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S hu was born of a peasant family. Supported by the state scholarship, he nished his academic art training in the Central Academy of Fine Arts and became the third-generation oil painter of modern China. Talented and diligent, Shu has steadfastly pursued his artistic ideals and perfected his skills. While versed in such a wide range of subjects as portrait, body, landscape and still life, he has gained reputation as an accomplished artist thanks to his virtuosity in portraits of leaders. Sh…  相似文献   

Cao Nian graduated from the Department of Painting, Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts in 1976 and received quidance from art educators Wei Chuanyi, Huang Yuan and Zhang Shenxian, In 1984 he graduated with BA degree from the Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Southwest Normal University. In 1994 he completed an advanced graduate program on art theories from China Arts Academy.  相似文献   

Late September 2006, at the invitation of the Cultural Ministry of Belarus, a four-person delegation from northeast China's Heilongjiang Province visited Minsk, capital city of Belarus, to present China Ice and Snow Painting Exhibition at Belarus National Museum of History and Culture as part of China Culture Day co- sponsored by the cultural ministries of the two countries. The exhibition displayed 54 painting masterpieces by Yu Zhixue, founder of ice and snow painting, and his students. All the maior media organizations in Belarus reported the exhibition and Belarus Culture Daily gave an exclusive interview of Yu Zhixue. The Deputy Cultural Minister of Belarus was so impressed by the painting styles of Yu that he shook Yu's hands excitingly and highly praised Yu's works. A renowned Belarus painter said that "Trees with Crystal-White ice", donated by Yu to Belarus National Museum of History and Culture, would become an everlasting memory of the city of Minsk.  相似文献   

Hepingli, a working-class residential district developed in the 1950s in Beijing. At 9 am everyday, Duan Xiaoying appears in a first-floor apartment in the district after driving his daughter to school and his wife to office respectively. This small apartment is the legacy of his diplomat father who liked doing woodwork for leisure. Duan recalls that his first oil painting box was made by his father. Now the apartment becomes his studio where he spends the whole day for oil creation. Duan us…  相似文献   

Rong Tie was educated in the Central Academy of Fine Arts, majoring in calligraphy, in 1996, he began his postgraduate study in calligraphy at Capital Normal University. He studied in the “elite class” at China Institution of Arts Studies in 2002 and became a visiting scholar at Peking University in 2003. His titles include: National First-Class Artist, academician of the China Artists Association, deputy secretarygeneral of the Traveling and Friendship Center of the China Artist Association,  相似文献   

Jiang Guofang is not the first to depict the Forbidden City on canvas. But he is truly a pioneer to create oil paintings on this ancient royal palace in such a large scale and from a fresh historical perspective. -- Yang Xin, former Vice President of Palace Museum  相似文献   

In the beginning of his career, Gao Feng served as an apprentice in a ceramic workshop, doing errands for his masters. With several months of practicing and training, he acquainted himself with every process of ceramic making and developed interest in this profession dealing with clay and fire, One year later, he was transferred to the ceramic studio of the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing. At that time, except Jingdezhen and a few other ceramic sites in frontier areas, the technique of ceramic throwing had been generally replaced by machine molding and infilling.  相似文献   

<正>Master painter Qi Baishi began to paint grass and insect in the late 19th century. In 1899, he obtained an album on grass-and-insect paintings by an old painter surnamed Shen and started creating  相似文献   

Yu Chengsong and his composite oil print works were I first known to the art circle in 1993 when he published a 35-volum painting album on Chinese landscape. The album, printed in six languages including Chinese, English, Japanese and French, was distributed worldwide. In order to create this album, Yu traveled across the country on his own expenses. He painted the most marvelous and beautiful landscapes in China, from  相似文献   

In the 1980s, he exchanged his grandfather's curio collections for a color TV set, a refrigerator and a cassette recorder, the three popular luxuries of the time. He called himself a "spendthrift" of his family then. In the 1990s, he dug for ceramic fragments in the demolishment site in Ping'an Avenue and therefore gained the nickname "Fragment Bai". In 2000, he co founded "Mu Ming Tang", a museum to display ancient ceramic fragments, and obtained a new title,  相似文献   

Pang Zhu, or named Shan Zhu, born in Changchun, Jilin Province in 1945, is currently member of the Artists Association of Sichuan Province, executive council member of the Photographers Association of Chengdu City and professor with the department of art and design of Chengdu University of Science and Engineering. With the degrees in painting, photography, and advertising and decoration, Pang has dedicated himself to art education and painting for forty years or so. As a retired professor, he now offers advice on graduation design and thesis defense and organizes academic workshops in CUSE.  相似文献   

