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A nationwide study was conducted to examine the relationship between prelingually deaf adolescents' reading comprehension scores and their hearing mothers' communication strategies and skills. Subjects included 201 students from six randomly selected residential schools for the deaf. Correlation coefficients, stepwise multiple regression analyses and analysis of covariance showed that for this group of subjects, method of communication used by mothers had no significant relationship with their deaf children's reading comprehension scores. No significant relationship was found between reading comprehension of the children of mothers who used manual communication and the age of the child when the mother began to sign. A potential relationship was found, however, between reading comprehension scores and signing skill levels of mothers who used manual communication.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to measure fathers' and mothers' linguistic involvements with the development of communication between young siblings. In a laboratory setting, 39 two-child mother-father families were videotaped in semistructured activities. The older sibling was from 18 to 26-months-old (M=22.4 months, SD=2.5 months) and the younger sibling was from 4 to 8-weeks-old (M=5 weeks, SD =1.5 weeks). Regardless of type of vocalization, when only one parent was present, utterances encouraging sibling interactions were more often aimed at girls than at boys. As a result, such utterances occurred more when both siblings were girls than for any other gender combination. Fathers were more active in issuing such utterances, especially to girls. When both parents were present, gender differences between parents disappeared, although the effects of children's gender did not. Overall, the results suggest that fathers very actively direct sibling interactions, especially those involving girls.  相似文献   

通过对我国失业现状的深入分析,指出就业率的高低对社会的稳定和谐具有十分重要的作用,而税收与就业之间亦存在着非常密切的联系,税收政策的制定与实施对于就业与再就业的意义深远,由政府运用税收优惠政策与其他财政政策相配合,合理地进行宏观调控和正确引导,不失为解决失业率的一个稳妥而有效的途径。  相似文献   

通过对我国失业现状的深入分析,指出就业率的高低对社会的稳定和谐具有十分重要的作用,而税收与就业之间亦存在着非常密切的联系,税收政策的制定与实施对于就业与再就业的意义深远,由政府运用税收优惠政策与其他财政政策相配合,合理地进行宏观调控和正确引导,不失为解决失业率的一个稳妥而有效的途径。  相似文献   

The correspondence between self-reported child-rearing attitudes and practices and actual child management was examined among 68 mothers of young children. Data on mothers' verbal and physical control techniques along with children's responses (cooperation vs. resistance) were obtained during 90 min of spontaneous interaction in a naturalistic setting. Self-report data (the Block Q-Sort) were obtained 1-2 weeks later. The Block Q-Sort factors were combined to represent authoritarian and authoritative patterns of attitudes. The authoritarian pattern was positively associated with the use of direct commands, physical enforcements, reprimands, and prohibitive interventions, and negatively associated with the use of suggestions. The authoritative pattern was positively related to the use of suggestions and positive incentives, and negatively related to the use of physical enforcements, prohibitive interventions, and direct commands. Mothers' enjoyment of the parental role and their negative affect toward the child, as expressed in the Block Q-Sort, were more a result of the child's cooperation/resistance during the interaction than predictors of maternal control strategies.  相似文献   

随着我国高校毕业生人数的逐年攀升,女大学生就业难凸显,影响女大学生就业的问题成为高校研究的焦点。以东北地区高校女大学生为例,针对90后女大学生的新特点,采用问卷调查、观察法和访谈法,从个别到一般,对女大学生就业问题进行研究,归纳影响女大学生就业的相关问题及对策。  相似文献   

政策对经济具有深远而广泛的影响,在党的"十六"大政策的指导下,"充分就业"、促进就业是城镇贫困群体走出贫困、全面建设小康社会的根本措施.  相似文献   

社会在发展,时代在进步,我国教育体系也随之发生了相应变化,在各高校纷纷扩招的时代背景下,高等教育逐渐由精英化向大众化转变,越来越多的人能够接受到高等教育,国民学历普遍上升,相比之下,当代大学生也不再像过去那样"吃香"了。根据最新劳动社会保障统计数据显示,近年来,我国就业形势空前严峻。本文结合当前大学生就业状况,对如何加强就业指导、突破就业难困境,促进大学生就业寻求出路作出思考研究,以供广大工作同仁借鉴参考。  相似文献   

