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瓦斯地质方向课程体系建设是河南理工大学培养本科层次瓦斯地质方向人才、为煤矿瓦斯治理、煤层气规模性开发提供智力支撑的保证。根据课程体系构成和特点,制定并认真执行了达成培养目标的保证措施,从加强地质基础课程、专业核心课程模块建设、增强实践教学环节、强化教师工程背景等方面开展课程体系建设。其中,针对专业培养实验实习模块建设,通过加强专业课程实验实习针对性、遴选指导教师、优化实习实验过程等环节来确保实验实习效果。经过三年多的课程体系建设,较好地实现了瓦斯地质方向的预期培养目标。  相似文献   

针对新能源发电课程实验教学设备不能满足教学需求的问题,构建了新能源分布式发电虚拟仿真实践教学平台。介绍了平台的建设目标、建设原则、建设内容及实施计划。该平台可提供验证性、创新性、综合性实验和企业实习内容,适用于风能与动力工程、能源科学与工程、新能源材料与器件、电力系统及其自动化等专业的本科生进行风力发电与太阳能发电的工作原理、故障检测与设备维护、系统性能测试实践教学。  相似文献   

岩土工程勘察实习是土木工程(岩土工程方向)和勘察技术与工程(工程地质方向)等专业学生掌握实践知识、提高实践动手能力一个很重要的环节。根据2009年以来该校将依附工程地质勘察的课程实验改革为岩土工程勘察实习独立设课情况,分析了岩土工程勘察实习教学内容改革的特性、内容的确定和安排以及考评机制。实践证明,这些改革是可行且有成效的。  相似文献   

土木工程岩土工程方向周口店地质实践教学探讨   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
根据岩土工程的特点和我校的地质教学资源优势,构建以地质为特色的岩土工程专业方向具有竞争优势,周口店地质实习基地丰富而优质的教学资源是构建地质特色岩土工程方向的基本保障。根据多年的周口店地质实习教学体会,提出了适于岩土工程专业方向的周口店地质教学实习内容、要求和相应的实习时间,以供探讨。  相似文献   

专业实验平台是培养工程人才的主要硬件之一,为适应专业评估的需要,广东工业大学土木学院开发了面向新形势的专业实验平台。本文围绕这个实验平台的开发过程以及专业内涵与广度拓宽的要求,介绍了给排水科学与工程专业实验平台的开发思路和原则,阐述了该实验平台的内容与发展方向,以及配套教材、大纲、实验指导书及实验考核方面的建设情况。  相似文献   

无人机航拍目前被陆续应用到高校的虚拟仿真教学和教学改革中。本文首次将无人机航拍引入峨眉山地质认识实习教学中。无人机航拍能够实现构造地质现象具象化、地貌调查定量化和地质定点快速化。无人机航拍引入地质实习教学,一方面实现了教学手段科技化、野外地质实习信息化,助力资源勘查工程专业国家一流专业建设,另一方面通过基于无人机航拍三维模型的虚拟野外地质教学平台建设,提升专业兴趣,建立地质思维,为能源地质一流人才的培养保驾护航。  相似文献   

本文根据我国能源的现状及发展趋势,分析了新能源勘探开发一体化创新人才培养的必要性。在新能源地质工程专业培养目标、课程体系设置、平台建设以及教学法研究等方面进行了探索并取得了系列成果。  相似文献   

针对自动化专业的生产实习模式改革,加强了自动化特色专业实习实践环节的建设,通过产、学、研结合,加强校内外实习基地建设;教学与工程训练相结合,实习基地与专业设置相配套,强化工程实践和专业技能训练,教学方法和手段多样化,激发学生的实习实践兴趣;加强实验环境与科技创新平台建设,充实综合实验内容;改革毕业设计选题、准备、设计、答辩验收等环节,培养创新型人才,促进了教育教学质量的提高。  相似文献   

矿山综合实习是衔接资源勘查工程专业地质实习(大二)与生产实习(大三)、提升学生综合能力的必要环节。中国地质大学(武汉)以湖北大冶铁矿为实习基地,积极开展野外实践教学课程设计、深入挖掘实习资源,建设了“虚实结合”的实践教学平台。平台集矿床地质、矿产勘查、绿色矿山、矿业文化和爱国主义教育为一体,可开展线上线下实习。经多轮教学实践,取得了良好效果。  相似文献   

以培养具有应用型工程技术人才为目标,建设具有鲜明专业特色的生物医学工程实验平台。方法:本文结合生物医学工程专业的特点,以培养学生工程实践能力和创新能力为教学目的,从思路和理念、实验室、实习基地、师资队伍、教学体系改革等,多方面探讨了生物医学工程专业实验教学平台的建设的模式和途径。结论:通过实践平台的软硬件建设,充分利用校内外的资源,为学生提供优厚的实验、实习条件,提高了学生的动手能力和创新能力,为专业人才的培养奠定良好的基础。  相似文献   

This work describes the genesis, articulation and consolidation from 2007 of a social network of b-learning (blended learning) in the UA (University of Alicante) (Spain), with the institutional backing of the Office of the Vice President for Education Technology and Innovation, and the momentum and advice of professor Angel Fidalgo (UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) chair for University of Management and Policy). The social network currently has more than 25 teachers, working on different work linkages with the university, implementing or intending to apply the teaching methodologyb-learning during the course 2007-2008 in a variety of courses and degrees. To do so, several resource centers (blogs, wikis, Wimba Create (before CourseGenie), etc.), and digital platforms (Virtual Campus of the UA, Moodle, etc.) are used.  相似文献   

