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The colour of sportswear has been shown to influence the outcome of bouts for several different combat sports. The generality of these effects, and whether they extend to collaborative forms of contests (team sports), is uncertain. Since 1947, English football teams wearing red shirts have been champions more often than expected on the basis of the proportion of clubs playing in red. To investigate whether this indicates an enhancement of long-term performance in red-wearing teams, we analysed the relative league positions of teams wearing different hues. Across all league divisions, red teams had the best home record, with significant differences in both percentage of maximum points achieved and mean position in the home league table. The effects were not due simply to a difference between teams playing in a colour and those playing in a predominantly white uniform, as the latter performed better than teams in yellow hues. No significant differences were found for performance in matches away from home, when teams commonly do not wear their "home" colours. A matched-pairs analysis of red and non-red wearing teams in eight English cities shows significantly better performance of red teams over a 55-year period. These effects on long-term success have consequences for colour selection in team sports, confirm that wearing red enhances performance in a variety of competitive contexts, and provide further impetus for studies of the mechanisms underlying these effects.  相似文献   


The colour of sportswear has been shown to influence the outcome of bouts for several different combat sports. The generality of these effects, and whether they extend to collaborative forms of contests (team sports), is uncertain. Since 1947, English football teams wearing red shirts have been champions more often than expected on the basis of the proportion of clubs playing in red. To investigate whether this indicates an enhancement of long-term performance in red-wearing teams, we analysed the relative league positions of teams wearing different hues. Across all league divisions, red teams had the best home record, with significant differences in both percentage of maximum points achieved and mean position in the home league table. The effects were not due simply to a difference between teams playing in a colour and those playing in a predominantly white uniform, as the latter performed better than teams in yellow hues. No significant differences were found for performance in matches away from home, when teams commonly do not wear their “home” colours. A matched-pairs analysis of red and non-red wearing teams in eight English cities shows significantly better performance of red teams over a 55-year period. These effects on long-term success have consequences for colour selection in team sports, confirm that wearing red enhances performance in a variety of competitive contexts, and provide further impetus for studies of the mechanisms underlying these effects.  相似文献   

自2004年以来国内外人类学、体育学界研究者通过研究发现,参赛运动员(队)服装的颜色对体育比赛结果有影响,颜色对比赛结果的影响研究呈如下趋势:在个人项目和集体项目比赛中,当双方实力相当时,穿红色服装的运动员和运动队会赢,选手都没有穿红色比赛制服而是穿蓝色或白色,穿蓝色服装的运动员和运动队会赢。颜色对比赛结果的影响机制主要有,不同颜色比赛服装具有其特殊的内隐性;比赛服装颜色会引起植物神经内稳态偏离;不同颜色队服具有不同的视觉属性;不同颜色队服影响队员情绪体验的积极性。  相似文献   


Optimizing collective behaviour helps to increase performance in mutual tasks. In team sports settings, the small-sided games (SSG) have been used as key context tools to stress out the players’ awareness about their in-game required behaviours. Research has mostly described these behaviours when confronting teams have the same number of players, disregarding the frequent situations of low and high inequality. This study compared the players’ positioning dynamics when manipulating the number of opponents and teammates during professional and amateur football SSG. The participants played 4v3, 4v5 and 4v7 games, where one team was confronted with low-superiority, low- and high-inferiority situations, and their opponents with low-, medium- and high-cooperation situations. Positional data were used to calculate effective playing space and distances from each player to team centroid, opponent team centroid and nearest opponent. Outcomes suggested that increasing the number of opponents in professional teams resulted in moderate/large decrease in approximate entropy (ApEn) values to both distance to team and opponent team centroid (i.e., the variables present higher regularity/predictability pattern). In low-cooperation game scenarios, the ApEn in amateurs’ tactical variables presented a moderate/large increase. The professional teams presented an increase in the distance to nearest opponent with the increase of the cooperation level. Increasing the number of opponents was effective to overemphasise the need to use local information in the positioning decision-making process from professionals. Conversely, amateur still rely on external informational feedback. Increasing the cooperation promoted more regularity in spatial organisation in amateurs and emphasise their players’ local perceptions.  相似文献   


We draw on the concept of the shared mental model to explain the cross-level direct and moderating effects of team trust on the relationship between coach transformational leadership and cohesion. Using hierarchical linear modelling, we analysed 597 national level high school and university volleyball players to test our research model. Our results revealed that, (a) at the individual level, coach transformational leadership has a positive effect on athletes’ perceptions on cohesion and (b) team trust, a group-level construct, is positively related to social cohesion and moderates the coach transformational leadership-cohesion relationship. The moderating effect demonstrates that the positive effect of coach transformational leadership on cohesion could be enhanced when high levels of team trust are shared within the group. Implications for coach education and sport psychology in terms of theory and research are discussed.  相似文献   

