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This year the Acquisitions Institute was held May 19 through May 22, 2012, and brought together approximately eighty people from around the country. Seventeen presentations on acquisitions, collection development, and collection management were delivered over two days, with breaks, meals, and optional fun events providing ample opportunity to socialize and network. Written by a first-time attendee, this article describes the sessions of the 2012 institute.  相似文献   

The 2013 Acquisitions Institute at the beautiful and historic Timberline Lodge in Oregon had absorbing presentations encouraging attendees to apply their values to inclusive collections that serve diverse communities, maximize the use of technology in services, and discern value in the products used and collections built. Updates from publishers, stories from collaborative collecting and sharing efforts, and citation analysis showed attendees a bigger, nuanced picture of resources and their use. The inaccessibility of electronic resources for patrons with disabilities was a sobering surprise for attendees. Materials allocation plans and valuing collections in new ways from various perspectives sparked provocative discussion throughout the conference.  相似文献   

The 2011 Acquisitions Institute at Timberline Lodge delivered a packed schedule of timely and interesting presentations on compelling topics for acquisitions and collection development librarians, publishers, and library vendors. The cozy lodge provided a perfect environment for relaxed conversation on topics such as patron-driven acquisitions, e-books, and library collaborations, while late snow flurries and a cloud cap hid Mount Hood from attendees’ eyes.  相似文献   

The Acquisitions Institute at Timberline Lodge has been providing an opportunity for acquisitions and collections librarians to meet and discuss pertinent trends and issues since 2000. This report provides a brief historical overview of the institute and its place among other acquisitions events. Then it gives a report on the sessions that constituted the Acquisitions Institute at Timberline Lodge held May 16–19, 2009.  相似文献   

以浙江大学本科生和研究生为研究对象,运用问卷调查和访谈方法,考察大学生对电子书的知晓度、使用行为、态度和接受程度。结果显示,大学生在休闲类和学术类电子书认知和使用行为上存在差异。大学生对一般电子书的认知度和使用率较高,对图书馆电子书库(主要为学术类电子书)的认知度和使用率非常低。总体倾向于使用搜索引擎获得电子书,高年级本科生和博士生则主要通过图书馆目录和网站获得电子书。使用目的总体上倾向于休闲娱乐,低年级本科生较多阅读小说,博士生更多使用研究专著。多利用移动终端设备和电脑,直接进行屏幕阅读,但对研究类电子书倾向于打印部分阅读。手持电子书阅读器使用较少,且受到大学生经济状况影响。大学生对纸本书仍存在强烈偏好。高校图书馆需要在宣传推广、激发大学生需求、与教师教学结合等方面改进电子书服务。  相似文献   

With trends in collection development moving toward digital, streaming resources, and acquiring sets of materials, the Higher Education Library Information Network (HELIN) Consortium pulled together cataloging, acquisitions, and licensing information through a discovery platform. The discovery layer, in this case Innovative Interface's Encore, harvests disparate collections and enables the library user to easily refine her search through facets. Rice Sanders described the HELIN Consortium's Encore implementation and experiences, while McQuillan highlighted the West Bloomfield Township Public Library use of the Encore platform and other products.  相似文献   

This article seeks to add to the body of literature about the provision and management of electronic resources in academic libraries in developing countries. It recognizes the importance of providing increased electronic information to users and describes the efforts of an academic library in the Caribbean to address this need. The role of the Acquisitions and Serials Unit in making this transition possible is explored. Furthermore, an assessment of the progress attained in the transition process is documented, including issues encountered, many of which have not yet been resolved. Future plans for successful development of an increased electronic resources environment have also been proposed.  相似文献   

The future is not perfectly predictable. However, as serialists it is our job to predict the future in some very real ways, and current trends give us valuable tools for at least figuring out a range of possible future scenarios. Certain trends in particular point to highly likely developments in the near future, and wise libraries will position themselves to deal with those developments. They include a continued drift on the part of researchers away from printed resources, from the library catalog, and from non-unique collections, with a concomittant rise in the importance of unique collections and locally-produced scholarships. Libraries can future-proof themselves by, in part, turning decisively away from resources and services that patrons are abandoning and towards those resources and services that are likely to grow in importance.  相似文献   

An account is given of the first EuroScience Open Forum and specifically of a symposium within it on the publication of scientific research. The scene‐setting presentations and the summary of the discussions are set out.  相似文献   


This case study reviews the responsive Web design project undertaken by the Library, Institute of Technology Tallaght, with Granite Digital, including the preparatory literature review, the design process, task allocation, and the technologies leveraged to deliver the final design. The library is a small academic library with limited resources, and the project took place during a particularly challenging period in Ireland. The different types of testing the site underwent before launch are discussed, including testing of the design itself across browsers, accessibility testing using free online resources, testing the responsive design using free online resources, and physical device testing. The article outlines how feedback was gathered and addressed, and discusses plans for future upkeep and development. Finally, the article concludes that it is possible for a small academic library to successfully deliver a high quality library Web site using responsive design.  相似文献   

