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正又是一年终了期,又是一年到来时,惯常的辞旧迎新,回顾与展望,对过去一年的盘点,总有些期待。这一回,《出版广角》的盘点方式有所不同,编辑部热情策划,动员、组织、推荐、评选,打出了鲜亮的"新锐排行榜",分别是"新锐出版人""新锐图书""新锐编辑""新锐营销""新锐载体",  相似文献   

“我们一定要把甘孜州的档案工作做好、做实,力争把甘孜州建设成为档案管理模范州”。这是四川省甘孜藏族自治州州委书记胡昌升2014年1月7日在州档案馆创国家一级馆授牌仪式上的庄严承诺。他是这样说的,也是这样做的。四川有21个市(州),经国家档案局验收的国家一级综合档案馆仅3个,胡昌升经手创建的就有2个,而这两个国家一级档案馆都是在经济社会发展相对滞后的地区。在四川新一轮档案馆建设中,时任遂宁市委副书记、市长的他就经历了市档案馆创建国家一级档案馆的全过程。在市级财政十分拮据的情况下,遂宁市率先投资建成了符合国家建筑设计规范的市档案馆新馆,  相似文献   

2010年6月5日世界环境日你是否知道,你属于万里挑一?或者更确切地说,是科学家们发现的生活在地球上的1500万个物种之一。然而,人类却是极少数数量仍在不断增长的物种之一,而绝大多数动植物正在变得愈加珍稀。我们已知共有17291种物种面临着灭绝的危险——从鲜为人知的  相似文献   

汪丁丁 《出版参考》2009,(10):52-52
这本书是这样开篇的:“若干年前,从中国来了一个杰出的学生,跟我从事社会心理学和理性问题的研究。相识不久的某一天,他对我说:‘你知道,我和你的差别在于我把世界想象成圆形而你把它想象成直线。’注意到我脸上出现的困惑和惊讶,他补充说:‘中国人相信事物处于变化当中,而事物总是回到它们的某些初始状态。故而,他们关注更加广阔的事件群组;他们寻找的是事物之间的关系;他们认为不理解整体就不可能理解局部。  相似文献   

这是一本探完东西方思维差异的经典之作,从风水说到宇宙哲学,从比较语言学到经济史,一道文化上的鸿沟横亘在亚里士多德的子嗣和孔夫子的后代之间。然而,在当今这样一个全球化的时代,东西方之间跨文化的理解和协作尤为重要。本书通过广博的知识和开阔的视野,为东西方的人们在文化上的沟通,架设了一座意义非凡的桥梁。  相似文献   

刚进11月,年末慌乱症就提前爆发。总结会,目标会;完成任务的,没达到指标的;提拔的,换岗的;评奖的,陪练的;晚上看央视的新闻里在播专题“面对危机,重塑信心”,早晨本城的晚报在写“年终奖,不是降与不降的问题”,好像也不都是金融危机带来的多米诺骨牌效应吧,哪一年不是在喧嚷和躁动中辞旧迎新的?  相似文献   

张爱玲说自己迫不及待要长大的标志是“5岁要梳爱丝头,10岁要穿高跟鞋”,等到我第一次鼓起勇气烫头发,却是27岁生日都快到了。在做头发的4个小时里我一直想着《玻璃之城》里的舒淇,因为我认为她真正拥有亦舒老师不厌其烦描述的“海藻般的长发”。当然4个小时后我还是来到了现实世界:没有难看到活不下去,但也跟舒淇毫无关系。  相似文献   

涨价,涨价……2010年,关键词是涨价。从日用品,到耐用品,再到广告,涨价声一片。2011年度央视广告招标创新高,湖南卫视、江苏卫视、安徽卫视这三大卫视招标也异常火爆,参加招标会的广告主似乎一个比一个有钱,不怕花钱多,就  相似文献   

陈志金 《大观周刊》2012,(32):101-102
基于衅的数据业务的爆炸式发展、宽带电信业务的无限昔求.对于电信运臂商骨干传输网提出了夏为严峻的挑战。那么,怎样才能满足现代社会对Internet信息传精日益高速增长的需求呢?DWDM(密集波分复用技术),为光网络传输提供了实现。高速信忠公路”的可能。  相似文献   

英国作家伍尔芙曾戏言,给人读书唯一的建议就是不要听任何建议。尽管如此,古往今来,读书人总是给人提出各式各样的读书建议。他们总是喋喋不休地向人们兜售自己的看法。读书人各有癖好,喜欢读不同的书且有不同的读法,因而就会有不同的阅读建议。这里刊出的三篇书评,布鲁姆迷恋于文学经典而强调阅读的精神体验,凯里专注于自己阅读个性而开导大众阅读,至于费德勒,以通俗文学的赞美者来和读者分享这一文学作品的文之悦。作为读书人,他们均为英美知名高  相似文献   

电子资源评价之重要影响因子的调查研究   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
徐革 《大学图书馆学报》2006,24(3):77-81,96
在汇集整理出电子资源评价指标的主要影响因素集合的基础上,通过向进入“211工程”的大学的图书馆的专家问卷调查,进行评价指标影响因子重要性程度和易获得性的调查研究,并利用灰色理论进行数据统计和分析,综合筛选出重要的影响因子,以此重新构造出具有一定合理性和可操作性的电子资源评价指标体系。  相似文献   