Determinants of possession of the ball in soccer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In research on the importance of the possession of the ball in soccer, little attention has been paid to its determinants. Using data from 170 matches of the 2003 - 2004 Spanish Soccer League, we explain why differences in the possession of the ball among teams are so great. In particular, four variables are examined: evolving match status (i.e. whether the team is winning, losing or drawing), venue (i.e. playing at home or away), and the identities of the team and the opponent in each match. Results of linear regression analysis show that these four variables are statistically significant and together explain most of the variance in possession. In short, home teams have more possession than away teams, teams have more possession when they are losing matches than when winning or drawing, and the identity of the opponent matters - the worse the opponent, the greater the possession of the ball. Combinations of these variables could be used to develop a model that predicts possession in soccer.  相似文献   

运用录像分析法、数理统计法等,对2011—2012赛季CBA总决赛的各项数据进行统计、比较和分析,结果显示:CBA总决赛在观赏性和竞争性方面有所提高,广东队投篮次数、篮板球、失误和犯规等数据均高于对手;北京队在投篮命中率、抢断、明星球员的融合上明显好于对手。  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2017,20(4):408-421
While a majority of team identification studies have focused on the influence of psychological connection on organizational objectives, it is important to also examine the influence of team identification on fans in terms of their well-being. Considering the latter, there has been a relative lack of inquiry into how identified fans cope with identity threat, such as program scandal. In the current study, the author uses autoethnography, an interpretive ethnographic mode of inquiry, to examine her Syracuse University Men’s Basketball fandom and her reaction to sanctions imposed on the program in 2015. In doing so, the author finds that she relied on multiple emotion-focused coping strategies over a one-year period to deal with identity threat until a series of positive team-related events restored her identity. The author also finds that her role identities as fan and scholar frequently conflicted one another. Theoretical, methodological, and managerial implications of the current study are discussed.  相似文献   


In research on the importance of the possession of the ball in soccer, little attention has been paid to its determinants. Using data from 170 matches of the 2003 – 2004 Spanish Soccer League, we explain why differences in the possession of the ball among teams are so great. In particular, four variables are examined: evolving match status (i.e. whether the team is winning, losing or drawing), venue (i.e. playing at home or away), and the identities of the team and the opponent in each match. Results of linear regression analysis show that these four variables are statistically significant and together explain most of the variance in possession. In short, home teams have more possession than away teams, teams have more possession when they are losing matches than when winning or drawing, and the identity of the opponent matters – the worse the opponent, the greater the possession of the ball. Combinations of these variables could be used to develop a model that predicts possession in soccer.  相似文献   

本文采用文献资料、录像观察、数理统计、比较研究等方法,对第十五届男篮世锦赛中国队与对手在各个不同位置的进攻技术指标进行比较研究。反映出中国队在中锋位置已具有较强的优势,但前锋位置,特别是后卫位置与对手有明显的差距,同时暴露出中国队员整体对抗能力较弱,失误太多,体能欠缺,优秀队员匮乏等一系列问题。  相似文献   

目的:通过对15届男篮锦标赛中国队与6个对手全部比赛的篮球技术统计,找出中国队在大赛中遇强队时表现差的原因。方法:采用文献资料法、数理统计法、对比分析法等研究方法。结果:(1)中国队在比赛中篮板球、盖帽占优势;(2)中国队在比赛中罚球总数少于对手;(3)中国队在比赛中助攻少、抢断少、失误多。结论:中国队仍是世界强队之一;中国队以姚明为核心的战术贯彻不彻底;中国队自身“小、快、准、灵”的特点丧失;队员基本功相对较差。  相似文献   

纵观亚洲篮球格局,中国男篮随处前列,但其地位受到冲击,优势逐渐丧失。亚洲男篮群雄割据的局面已经成形,本文以亚洲八强为研究对象,采用录像统计,数据对比分析对亚运会男子篮球比赛得分情况进行研究,重点分析前三名队伍的得分特点,以便讨论亚洲诸强,帮助中国队了解对手,进行有针对性的训练提高自身。为中国男篮以后的训练提供一些理论依据。  相似文献   

探索不同赛制下比赛表现指标对比赛结果产生的影响,选取2018年俄罗斯世界杯59场、118组技战术表现和跑动表现指标作为自变量,比赛胜、负作为因变量。运用K型聚类分析,对比分均衡比赛进行界定。根据比赛控球率的不同对比赛表现指标进行标准化处理。运用数据级数推断法界定各自个变量增加2个标准差对比赛获胜概率带来的变化。研究结果:1)在所有比赛中,9项技战术表现指标(射门次数、射正次数、射正率、定位球射门次数、突破进入罚球区次数、控球率、传球成功率、解围成功次数和防守反击次数)和3项跑动表现指标(本方控球时跑动距离、进攻三区跑动距离和对方罚球区跑动距离)使比赛获胜概率显著提升。对方控球时跑动距离则使获胜概率显著下降;2)在比分均衡比赛中,5项技战术表现指标(射门率、定位球射门次数、控球率、传球成功率和解围成功次数)和3项跑动表现指标(本方控球时跑动距离、进攻三区跑动距离和对方罚球区跑动距离)使比赛获胜概率显著提升。而向前传球次数、低强度跑距离、中强度跑距离、对方控球时跑动距离4项比赛表现指标则使获胜概率显著下降。研究表明,FIFA世界杯获胜球队在立足于防守的基础上,以防守反击和定位球作为主要进攻和得分手段,表现出与联赛球队不同的比赛策略。因此,各级球队在备战时应根据赛制和对手实力情况作出针对性的战术部署。  相似文献   

