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Previous research has shown that students with special educational needs (SEN) have fewer friendships than their peers without SEN. In this longitudinal study, 545 students from primary and secondary schools, including 106 students with SEN, were surveyed at the beginning and the end of the school year. The results show that students with SEN generally have fewer reciprocal friendships and, proportionally, more often nominate students with SEN than students without SEN. The stability of friendships is lower for students with SEN than for students without SEN. Additionally, for students with SEN, same-SEN-status friendships were as stable as cross-SEN-status friendships, whereas for students without SEN friendships with peers without SEN were more stable than those with peers with SEN.  相似文献   

利用H大学“研究型大学本科生就读经历调查”数据,考察不同背景特征学生的生师互动水平,探讨生师互动对认知技能、操作及社交技能、满意度、归属感的影响是否因学生背景特征而异。统计结果表明,男生的生师互动水平显著高于女生;学生家庭收入和父母受教育程度越高,生师互动越频繁;非课程的生师互动对女生学业成就的影响显著高于男生,对低收入家庭和高收入家庭学生的影响高于中等收入家庭,对父母双方均上过大学的学生影响高于父母均未上过大学的学生和一方上过大学的学生;辅助教师进行研究对男生学业成就的影响显著高于女生,对低收入家庭和父母均未上过大学的学生的影响高于同辈。大学应依靠制度性手段提升生师互动的总体水平,采取支持性措施改善弱势学生的生师互动,增强互动情境性以提高课堂互动的质量。  相似文献   

侯景明 《辽宁高职学报》2012,14(10):105-107
采用问卷调查的方法,对辽宁农业职业技术学院部分学生与营口职业技术学院部分学生进行体育心理适应能力的调查及分析。结果显示,不论是男生还是女生,三年级学生的体育心理适应能力要好于一年级学生;在不同性别之间,女生的体育心理适应能力好于男生。研究结果将对促进中、高职学生的体育心理适应能力提供理论参考。  相似文献   

学生资源的开发是新课程改革深入推进中的一项新课题,政治教师必须遵循“取之于学生,用之于学生”的原则,善于从理论和实践两个层面,经营好学生资源,其开发策略包括:挖掘学生动力资源,激发学习兴趣;引入生活素材,激活学生的生活经验;抓住生成性的东西再创造,收获更多的精彩;坚持因材施教,用好学生的差异资源;彰显学生的闪光点,为学生潜在优势的发挥提供舞台;经营好学生的错误资源,让错误成为学生成长的跳板;利用学生环境资源熏陶,提升学科素养;调动学生的情绪资源,帮助学生“破茧成蝶”;开发学生的家庭资源,增强理论教学的感染力;同时不断拓展教师的专业知识和能力,提升教师的生命价值。  相似文献   

针对泉州师院大学生体育学习策略水平,从整体及各策略维度水平状况、性别、年级、专业等多视角,采用心理测量的方法进行统计与分析,结果表明:泉州师院大学生体育学习策略整体水平及各策略维度水平尚处一般状态;男生体育学习策略整体水平及各策略维度水平均高于女生;高年级学生体育学习策略发展水平高于低年级学生;理工科学生体育学习策略整体水平及体育学习元认知策略水平均高于文科学生.提高学生体育学习策略水平的途径是:激发学生的体育学习兴趣;传授学生体育学习策略知识;加强学生元认知知识和元认知体验培养;改进体育课堂教学模式。  相似文献   

There are ethnic group differences in academic achievement among Australian students, with Aboriginal students performing substantially below and Asian students above their peers. One factor that may contribute to these effects is societal stereotypes of Australian Asian and Aboriginal students, which may bias teachers’ evaluations and influence student outcomes. A questionnaire assessing academic expectancies for hypothetical students from different ethnic groups was administered to 55 experienced teachers and 144 training teachers. A measure of self-expectancies and group expectancies was administered to 516 school students. The findings revealed that Asian students were expected to perform better in mathematics and expend greater effort than Aboriginal and Anglo-Australian students. In turn, there were higher expectancies for mathematics performance for Anglo-Australian students compared with Aboriginal students. We discuss the potential implications of these stereotypes for students’ school achievement, particularly the risk that negative implicit stereotypes might result in these students being directed to special education.  相似文献   

In education, conceptual work on resilience has recently gained recognition as an important framework from which we can understand why some students become successful in school, whereas similar students from the same disadvantaged family backgrounds and neighborhoods have not been successful in school. The purpose of this study was to compare the classroom instruction and learning environment of resilient and nonresilient students in elementary schools consisting of predominantly minority students. The participants were 4th- and 5th-grade students and their teachers. Near the end of the school year, all the 4th- and 5th-grade students from 3 elementary schools located in a major metropolitan area in the south central region of the United States completed the My Class learning environment survey. Trained observers also systematically observed the resilient and nonresilient students identified by teachers during regular reading classes, language classes, or both. The results from this study indicate that resilient elementary school students perceive a more positive instructional learning environment and they are more satisfied with their reading and language arts classrooms than nonresilient students. In addition, nonresilient students indicated that they have more difficulty in their classwork than both average students and resilient students. The observational results revealed that resilient students spent significantly more time interacting with teachers for instructional purposes, whereas nonresilient students spent more time interacting with other students for social or personal purposes. Resilient students were also observed watching or listening significantly more often than nonresilient students, whereas nonresilient students were observed more often not attending to task. The percentage of time that resilient students were on task was much higher than that for nonresilient students.  相似文献   