就业指导的属性与当代就业指导   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
职业指导的本质属性是对个人职业行为的导向和规范.职业指导就社会而言是对其成员在职业上的指导与服务;对个人而言,是通过指导和帮助使其进行职业化(包括认识职业、准备职业、从职从业、职业发展直至职业生涯结束)的过程;对学校而言是教育工作的一个组成部分.  相似文献   

数学专业紧跟高校扩招的步伐扩大招生,培养学生数成倍增长,毕业生就业问题日益严峻.大学数学专业毕业生在就业观念与就业操作中存在诸多问题:如集中于师范行业就业,跨专业就业难、就业力薄弱等.要做好数学类大学生的就业工作,必须从转变就业观念、就业指导专门化、数学课程改革、提升就业能力等方面做好工作.  相似文献   

大学生就业形势变化与高校就业指导模式的变革   总被引:51,自引:0,他引:51  
随着高校扩招的毕业生陆续进入求职市场 ,大学毕业生的就业压力也在不断增大。在政府部门努力扩展就业渠道的同时 ,高校在提高大学生求职成功率方面是否可以有所作为 ?本文认为 ,与仅仅注重对大学生进行“成品包装”的就业指导模式相比 ,促进大学生的生涯发展辅导能更加有效地提高毕业生的“可就业性” ,有助于实现我国人力资源的优化配置  相似文献   

Behavior rating scales and checklists are frequently used in the assessment of children and adolescents. These instruments are often completed by parents. There is little in the literature comparing mothers' and fathers' responses to such scales. Results of the present study indicate that mothers and fathers often differ in their perceptions of the behavior of their children. The need for separate norming by parent seems to be indicated.  相似文献   

Relationships between infants' social behavior and their mothers' behavior   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Consistency and change in mothers' behavior toward young siblings   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Siblings differ markedly in behavioral development, and it has been suggested that differential maternal treatment may contribute significantly to these differences. The question of how consistently mothers treat their different children was examined in a study of 45 sibling pairs from the Colorado Adoption Project, in which each child at 24 months of age was videotaped at home with the mother. The results showed mothers to be consistent in affection and verbal responsiveness but to differ in their controlling behavior toward the 2 siblings. Comparison of the same mother's behavior to the 2 siblings at 12 months and at 24 months showed little stability in maternal behavior to the same child over this age period.  相似文献   

Current social and economic problems as experienced in the UK are placed in the context of long-term trends in labour economics and the impact of new technology. The reasons why technological unemployment has not hitherto been a growing problem are stated and the relationship between technical change and economic recovery is analysed. Policy implications are suggested and the part which universities can play in recovery is discussed.  相似文献   

我国灵活就业的快速发展及其所造成的劳动力市场的严重分割,引起了政府及社会各界的广泛关注.灵活就业和传统正规就业之间在就业层次、准入条件、雇佣成本和市场调节力度等方面存在明显的差别性;从灵活就业与传统正规就业在相互依赖性和替代作用等方面也存在一定的关联性.灵活就业群体虽然不断发展壮大,但其市场的发展并不规范,这不仅需要国家填补政策空白,而且需要政府的政策倾斜和保护.  相似文献   

小康水平,是邓小平立足于中国实际,对“中国式现代化”的描述。全面建设小康社会,是党的十六大提出的21世纪前20年我们全党、全国人民的奋斗的目标。  相似文献   

The flow of Japanese students from the educational system into theemployment system is discussed with particular reference to highereducation. The author shows that in the Japanese case cultural processeshave to be considered as well as those deriving from purely economic models.Life-time (or at any rate long term) employment and the prevalence of asingle annual recruitment are examples of how the employment systeminfluences educational choices. The relationships between economic trendsand graduate employment opportunities are discussed, highlighting the impactof university expansion, the trend towards equalization of earnings, themarked increase in female participation, changing patterns of movementtowards and away from city locations and the diversification of industryinto new fields such as information science. Detailed examination of thetransition from the educational to the employment system confirms theimportance of cultural factors. Since major corporations tend to recruitfrom the more prestigious universities and since starting salaries do notvary greatly, employment competition is focussed more upon the company thanthe actual job undertaken. Pay differentials between individuals do notemerge till employees are into their 30's. This approach implies acompany-oriented theory of human capital which is in contrast with the moreindividualistic theories typical of Western countries. However, changes inJapanese cultural attitudes, developments in the way in which modernindustry is structured and the drive towards internationalization, all pointtowards the adoption of a more individualistic theory of human capital.  相似文献   

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