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量词是具有范畴化功能的词类.量词在语义上的主要作用就是把各种各样不同的名词归为一类.量词的范畴化是从中心成员开始的,然后逐步扩展到边缘成员.量词范畴的扩展途径包括绝对途径和相对途径.量词范畴化的动因有隐喻、转喻、图式转换和规约意象.  相似文献   

Three experiments report developmental change in infants' tendency to parse exemplars into separate categories. In Experiment 1, a familiarization-novelty preference procedure was used. Fifty-four 4-, 7-, and 10-month-old infants were familiarized with members of two basic-level animal categories (cats and horses) and tested with novel members of the familiarized categories and with members of a third category (dogs). In Experiment 2, a habituation-dishabituation procedure was used. Forty-eight 7- and 10-month-old infants were habituated to examples of both male and female faces and tested with novel gender-typical and gender-ambiguous faces. In both experiments, 10-month-old infants appeared to form differentiated categories, whereas younger infants formed a single category to include the range of items presented during familiarization. Experiment 3 ruled out a priori stimulus preferences as an explanation for the 10-month findings in Experiment 2.  相似文献   

A total of 122 parent–infant dyads were observed as they watched a familiar or novel infant‐directed video in a laboratory setting. Infants were between 12–15 and 18–21 months old. Infants were more likely to look toward the TV immediately following their parents' look toward the TV. This apparent social influence on infant looking at television was not solely due to the common influence of the television program on looking behavior. Moreover, infant looks that were preceded by parent looks tended to be longer in length than those that were not preceded by parent looks, suggesting that infants assign greater value to media content attended to by their parents. Thus, parental patterns of attention to television may influence early viewing behavior.  相似文献   

Previous studies indicated that the ability to detect correlations among attributes emerges between 7 and 10 months of age. In the present study, the generality of this developmental transition was examined. Using an infant-control habituation procedure, 48 7- and 10-month-old infants were tested for the perception of correlations among basic facial features. The developmental effects were replicated. Only the 10-month-old infants demonstrated their sensitivity to the pattern of correlation by generalizing to a novel face that preserved the experienced pattern of correlation, while showing increased attention to a face in which the pattern of correlation was violated. 7-month-old infants generalized to both test stimuli containing familiar features, regardless of the status of the correlation. Implications for face perception and the processing of categorical information are discussed.  相似文献   

3 experiments using the familiarization-novelty preference procedure were conducted to investigate whether 3-month-old infants could form categorical representations of the spatial relations above and below. In Experiment 1, one group of infants familiarized with exemplars depicting a dot in different positions above a horizontal bar displayed a subsequent visual preference for a novel category exemplar (dot below bar) that was paired with a familiar category exemplar (dot in novel position above bar). A second group of infants presented with exemplars in which the dot appeared in variable locations below the bar also responded preferentially to a novel category exemplar (dot above bar) when it was paired with a familiar category exemplar (dot in new position below bar). These preferences did not result from the salience of vertical up-down changes in dot position or the encoding of dot positions relative to an internal horizontal midline (Experiment 3) or from an inability to discriminate the members of each category (Experiment 2), but rather would seem to be a consequence of the ability to represent categorically the spatial relations above and below. The data provide evidence for early categorical organization in human spatial memory.  相似文献   

探讨的是动词复合体(verbcomplex)中附加语在英语和汉语中语义成分——路径和体的表达。英语中附加语的具体表现形式是副词和动词词缀,汉语中附加语是动词的补语,具体表现形式为动词和形容词。英语和汉语使用附加语表示路径,有较多的对应成分。英语和汉语都可以用附加语来表示“体”,但是两种语言的对应成分较少。  相似文献   

理性幼儿文学作品能够丰富社会认知,陶冶社会情感,示范合理社会行为,从而促进幼儿社会化。在幼儿社会教育活动中融入文学作品要注意按理性的标准进行选择,并注意应用的理性化。  相似文献   

Two experiments examined infants' ability to form a spatial category when habituated to few (only 2) or many (6) exemplars of a spatial relation. Sixty‐four infants of 10 months and 64 infants of 14 months were habituated to dynamic events in which a toy was placed in a consistent spatial relation (in or on) to a referent object. At 10 months, infants formed a spatial category (looking longer at an unfamiliar than familiarized spatial relation) only when habituated to 6 exemplars. At 14 months, infants formed the spatial category regardless of the number of habituation exemplars. The results highlight developmental changes in infant spatial categorization and show that increasing exemplar number facilitates this ability in infants of 10 months.  相似文献   

研究了图与其补图路色数的关系  相似文献   

应用动态规划方法进行路径规划,仿真结果证明了该方法的可行性。  相似文献   

我国群体性事件频发的根源是改革开放以来国家与社会关系的调整,用“变迁-结构-话语”这一理论框架进行分析,我国群体性事件的频发主要是贫富差距拉大、社会动员与社会颓丧、贪污腐败等变迁因素;基层民主、社会组织发展、制度化能力等结构因素;社会心理基础等话语因素这三类因素共同作用与影响的结果.妥善解决群体性事件应以调整国家与社会的关系为思路,以解决利益矛盾、加强基层民主建设、促进社会中层组织发展、推动群体性事件制度化进程为主要内容.  相似文献   