水利水电工程专业“工程地质”野外实践教学改革研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"工程地质"是水利水电工程专业一门实践性很强的专业基础课程。对于工程地质野外实践教学,如何在较短的时间内来达到教学目标,是一项亟待深入研究的教学课题。武汉大学(原武汉水利电力大学)从上个世纪50年代开始,为水利水电工程专业的本科生开设了工程地质野外实践教学课程。为了适应新时期对大学生综合能力培养的要求,教学改革也是非常必要和紧迫的。本文分析了2010年实习地点由湖北省赤壁市改为秭归县三峡库区后,对教学理念、教学内容和教学手段等方面进行教学改革的总结与思考。  相似文献   

In the Albanian schools settings does not exist religious discrimination, neither gender discrimination, but there exists a discrimination, as unfair against children called "difficulty". The children who drop out of school are by far less numerous compared with those who start school, but who are not properly treated, so that they can progress the same as other children. The object of this article is the children with learning difficulties, the causes of these difficulties. One of the reasons, among many others, why this secret dropping out of school happens is also difficulty in learning that quite a few number of pupils have, which are not known to everyone, and consequently are not treated by all the teachers, or by the other people who surround the child, condemning him to a school failure and slim chances to succeed later in life. It has often been pointed out that to define the causes of these learning difficulties it is not an easy task. A large number of factors intermingle bringing about the hell of learning for some children. If it is impossible to intervene in different organic damages (even they in many cases can be prevented though), at least those depending on people can be avoided by offering a favorable environment, showing fondness towards them and making efforts to help these children. Above all, the authors have to be willing, to know and be able to do this as parents and precisely as teachers.  相似文献   

中国地质大学(北京)依托中煤平朔矿区,以土地资源管理专业"技术管理型"人才培养为特色,构建了土地整治特色野外实践教学基地。基地设置了13个野外科学观测点,将技能培养知识点有效地融入了土地资源管理专业课程体系中,基地注重土地资源管理专业本科生的实践能力、创新能力和创业能力培养,丰富了土地资源管理专业土地整治领域的技能培养内涵。  相似文献   

在淮南地区有多个不同专业进行地质实习,实习都定位于地质实习或是以地质为主要内容的实习,实习目标、实习定位、实习线路和融入大地质的理念上具有共性。同时,不同专业的实习在实习内容、实习时间、对地质知识的掌握程度、实习侧重点上存在差异。不同专业地质实习所具有的共性和差异性要求任课教师具有更为宽广的知识面和驾驭不同教学环境的能力。建议任课老师加强集体备课,为进一步提高实习质量作出贡献。  相似文献   

宿州学院地质工程专业根据自身特点以及人才培养目标,通过优化实践教学课程体系,加强实习实训基地建设和实践师资队伍建设,完善实践教学质量目标评价体系,构建符合工程实际的专业实践教学体系。  相似文献   

Ten teachers, from preschool to secondary school have tried out puppets as a stimulus in science lessons. Data were gathered by teachers answering a questionnaire and by interviewing the teachers. We report what teachers have experienced by using puppets in science classrooms and in science activities in preschools. Data indicate that the puppet can be used to stimulate science both in preschool, primary school and secondary school. Probably the puppet must be used in different ways in preschool and primary school than in secondary school to get the pupils to accept them. This pilot study has given us courage and ideas to start a following-up study in using puppets in science.  相似文献   

“地质学基础”课程改革与地质能力的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对地质学特点,结合时代发展,本文从教学内容、教学方式及考核方式等方面对"地质学基础"课程建设进行了探讨,提出了整合教学内容、多种教学方式相结合、改革实践教学体系及提倡多样化考核等意见。从专业技能、创新思维能力、观察能力、想象能力及地质分析能力等方面进行了分析,对学生地质能力的培养和运用提出了建议,以此引导学生运用唯物辩证法观点分析地质现象及地质事件,进一步提高人才培养质量。  相似文献   

实践教学是地质类专业学生培养的重要组成部分.本文结合多年教学经验,系统分析了科学研究能力培养的各个层面(发现问题、分解问题、针对性研究、分析与写作)与巢湖地质填图实习之间的对应关系,并就实习中科学研究能力培养的方式方法进行了探讨,对于挖掘巢湖地质填图实习潜力、优化地质专业创新人才培养具有一定的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

This paper is about a research focusing on recent problems of Hungarian teachers. The aim of the study is to reveal the real troubles of Hungarian pedagogues, on the basis of their answers to a questionnaire, the nature of these problems and how they affect the role of the teacher. Supposedly, the nucleus of the problems of the teachers is connected with existence, skills and material or professional uncertainty. The study based on the related professional literature and its main statements. The conclusions could be applied mostly to the intellectual and existential preparation of would-be teachers. The aim of the research is to reveal the real problems of the high school teachers after the turn of the century, what these problems are, how stressful they are and how they impact the changing teacher role as, "Teachers are central to any consideration of schools, and majority of education policy discussions focus directly or indirectly on the role of teachers" (Hanushek & Rivkin, 2006). Ever since the pedagogical researches had started many monitors, surveys and reports have there appeared about the actual matters, issues and problems of the teachers. However, these previous examinations were structured or set up on the base of assumptions of researchers. The possible problem-framing was quite hypothetical and suggested the presuppositions of the inventors of questions, not that of the involved teachers. The methodological mean of the research was the questionnaire. The research has supposed that problems that are in the forefront of teacher thinking include skills, lack of conformity to practical demands, and material and financial uncertainness. We have focused the survey on finding the problematic activities that are primary for the educators. The results could be applied mainly in the field of the teacher training, especially in the mental and existential preparation of the would-be-teachers. It has also an actuality, since the teacher training stands before a changeover from the traditional structure to the two-level structure (transition between the former traditional and the BA and MA levels of higher education), so these remarks can also add somewhat to the reform program and--at the collective level-to the identification of issues important to the community of teachers, would-be-teachers and both in-service teachers and educators.  相似文献   

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