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Research Findings: This study evaluated the impact of a self-monitoring intervention on preschool teachers’ use of language and on children’s language growth. Nineteen classrooms from Santiago de Chile participated (10 intervention, 9 control). Twice a week, intervention teachers filled out a checklist to monitor the language stimulation they offered children. Research personnel used the checklists to elaborate a monthly summary of the language opportunities offered to each child in that month and discussed this information with teachers. Results revealed a significant advantage for intervention teachers in frequency of book readings and word discussions but not on children’s language growth. Dosage analyses showed that children identified by the self-monitoring device as receiving more language-learning opportunities improved significantly more from beginning to end of the school year in receptive vocabulary. Practice or Policy: Contextual barriers such as large numbers of children and unawareness of the impact of some language interactions can prevent teachers from engaging in important practices. Reminding teachers of the importance of those practices and helping them monitor their frequency may be a low-cost way of improving language opportunities for children in contexts where more intensive professional development is not possible.  相似文献   

This study investigated preschool science environments in 20 preschool classrooms (N=20) in 13 midwestern child care centers. By operationalizing Neuman’s concept of “sciencing,” this study used The Preschool Classroom Science Materials/Equipment Checklist, the Preschool Classroom Science Activities Checklist, and the Preschool Teacher Classroom/Sciencing Form to analyze the availability of science materials, equipment, and activities for preschoolers in the classroom. Each teacher was videotaped for two consecutive days during free play time. The study showed that half of the preschool classrooms had a science area. The activities that the preschool teachers engaged were mostly unrelated to science activities (86.8%), 4.5% of the activities were related to formal sciencing, and 8.8% of the activities were related to informal sciencing.  相似文献   

This article explores conversations between preschool children and their teachers in the classroom environment. Teachers have an opportunity to engage students in cognitively challenging conversations at critical times during the day: book reading, playtime, and mealtimes. The article provides examples of the types of conversations preschool educators can model and facilitate in order to further develop a child's oral language and subsequent literacy skills during the school day.  相似文献   

The challenge of preparing novice primary teachers for teaching in an educational environment, where science education has low status and many teachers have limited science content knowledge and lack the confidence to teach science, is great. This paper reports on an innovation involving a sustained simulation in an undergraduate science education course as a mediational tool to connect two communities of practice—initial teacher education and expert primary science teaching. The course lecturer and student teachers role-played the expert classroom teacher and primary students (Years 7/8) respectively in an attempt to gain insights into teaching and learning through authentic activity that models good practice in primary science teaching and learning. Activity theory was used to help frame and analyse the data. Findings from the first trial indicate that the simulation was very effective in initiating science pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) development of primary student teachers.  相似文献   

就高中英语课堂互动的模式和教师话语两个方面对分层随机抽取的十名高中英语教师展开了课堂现场观察研究,结果显示高中英语课堂互动模式主要为启发反馈跟踪(IRF)模式,互动频繁,且成功率高。教师常用问题启动交互,采用意义协商、及时反馈、元语言和体态语等来维护和平衡交互。但互动内容多为语言操练,缺乏真正意义的语言交际,不利于语言的学习和习得。  相似文献   

The Norwegian government recommends a systematic language assessment of all four-year-olds as part of the general health surveillance program for the purpose of identifying children at risk of language delay. This study aimed to investigate the construct validity of the recommended language screening tool called LANGUAGE4 [SPRÅK4] by first examining the dimensionality of the underlying construct of the tool, after which the concurrent convergent validity was established by regressing an external language factor, defined by four standardized language tests, on a single higher-order factor. The findings provide support for a higher-order model with one general language factor, suggesting that a large amount of the variance in LANGUAGE4 is attributable to a single common factor at the second-order level. Furthermore, this single factor explained a considerable amount of the variance in the external language factor. Our findings are interpreted as support for satisfactory construct validity of LANGUAGE4.  相似文献   

This article presents findings from a case study of an in-classroom program based on ability grouping for Year 2 (ages 6–7) primary (elementary) children identified as high ability in mathematics. The study examined the role of classroom setting, classroom environment, and teacher’s approach in realizing and developing mathematical promise. The teacher’s approach was found to be fundamental to revealing and developing mathematical promise. However, a large regular classroom with a range of ability, along with some common beliefs that link mathematical prowess with competence in numerical calculations and that dominate the classroom environment, pose some major challenges for the teacher as well as obstacles and threats to the development of mathematical promise. The article illuminates these issues and suggests possible solutions.  相似文献   

