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文章从心理咨询的含义入手,分析心理咨询和德育工作的相融性,探讨心理咨询理论与技术应用到德育工作中对提高德育工作实效性的重要意义.从心理咨询中的建立咨询关系技术、会谈技术、心理咨询的理论流派和方法三个方面探讨了心理咨询理论与技术在德育工作中的应用价值.  相似文献   

学校心理咨询工作对学校教育工作起着不可替代的积极促进作用。本文综述了四大心理流派理论即心理分析理论、行为主义理论、人本主义理论和认知理论在学校心理咨询中的应用情况,并对学校心理咨询中四大心理流派理论及技法的整合运用进行分析,总结了箱庭疗法和焦点解决短期心理咨询技术,希望能为该领域的进一步研究提供参考。  相似文献   

在心理咨询与治疗日益为当代人所接受的同时,其疗效也就成为了从业者研究的热点。当前心理咨询与治疗的流派已近百种。但真正意义上能解决心理问题的方法却少之又少,其原因在于大多数疗法的着眼点仅仅是意识层面。本文对心理咨询中存在的困境以及心理治疗模式的转换进行了探讨.  相似文献   

心理咨询与心理教育、心理辅导和心理治疗既有紧密的联系,又有很大的区别和不同.心理咨询与其进行优化整合后,使心理咨询的目的更加贴近教育育人的目的;心理咨询的方法与模式优化整合心理学各流派的理论模式与方法后,能获得增加效果的良好效应.  相似文献   

纵观心理咨询和治疗的发展历程,各种治疗方法层出不穷,有人粗略统计,当今存在的心理疗法总共达250多种,但咨询者所遵循的理论模式却相对集中;其中,精神分析疗法,行为疗法和以人为中心疗法在这些理论模式中具有举足轻重的地位,因此,对三大咨询流派作一个清晰透彻的了解对于指导我们的心理咨询实践是必不可少的。  相似文献   

中国的心理咨询与治疗必须以中国的社会背景、价值体系为依托,寻求与中国人心理和行为相契合的本土化心理咨询学理论和方法的框架体系;同时应从多元文化的视角,放眼全球,借鉴国际上有效的心理咨询理论与技术,使中国的心理咨询既不落后于世界,又不脱离本国实际。  相似文献   

从禅宗的由来、主要思想为出发点,分析禅宗与现代西方各心理咨询流派的关系,并在此基础上进一步阐述了将禅宗思想融入中国心理咨询与治疗实践,实现心理咨询本土化的可行性。  相似文献   

生活节奏的加快和社会压力的增加使得现代人越来越需要心理支持。继欧洲之后,心理咨询和治疗在我国迅速发展壮大,并成为一个新兴行业受到业内外人士的普遍关注。但是,从理论上来讲,心理咨询与治疗针对的人群是心理机能缺失或者低于正常水平的人群,如果心理学仅仅服务于这个群体,显然心理学没有最大限度地发挥其作用。心理训练是针对性地提高正常人心理机能的训练方式,其模式接近体育,但是理论基础来源于心理学。本文结合心理训练过程中运用的心理学知识,系统地阐释各个心理学流派的理论,并对各流派理论在训练实践中的优势进行比较。  相似文献   

复杂的心理问题导致众多心理咨询流派的产生.每一种心理咨询与治疗方法都有其理论基础,都可追溯到某一心理咨询学派.面对同一个来访者的问题,精神分析学派会认为是幼年精神创伤所致,人本学派则认为是不被周围人接纳尊重使然,行为学派却认为是奖惩不当或学习训练不够造成的,而认知学派则强调是认识不合理引起的.  相似文献   

高莉 《考试周刊》2009,(7):229-230
心理咨询的实质是“助人自助”,咨询者给予求助者的是一种特殊的帮助,即通过“他助-互助-自助”的动态过程,使求助者以新的思维方式思考问题,用新的方式表达思想感情,采取新的行为方式适应环境。本文从人本主义流派的心理咨询理论、治疗模式等方面阐述了心理咨询的实质。  相似文献   

