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This study investigates the factors that affect the self‐esteem of learners with dyslexia. It provides a brief overview of some of the key literature in this area and then describes a small‐scale study conducted in two mainstream secondary schools in the north of England. Data were collected using semi‐structured interviews with secondary‐aged pupils who had received an official diagnosis of dyslexia. Nine pupils volunteered to be interviewed. The study considers the impact of factors such as comparisons made against other students and the impact of teachers, peers and family on pupils' self‐esteem. The results of the study indicate that these factors contribute significantly to self‐esteem for pupils with dyslexia. However, the study found that the most significant factor that contributed to students' self‐esteem was a positive diagnosis of ‘dyslexia’ and ownership of the label. The study concludes that an early diagnosis of dyslexia is essential for creating a positive self‐image and recommends that further research is necessary into the significance of the diagnosis for these learners.  相似文献   

Students with dyslexia often experience low self‐esteem and, linked with this, low academic achievement. Our research, commissioned by the Higher Education Academy, was carried out by academics in two universities, one in the south‐west of England and one in the north‐west, over 2009–2010. It set out to address ‘transitions and questions of “access” to higher education for students with identified disabilities’. While we accessed interesting material in this area we were also impressed by the wealth of material provided by our respondents with dyslexia on their school experiences, in particular factors that had impacted on their self‐esteem and academic achievement. Thus this article, while not an intended outcome from our work on matters of transition to higher education, emerges as a story telling a rich and illuminating tale of student success and failure and lifting the curtain on factors impacting on self‐esteem and academic achievement for students with dyslexia at school.  相似文献   

In this paper, the results of an investigation into the training needs and expectations of participants of professional development training 1 for specialist teachers and assessors of learners with literacy difficulties and dyslexia are discussed and analysed. The methodology includes both qualitative and quantitative data which were collected over a period of 2 years from participants (N = 75) at the beginning of their courses of study. Current literature is reviewed, and an in‐depth analysis of the findings illuminates the rationale and content of the available training. The author discusses these findings and demonstrates the importance of the training. The conclusions offer research‐based reflections that are important to all those involved in the design and funding of this and future professional development.  相似文献   

This article describes a small‐scale study exploring the perspectives of five undergraduate students with dyslexia. Semi‐structured interviews were conducted in two universities in the UK. The interviews explored participants’ perceptions of their dyslexia label and how it had affected their academic success. The aim of the research was to identify facilitating factors that supported participants with dyslexia during their education. The following themes were identified: age of dyslexia identification, family support, dyslexic identity, self‐advocacy skills and learning resources. The study makes a case for an intervention for children and young people (CYP) with dyslexia that, in addition to remedial literacy support, explores self‐advocacy, thinking and study skills and facilitates positive academic self‐concepts. Future research could evaluate such an intervention for its effectiveness on CYP's social emotional well‐being and literacy skills.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to examine the self‐concepts, locus of control, and machi‐avellianism of 169 ethnically diverse middle grade students identified as gifted. Subjects consisted of 90 African‐American (31 boys, 18 girls). Self‐concept, locus of control, and machiavellianism were assessed by Me: A Self‐Concept Scale for Gifted Children (Feldhusen &; Kolloff, 1981), the Nowicki‐Strickland Locus of Control Scale (Nowicki &; Strickland, 1973), and Mach IV Scale (Christie &; Geis, 1970) respectively. A three‐way analysis of variance (group × Gender × Grade) on subjects’ scores revealed significant group differences in self‐concept. No significant gender or grade differences were found in self‐concept. No significant group, gender, or grade differences were found in locus of control and machiavellianism. Self‐concept was significantly and positively correlated with internal locus of control and with low machiavellianism. Mean scores indicated that ethnically diverse students who are gifted had positive self‐concepts, internal locus of control, and were low machiavellians.  相似文献   

This research investigated the school practice placement experiences of six student teachers with dyslexia representing each year of a 3‐year initial teacher training course at a UK university. Placement performance and outcome has enormous implications for student teachers in demonstrating their professional competence and ability to meet the Training and Development Agency for Schools Professional Standards for Teachers and obtain qualified teacher status. The research focused thematically on student strengths, challenges and management strategies using a case research approach. Findings indicate student teachers with dyslexia bring unacknowledged strengths to placements but face a number of challenges despite proactive adoption of management strategies. A model of placement support to enhance student effectiveness has been developed. Conclusions indicate the importance of listening to the student's voice to understand individual placement requirements and co‐ordinate and implement specific reasonable adjustments as required by UK legislation 1 .  相似文献   

