管理等方面的充分参与,体现出一定的民间自治性质。其在实际运行中,以水利灌溉利益为纽带,借助地方官府的支持而发挥着有效管理作用,维护正常的水利秩序。  相似文献   

It is important to research the rules about accumulation and distribution of arsenic and cadmium by tea plants, which will give us some scientific ideas about how to control the contents of arsenic and cadmium in tea. In this study, by field inves- tigation and pot trial, we found that mobility of arsenic and cadmium in tea plants was low. Most arsenic and cadmium absorbed were fixed in feeding roots and only small amount was transported to the above-ground parts. Distribution of arsenic and cadmium, based on their concentrations of unit dry matter, in tea plants grown on un-contaminated soil was in the order: feeding roots>stems≈main roots>old leaves>young leaves. When tea plants were grown on polluted soils simulated by adding salts of these two metals, feeding roots possibly acted as a buffer and defense, and arsenic and cadmium were transported less to the above- ground parts. The concentration of cadmium in soil significantly and negatively correlated with chlorophyll content, photosyn- thetic rate, transpiration rate and biomass production of tea plants.  相似文献   

对于一类广义离散时变系统,通过Lyapunov方程的建立,给出了系统因果且渐近稳定的充分必要条件,基于这一结果,利用对应的Riccati方程进一步研究了系统的能稳定性问题,给出了系统能稳定的充分必要条件.最后,举例说明了所得结果的正确性.  相似文献   

在外语型国家,英语表现出与母语国家和二语型国家使用的英语不一样的特点。文章借用印度英语研究的集大成者Kachru的相关原理和理论探析了中国英语新文学作品(以哈金的处女作In the Pond为例)中的中国英语表现出来的特征,并将其与同是"非母语变体"的印度英语作对比,发现二者的相似处和不同点,简要分析了造成这种现象的原因。  相似文献   

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