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Many potential employers expect that newly hired students will arrive on‐the‐job with the ability to analyze data, utilize spreadsheets, and communicate findings and recommendations. We designed the Ocean State Circuits, Inc. Forecasting Project to address these gaps in our students’ knowledge of analytical tools (such as the vlookup() function and pivot tables), their ability to write mathematical formulas in a spreadsheet, their understanding of more advanced data analysis features (e.g., regression, correlation), and their ability to communicate and present managerial conclusions. The exercise requires student teams to act as “consultants” and utilize spreadsheets to analyze and forecast the demand for a hypothetical set of products and then communicate their findings to “management” in a professionally formatted report document. A survey of students that have completed the exercise indicates that their knowledge level of the tools used in the project increased significantly from before to after they completed the case. Similarly, anecdotal feedback from employers suggests that students that have completed the exercise seem more capable of dissecting data when investigating business issues.  相似文献   

By delivering lectures online using screen capture technology, students can learn course material at the time and location of their choice, when they are in control to pause, rewind, and fast forward the professor. Class time is no longer spent teaching basic concepts, but rather focused on more value‐added activities such as problem solving, systems thinking and active learning, as well as potential collaborative exercises such as case studies, web‐based simulation games, and real‐world applications. A flipped classroom is an online course because its online components must compete with the best of the online courses. It is also a traditional course since not even a single class session is cancelled while all the lectures are delivered online. This core concept is reinforced by a network of resources and learning processes to ensure a smooth, lean, and synchronized course delivery system. Our pilot statistical analysis indicates that a flipped classroom, when implemented in a quantitative and analytical course, can outperform its alternatives.  相似文献   

The SCOR (Supply Chain Operations Reference) Model Supply Chain Classroom Simulation is an in‐class experiential learning activity that helps students develop a holistic understanding of the processes and challenges of supply chain management. The simulation has broader learning objectives than other supply chain related activities such as the Beer Game. Competing supply chains work to produce and sell two products, each experiencing differential demand. Seasonal demand, time delays, quality defects, and disruptions offer complexities that are part of actual supply chain management. The behavioral dynamics of collaboration between various functional nodes is illustrated through students’ interactions as they try to achieve their role's objectives. Through their decisions and actions, students develop a practical understanding of the processes and complexities of supply chain management. The classroom simulation actively engages students, and has been used successfully in multiple courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels at multiple universities and by a major corporation during a manager training session. Assessments indicate that the simulation is an effective experiential learning activity. While it offers learning outcome flexibility, common debrief themes are SCOR model processes, supply chain relationships, information flow, seasonal demand, quality defects, reverse logistics, and supply chain disruptions.  相似文献   

Understanding bottlenecks is an in‐class experiential learning exercise designed to improve students’ understanding of production system capacity issues. After an introductory teaching session on capacity and constraint management, students are formed into groups of six to assume the roles of one raw material handler, four production workers, and one finished goods receiver and are asked to produce 20 units of product beta. Prior to the start of the exercise, the students are asked to predict the completion time of the 1st, 10th, and 20th units of product beta. When all 20 betas are completed, students compare their predicted completion times to the actual completion times. The results of the game show that while students can easily identify the system's bottleneck, they often have difficulties distinguishing the practical implications of the process time of the system versus the process cycle time; thus, their predicted completion times of the 10th and 20th units are typically overinflated compared to actual completion times. A debrief session is then used to solidify students’ understanding of the relationship between bottlenecks and capacity. The exercise is well‐received and highly rated by students; furthermore, it is not resource‐intensive, requiring 40‐45 minutes of classroom time, 20‐25 strips of paper per group, and a visible stopwatch.  相似文献   

Within the classroom it is often difficult to convey the complexities and intricacies that go into making sales and operations planning decisions. This article describes an in‐class simulation that allows students to gain hands‐on experience with the complexities in making forecasting, inventory, and supplier selection decisions as part of the sales and operations planning process. The activity may be run during one class period and is flexible enough to accommodate almost any class size. During the simulation, students may apply forecasting techniques, inventory management concepts, and supplier selection processes, while experiencing the effects of supply chain disruptions. This simulation is recommended to be used after forecasting, inventory management, and supplier selection topics have been discussed. An overview of the exercise and evidence of its effectiveness is provided.  相似文献   