This study sought to devise a parsimonious instrument for evaluating academic self‐concept (ASC) among British‐born students entering ‘mass‐market’ (post‐1992) universities that cater for diverse and ‘non‐traditional’ intakes. Three major facets of ASC were found to be particularly relevant to these students: self‐belief in one’s academic competence; self‐appreciation of one’s personal worth as a student (independent of ability‐related considerations); and self‐connection with being an undergraduate.  相似文献   

《Support for Learning》2006,21(4):188-193
This article addresses the important issue of initial teacher preparation in relation to classroom management. It is based on a study of Post Graduate Certificate of Education (Secondary) students in one university department. The study sought to ascertain the ongoing concerns of trainees during the course of their year's training, and to identify key issues for training providers as a result of this process. Data were gathered both by interview and by questionnaire. Carolyn Bromfield uses the findings to broker a discussion about the nature of behaviour training; her key message is that there is a need to move trainee thinking from a traditional behaviourist approach to one which highlights the relationship between behaviour and learning.  相似文献   

对高校英语教师自我概念与职业倦怠之间的关系进行了研究,结果发现教师存在一定程度的职业倦怠现象,但整体并不严重,自我概念与职业倦怠存在显著的负相关,其中工作满意、师生关系和人际知觉对职业倦怠有显著的预测作用。  相似文献   

本从体育实习教师在教学中的组织控制能力入手,结合青少年学生出现的几种共性的心理现象,阐述了相应的控制方法,以发挥体育实习教师自身的组织控制能力,提高课堂教学质量.  相似文献   

To improve quality, teacher education programs in Brunei were recently eliminated at the undergraduate level and changed to master of teaching degree courses. Prospective teachers are required to obtain content-rich initial degrees prior to applying for teacher training. This study argues that the high entry qualification to teaching may, in itself, not guarantee teacher effectiveness. This study was to determine if those in teacher training were good candidates for long and effective teaching careers.  相似文献   

While increasing attention is being paid to the influence of specialist and traditional school settings on the emotional well‐being and self‐esteem of children with dyslexia, there appears to be a need for more attention to how different educational settings may impact adulthood. To respond to this gap, this study by assistant professors Blace A. Nalavany and Lena W. Carawan, and graduate student Lashaunda J. Brown, all at East Carolina University, explores how the role of traditional and specialist school settings may have long‐term effects in adulthood. The findings reveal that educational experiences have a compelling impact on the emotional health and self‐esteem of adults with dyslexia. Implications reveal that there are important lessons to learn from specialist schools that can benefit traditional school settings.  相似文献   

This research aimed at exploring the motivation for reading of pupils with dyslexia, and to investigate whether they differ from their peers. A total of 32 pupils formed the LD group (22 boys and 10 girls, 5th‐ and 6th‐graders) who were diagnosed with dyslexia. A comparison group was formed of pupils who attended the same classes (N = 210), and these were divided into two groups (average/low performance, N = 115; high performance, N = 95), according to teachers’ ratings of pupils’ performance on reading. Self‐report measures were used to assess perceptions of academic ability, reading attitudes and approaches to learning. The results revealed that dyslexic pupils displayed lower academic self‐concept than the low/average and high performance groups on all domains, except Practical ability. Moreover, dyslexic pupils perceived reading less as a function of personal development, both enjoyment and utilitarian, as compared to their peers. Finally, the dyslexic group adopted the surface approach to learning, indicating an external motive, similarly to the average/low group, and adopted the deep approach to learning less as compared to their high achieving peers. The implications of these findings are discussed at pupil, teacher and classroom level.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the collaboration of Greek secondary school teachers of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) with psychologists and advisers for dyslexia issues. Data were collected through audio recorded observations and interviews with head teachers and teachers. Taking a Vygotskian approach to learning, activity theory is applied to analyse the contradictions that emerge around the collaboration of teachers and head teachers with specialist provision for dyslexia issues from data in interviews and field notes across two schools. The analysis shows that contradictions are created when the participants try to achieve their goals for dyslexia support by the absence of ‘what’ artefacts – such as knowledge on dyslexia – and ‘how’ artefacts – processes and procedures such as collaboration with a counsellor – to support the collaboration of EFL teachers with EFL and special educational needs advisers and psychologists, the lack of staff at diagnostic centres and lack of funding for training. This finding indicates that the collaboration between psychologists, advisers and teachers to exchange information on pedagogy needs to be established through meetings and in‐service training of teachers.  相似文献   