对112名学前教育专业学生的调查显示:他们对幼时幼儿园教师形象的理解普遍是教书匠+保姆,普遍认为当下理想的幼儿园教师形象是妈妈+孩子王+多面手。来自农村的学前教育专业学生对幼时幼儿园教师教学的印象是小学化现象严重。现在的学前教育专业学生普遍认为,富有爱心,能和孩子打成一片,具有多方面的技能是理想的幼儿园教师最重要的素养。  相似文献   

同伴互助听课是建立在听课基础上的又不等同于传统听课的活动,它是以教师专业发展为目的的听课。对教师专业发展具有重要的促进作用。在教师专业发展视野下的同伴互助听课的实施应从听课的计划与准备、课堂听课、信息反馈及重构教学理念四个基本环节出发,实现教师之间的合作与经验的共享,加强反思来创新教育理念,精练教学技能,促进专业成长,提高教学水平。  相似文献   

The goals of this paper were two-fold. The first goal was to examine the emotional and social developmental value of play in the early childhood classroom. This issue is important because of the recent impetus for a more academic focus in early childhood classrooms, and questions about the developmental benefits of play. The second goal was to examine and discuss the role teachers could play in making play a developmental and educational experience. This is because understanding the significance of play could make teachers less apprehensive about using play to promote learning and development, and enable them answer questions regarding the value of play. Using these goals as a backdrop, this paper discussed views of children’s play; the defining characteristics of emotional and social development; play and the socioemotional development of children; and the role of early childhood teachers in children’s play.  相似文献   

Research Findings: Shared book reading provides opportunities for adults to engage in literacy-related interactions with children in meaningful ways. Research has examined various dimensions of adult and child behavior during shared book-reading interactions with some focus on how book type affects the reading experience. Little research, however, has examined systematically the use of shared book reading in a mathematical context. Thus, the purpose of the study was twofold: (a) to examine the effect of book type on teacher use of mathematical talk during shared book reading in preschool classrooms and (b) to examine the effect of training teachers specifically to use mathematical talk during shared book reading. A multielement design with 2 female preschool teachers who taught in inclusion classrooms in an urban school district was used. Results generally indicated that the use of mathematical storybooks resulted in increased teacher mathematical talk compared to the use of nonmathematical storybooks. Training and instructional supports resulted in an increase in mathematical talk over that achieved by mathematical storybooks alone. Practice or Policy: Because shared book reading is a common practice in preschool classrooms, strategically choosing books to address mathematical skills can increase attention to mathematics throughout daily routines and provide a means of increasing teacher mathematical talk.  相似文献   

Recent research in English education has emphasised dialogically organised instruction to promote learning talk; yet little is known about teachers’ perceptions of their efforts to teach dialogically. This study draws on video-cued interviews to examine how secondary preservice English teacher Emma experiences trying to teach dialogically and the conflicting demands it elicits for her. Findings indicate that she must navigate competing discourses including the curriculum, the ideas of her mentor teacher, her beliefs about dialogic teaching and her university schooling. Emma’s accounts revealed that satisfying these at once was not achievable, and that her endeavour to become a dialogic teacher was rife with conflict.  相似文献   

Given increasing numbers of young culturally and/or linguistically diverse (CLD) children across the United States, it is crucial to prepare early childhood teachers to create high-quality environments that facilitate the development of all children. The Early Childhood Ecology Scale-Revised (ECES-R) has been developed as a reflective tool to help early childhood teacher candidates examine their beliefs concerning classroom ecology. Using cultural responsivity and classroom management theories as the theoretical framework, the authors posit that the ECES-R identifies five dimensions that promote a high-quality, culturally responsive classroom ecology. These include the sociocognitive, sociocultural, sociolinguistic, socioemotional, and sociophysical dimensions. Evidence for reliability and validity was established. Factor analysis supported the five proposed dimensions, with the identification of an additional dimension: sociocomfort.  相似文献   

