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This study describes the sense-making behaviors of sixth- and seventh-grade students (n = 46 dyads) as they read and discussed expository articles in print and digital formats. Most dyads approached the digital text as if it were static and linear, despite the availability of hyperlinks. Reading through (or covering) the text was the most commonly observed behavior, occurring in 89% of the coded intervals in the print condition and 76% of intervals in the digital condition. Students were observed discussing a variety of cognitive and metacognitive strategies. The most common strategies were process monitoring, summarizing, connecting, and reacting. The dyads used at least one overt sense-making strategy in about 50% of the intervals when reading the print text and about 65% of the intervals with the digital text. Previewing and progress monitoring, which serve important planning and self-regulative functions, were used more frequently in the digital condition. Regression analyses show that several collaborative behaviors were associated with text comprehension, as measured by a researcher-designed multiple choice test, in the print condition but not in the digital condition. These included word recognition monitoring (β = 1.84; SE = 0.90; p = .05), summarizing (β = 2.43; SE = 1.21; p = .05), and connecting (β = −5.20; SE = 2.06; p = .02) at the student level and attending to illustrations (γ = −7.08; SE = 2.17; p = .003) at the dyad level. In both conditions, prior reading achievement and prior knowledge were strong predictors of comprehension.  相似文献   

This article reports the results of research to determine if a significant interactive effect exists between students' lingual background (English as a primary language [EPL] versus English as a secondary language [ESL]) and question format on students' examination scores. Students were administered examinations made up of four subtests covering the same subject matter. The subtests were composed of four question formats: multiple choice quantitative, multiple choice theoretical, open-ended quantitative, and open-ended essay questions. Based on analysis of variance and analysis of covariance, significant differences were observed between EPL and ESL students depending on the type of question on the examination.  相似文献   

Jian  Yu-Cin 《Reading and writing》2022,35(7):1549-1568
Reading and Writing - Comparing comprehension outcomes in print and digital reading is an active area of research but little is known about the reading processes that these media entail. This study...  相似文献   

This article details a study which predicted that across a wide range of print sizes dyslexic reading would follow the same curve shape as skilled reading, with constant reading rates across large print sizes and a sharp decline in reading rates below a critical print size. It also predicted that dyslexic readers would require larger critical print sizes to attain their maximum reading speeds, following the letter position coding deficit hypothesis. Reading speed was measured across twelve print sizes ranging from Snellen equivalents of 20/12 to 20/200 letter sizes for a group of dyslexic readers in Grades 2 to 4 (aged 7 to 10 years), and for non-dyslexic readers in Grades 1 to 3 (aged 6 to 8 years). The groups were equated for word reading ability. Results confirmed that reading rate-by-print size curves followed the same two-limbed shape for dyslexic and non-dyslexic readers. Dyslexic reading curves showed higher critical print sizes and shallower reading rate-by-print size slopes below the critical print size, consistent with the hypothesis of a letter-position coding deficit. Non-dyslexic reading curves also showed a decrease of critical print size with age. A developmental lag model of dyslexic reading does not account for the results, since the regression of critical print size on maximum reading rate differed between groups.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between course intensity and long-term retention on graduate level counseling students enrolled in a research and statistics course. It confirms earlier findings of time and learning studies, which have primarily dealt with end-of-course outcomes, that there is no effect due to scheduling format. In this study, older students performed significantly higher on a six-month follow-up test than younger students. Students who had previous, related course work scored significantly higher in final course grades than students with no prior course work, however, differences were moderated and no longer significant at the time of follow-up. Implications from these findings are discussed.Rebecca LaFountain is an assistant professor in the Department of Counseling, Shippenburg University of Pennsylvania. She earned an Ed.D in Counseling from the College of William and Mary, an M.S. in Counseling from Iowa State University, and a B.A. in French from Grand Valley State University. She is a Licensed Psychologist and a Certified Clinical Mental Health Counselor. Her primary professional interests include the teaching of research and statistics so that it is not threatening; Adlerian psychology; and, Solution-Focused counseling.  相似文献   

A classroom-based study with eight- and nine-year-old students included the participants having many opportunities to engage with multimodal print and digital texts, and various technological tools. The data presented in this article focus on one of the specific purposes of the research: to investigate students’ opinions of the affordances of designing print and digital graphic narratives. The content analysis of the students’ reflections about working with a software programme to compose a multimodal ensemble in the medium of comics revealed evidence of critical thinking as they analysed and critiqued the possibilities and constraints for meaning-making. The conclusion features a consideration of the importance of students and teachers developing metalevel knowledge about and a critical stance toward the meaning-making affordances of all texts and compositional tools and devices.  相似文献   

We conducted two experiments to analyze how text availability and question format affect readers’ processes and performance on measures of expository text reading comprehension. Junior high school students read expository texts and answered both multiple choice and open-ended questions on a computer that recorded reading times and readers’ actions with Read&Answer software. The results showed that readers reread prior text segments during initial reading of the text more often when they knew that the text would be unavailable when answering questions than when they knew that the text would be available. In addition, readers made more search decisions in the text- available condition when answering open-ended questions than when answering multiple-choice questions. Regarding performance, we repeatedly found an interaction effect between availability and question format: text availability benefited the open-ended but not the multiple-choice format. We concluded that the two availability conditions are useful in assessing different discourse processes. We discuss theoretical and practical implications for the development of models of reading and new ways to assess reading literacy skills that emphasize purposeful reading.  相似文献   