美国图书馆协会作用探析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
美国图书馆协会是全球历史最悠久的图书馆协会,对图书馆事业影响深远。该文从机构设置、计划和活动等方面对美国图书馆协会进行了论述,分析了其在图书馆事业管理、图书馆服务、图书情报学教育及扩大图书馆社会影响这四个方面的作用。  相似文献   

The tendency for individuals to perceive a greater impact ofmedia messages on others than on the self, Davison (1983) argues,has led to a number of policy decisions in which éliteshave exercised control of mass media messages in order to ‘protect’vulnerable others. The third-person effect has been well-documentedin experimental research with little attention to its theoreticalunderpinnings, or its antecedents or consequences. This articleargues that the third-person effect can be understood throughattribution theory, especially through the concepts of self-servingbias and effectance motivation. Second, it demonstrates thatthe third-person effect is influenced by certain social structuralfactors, media use patterns, and perceived harm of content.Finally, while perceptions of harm are related to perceptionsof influence, influence does not play a role in predicting supportfor external control of media content, while perceived harmhas a significant impact.  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(4):377-391
In the current economic environment, message synergy may result in a perceptible manifestation of ownership's impact on media content. That influence raises ethical issues: journalistic independence and access to the media marketplace for a variety of messages. This project analyzes the “soft news” content of the two most popular morning television news shows, The Today Show and Good Morning America during November 2007 sweeps. The analysis demonstrates that “soft news” story topic selection appears to be strongly influenced by economic connections to the parent corporation. The potential impact of this distortion of the cultural public sphere for journalists, viewers, creative artists and advertising at the institutional level are analyzed. The wages of synergy include a restriction of journalistic autonomy, confining viewers to a role that is exclusively consumption oriented, and, at the institutional level, jeopardizing the credibility of news programming which could have a long-term impact on advertising revenues.  相似文献   

电子书的发展及其对图书馆的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
在回顾电子书的历史、澄清电子书的概念之后,介绍电子书的内容、技术模式、发行和商业模式等关键因素,并在此基础上讨论电子书对于图书馆的影响。  相似文献   

云计算在图书馆中的应用   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
从技术应用的角度分析了云计算在图书馆实际推进的制约因素,初步提出了云计算在图书馆的应用方法和策略,以及图书馆应对云时代的来临,在信息组织加工、数字资源存储及服务整合等方面的可作为之处。  相似文献   

福建省高校图书馆读者利用文献信息资源研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
以网络为背景,以调查数据为依据,在分析高校读者文献信息需求特点、规律、趋势及影响读者利用文献信息因素的基础上,进行变革服务现状的思路与措施和建立福建省高校图书馆文献信息资源保障体系的研究。  相似文献   

电子资源对图书馆和学术研究的影响   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
考查电子资源对图书馆和学术研究的影响,指出电子技术仅是一种工具,电子资源可与其他形式的资源相互补充,而不是取代所有其他形式的资源。  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(3):268-284
Blogging has shifted from an activity largely taking place outside established media to a practice appropriated by professional journalists. This study explores how BBC News has incorporated blogging in its journalism, looking at the internal debates that led to the adoption of blogs and charting how they became a core part of the corporation's news output. Using a case study approach, it examines the impact of blogging on BBC editorial values and considers how journalists have sought to maintain their authority in a digital media environment by integrating a new form of journalism within existing norms and practices. The BBC offers a unique case study as its long-standing editorial values of accuracy, impartiality and fairness appear at odds with the notion of blogs as immediate, uncensored and unmediated. The research reveals that blogs emerged initially as an activity peripheral to the main newsgathering functions of the organisation and were rapidly transformed into key mechanisms for communicating analysis and commentary to the public. It contends that, for now, blogging has had a greater impact on the style, rather than substance, of BBC journalism. While the systems whereby journalists deliver information have evolved, the attitudes and approaches have, so far, remained relatively static.  相似文献   

Although interviewers in survey research are usually instructedto interview the respondent alone, third parties are a commonenough occurrence to have a potentially serious impact on responses.This article examines the effect of third parties present (spouses,children, and in general) on a respondent's answers. Data fromthe 1994 General Social Survey were used. Results show that,for married respondents, answers on 15 questions about marriage,sexual matters and miscellaneous items are hardly affected bythe presence of a spouse. Differences on gender role items emergeas spurious when proper controls for differences in family andhousehold structure and organization are entered. Among 13 questionsabout child values, sexual matters concerning youths, and otheritems, answers are mostly not influenced by the presence ofa child. When controls are applied, only one difference emerges:Respondents appear less approving of premarital sex when anolder child (6 years or more) is present. Among 13 items onsex, religion, personal evaluations and evaluations of people,only self-reported health is affected by the presence of thirdparties. Overall, the impact of third parties on survey responsesis fairly rare and mostly small. Most apparent impacts of thepresence of others turn out to be spurious. Though they areof limited extent, third-party effects need to be better understood.Specific steps toward this end are suggested.  相似文献   

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