This paper examines how a clinical experience in an alternative educational setting impacted both pre-service secondary teachers and the students with whom they worked. The participants were pre-service secondary teachers completing a clinical experience at a local agency that served a population of students for whom traditional school settings were not effective, as well as students at the agency. The results indicate that for the pre-service teachers, the experience allowed them to develop a deeper understanding of learner diversity and the importance of connecting to students. For the agency students, the interactions with the pre-service teachers provided them with additional academic support, as well as resources for post-secondary education. The agency students also recognized that they had the power to show pre-service teachers how to work effectively with students for whom traditional school settings are a challenge. The authors conclude with implications for pre-service teachers, agency students, and university and clinical site instructors, as well as practical considerations for developing such partnerships.  相似文献   

目的:比较分析高等院校女生人格状况,为高校女生人格教育提供实证依据。方法:运用大学人格问卷(UPI)在湖南省的某理工院校对504名2005级女生进行人格测查,并抽取男生样本858名作为性别比较因素。结果:(1)有第一类人格问题的女大学生比例显著高于男大学生;女大学生UPI分数显著高于男大学生。(2)女大学生人格问题症状选择率排前列的项目依次为:在乎别人的视线,缺乏自信心,过于担心将来的事情,父母期望过高,情绪起伏过大。(3)非独生女与独生女的UPI分数不存在显著差异;农村生源女生UPI分数显著高于城镇生源女生;文科类女生UPI分数显著高于理工类女生。结论:女大学生人格问题比男生严重,农村生源女生人格问题比城镇生源女生严重,文科类女生人格问题比理工科女生严重;应高度重视女大学生尤其是农村生源女生和理工院校中文科类女生的人格健康教育,以优化她们的心理素质。  相似文献   

Despite strong support for inclusive education in principle, many teachers and administrators still demonstrate mixed responses to the inclusion of certain students in their classrooms. Students with specific learning difficulties (SpLD) form a large group of students in inclusive classrooms yet some provincial, state and national jurisdictions fail to acknowledge the existence of these students. Not acknowledging and understanding these students can deny them the recognition and resources necessary for their genuine participation in education and, in turn, society. The aim of this study was to examine British in-service secondary teachers’ attributional responses to students with and without specific learning difficulties. The participants included 122 British secondary school teachers who were surveyed in response to vignettes of hypothetical male students who had failed a class test. The study found that while teachers attributed more positive causes towards students without SpLD, they exhibited more negative causes towards students with SpLD. Teachers’ causal attributional outcomes of students’ level of achievement can impact upon the students’ own attributions, with teachers’ responses for students with SpLD having the potential to, unintentionally, influence students’ own sense of self-efficacy and motivation. The paper concludes with a consideration of the implications of the research and recommendations for practice.  相似文献   

This article explores the implications of the recent increase in older students at Korean universities dominated by younger students. A case study design is used to gain an in-depth understanding of experiences of older students in a Korean university. Semi-structured interviews of twelve older students, three professors, two administrators, and four younger students at the university were conducted for the date collection. The results suggest that the experiences of Korean older students differed from those of counterparts in western countries since academic and extracurricular services of Korean universities were geared towards younger students and thus were unhelpful for older students with multiple responsibilities at work and home. Also, the results show that traditional hierarchical relationships between younger and older students created strains for older students who had to rely heavily on younger counterparts. This study's findings highlight the crucial roles of higher education systems and culture in the experiences of older Asian students.  相似文献   

通过对学习满意度研究的文献分析和访谈,初步编制了高职生学习满意度问卷,对331名学生进行测查,采用探索性因素分析对高职生学习满意度结构进行剖析。结果表明:高职学生学习满意度因素主要为教学管理、教学条件、师资水平、自身学习和素质拓展5个因素;学习满意度整体上呈中等水平,最满意的是师资水平和素质拓展,不太满意的是教学条件与自身学习;男女生之间、城乡学生之间的学习满意度未见显著差异,但大一、大三学生比大二学生要高,参加过专业实践学生比未参加过社会实践的学生要高。建议地方高职院校应把提高教育教学质量作为学校办学重中之重的任务,并在硬件建设方面加大投入力度;应对二年级学生和男生给予特别关注,以社团为依托,积极开展专业社会实践活动,提高学生的职业素养与学习满意度。  相似文献   