To determine the appropriate level of product availability, most operations management textbooks introduce and define service level measures in a Business‐to‐Customer context. In other words, a retailer that wants to measure product availability in their store calculates the fill rate (FR) or cycle service level over an infinite review horizon. However, in a Business‐to‐Business (B2B) context, a retailer almost always calculates the FR or compliance level over a finite review horizon. The goal of this article is to highlight calculations of service level measures in a B2B context. Pedagogically, it presents in‐class activities that use standard playing cards and/or a spreadsheet simulation that allow students to experientially learn about service level measures in a B2B context.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to describe an internet‐based mass customization assignment in Operations Management/Supply Chain Management classes where students utilize the Web site of a company that offers a customized product. Students evaluate the user interface, judge the value proposition of the product they demonstrate, and discuss issues of product design, process design and scheduling, inventory management, Supply Chain Management, marketing, and competitors. The students learn about mass customization from both the producer's perspective and the consumer's perspective. Through their own research and the class presentations students are able to develop a better understanding of the implementation requirements and challenges of mass customization. The assignment is highly interactive and has been successfully used in Operations Management and Supply Chain Management courses at under‐graduate and graduate levels and at multiple universities. In addition, practitioners interested in implementing a mass customization process can use the assignment as a brainstorming or benchmarking exercise.  相似文献   

The newsvendor problem is a classic problem of decision making under risk that is taught in traditional Operations and Supply Chain Management classes as a single‐period inventory problem. We discuss the following three pedagogical points of interest to any instructor tasked with teaching this topic: a) why the newsvendor model is relevant in this day and age; b) how to make better sense of the newsvendor problem for students; and c) how to easily implement and administer an active learning exercise in either a traditional classroom, or an online setting. This active learning exercise is a quick, effective, and meaningful way of demonstrating a variety of concepts related to the newsvendor problem that include: a) the rational economic method of calculating optimal order quantity, b) the inherent risk in forecasting and ordering decisions as they relate to surpluses and shortages; and c) the cognitive limitations in decision making that often result in irrational but predictable decision‐making behavior as demonstrated by empirical research on newsvendor behavior. This exercise can help instructors and students transition into broader discussions on human behavior, cognitive limitations, and perceptions of risk. Overall, it should provide the student with an improved understanding of the operational and behavioral issues associated with decision making under risk.  相似文献   

Service‐learning (SL) is a pedagogical approach in which students are assigned a course‐related project in a not‐for‐profit organization, and are tasked to apply course content to execute the project. While the benefits are multifarious, only recently have supply chain management (SCM) courses adapted this innovative teaching methodology. The present article aims to popularize this pedagogical concept by providing a detailed overview of the background, development, implementation, and success of an SL project in an undergraduate SCM course; this serves as a “how to” guide for instructors interested in implementing the approach. Compelling evidence for the value of SL is provided by data assessing the students’ learning experiences, and benefits for participating organizations are demonstrated. Caveats and challenges are noted, and ensuing best practices for SL are presented.  相似文献   

In the exercise, students in a junior‐level operations management class are asked to manufacture a simple product. Given product specifications, they must design a production process, create roles and design jobs for each team member, and develop a statistical process control plan that efficiently and effectively controls quality during production. During an in‐class exercise, students test their plan in a pilot study. After class, they are asked to determine whether their process is stable and capable, critique their plans, and recommend plan modifications before they commence mass production. This exercise provides students with a unique opportunity to combine several fundamental topics from an operations management course into one assignment. Furthermore, assessment of learning outcomes before and after the exercise suggests that it improves learning outcomes in several areas.  相似文献   

We describe our process for transforming a traditional, core operations management/supply chain management (OM/SCM) course into an experiential, integrated, and coordinated course. We developed a vison to create a course that all business majors would find engaging and relevant and that faculty would teach consistently and at the same level of rigor. A primary result was three new learning outcomes that focused on concept integration across operations, the supply chain, and the business. We specifically focused on decision trade‐offs and the effects of OM/SCM decisions on other parts of operations, the supply chain, and the business. The redesigned course has been implemented for three semesters. Our experiences offer new insights for redesigning and coordinating an OM/SCM core course and a process that can be implemented in other redesign efforts.  相似文献   

This article introduces an exercise that simulates the negotiation process in a dynamic supply chain. The retailer and wholesaler roles are assigned to student groups who negotiate supply contracts in a number of rounds during a class period. Each group makes pricing, inventory, and ordering decision concurrently, and competes with others to achieve the highest profit. The exercise is easy to implement using pen and paper, and lends itself to a wide variety of negotiation environments.  相似文献   

