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Trudy, an American girl, tried swimming across the English ChanneThat was August 6, 1962. Her father had 1 her two things. One was nto pull her out of the water 2 she asked. The other was to give her a resports 3 if she made it.In gay(愉快的) spirits Trudy 4 out, swimming strongly. Athe swimmers started at 7∶09 in the morning. Her father and the trainwere 5 along in a boat beside her.At ten o蒺clock, rain began falling. At midday, Trudy trod(踩,踏…  相似文献   

In the United States there was an unusual story of a girl. One day while she was taking a 1 along the bank of a lake, the girl happened to see 20 wild goose (野雁) eggs. After some time the girl knew their 2 would not return to her eggs and she decided to take 3 home. There she 4 put the eggs in the heat of a lamp (灯). Several days later the eggs 5 and the baby geese came into the world.  相似文献   

晓菲 《初中生》2018,(6):34-37
原作节选 That was the last time the girl Wendy ever saw Peter.For a little longer she tried for his sake not to have growing pains;and she felt she was untrue to him when she got a prize for general knowledge.But the years came and went without bringing the careless boy;and when they met gain,Wendy was a married woman,and Peter was no more to her than a little dust in the box in which she had kept her toys.  相似文献   

李玉艳 《海外英语》2011,(12):263-264
Maggie Tulliver is the heroine of The Mill on the Floss. Nearly the girl’s whole course of life was described in this novel― from her sweet and painful childhood to her courageous death in order to save her beloved brother Tom. A passionate, intelligent and sexually attractive girl is completely unacceptable to the society of "angels at home". Her characteristics, undoubtedly, form a big challenge to the society in which she lived. And through the creation of such a special girl with resisting spirit, one is able to understand better George Eliot’s creative motive.  相似文献   

I have something exciting to tell you. I made a Japanese friend on the Internet. It was Sunday. I surfed on the Internet as usual. I opened my OICQ. I wanted to make some friends. At last I chose a girl named Tracy. We talked with each other in English. It was a surprise for me to know that she is a Japanese girl. And now she lives in Shanghai  相似文献   

Eleven-year-old Angela was stricken with a debilitating disease involving her nervous system. she was unable to walk and her movement was restricted in other ways as well. The doctors did not hold out much hope of her ever recovering from this illness. They predicted she'd spend the rest of her life in a wheelchair. They said that few, if any, were able to come back to normal after contracting this disease. The little girl was undaunted. There, lying in her hospital bed, she  相似文献   

The story is about a Chinese girl student in an English-speaking country. She was reading a book by the window when she heard someone shout "Look out! ". She put her head out to see what was going on. Just then a board came flying down from above,  相似文献   

A kindergarten teacher was observing her classroom of children while they drew, occasionally walk-ing around to see each child's artwork. As she got to one little girl, who was working diligently, sheasked what the drawing was. The girl casually replied, "I'm drawing Cod." The teacher paused and said, "But no one knows what God looks like." Without missing a beat, or looking up from her drawing, the girl replied, "They will in minute."  相似文献   

This film is about how a high school bookworm transforms into a swan in Walt Disney Pictures' Ice Princess.It begins with a graceful action of skating.The girl,named Casey,is an excellent student in the high school who especially excels in physics. One day she is told that she is qualified to apply for the physics scholarship.But she is required to prepare for a special physics thesis which should be unusual and personal. Then the bright girl gets a hint from a TV show on figure skate.Just during the process of studying in those skating movements.She is gradually fascinated by this sport and also  相似文献   

One day a little girl wanted to go for a walk with her __1__ So she made a(n)__2__, and took an apple and __3__ orange juice. She put them in her bag and __4__ her hat. Then she took her toy and went outside. Soon, a __5__ wind came and blew (吹) her hat into a tree. A(n) __6__ little bird saw the wind blow the hat into the tree, and he wanted to __ 7__ the girl. So, he took the hat in his mouth __8__ gave it to the girl. The girl was very 9. She gave the bird some bread 10 her hamburger. Now the bird was happy, too.  相似文献   

Most of the little girls in the school near Gates Street wore pretty newclothes that spring. But a little girl from GatesStreet wore the same dirty dress that she had worn all winter. It was probably the only dress she owned.  相似文献   

Monalisa Smile     
Betty Warren: All her life she had wanted to teach at Wellesley College. So when a position opened in the Art History. department, she pursued it single- mindedly until she was hired. It was whispered that Katherine Watson, a first year teacher from Oakland State, made up in brains what she lacked in pedigree, which was why this Bohemian from California was on her way to the most conservative college in the nation...  相似文献   

One day the little daughter was late coming home from school. Mum was both annoyed and worried. When the little girl came through the door, mum demanded in her upset tone that she explain why she was late.The little girl said, Mommy, I was walking home  相似文献   

Give Me the Keys     
Mary,a pretty girl,was giving an English lesson to a class of adults whohad recently come to live in the United States.After placing quite a numberof everyday objects on a table,she asked various members of the class to  相似文献   

Two years ago I transferred to a new school.Everything seemed strange to me at first.On my frist day to the new school I was in a great hurry.I was almost running when a girl riding a bike offered to give me a lift.We came into the same classroom together.Oh,she knew me after all!She was my classmate!I thanked her,but she just gave me a big smile.  相似文献   

It Depends     
Mabel is a beautiful girl. She likes allkinds of clothes, but didn't put her heart intoher lessons when she was at school. With herfriends' help, she finished middle school,butshe learned little there. Of course, she can't doany important jobs and now she's a salesgirl(售货员)in a shop.She has to work there buthopes to find a better one. Several days ago the girl quarreled(吵架)with her boyfriend. So the following morning  相似文献   

Yesterday afternoon John and I were walking along a road where we heard someone shout “Help!Help!”He was in a lake,about a hundred feet from the shore.There was a small boat nearby.We knew immediately what happened. He had fallen out of the boat and could not swim good enough to reach it or to get to the shore.As we ran toward the lake I  相似文献   

Sandra Cisneros was born in Chicago in 1954 in a Mexican American family. As the only girl in a family of seven children, she often felt like she had "seven fathers", because her six brothers, as well as her father, tried to control her. Feeling shy and unimportant ,  相似文献   

Molly lived in a small town by the sea.Shewas the only girl on her street.And the otherchildren were all boys.She could play with no-body after school and always felt lonely. When she was nine years old,another girlJoan came to live in the house opposite(与……对面的)hers.On the first day Joan and her fami-ly moved there,she visited them and knew Joancame from New York and they were both thesame age.Joan went to the same school as Mollyand was in Class One,Grade Two,too.Soon shemade friends witn her and they helped each oth-er.Joan had two brothers.The four children of-  相似文献   

In the city of Fujisawa, Japan, lives a woman named Atsuko Saeki. When she was a teenager, she 1 of going to the United States. Most of what she knew about American 2 was from the textbooks she had read. I had a 3 in mind: Daddy watching TV in the living room, Mummy 4 cakes and their teenage daughter off to the cinema with her boyfriend.  相似文献   

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