论文介绍了APABI电子图书的资源情况,说明了其在图书馆利用率较低这一现实情况,并做了读者调查和原因分析,引出了电子图书在图书馆的几个发展瓶颈,并进行详细阐述和分析,最后在解决对策方面提出了一点意见和建议。  相似文献   

The Institute of Jazz Studies (IJS) started the Jazz Archives Fellows program in 2012 with two purposes in mind. First, the program focuses on improving diversity in the archives profession. Second, it provides a meaningful professional development opportunity for archivists in the early stages of their careers and for students in graduate programs who intend to become archivists. In addition, the IJS benefits directly from the fellows' work to process a collection and create a digital project. This article presents a case study of the Fellowship with a focus on program design, values, and lessons learned and includes recommendations for establishing similar programs.  相似文献   

抖音短视频已成为当前广大市民闲暇娱乐的重要手机软件工具,公共图书馆已陆续开始在抖音短视频平台上尝试自我营销。论文通过详细梳理公共图书馆在抖音平台的合作营销优势,针对目前各图书馆抖音营销进行现状分析,总结问题背后的发展困境,探索具有较强操作性的改良办法和发展策略,为公共图书馆的抖音营销实践、全网联动合作和社会协同发展提供可供借鉴的思路和建议。  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(69-70):247-258

This paper focuses on the reference services provided by librarians at the Transportation Library for the police officer students enrolled in the School of Police Staff and Command, Traffic Institute, Northwestern University (Evanston, Illinois). Although this program is unique, the wealth of experience gained over several years can be useful for others who are planning and implementing services for adult learners within an academic environment. The Transportation Library's unusual organizational culture—a corporate library within an academic setting- and a variety of clients necessitates “changing gears” and services to meet the needs of each group.  相似文献   

展示技术的发展为博物馆展示科学技术提供了各种可能性,然而提炼和表达科学技术背后的科学文化,即科学精神、科学思想、科学方法、科学的价值观等核心内涵,并不是单纯的技术问题。工程文化是科学文化的一种类型,在黑龙江工程学院工程文化博物馆的策展实践中,通过情节化、重构展品语境和不同层次的参与等多方式,探索了在展示工程技术发展的同时,深入发掘背后的工程文化,让展览不仅传播科学知识,同时也兼具科学文化。  相似文献   


Isolating certain critical blind spots that one encounters in studying lifeworlds of the global South, this essay calls for: (1) a grasp of the irreducible singularity of each historical formation as an essential aspect of southern Cultural Studies, so that its lessons are not readily erased, dismissed as signs of failure, or bracketed as idiosyncratic exceptions to universalized standards; and (2) the recognition of volatile and illicit forms of popular agency—emerging in friction with the security-obsessed governmentality of the borderlands, the exclusionary institutions of civil society, and the normativities of citizenship—as legitimate heralds of a global political futurity.  相似文献   

Canada's national science library, the National Research Council Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information, is in the process of transforming its traditional document delivery services to meet the emerging needs of users. As such, the Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information has developed a suite of Web-based services, partnerships, and collaborations to better serve its users. These components have been brought together to create new service offerings such as Discover, and the National Research Council Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information Standards Store. Quicker, more flexible and convenient access to the world's scientific, technical, and medical information from the Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information and from sites where users congregate across the Web is the goal of Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information's new breed of information delivery services.  相似文献   

How do we engage with our community in a more meaningful way? How do we make the user experience the center of all we do? What impact are we having and how do we measure it? In an effort to better answer these questions and make a tighter connection between library objectives and the broader needs of the community, the Oak Park Public Library embarked on a journey to “turn outward.” Following the Harwood model for community engagement, Oak Park has made strides in unifying its internal operations and strengthening strategic partnerships. Its intention is wider and deeper community impact.  相似文献   

郭盛楠  郝洋  韩焱晶 《编辑学报》2021,33(5):571-575
在建设世界一流科技期刊的大背景下,刊刊有责,特色小学科科技期刊如何高质量发展是个不容忽视的问题.本文以中国中医科学院针灸研究所的3种期刊为例,探讨特色小学科科技期刊高质量发展策略,提出寻求差异化发展,摸准学科发展脉搏,灵活实践,守正创新,促进期刊以集群化发展等方式提高期刊的学术影响力和显示度.作为特色小学科期刊,需要坚守好自己的学术阵地,配合国家整个科技期刊产业布局,在创建世界一流中国科技期刊系统的过程中贡献自己的力量.  相似文献   

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