"以师生发展为本,为学生人生奠基"就是"提高教师的生命质量,提高学生的在校生活质量,创造最适合人发展的学校教育生活"。"以师生发展为本"是学校办学的基础。其核心是建设最适合教师与学生发展的文化,具体体现在尊重教师与学生在学校的主体地位,充分发挥他们的主体作用。最有效的教育,是能够融入学生血脉、内化为学生品格和习惯的教育,是能够影响学生一生的教育。"为学生人生奠基"是学校办学的最高境界。学校教育不仅要为学生的现在负责,更要为学生的将来负责。  相似文献   

为了调查黑龙江省农村初中生的心理健康水平,对黑龙江12所农村中学1 052名初中生进行了MHT测验,同时为了与城市初中生作对比研究,对10所城市中学的1 061名初中生进行MHT测验。结果显示:心理健康偏常人数检出率为7%;女生心理健康水平显著低于男生;初二学生的心理健康状况优于初一,初一优于初三,初三的心理问题最严重。农村初中生的心理健康状况极其显著地低于城市初中生。  相似文献   

《当代中学生的学习生活与课业负担》一书在广泛调研和专题研究的基础上,介绍了当前中学生的学习生活与课业负担状况,总结了中学生学习与生活状况的发展规律;并在理论分析和实证研究基础上,进一步探讨了改善中学生学习与生活状况、减轻中学生过重课业负担、促进中学生健康成长的对策。该书既是从理论层面对中学生学习和生活现状的总结报告,也是在全国大范围的调研和细致的专题探讨基础上的实证研究成果;对改善当前中学生的学习生活状况、促进中学生的身心健康等具有现实意义和指导意义。  相似文献   

The results of two experiments demonstrate that preservice teachers made biased school-placement recommendations depending on student's ethnicity, which on average penalized students from an ethnic minority. Moreover, additional information that was supposed to disconfirm ethnic stereotypes (religious affiliation in Experiment 1, number of missed school days in Experiment 2) led to more high-track recommendations for low-achieving minority students and to fewer high-track recommendations for high-achieving minority students. Conversely, stereotype-disconfirming information exerted little or no influence on the recommendations for high-achieving native students but worsened recommendations for low-achieving students. The results were interpreted as being based either on subtyping (predominantly for minority Turkish students) or subgrouping (predominantly for majority German students) of ethnic stereotypes.  相似文献   

This study investigated the impact of cognitive strategy instruction (CSI) on mathematical word problem solving of students with mathematics disabilities. A sample of fourth-grade students in a Chinese primary school was divided into a treatment group (75 students) and a comparison group (75 students). The sample consisted of students with mathematics disabilities only, students with both mathematics and reading disabilities, as well as average- and high-achieving students. Results showed that students at all ability levels (except high-achieving students) in the treatment group outperformed significantly their counterparts in the comparison group; the intervention effect was stronger for students with mathematics disabilities only than for those with both mathematics and reading disabilities. The present study indicates that CSI is a contextually and pedagogically appropriate model that has a strong potential to improve mathematical word problem solving.  相似文献   

学生是受教育的主体,教学如果忽视了主体的需要将达不到教育的目的。调查了学生对科研和实践能力提高所持有的态度,不同学年的学生对能力需求的特点。分析了学生能力需求的内在动力、激励方法,提出了适合学生能力提高的教学体制。  相似文献   

The locus of control construct (LOC) and its implications for students’ behaviour are discussed. The effects of a teaching perspective designed to modify 110 intellectually disabled students’ LOC orientation was evaluated by analysing the data from a pre‐test, post‐test, follow‐up design study using: (1) an established LOC measure of students’ control of reinforcements for academic intellectual situations (MIARQ); (2) a new LOC measure of students’ expectancies of control of reinforcement for adaptive behaviour situations (KABLOC); and (3) a measure of students’ behaviour displayed in the classroom (BRS). The results for the students aged from 12 to 14 years indicated that the teaching perspective was effective in the longer‐term in modifying students’ LOC expectancies and overt behaviours. The results have positive implications for the education of intellectually disabled students.  相似文献   

北京地区大学生成就动机的特点研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大学生的成就动机对大学生的学习、生活有着十分重大的影响作用,是一个人成功与否的关键因素之一。但在当前的就业形势、教育环境的影响下,大学生的成就动机出现了一些新的变化。因此以北京地区6所大学的712名学生为被试,采用成就动机量表(AMS),调查了当代大学生成就动机的特点。结果表明:(1)总体上,大学生有比较高的成就动机,他们追求成功的动机要明显高于避免失败的动机。(2)亚群体上,大学生的成就动机存在显著的性别差异、专业差异和学校类型差异。男大学生追求成功和避免失败的成就动机都高于女生,理科大学生避免失败的动机显著低于文科和工科大学生,师范类学校的大学生避免失败的动机低于其他类型的学校。在年级因素上没有发现显著的差异。  相似文献   

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