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To understand spoken words, listeners must appropriately interpret co‐occurring talker characteristics and speech sound content. This ability was tested in 6‐ to 14‐months‐olds by measuring their looking to named food and body part images. In the new talker condition (n = 90), pictures were named by an unfamiliar voice; in the mispronunciation condition (n = 98), infants’ mothers “mispronounced” the words (e.g., nazz for nose). Six‐ to 7‐month‐olds fixated target images above chance across conditions, understanding novel talkers, and mothers’ phonologically deviant speech equally. Eleven‐ to 14‐months‐olds also understood new talkers, but performed poorly with mispronounced speech, indicating sensitivity to phonological deviation. Between these ages, performance was mixed. These findings highlight the changing roles of acoustic and phonetic variability in early word comprehension, as infants learn which variations alter meaning.  相似文献   

歧义词的表征是语言学和心理语言研究的一个重要问题。语言学家最早对歧义词进行了类型区分,并提出了心理表征假设,而心理语言学家通过实验的方法为该假设提供了实证支持。此外,二语歧义词表征是动态发展过程,其研究对二语词汇教学具有启示作用。  相似文献   

因文定义是训诂中最常用的一种训释词语意义的方法,本文以古今训诂材料为基础,阐述因文定义的"文"、"义"的具体所指,"文"与"义"的内在联系,论述了因文定义方法运用的审"文"要领和定"义"的原则、要求.  相似文献   

翻译歧义是跨语言间的一个常见现象,它是指一个词在另一种语言里有多个翻译。为了了解这种现象背后的认知过程,研究者对翻译歧义进行了很多研究。以中英双语儿童为研究对象,探讨汉语和英语之间的翻译歧义现象对他们学习和加工歧义词的影响,从而比较翻译歧义词与翻译非歧义词的学习难易程度。采用翻译识别的实验任务,测试被试者在该任务中对英语单词与汉语翻译之间配对正确与否的反应时间和正确率。结果发现,对中英双语儿童来说,歧义词比非歧义词更难学,这种现象可以用交互激活理论和扇形效应来解释。歧义词与非歧义词中英翻译对比研究是翻译歧义研究领域的一个有益补充,对未来关于翻译歧义的双语加工研究也有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

词汇歧义在广告英语中的应用相当广泛。探究广告英语中词汇歧义的存在形式和词汇歧义在广告英语中的语用价值,以词汇歧义的多重含义及广告英语翻译的最终目标为基础,以契合译法、拆译法、套译法和变通译法等不同的翻译方法为指导,对词汇歧义在广告英语中的翻译及其应用作了初步探讨。  相似文献   

歧义词加工研究的进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在西方心理语言学界,歧义现象加工的研究是近二十多年来的一个非常活跃的研究领域,对此,研究者们进行了大量的实验研究,并形成了不同的歧义词加工的理论观点与研究方法,获得了诸多重要成果。考察这些研究的最新进展,对我们探讨中文字词的加工重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

An exploratory study of the efficacy of The Word Within the Word tested students’ abilities to recognize, use, and recall vocabulary. Ten middle school teachers and their 493 students participated. Five teachers used The Word Within the Word, and five used traditional vocabulary materials. Students completed an out-of-level sentence completion test and a test of prompted vocabulary recall. Analysis of sentence completion data revealed significant differences with moderate effect sizes, favoring students in The Word Within the Word sixth- and seventh-grade classes. Analysis of prompted vocabulary recall data revealed significant differences with moderate to large effect sizes at all grade levels, favoring The Word Within the Word classes. Results suggest that in this case, both gifted and typically developing students in classrooms using The Word Within the Word were more skilled in vocabulary recognition, use, and recall than students in classrooms using traditional methods of vocabulary instruction.  相似文献   

Language and gesture are viewed as highly interdependent systems. Besides supporting communication, gestures also have an impact on memory for verbal information compared to pure verbal encoding in native but also in foreign language learning. This article presents a within‐subject longitudinal study lasting 14 months that tested the use of gestures in the classroom, with the experimenter presenting the items to be acquired. Participants learned 36 words distributed across two training conditions: In the audio‐visual condition subjects read, heard, and spoke the words; in the gestural condition subjects additionally accompanied the words with symbolic gestures. Memory performance was assessed through cued native‐to‐foreign translation tests at five time points. The results show that gestures significantly enhance vocabulary learning in quantity and over time. The findings are discussed in terms of Klimesch's connectivity model (CM) of information processing. Thereafter, a code, a word, is better integrated into long‐term memory if it is deep, that is, if it is comprised of many interconnected components.  相似文献   

