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泰勒原理是现代“主导的课程范式”。自20世纪70年代始,以“概念重建”为代表的后现代主义课程观对泰勒原理进行了批判、解构和重建,动摇了泰勒原理在课程领域中的统治地位,但对泰勒原理“整体推翻式”的批判是有失公允的。应当辨证地看待泰勒原理和后现代主义课程观,充分认识二者的互补而非取代关系,在此基础上对泰勒原理予以重新塑造。  相似文献   

杨炎雨 《考试周刊》2014,(48):87-87
美国著名教育学家拉尔夫·泰勒被视为教育史上的"课程理论之父"。他在《课程与教学的基本原理》一书中首次提出泰勒原理这一概念,此后各国教育学专家经过不断实践和总结,最终确立泰勒原理。泰勒原理对教育界产生非常重大的影响,我国在课程设计、教学管理等方面也在学习、借鉴泰勒原理内容。本文旨在分析泰勒原理的内涵,分析如今大学英语教学的不足,认为其在课程目标、课程内容及评价体系的确定三个方面对我国新时期大学英语课程具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

管理活动是人类最古老的社会实践活动之一,然而把管理真正作为一个专业领域进行研究,严格地说,是从泰勒开始的。泰勒的管理思想被称为科学管理理论,其本人也被誉为“科学管理之父”。本文试从泰勒的个人经历和时代背景的分析出发,探讨泰勒理论形成的基础,归纳泰勒理论的三个要点,论述泰勒理论对美国教育管理的影响以及对我国目前  相似文献   

纽沙泰勒大学位于瑞士西部的纽沙泰勒市的纽沙泰勒湖畔。该大学建于1838年,现共有学生3000余人;其中外国留学生约占20%。教授和讲师、助教共330余人。该学校规模较小,只有四个学院和一个技术所。纽沙泰勒大学是属于纽沙泰勒州领导的州立大学。  相似文献   

本文研究三元函数的泰勒中值定理.利用一元函数泰勒定理和复合函数的链式求导法则,导出了三元函数的泰勒中值定理.结果表明,三元函数与二元函数具有形式一致的泰勒中值定理和拉格朗日中值定理.  相似文献   

马丽 《甘肃高师学报》2015,20(1):113-116
美国教育家拉尔夫·泰勒(Ralah W.Tyler)提出的课程编制的一般原理(即"泰勒原理")对中西方课程理论与实践都产生了广泛的影响。拟对"泰勒原理"提出的四个基本观点分别进行分析和评述,以期进一步加深对"泰勒原理"的认识。  相似文献   

美国教育家拉尔夫·泰勒(Ralah W.Tyler)提出的课程编制的一般原理(即"泰勒原理")对中西方课程理论与实践都产生了广泛的影响。拟对"泰勒原理"提出的四个基本观点分别进行分析和评述,以期进一步加深对"泰勒原理"的认识。  相似文献   

泰勒的《科学管理原理》标志着西方管理理论的诞生,但是无论泰勒本人还是其著作都被人们批评为"忽略了人的因素"。讽刺的是,正是泰勒第一个把人性引入了管理研究中。因此有必要对泰勒的科学管理理论与人本主义之间的关系进行分析。笔者认为泰勒的科学管理理论只包含朴素的人本思想,并没有体现人本主义,从人性假设、劳资方地位、人力资源管理实践三方面进行了论述。  相似文献   

通过对前瞻性泰勒规则进行扩展,将房地产价格和股票价格引入构建广义泰勒规则模型。运用2000年1月到2012年12月的月度数据对广义泰勒规则进行实证分析,结果显示资产价格波动对利率变动具有显著影响。情景模拟技术分析结果表明,广义泰勒规则对我国实行以稳定资产价格为目标的利率政策具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

以1998年第1季度至2014年第4季度中国货币政策的相关数据为样本,对原始泰勒规则的四种形式及前瞻性泰勒规则进行了检验,并通过协整进一步考察了泰勒规则中变量间的长期均衡关系。研究发现,中国存在类似的泰勒规则,但却是不稳定的,基于中国货币政策的多目标制、央行的独立性不高以及不完善的利率市场化与金融体系现状,泰勒规则在当前是不适用的,将泰勒规则作为工具规则以及将利率作为货币政策操作变量只能是中国货币政策的未来选择。  相似文献   

A substantial number of young children seem to reach age six very poorly prepared for future learning experiences, including formal education. This paper is a preliminary report of a large project designed to generate knowledge about how best to rear children during their first six years of life. The strategy has been to systematically and intensively observe how some families manage to do an unusually good job with their young children. Preliminary results are reported on (1) the details of the everyday experiences of well versus poorly developing one- and two-year-old children, (2) their developing competencies, and (3) environmental factors that appear to influence these processes of development in significant ways.
Résumé Nombre d'enfants semblent atteindre l'âge de six ans malpréparés pour les expériences futures d'études, comprenant l'éducation formelle. Cet article constitue un rapport préliminaire d'un projet considérable dessiné à développer les connaissances concernant les meilleures méthodes d'élever les enfants pendant leurs premiers six ans. On a observé systématiquement et intensivement comment quelques familles parviennent à bien élever leurs enfants. On fait un rapport sur (1) les expériences courantes des enfants âgés d'un an ou deux qui se développent bien et de ceux qui se développent mal, (2) leurs compétences croissantes, et (3) les facteurs environnementaux que semblent influencer ces procédés du développent d'une manière significative.