Summary We have reviewed the problems in counseling or psychotherapy posed by cultural differences. Few if any solutions to these problems have been proposed. It has been the general conclusion that theories and methods of psychotherapy developed in Western culture are not applicable in other cultures.This view is rejected on the basis that there are universals of human nature, a basic one being the common motive of self-actualization. The goal of counseling or psychotherapy is to facilitate the development of self-actualization in clients. Cultures can be evaluated in terms of their contribution to the self-actualization of their members. The major conditions for the development of self-actualizing persons are known, and must be present in counseling or psychotherapy as practiced with any client, regardless of his culture. These conditions are not time-bound nor culture-bound. The problems of practicing counseling or psychotherapy in other cultures are viewed as problems of implementing these conditions. Certain characteristics of clients which present obstacles to the implementation of the conditions are associated with certain cultures. Until cultural changes lead to changes in these characteristics, counseling or psychotherapy will be difficult and in some cases impossible with certain clients from certain cultures. Structuring and client education and training may change client expectations and make therapy possible. In any case, however, to accede to client expectations, abandoning methods which have been demonstrated to be related to self-actualization as an outcome of counseling or psychotherapy, is to abandon self-actualization as the goal, and to accept goals which are often inconsistent with self-actualization.  相似文献   

Freedom is presented as an overarching paradigm that may align and bring together the counseling profession's diverse counseling theories and open a doorway to a new generation of counseling techniques. Freedom is defined and discussed in terms of its 4 modalities: freedom from, freedom to, freedom with, and freedom for. The long‐standing problem of theoretical integration of counseling and psychotherapy is explored in combination with the phenomenon of therapeutic change in the context of freedom. The new paradigm generates new and possibly more effective counseling techniques by aligning and incorporating freedom with such ideas as agency, self‐determination, metacognition, mindfulness, and often unexamined Asian therapeutic techniques from yoga and Buddhism.  相似文献   

对几种主要治疗流派的咨访关系理论进行了比较,发现它们对咨访关系的重要性,咨访双方的地位及其相互关系以及咨访关系的人性观基础方面的认知存在着差异,在激发来访的获助期望,给来访提供值得依赖的信息,与来访保持情感交流方面则有共同之处。  相似文献   

中国巫术在传统文化中占有独特的地位,巫术文化和心理咨询与治疗本土化有着密切的关系,是实现心理咨询与治疗本土化的有效途经;在方法上,巫术文化和心理咨询与治疗具有较大的相通性.  相似文献   

Psychologists working in schools are often the first contacts for children experiencing a potentially traumatizing event or change in status. This article reviews basic concepts in crisis counseling and describes the components of psychological first aid. This form of counseling must be developmentally and culturally appropriate as well as individualized. Effective intervention can prevent post‐traumatic stress syndrome and facilitate normal mourning processes associated with any losses experienced. These prevention activities are also discussed. Some children may need resources beyond those that the school can provide, and appropriate referrals can link children and adults to a variety of treatments such as psychotherapy and medication, also briefly outlined. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

现在心理咨询和治疗的理论多种多样,方法和技术更是繁多,各种学派和体系不断涌现,交互更替。本人以多年学校心理咨询工作的经验为依据,结合具体案例,对行为疗法理论、方法进行了介绍,强调行为疗法在改变人的不良行为,解决具体的行为障碍方面的贡献。  相似文献   


Most college counseling centers have adopted session limits for their psychotherapy clients though little evidence exists to support such cutoff points. In the past eight years, a few studies have been published using survival analysis statistics for investigating the speed of recovery in psychotherapy. The outcome of clients at a university counseling center was studied to assess change across time, on a session-by-session basis. The analysis of these data showed that 14 sessions of psychotherapy were required for 51% of clients to meet criteria for clinically significant change. Results were interpreted as suggesting that limiting psychotherapy at college counseling centers may result in improvements that are not clinically meaningful for the majority of clients receiving services.  相似文献   

高校心理咨询工作中值得注意的几个理论问题   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文通过对高校心理咨询与心理治疗、心理教育关系的分析、认为从我国国情出发,只有对三者的工作目标、任务、对象、模式、内容、方式方法等严加区分,才能有效地做好上述三种工作;通过对高校心理咨询内容和重点的分析,认为随着科技进步和教改的推进,应将发展性咨询作为我国高校心理咨询的重点。明确这两个理论问题,不仅对纠正我国高校心理咨询实践中的工作偏差和充分发挥心理咨询在高校教育中的应有作用十分必要,且对于把握高校心理咨询工作的发展方向至关重要。  相似文献   

The decision to "hold" these students in a long-term on-campus psychotherapy may be a function not only of the psychological vulnerability of the students themselves, but also of the counselor's ambivalence toward the institution's role in raising unrealistic expectations in these students. Despite these students very real need for psychotherapy, the college counseling center may not provide the most workable setting because of the specialness of long-term psychotherapy in this context and because of the scarcity of counseling time. The possible alternative of a transitional "holding" followed by referral is suggested.  相似文献   

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