通过对2010-2011赛季短道速滑世界杯长春站和上海站成绩的分析,指出我国短道速滑男、女队现状及发展方向,总结出我国现阶段短道速滑水平略有下降,对新规则理解不深刻,并提出合理化建议。为我国短道速滑今后的体能及技、战术训练计划的制定提供参考,同时为第7届哈萨克斯坦亚洲冬季运动会夺金点的选择提供借鉴。  相似文献   

运用文献法、实地调研法,对第15届世界男篮锦标赛中国男篮与对手的全部6场比赛中在队伍结构和人员配备、突破、篮板、快攻方面进行比较研究。研究认为:中国男篮与世界强队有一定的差距。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、录像观察法、数据统计法和对比分析法,对第30届奥运会中国男篮与对手进攻技术进行分析.结果表明:中国男篮在投篮总投次、2分球命中率、抢进攻篮板球、突破和助攻等方面与对手存在较大的差距.建议:加强专项体能训练;注重球员篮球基本技术的训练,提高其规范性和实效性;多同世界强队进行交流,强化队员的心理素质和比赛经验.  相似文献   


We examined the influence of collective efficacy and subjective interpretations of success/failure on team causal attributions. The participants were 71 male and female high school athletes on 20 track relay teams. Before a selected competition, participants completed a collective efficacy questionnaire. Then, immediately after their race, they were administered a modified version of the revised Causal Dimension Scale-II. A multi-level framework was employed to assess collective efficacy as an individually held perception and as a shared team belief. The individual perceptions of team success/failure significantly predicted the locus of causality and stability dimensions, whereas aggregated collective efficacy emerged as a significant team level predictor of average stability. Individual perceptions of collective efficacy were significantly related to team control and this relationship was moderated by the sex of the team. The findings indicate that collective efficacy beliefs held by athletes and teams prior to a competition influence the formation of post-competition team attributions in sport.  相似文献   

We examined the influence of collective efficacy and subjective interpretations of success/failure on team causal attributions. The participants were 71 male and female high school athletes on 20 track relay teams. Before a selected competition, participants completed a collective efficacy questionnaire. Then, immediately after their race, they were administered a modified version of the revised Causal Dimension Scale-II. A multi-level framework was employed to assess collective efficacy as an individually held perception and as a shared team belief. The individual perceptions of team success/failure significantly predicted the locus of causality and stability dimensions, whereas aggregated collective efficacy emerged as a significant team level predictor of average stability. Individual perceptions of collective efficacy were significantly related to team control and this relationship was moderated by the sex of the team. The findings indicate that collective efficacy beliefs held by athletes and teams prior to a competition influence the formation of post-competition team attributions in sport.  相似文献   

每球得分制条件下中国男排一攻与防反特征研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对参加第9届世界杯的中国男排与世界强队的11场比赛的录像分析,探讨了新规则实施以来中国男排的一攻与防反特征以及可能带来的变化。结果表明,中国男排的得分手段按比重大小依次为一攻、对方失误、反攻和发球,其中反攻得分能力明显低于世界强队;快攻威胁较大,但由于一传到位率低,组攻次数少;反攻中接应二传得分率较高,但扣球次数和实际得分少;比赛中,一攻不利造成对方反攻连续得分是中国男排连续失分的主要原因。  相似文献   

Understanding what influences an individual to transition from awareness that a sport team exists to attraction to that team is of critical importance in the management and development of consumer bases. Determining the factors that prevent individuals at a stage of awareness from becoming attracted is of equal importance. In this paper we use a social identity approach to explore reasons for non-attendance. Qualitative data were gathered from a mixed-method online survey administered to registered participants in a large football (soccer) association in New South Wales. The questionnaire included an open-ended question allowing individuals who had not attended a match during the previous 12 months to elaborate on the reasons that they did not attend. The seventy-five individuals who responded to this open-ended question comprise the sample for this research. Data highlighted that cognitive apathy and disidentification were both salient cognitive responses associated with individuals who did not attend. Furthermore, club values and characteristics were shown to influence team-based perceptions. The findings present implications for sport teams to overcome cognitive apathy and disidentification through organisation-initiated efforts to disseminate information and promote the team, as well as efforts to align team characteristics and values with consumer perceptions.  相似文献   

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