戏曲翻译中的文本性与表演性一直是存在争议的话题。戏曲文本的表演性应不应该翻译?如何来翻译?中国古典戏曲翻译中,是文本和故事本身重要还是表演性重要?这些都是值得探讨的问题。以昆曲为例,昆曲作为一种特殊的文学样式,继承了唐诗宋词元曲等的优点,至少其中的对白部分颇有诗歌的特点,又具表演性,因此翻译时可以加上增添其表演性的因素。  相似文献   

We examined the effect of studying a causal diagram on comprehension of causal relationships from an expository science text. A causal diagram is a type of visual display that explicitly represents cause-effect relationships. In Experiment 1, readers between conditions did not differ with respect to memory for main ideas, but the readers who studied the causal diagram while reading the text understood better the five causal sequences in the text even when study time was controlled. Participants in Experiment 2 studied only the causal diagram or only the text. There were no differences in memory for main ideas or the causal sequences between these groups. Results indicate that causal diagrams are not merely redundant with text and that causal diagrams affect understanding of causal relationships in the absence of a text. These findings supported the causal explication hypothesis, which states that causal diagrams improve comprehension by explicitly representing the implicit causal structure of the text in a visual format.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the redundancy effects obtained when spoken information was duplicated in writing during the learning of a multimedia document. Documents consisting of diagrams and spoken information on the development of memory models were presented to three groups of students. In the first group, no written text was presented. In the second, written sentences redundant with the spoken information were progressively presented on the screen while in the third group, these written sentences were presented together. The results show that whatever the type of text presentation (sequential or static), the duplication of information in the written mode led to a substantial impairment in subsequent retention and transfer tests as well as in a task in which the memorization of diagrams was evaluated. This last result supports the hypothesis that the visual channel is overloaded as the cognitive theory of multimedia learning suggests.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined the relative effects of questions requiring decisions, statements providing the decision information to students, questions not requiring decisions, and control procedures on students' memory for chemistry text reading materials. Experiment 1 employed immediate recall. The results of Experiment 1 indicated that students who made and justified decisions about the contents recalled significantly more information than students in any other condition. In addition, students who answered questions that did not require decisions recalled significantly more of the content than students in the control or the statements conditions. No other contrasts reached significance. Experiment 2 employed delayed recall assessed one week after reading. The results confirmed those of Experiment 1. The overall results of the study are discussed in terms of an elaboration perspective on memory.  相似文献   

Reading and Writing - In the original publication, the article title was incorrectly published. The correct title has been given with this Correction.  相似文献   

This study explored conditions under which note taking methods and self-monitoring prompts are most effective for facilitating information collection and achievement in an online learning enviornment. In experiment 1 30 students collected notes from a website using an online conventional, outline, or matrix note taking tool. In experiment 2 119 students collected notes from a larger, more ecologically valid set of learning materials using the conventional, outline, or the matrix tool. One half of the students also received prompts designed to encourage self-monitoring. Results of both experiments indicated that the matrix note taking device was a superior tool for collecting information and for achievement. Results of experiment 2 indicated that self-monitoring prompts have a significant positive impact on notes taken and achievement as well. Results are discussed relative to self-regulated learning and perceptual enhancement theories.  相似文献   

The study investigated the effect on learning of four different instructional formats used to teach assembly procedures. Cognitive load and spatial information processing theories were used to generate the instructional material. The first group received a physical model to study, the second an isometric drawing, the third an isometric drawing plus a model and the fourth an orthographic drawing. Forty secondary school students were presented with the four different instructional formats and subsequently tested on an assembly task. The findings indicated that there may be evidence to argue that the model format which only required encoding of an already constructed three dimensional representation, caused less extraneous cognitive load compared to the isometric and the orthographic formats. No significant difference was found between the model and the isometric‐plus‐model formats on all measures because 80% of the students in the isometric‐plus‐model format chose to use the model format only. The model format also did not differ significantly from other groups in total time taken to complete the assembly, in number of correctly assembled pieces and in time spent on studying the tasks. However, the model group had significantly more correctly completed models and required fewer extra looks than the other groups.  相似文献   

Timely feedback is considered essential for supporting professional growth and personal development. However, it is difficult to employ such feedback in traditional learning environments. Recently, smartphones are considered as educational tools for supporting instructional activities. Therefore, this study attempts to leverage the advantages of physical textbooks and mobile devices. A pedagogical strategy called constructive feedback was proposed to provide learners with real‐time and personalized suggestions according to the results of electronic assessment. Two types of connectivity techniques, namely QR Codes and hyperlinking, were applied for integrating printed materials and digital content. An experiment was conducted in a university course entitled Computer Networks, and a total of 80 students were recruited to participate in this experiment. The findings revealed that the strategy of constructive feedback had a significant influence on learning performance. However, no significant differences on learning performance were found between using QR Codes and using hyperlinking. Finally, implications of the findings were discussed for further research directions and practical applications.  相似文献   

Digital skills are increasingly important for labour market outcomes and social participation. Do they also matter for academic performance? This paper investigates the effects of digital literacy on educational outcomes by merging data from the Italian National Assessment in secondary schools with an original data-set on performance tests of Internet skills for tenth-grade students. Our identification strategy relies on a rich set of individual, family, school and classroom control variables that are not commonly available in previous studies. The findings indicate that, overall, Internet skills have a positive impact on academic achievement. This effect is stronger for students with low academic performance or low family background. It is also stronger for students in technical or vocational schools.  相似文献   

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