Higher order thinking skills are important for managers. Systems thinking is an important type of higher order thinking in business education. This article investigates a soft Operations Research approach to teaching and learning systems thinking. It outlines the integrative use of Strategic Options Development and Analysis maps for visualizing and assessing systems thinking and the joint analytical process for systems thinking development. This approach has been applied in an MBA course, and has demonstrated its usefulness for students in developing systems thinking skills.  相似文献   

Instructors look for ways to explain to students how supply chains can be constructed so that competing suppliers can work together to improve inventory management performance (i.e., a phenomenon known as co‐opetition). An Excel spreadsheet‐driven simulation is presented that models a complete multilevel supply chain system—customer, retailer, wholesaler, distributor, and manufacturer—for up to six competing products. Students are provided the opportunity to compare the inventory cost and other key performance metrics of the alternative multilevel supply chain structures. This article explains the simulation model, describes the instructional approach, and presents assessment results from students in an introductory operations management course. Students find that the simulation is easy to use and helps them understand the performance impact of strategic supplier collaborations on supply chain operating performance.  相似文献   

Studies show that supply chain integration (SCI) is important to organizations. This article describes an activity that places students in the middle of an SCI scenario. The highly interactive hands‐on simulation requires only 50 to 60 minutes of classroom time, may be used with 18 to about 36 students, and involves minimal instructor preparation. Through the activity, students learn the basics of SCI and then analyze an SCI event to better appreciate the need for collaboration and information sharing. In courses that address supply chain management, instructors can use the activity early in the semester to introduce students to the complexities of supply chain networks. Alternatively, instructors may use the simulation later to provoke a more nuanced discussion.  相似文献   

Active learning has attracted considerable attention in higher education in response to concerns about how and what students are learning. There are many different forms of active learning, yet most of them are classroom based. We propose an alternative to active learning in the classroom through active learning outside of the classroom in the form of student consulting projects. While the literature on student consulting has largely focused on projects to assist small business owners, this research demonstrates the potential for using student-consulting projects in the Production/Operations Management course. We use a case study to describe the use of a student-consulting project as an alternative to the other types of active learning described in the Operations Management education literature.  相似文献   

Instructors are faced with the challenge of engaging students in the learning process. This study examined the effects of participation requirements on students' (N = 258) affective learning, interest, and cognitive learning using the Affective Learning Model and the Instructional Beliefs Model. Affective learning mediated the relationship between student participation requirements and cognitive learning, and student interest mediated the relationships between participation requirements and cognitive learning, supporting the IBM. The results provide insight into course-specific structural tactics that instructors can employ to enhance the educational experience for college students.  相似文献   

An experiment compared asynchronous versus synchronous instruction in an online quantitative course. Mann‐Whitley U‐tests, correlation, analysis of variance, t tests, and multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA) were utilized to test the hypothesis that more high‐quality online experiential learning interactions would increase grade. Quasi‐experimental controls included prior ability and demographic factors (gender, age). The control group used asynchronous discussion forums while the test group held synchronous sessions in Skype (chat, audio, and document sharing). A statistically significant MANCOVA model was created, using teaching method as a factor, and a count of online interactions (as a covariate), with assessment timing (as a blocking factor), to measure effect on grade.  相似文献   

“市场调查与预测”教学模式初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文根据"市场调查与预测"的课程性质与特征,结合笔者的教学实践经验,对课程的教学改革思路与教学改革模式进行探索,并提出了教学改革与创新的具体措施。  相似文献   

写作学习中普遍存在学生因缺少对真实情境的体验而难以唤起写作兴趣的问题,如何改善学生的情境体验和情感参与成为改善写作学习效果的关键。在基于球面视频虚拟现实(SVVR)技术构建的体验式写作学习环境中,通过融入体验式学习理念与引导策略,设计了包含具体化经验、反思性观察、抽象化概念、评价与修正四阶段的写作学习活动,并将其运用于教学实践。实证分析结果表明:除思维创新性外,基于SVVR的体验式写作学习环境对学生写作的主题契合性、结构完整性和语言表达具有促进作用,并能够提升学生的情感参与水平;在SVVR的支持下,高情感参与水平的学生有更佳的写作表现,特别是在作品的结构完整性、语言表达与思维创新性上;相较于传统写作学习环境,在基于SVVR的体验式写作学习环境中,学生的阅读习惯与写作成绩间呈现出更强的相关性。可见,SVVR支持下的体验式学习有助于促进学生的情感参与和阅读积累向写作能力的迁移,实现对写作学习效果的提升。同时,有必要强化基于SVVR的智能交互和多感官体验,并将其与教学过程有机整合。  相似文献   

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