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研究者们对语境和语境要素看法各异是造成静动态语境观分歧的原因之一。从语境与语境要素的关系、语境要素的给定性、动态语境选定观中某些语境要素的无法选择性这三个方面来谈谈对语境问题的新思考。对语境和语境要素加以研究,一方面能为语言的研究提供有益的理论依据,另一方面也有助于交际主体在具体话语实践中,积累人生知识经验,注意审度交际场合,从而提高言语交际的效果。  相似文献   

The goal of this special issue is to examine relationships among context, student engagement, and adjustment. We begin by describing the reasons for the increased popularity of student engagement in research, policy, and practice, and then describe how researchers in the field define and study this construct. Next, we outline some of the issues and challenges around the definitions, measurement, and analytic techniques that have been used in prior research. Finally, we provide a short overview of the papers in this special issue highlighting their theoretical frameworks, methodologies, and analytical techniques by which many of the challenges outlined in this introduction are addressed. The overall findings of these papers come from samples in Finland, Korea, and the United States.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to gain more insight into the relationship between teachers’ approaches to teaching on the one hand, and the characteristics of context and teacher demographics on the other. Data were collected from 50 teaching staff at the University of Antwerp and from three sources: a Dutch translation of the Approaches to Teaching Inventory (ATI), information given by the participants, and information obtained through the personnel department of the university. Only the conceptual change/student-focused scale of the ATI had good reliability and was used for further analysis. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed no relationship between teachers’ approaches to teaching and the context variables of expert level of students, teaching discipline and the number of students in the classroom. Neither was a relationship found between the teachers’ conceptual change/student-focused approach and the teacher characteristics of gender, academic status, teaching experience, age and intention to participate in teacher training. Several interpretations of these data and perspectives for further research are discussed.  相似文献   

浅论定性考核和定量考核的方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
:定量考核和定性考核是人事管理中的两种最基本方法。定量考核是运用数据形式 ,对被考核人员的各项考核因素进行量化 ,采用计分考评、民主考评、奖惩考评等获取考核结果 ;定性考核是运用综合分析的形式 ,对被考核人员进行概括性的描述  相似文献   

The notion of independence between two nominal variables is typically introduced through the use of chi‐square analysis of contingency tables, while the topic of prediction of one nominal variable from a second nominal variable using optimal prediction to the mode is often omitted. Through the use of a questionnaire, this article indicates that there is considerable confusion among students on the difference between the concepts of independence and prediction, and remedies are suggested.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is twofold: First, to investigate whether cognitive functions can contribute to differentiating neglected children with or without physical abuse compared to comparison participants; second, to demonstrate the detrimental impact of children being victimized by a combination of different types of maltreatment. METHODOLOGY: Seventy-nine children aged 6-12 years and currently receiving Child Protection Services because of one of two types of maltreatment (neglect with physical abuse, n=56; neglect without physical abuse, n=28) were compared with a control group of 53 children matched for age, gender, and annual family income. The neuropsychological assessment focused on motor performance, attention, memory and learning, visual-motor integration, language, frontal/executive functions, and intelligence. RESULTS: Discriminant analysis identified auditory attention and response set, and visual-motor integration (Function 1), and problem solving, abstraction, and planning (Function 2) as the two sets of variables that most distinguished the groups. Discriminant analysis predicted group membership in 80% of the cases. Children who were neglected with physical abuse showed cognitive deficits in auditory attention and response set, and visual-motor integration (Function 1) and problem solving, abstraction, and planning (Function 2). Children who were neglected without physical abuse differed from the control group in that they obtained lower scores in auditory attention and response set, and visual-motor integration (Function 1). Surprisingly, these same children demonstrated a greater capacity for problem solving, abstraction, and planning (Function 2) than the physically abused neglected and control children. CONCLUSION: The present study underscores the relevance of neuropsychology to maltreatment research. The results support the heterogeneity of cognitive deficits in children based on different types of maltreatment and the fact that neglect with physical abuse is more harmful than neglect alone.  相似文献   