Research Findings: A statewide study of preschool classroom quality was conducted using 3 distinct classroom observation measures in order to inform a statewide quality rating system. Findings suggested that Tennessee preschool classrooms were approaching “good” quality on the Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale–Revised (ECERS-R) and provided a mid-to-high emotional and engaging climate as indicated by the Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS) domains of Emotional Support and Student Engagement. However, classrooms were only minimal on the Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale–Extension and the CLASS Instructional Support domain. Past performance on a state quality rating assessment consistently predicted the current quality of preschool classrooms as assessed by all 3 measures. Lead teachers' education in early childhood and experience were also predictors across quality measures. Practice or Policy: Tennessee preschool classrooms scored higher on the ECERS-R, which is the measure utilized in the statewide Quality Rating and Improvement System. However, classrooms generally performed poorly on measures of instructional support and curriculum. This finding illuminates the importance of the tool selected to measure quality in state quality rating and improvement systems and has implications for policy as states work to build systems that enhance quality in early care and education.  相似文献   

School Experience and Teaching Practice are both integral components of the teacher education programmes conducted at the Institute of Education, Singapore (IE). This component stretches over a period of 13 weeks for the Diploma-in-Education programme and it is made up of two parts, namely, an introductory 3-week period of School Experience and a 10-week period of Teaching Practice. The introductory period of school experience is intended to induct student teachers gradually into the process of classroom instruction. It provides the students with the opportunity to observe, work with and learn from experienced teachers. The students will also gain a better understanding of the responsibilities and tasks that make up the total experience of the school teacher. They will be helped to established a linkage between educational principles and instructional practices. Teaching Practice is the period of more intensive and systematic teaching that brings the student teachers into contact with the teaching-learning stituation in the classroom. It gives them the opportunity to put into practice and to develop their teaching skills by translating theory into practice. Their teaching experience will be guided by co-operating teachers in the schools and IE supervisors.  相似文献   

本文以中国汉语言环境下学龄前儿童英语教育为例,系统分析了儿童外语家庭教育语言关键期派、母语基础论派、语言学科派的主要理念,针对学龄前儿童外语学习具有整合性、整体性和功能性的特点,提出了儿童外语家庭教育应该逐渐建立对双语概念及优势的正确认知、浸入真实外语环境、与儿童认知学习有机结合、去除功利心的坚持和积累等策略。  相似文献   

The relationships between teacher praise and feedback, and students' perceptions of the classroom environment were investigated in six rural elementary schools (n = 747). The Teacher Feedback Scale and My Classroom Scale were developed as part of this study and used to collect the data. Structural equation modelling was used to test a hypothesised model. The results indicated that negative teacher feedback and effort feedback were both related to students' relationships with their teachers, while ability feedback was associated with perceptions of the classroom environment. Praise was not related to classroom environment or teacher-student relationships. Significant age and gender differences were found. Additionally, differences were found between students who were satisfied with their classroom and those who were dissatisfied. Satisfied students received more general praise, general ability feedback, effort feedback and less negative teacher feedback when compared to dissatisfied students.  相似文献   

This article adds to the existing body of data that demonstrates how the use of in-depth case studies that include social episode analysis can deepen the teaching students’ and researchers’ understanding of the perceptions and skills needed for Classroom Management (CM). In this article, CM is defined as a meta-skill that integrates cognitive perceptions (proactive, ecological-systemic, and leadership-oriented), self-regulation skills, and interpersonal relationships with students and colleagues. CM is also perceived as a cyclical process that includes advance planning, implementation, assessment during the implementation, and a final evaluation that takes into account factors related to the children and their environment, intended to bring about progress in the activities carried out for the learning and emotional well-being of the children in the class. Two cases showing opposite positions with regard to social-moral CM were selected from 34 cases documented by second-year, 4-year-track, preservice teaching students enrolled in a CM course in Israel in the spring of 2008. One case shows how, guided by the desire to ensure a child’s well-being, a student developed perceptions and skills related to all components of the CM theoretical framework. The other case shows how opportunities were missed to learn and develop a social-moral, complex, CM perception. Based on an analysis of the two cases, the discussion examines the usefulness of case studies in teacher training and offers insights related to improved teacher training.  相似文献   

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