翻译工作中,首先遇到的是词语翻译问题,按字面意义翻译,译文往往晦涩,不通顺,不能够充分表达原义。在这种情况下,应从词语的具体语境入手,寻求答案。通过Cruse对词语意义的分类,探讨了具体语境下词语的翻译,并通过一些具体例子阐述了具体语境中词语翻译的四种类型。  相似文献   

在创造性阅读的语境下,人们追求文本解读的新奇性和多样性。文本阐释一度迷失了边界。把方法论引进文本阐释,可尝试创造性阅读从“无序”到“有序”,从“无法”到“得法”的转变。《边城》作为20世纪的经典小说,在结构语言学的分析中,重复叙事加剧了作品的悲剧意识,作品中每个人都跌入到爱的旋涡;心理分析折射出翠翠爱的梦境和作者重建美好家乡的乡土梦幻;在新批评的解读中,渡船、边城、虎耳草等呈现出多种意蕴。多元阐释使得这部具有经典意义的小说呈现出丰富多彩的意义。  相似文献   

随着时代的更迁、社会的发展,新词语不断出现以适应社会发展的需要。从2001年至2016年共产生1714个四字新词语。其构成法主要有复合法、派生法、缩略法,其中采用复合法构造的最多,大量产生的词缀极少构成四字新词语。  相似文献   

This paper provides a review of concepts and practices in the enhancement of peer relationships amongst young children in the context of play experiences, with particular emphasis upon the needs of individuals with developmental disabilities. We examine definitions and typical development patterns of social competence and a range of factors which influence it, including family issues. A set of best practice guidelines are then discussed in terms of the extant research literature, along with potential areas for future research in this field.  相似文献   

篇章通常是一个有机的整体,语义连贯,语句关联。充分理解原是翻译的前提,有效落实译是翻译的关键。词是语言中可以自由运用的最小单位,而词义受语境的制约,脱离了具体语境,词义便无从确定。  相似文献   

王海燕  廖婧  刘超 《海外英语》2011,(12):324-325
商务英语是随着全球经济的发展而出现的一门专门用途英语。在商务活动中正确理解商务英语的词义,对商务活动的正常进行十分重要。该文从语境的角度出发,阐述语境与英语词义的关系,从而借助语境理解商务英语词汇的含义。  相似文献   

<汉语大词典>对<国语>"是知天咫,安知民则"中的"则"给出名词"方法"和语气词两种不同解释,这是<汉语大词典>的疏漏之处.此处"则"应为名词,意为"方法".  相似文献   

The core theme of this article is the implications of a global language for the curriculum and how it can be dealt with in terms of content knowledge and reform. First, the article conceptualises curriculum from the perspective of schooling within a geographical territory, symbolising its own cultural history and the nation as a key agent in reform. Second, it takes a closer look at current reform designs and asks how they represent equivalent but also contrasting arguments and rationales about curriculum beyond the national. Third, the article discusses implications of globalisation for curriculum pertaining to both cultivation and qualification as indispensable parts of education and schooling. The main empirical point of departure is the formal curriculum guidelines in Norway, written policy documents, expert reports and evaluation frameworks, written within the last two decades. Through the application of a new language for change, these documents advocate world-wide expectations which could harmonise curriculum across national boarders. However, the design of the reform is of core significance in standardisation processes, and highly dependent on the way matters and meanings are conceptualised in the professional semantics which accompany reform efforts within and beyond the national context.  相似文献   

国内的部分语言理论按对象分属和兼属两种方式为词分类,其中类别分属观认为,词分属语言词和言语词等两个类别。由于词分属语言和言语词等两个类别不能解释词的单类说、总类和子类没有确定性、不存在同一的划分标准等原因,所以这种做法违反逻辑不能成立。提出词的抽象和具体性问题的目的是为了推出并强调词是例、词位是类型的结论。  相似文献   

作为语言使用环境的语境分为语言语境、情景语境和文化语境,语境中的各个因素都可能影响译员对源语的理解及对译语的表达。对源语的理解要通过对语境的分析与掌握来确定;而目的语中词语的选择在很大程度上成为决定口译质量的关键,它同样受到语境制约,口译时快速选词、准确达意都离不开对语境的准确理解与把握。  相似文献   

《酉阳杂俎》一书中因传抄讹误或使用俗语词等而造成理解困难的词语有很多,我们考释了其中的六个:“作梵”乃“作犯”之误,“继”指病名,“灶瘃”乃“龟瘃”之误,“条”指鸟之粪;“丫戾”乃“了戾”之误;“羊脾”与“羊髀”同.  相似文献   

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