With the introduction of any new initiative into the mathematics classroom, there is often an assumption that it will produce visible and measurable effects in teaching approaches and pupil progress. Yet, there is a body of research that tempers such optimism, drawing attention to a series of mitigating factors, for example, the deep-seated nature of teachers’ practices, their implicit or stated beliefs and values, and their lack of detailed awareness of how they perform in the classroom. Rather than make associative links between these factors and the success of the initiative, our intention is to examine the ways in which teachers are trying to interpret what the new scheme requires of them and how in turn, engaging with it causes them to re-describe both their pedagogic understanding and classroom practices relationally to earlier approaches. Employing data from a small project, we seek to examine four teachers’ moves to grapple with this attempted shift from one teaching paradigm to another by considering how certain key terms serve to anchor the teachers’ conceptions of themselves during this transition and find that their responses can be idiosyncratic and varied depending on the approaches in which they have been previously embedded. By using theoretical ideas from some neo-Marxist writers we examine these discursive shifts and their relevance to conceiving curriculum change. We suggest that the individual’s teaching practice develops as a result of it being understood and enacted through a succession of ideological filters, each adding to the cumulative experience of the teacher.  相似文献   

定性与定量研究在教育研究过程中的整合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育领域研究方法在研究范式的发展上表现为定性研究范式与定量研究范式的并存互补,定性、定量研究是研究者分别通过非数字和数字的信号来表征教育现象的方法.定性、定量研究是贯穿教育研究的两条主线,二者的整合,对于科学地揭示教育现象和规律起着重要作用.本文将从定性与定量方法在教育研究中整合的必要性、整合的应用范围和整合的具体方面分别进行阐述,并针对整合后所带来的新问题,提出一些解决的措施.  相似文献   

We present a quantitative model for predicting the level of difficulty subjects will experience with specific problems. The model explicitly accounts for the number of subproblems a problem can be broken into and the difficultly of each subproblem. Although the model builds on previously published models, it is uniquely suited for blending with qualitative methods for the study of problem‐solving processes rather than being limited to examination of final answers only. We illustrate the usefulness of the model by analysing the written solutions and think‐aloud protocols of 17 subjects engaged with 25 chemical stoichiometry problems. We find that familiar themes for subject difficulty are revealed, including mapping of surface features, lack of interconnected knowledge hierarchy, and algorithmic operations at the expense of conceptual understanding.  相似文献   

两阶段方法能够高效地对稀有类进行分类,第一阶段(P阶段)训练P规则预测目标类的存在性.这些P规则覆盖绝大多数的正例(目标类例子),在该阶段中尽量覆盖那些属于目标类的正例.第二阶段(N阶段)学习N规则预测目标类的不存在性,其所基于的数据集为所有P规则所覆盖的正例和反例(非目标类例子)集.N规则的目标是尽量去除由P规则所引入的反例,并尽可能地保留正例,在该阶段中尽量获得高精度.在测试阶段对所得到P规则和N规则根据一定的分值机制赋值,并根据这些规则的分值来分类.  相似文献   

International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance - The log-linear cognitive diagnosis model (LCDM) is a modern technique that dichotomously classifies individuals (e.g., possession and...  相似文献   

The piece that follows had its first hearing as part of a symposium at the 1990 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association in Boston. Sigrun Gudmundsdottir and Grace Grant were at the podium, presenting their two narrative accounts of one schoolteacher’s practice. The schoolteacher was present as well, through the medium of a 10‐minute video presentation of her perspective as a research participant. My task as discussant was to bring the three different accounts of one teacher’s practice together, partially reconcile their differences, and thereby teach us all something about the possibilities and limitations of qualitative research on teaching.