We used a familiarization-novelty procedure to determine whether 4 infant chimpanzees spontaneously perceive the sameness of and the difference between both concrete objects and relations between objects. In Experiment 1, a single object was presented on the Familiarization Trial 1 and the animal's looking time recorded. On the Test Trial 2, an object was presented that was either identical to or different from that shown on Trial 1. Looking times on Test Trial 2 were less when the same item had been presented on the preceding familiarization trial. Novel items on Trial 2 were attended to longer, indicating that the infant chimpanzees perceived concrete objects were either the same or different. In Experiment 2, a single pair of objects was presented on the Familiarization Trial 1, and handling time was measured. The objects in a pair were either the same or different (e.g., AA vs. CD). On the Test Trial 2, a new object pair (e.g., BB vs. EF) was presented that instantiated either the relation shown on Trial 1 or the alternative relation. Handling time on Trial 2 was influenced by the relation instantiated on Trial 1. Handling times on Test Trial 2 were less when the identical relation had been presented on the preceding familiarization trial. Novel relations on Trial 2 were attended to relatively longer. This result indicates that infant chimpanzees perceive similarities and differences between abstract relations as well as between concrete objects. That is to say, they perceived relations between relations in Experiment 2. Despite this ability to perceive both concrete and abstract "same/different" relations, the same chimpanzees subsequently failed to use the latter knowledge in a matching-to-sample task in Experiment 3. Although they successfully matched single objects, they were unable to match object pairs instantiating the same relation (e.g., if AA then match BB; if CD then match EF). These results contradict claims that failure to learn an instrumental discrimination involving abstract relations reflects an inability to detect such relations. In every species there may be a disparity between the ability to perceive spontaneously a property of the world and the ability to use the concept instrumentally.  相似文献   

特别权力关系是受公法调整的特别法律关系之一。特别权力关系理论发端于19世纪君主立宪时代的德国,在德国、日本和我国台湾地区经历了不同程度的发展和修正过程。我国实际生活中存在的大量特别权力关系,由于缺乏相关的理论支撑和立法规范,游离于法治之外。对此有必要从我国行政法治并不理想的现实出发,引进"修正后的特别权力关系理论"的积极、合理因素,顺应我国法治发展的趋势,以现代法治理念为指导,将特别权力关系纳入法治轨道,使之逐步法治化。具体进路为:优先保护特别权力相对人的基本权利;尽力规制特别权力的配置;对特别权力主体的自治行为进行程序控制;对特别权力关系的司法审查体现特殊性。  相似文献   

信任是大学组织生存与发展的核心要素,文章基于组织公正理论,系统分析了大学内部信任关系的生成本源,并将信任关系的内涵阐述为人际价值层面的充分认同、利益层面的深层沟通、程序层面的正当安排,最后阐述了重构大学内部信任关系的路径所在。  相似文献   

20世纪初叶“亚洲的觉醒”革命风暴作为现代亚洲民族解放运动的序曲 ,对亚欧之间殖民地 (附庸国 )与宗主国的依附关系形成强有力冲击。两次世界大战更是对亚欧关系的演变产生决定性影响。如果说第一次世界大战大大削弱了欧洲对其亚洲殖民地的控制 ,那么第二次世界大战则成为欧洲殖民体系崩溃、亚洲民族新生的历史催化剂 ,使亚欧之间的不平等关系发生了根本性改变。此外二战期间亚欧大陆两端人民在反法西斯斗争中同仇敌忾、互助合作 ,则成为该时期亚欧关系的主要内容。  相似文献   

动态环境下机器人的路径规划   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对机器人全局路径规划存在的环境动态性和实时性问题,以及局部路径规划中无法获取全局知识而产生的优化问题,基于A*算法与局部势场法,提出了一种混合路径规划方法,实现了动态环境下多机器人避障、避撞的效果。仿真实验验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

妖异事件(妖书、妖言、妖眚、妖术等)是中国传统社会存在的普遍现象。妖异事件不仅造成普遍的社会恐慌,也对官方的社会控制产生冲击。尽管历代律法对妖异行为有严厉的处罚和打击,但是仍然不能杜绝此类事件的发生。通过对史料所载明成化年间妖异事件的考察和解读,可以更深更好地了解明政府的社会控制、对妖异事件的处理及妖异事件对成化政局的影响。  相似文献   

武明雄 《唐山学院学报》2015,28(1):33-36, 71
越南和法国不仅有着悠久的历史关系,而且关系非常特殊。奠边府一役失败之后,法国政府被迫于1954年7月20日签署了《日内瓦协定》,承认越南的独立、主权、统一和领土完整等等。为保持法国在越南的利益及影响,法国与越南建立了正常的外交关系,并将越法两国的关系推进到一个新的阶段。  相似文献   

意识形态是中苏关系中一个敏感而尖锐的课题。可以说,中苏同盟因意识形态的同一性而建立,也因意识形态的背离而分裂。因此,从意识形态的角度来研究中苏关系的时异势迁,沧海桑田,无疑具有重要的现实意义。文章把1949~1958这十年间的中苏关系划分为三个阶段,并对这三个不同时期意识形态在两国关系中的作用加以阐述,从而试图揭示中苏关系在这短短十年内发生如此重大变化的原因所在。  相似文献   

专有名词作为一种具有特殊指称功能的词汇,其词义在演变过程中已逐渐普通化。以原型范畴理论为基础,结合范畴化与非范畴化理论框架,提出从动态范畴化视角分析专有名词词义泛化过程,并指出转喻认知机制是贯穿整个范畴化过程的内在运作机制。  相似文献   

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