The old campus of Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts, located in the city's industrial area, have long suffered dust and noise pollution from the thermal power plant, freight yards, the steel plant, the train station and storehouses in the neighborhood. The academy principal Luo Zhongli still remembers that he couldn't hold tight the powder-hidden basketball without saliva in his hand when he played basketball gaines as a college student decades ago. It is his lifelong dream to have a beautiful, clean new campus where artists and students can enjoy.  相似文献   

Tang Yijie was born in Tanjin on February 16, 1927. He graduated from the Department of Philosophy of Peking University, in 1951. He successively served as professor and advisor to Ph.D. candidates at Peking University's Philosophy Department, vice chairman of China Oriental Culture Society, vice chairman of China Society on the Studies of Yan and Huang Culture, and vice chairman of Chinese Confucius Society. In 1983, he worked at Harvard University as visiting scholar. In 1986, he was engaged as research jellow by New York State University. in 1990, he was conferred with honorary doctor by McMaster University of Canada. In 2006, he was conferred with honorary doctor by Kansai University of Japan. He served as guest projessor at University of Oregon, McMaster University, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and Melbourne University respectively.  相似文献   

Zhang Daqian is celebrated as a legendary Chinese painter of international renown in the 20th century, With extraordinary skills, he is considered the most outstanding artist in carrying forward the traditions of Chinese ink painting. Zhang began to stand out in the 1920s and obtained a leading status in the then painting arena in the 1930s His replicas of ancient master artists' paintings are so superb that they can be hardly distinguished from original works. Mr. Xu Jichuan, a prestigious collector, recalled an interesting experience as evidence to highlight Zhang's unparalleled ability to replicate ancient painting masterpieces.  相似文献   

Though the outstanding Australian Chinese artist Yao Dixiong won a world fame with his painting work "2000 Kangaroo" which's 63 meters longand the creation, 100 meter-long "Human and Nature - Soul of Australia", he continued to realize his artistic dream of being a distinguished horse-painter.  相似文献   

““““““““““““““““In July 1971, my father Richard Nixon, the then U.S. President, declared that he would visit China at the invitation of Chairman Mao Zedong and Premier Zhou Enlai of the People‘s Republic of China. The news astonished the world and changed the direction of history, because since 1949, the United States had had no diplomatic relations with the People‘s Republic of China. It was difficult for most people to believe that these two countries could overcome the ideological and political disparities to come together. On February 21, 1972, when my father set out on his journey for peace, he was very excited. As he stepped out of Air Force I, he decided to stretch out his hand first to Premier Zhou Enlai before he set on Chinese soil.““““““““““““““““- Julie Nixon Eisenhower, daughter of former U.S. President Richard Nixon  相似文献   

Leather silhouette was rst introduced to the court as a toy during the Western Han Dynasty (206 BC – 24 AD). According to the History of the Han Dynasty, Lady Li, Emperor Wudi’s favorite concubine, was a beautiful dancer but died of illness when she was very young. The emperor felt so sorrowful that he missed her day and night. A Taoist claimed that he could call back the spirit of Lady Li. In fact, he played leather images of the concubine behind a screen and the emperor watched it o…  相似文献   

Tibetan fine arts have embraced a whole new era sincethe 1980s. Diverse subjects and innovative techniquesfeature the styles of contemporary Tibetan painting.Murals of NorbulingkaThe epic mural series”Origins of Tibetans: Politics andReligions” in the new palace of Norbulingka mix differentstyles of Tibetan painting and feature plain colors and grandscenes. The murals illustrate the political and religious historyof Tibet: from pre-historic Tibetans said to be decedents of amale monkey a…  相似文献   

TING Shao Kuang,a Chinese-American artist,is famousfor his modem heavy-colorpainting.Born In Chenggu County,Shaanxi Province,in 1939,he stu-died sketch and watercolor In themiddle school attached to the Cen-tral Academy of Fine Arts from1955 to 1957 in Beijing,then en-tered the Central Institute of Artsand Crafts to study decorative paint-ing,graduating in 1962 with excel-lent grades.During his study in theinstitute he won the appreciation ofnoted artists Zhang Ting,ZhangGuangyu and Pang Dongqin andwas deeply influenced by their theo-ry of color and line.The sevenyears‘training laid a solid founda-tion for his art career.  相似文献   

A Leading Artist in the Art Market Wu Guanzhong is a big name in the history of Chinese contemporary art.In 1978, he held his first solo exhibition in the then Central Institute of Art and Design at age 59. Since then, he has amazed the art market with one miracle after another.  相似文献   

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