At this early point in her academic career, Sigrun Gudmundsdottir showed a good deal of professional courage. She invited us to re‐examine critically her doctoral research project, something that few of her peers would have agreed to do. Her stance, it seemed to me, was ‘Let’s see what more we can learn about good teaching through a critical, public examination of this work’. Sigrun’s stance remains a worthy model for all of us today.  相似文献   

促进人的思想发生符合社会主流文化要求的变化是思想政治教育的根本任务。人的思想发生变化仍然是量变、质变的交替,而度则是连接量变、质变的关键点。本文认为,思想政治教育的度,就是教育者根据教育对象思想状况的实际,对思想政治教育各要素如目标、内容、方法、评价等的控制,并以此控制使教育对象的思想发生符合教育要求的量变和质变。把握思想政治教育的度,是增强思想政治教育的实效性的重要环节。  相似文献   

Reviewer comments in research articles such as journal papers or dissertations guide students during the revision process to improve the quality of their articles. Our goal is to make the comments more meaningful to the students’ revision process. Revision involves implicit cognitive processes and ICT has the potential to make such processes explicit. Previous research into the cognitive processes involved in revision has shown that novices focus on local, sentence level revision while expert writers focus on global revision of ideas or restructuring of arguments. For better quality writing, students should focus more on global revision. The reviewer comments can either trigger more meaningful global revision (content-related comments) or local revision (non content-related comments). In this paper, a machine learning algorithm was applied to classify the comments in academic drafts in our laboratory as either content-related or not. Reviewer comments in academic article drafts are usually short. Therefore, this research applied a Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm for the classification, which is one of the most common machine learning algorithms for short texts. Performance evaluation was based on the measures of accuracy, precision and recall for the non content-related comments. Using cross validation, highest scores of 86%, 89% and 89% were achieved for accuracy, recall, and precision, respectively. The results demonstrate the success of the automatic classification, which can be applied to filter out non content-related comments so that the students focus first on revising the content-related comments. In this way, the students can increase their awareness of the importance of global revision.  相似文献   

教育评估方法技术的更新、升级是推动教育评估规范化、专业化发展的关键要素,教育评估方法技术的科学、规范程度直接影响到评估结果的科学性和有效性。文章分析了教育评估方法技术的内涵,探讨了教育评估方法技术的分类,重点分析了定量评估和定性评估方法的优缺点,提出应研究开发教育评估综合方法技术,并探讨了教育评估综合方法技术的实施策略。  相似文献   

The traditional core Masters in Business Administration (MBA) curriculum consists of a broad range of courses that can be considered as a whole, or divided into qualitative and quantitative courses. Regression models were developed with “QualGPA” and “QuantGPA” as response variables, and gender, pre‐MBA academic indicators, and personality factors (measured by the RightPath6® profile) as the explanatory variables. Results may provide pedagogical insight for faculty teaching increasingly diverse MBA classes. Additionally, there are recruitment implications for those hiring MBA graduates, as well as implications for MBA students in decisions regarding MBA concentrations and subsequent career choices. While gender alone was not a significant variable in any model, gender–personality interactions were significant. Across both course categories, performance tended to be higher for students who were more “Detached” than “Compassionate,” with the exception of females in quantitative courses. Additionally, “Extraversion” and “Reactiveness” significantly enhanced performance among males in qualitative courses, and “Conscientiousness” had a strong positive performance effect among females in quantitative courses.  相似文献   

During the past several years interest in using clinical interviews to assess students conceptual knowledge has increased. However, using clinical interviews when research questions require quantitative comparisons has been difficult. The central difficulty is to construct variables that can be used to quantify and statistically compare the results of interviews while maintaining exactly what student conceptions are associated with each variable. The purpose of this article is to present a technique for constructing variables that overcomes this difficulty. The technique involves the representation of each proposition a student uses in terms of a standard set of underlying predicates, concepts, and relationships among concepts. Each proposition represented in these standard terms can be used as a variable to quantitatively compare the knowledge of students as expressed in clinical interviews.  相似文献   

心理学研究方法中“质”与“量”的分歧由来已久。纵观现代西方心理学的百年发展史,各学派之间的对峙表现在研究方法上正是“质”与“量”对峙的结果。在心理学研究中,使用“质”与“量”的研究方法对人复杂的心理活动规律进行探究各有优势和缺陷。我们认为在心理学的研究中,应该采用多元方法将质和量的方法进行融合,使之可以优势互补,从而更加有效地揭示人的心理活动规律。同时,我们认为这也是未来心理学整合的一种可能路径。  相似文献   

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