Undergraduate women completed measures of externally contingent self‐worth, self‐esteem instability, and depression at the beginning (Time 1) and again 3 months later near the end (Time 2) of an academic semester. Findings indicated that when Time 1 depression scores were controlled for, each Time 1 facet of self‐esteem made significant contributions to Time 2 depression scores. Implications of these findings for the counseling of depressed college students are discussed.  相似文献   

This article, written by Assistant Professor Noel Chia from the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore and Professor Stephen Houghton from the Centre for Child and Adolescent Related Disorders, University of Western Australia, reports an empirical evaluation of a one‐year Orton‐Gillingham instruction based reading intervention programme. The programme was conducted with 77 (61 male and 16 female) Singaporean primary school‐aged children with dyslexia and a pre‐test/post‐test experimental group design was incorporated into a hybrid multiple baseline to inform analysis. A multivariate analysis of variance revealed a highly significant main effect for pre‐post on the composite dependent variable made up of word recognition age (WRA), word expression age (WEA) and sentence reading age (SRA) scores. Univariate F tests revealed significant improvements in WRA and WEA. These effects were modest (7% and 8% variance accounted for, respectively) but high enough to be considered educationally significant. There was no main effect for SRA and no main effect as well as no significant interaction effect for teacher, indicating that teacher was not a moderating variable in the gains made on the subtests.  相似文献   

The Singaporean education system is undergoing many changes in order to develop schools and nation which cultivate learning and education. A crucial success factor to these initiatives is the teacher. Singapore needs reflective teachers who can continually reflect upon their own practices to find better ways of teaching as well as maintain their purpose and direction amid a sea of changes. This article describes attempts during the years of 2002 to 2004 to develop trainee teachers into more reflective teachers at the National Institute of Education (NIE), focusing specifically on the experience of two revamped pre-service teacher education modules. The experience suggests that a social constructivist approach, in which trainee teachers discuss and debate critical issues impinging on their professional practice, is more successful than the traditional ‘tell and regurgitate’ approach, in developing reflective teachers.  相似文献   

Research and practice involving children and adults with dyslexia has tended to focus on identifying difficulties in developing literacy skills and associated cognitive variables. Comparatively few investigations have focused on affective factors or on finding ways of enabling those with dyslexia to express their own attitudes, thoughts and feelings about these difficulties. As part of an intensive investigation into the self-concepts of pupils attending a residential special school for boys with dyslexia, Robert Burden, Professor of Applied Educational Psychology at the University of Exeter, together with his research assistant, Julia Burdett, carried out semi-structured interviews with 50 boys. One element of the interview was a request to each interviewee to construct a mind picture or image of what dyslexia represented to him. The results revealed a number of powerful images illustrating both surmountable and insurmountable barriers to learning, together with feelings of confusion and inadequacy. The conclusion is drawn that metaphors provide a potentially helpful means of exploring the deep-rooted thoughts and feelings of children and young people diagnosed with dyslexia. The authors conclude by discussing some possible implications of this form of investigation for future research and intervention with those experiencing dyslexia and a wide range of other disabilities.  相似文献   

To teach, and to teach at one's best over time, has always required resilience and commitment. Drawing upon findings of a questionnaire survey of 568 primary and secondary school teachers in Beijing and in-depth semi-structured interviews with a sub-sample of six teachers with different years of experience, the paper provides empirical evidence about how teachers sustain their sense of resilience and commitment in the context of persistent top-down neoliberal reforms in China's educational system. It argues that being a resilient teacher means more than “bouncing back” from difficulties. Rather, it is influenced by the nature of the contexts in which teachers' work and lives are embedded and driven by their vocational commitment to serve the learning and achievement of the children on an everyday basis and also, over the course of their professional lives.  相似文献   

The study examined the relationship of interpersonal homophily and self‐esteem with the development of parasocial interaction. “Attitude”; homophily was found to be the strongest predictor, among the independent variables, of parasocial interaction for all three groups of television performers. The results also indicated that certain dimensions of a person's self‐esteem helped to predict and to explain parasocial interaction. The study showed how an integration of interpersonal and mass communication theories contributes to our knowledge of parasocial interaction.  相似文献   

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