I wish to extend my gratitude to the past and present research staff of the Pre-School Project: Dr. E. R. LaCrosse, Jr., Dr. Patrick C. Lee, Mrs. Frances Litman, Dr. Daniel M. Ogilvie, Dr. Susan S. Stodolsky, Mrs. Jacqueline Allman, Miss Frances Aversa, Mrs. Ellen C. Banks, Mrs. Kitty Riley Clark, Mrs. Virginia Demos, Mrs. Marjorie Elias, Dr. John Guidubaldi, Mrs. Barbara Kaban, Miss Barbara Koslowski, Mrs. Mary Meader Mokler, Mrs. Meredith Stone Pandolfi, Mrs. Barbara Rich Bushell, Mrs. Bernice Shapiro, Mrs. Sylvia Skolnick Staub, Mrs. Jolinda Taylor, Mrs. Eleanor Wasserman, Mrs. Louise Woodhead, Mrs. Cherry Collins, Mrs. Nancy Apfel, Mrs. Itty Barnett, Mrs. Martha Carroll, Mrs. Mary Comita, Miss Christine Halfar, Miss Geraldine Kearse, Miss Maxine Manjos, Mrs. Janice Marmor, Mrs. Ingrid Stocking, Dr. Jean Watts, Mr. Paul Weene, Miss A. Elise Weinrich, Mrs. Martha Bronson, Mr. Andrew Cohn, and Dr. Melvin Zolot. Also the cooperation of several hundred families and many school personnel from nearby public and private institutions made this study possible.

The research and development reported herein was performed in part pursuant to a contract (OE 5-10-39) with the U.S. Office of Education, under the provisions of the Cooperative Research Program as a project of the Harvard University Center for Research and Development on Educational Differences; The Carnegie Corporation of New York; and The Office of Economic Opportunity, Head Start Division. The statements made and views expressed are solely the responsibility of the author.  相似文献   

邢夫人原是贾敬夫人,这是《风月宝鉴》贾家家谱三代方案为她设计的名分。而《石头记》将她改为贾赦夫人。这是《石头记》贾家家谱四代方案为她设计的名分。而《红楼梦传奇》恢复《天香楼》创作计划,又将邢夫人改为贾敬夫人。《红楼梦》否定《红楼梦传奇》的《天香楼》创作计划,又将邢夫人改为贾赦夫人。由此可见,邢夫人由贾敬夫人改为贾赦夫人的反复过程,就是《红楼梦》从《风月宝鉴》起,经过《石头记》、《红楼梦传奇》、《红楼梦》、《金陵十二钗》,到《红楼梦》为止的整个创作过程。  相似文献   

I Love English     
I am a middle school student. I learn English every day. My English teacher is Mrs. Li. I like her very much, Mrs. Li is not very tall and she is not very short. She has black hair. Mrs.  相似文献   

汉武帝和陈皇后、卫皇后、李夫人以及钩弋夫人都有过缠绵的感情,可是都以悲剧告终。陈皇后先是失宠,继而被废,郁郁而终;卫皇后因巫蛊事件被废,自杀;李夫人因病早逝,让武帝思念不已;钩弋夫人因为可能危及皇权而被武帝处死。帝王和后妃之间的不平等关系和功利性、政治问题以及一夫多妻的婚姻制度等因素在很大程度上注定了他们感情上的结局,因此,汉武帝和后妃的情感故事堪称是一曲哀婉的悲歌。  相似文献   

In this study an abusive parent was instructed in techniques of behavior modification. It was hypothesized that the parent-child interactions would improve as the mother, Mrs. X, began modifying her daughter Jan's behavior.An A-B - A-B reversal design was implemented. Baseline data was collected to determine the frequency with which Jan interrupted Mrs. X. During the treatment phase, Mrs. X was to ignore Jan's interruptions and positively reinforce Jan when she spoke to Mrs. X without interrupting. However, Mrs. X did not apply the treatment consistently and the frequency of Jan's interruptions did not change significantly. Thus a return to baseline and reimplementation of the treatment was not necessary.In order to ascertain whether the parent-child interactions chanqed, two thirty-minute tapes of the baseline sessions were made and two thirty-minute tapes of the treatment sessions were made. The tapes were transcribed and assessed according to the Kasprin-Burrelli, Egolf, and Shames Parent-Child Interaction Scale (Kasprin-Burrelli, et al., 1972).The quality of the parent-child interactions, as measured by the Kasprin-Burrelli, et al., Parent-Child Interaction Scale, improved throughout the study. Thus, it is impossible to state that the treatment was responsible for the improvement. It is hypothesized that the presence of the examiner resulted in the improvement. Mrs. X is a college-educated woman and appears to need adult stimulation. When Mrs. X's need for adult stimulation was met, then her interactions with Jan improved. Thus, although Mrs. X did not modify Jan's interruption behavior, her interactions with Jan did improve throughout the experiment.  相似文献   

牙婆是中国封建社会一种传统的女性职业,以贩卖胭脂花粉和为大户人家买卖丫鬟歌女为生计,其存在与发展有着深刻的社会原因,同时客观上也是由封建礼教对女性的束缚与压抑所造成的。而"马泊六"就是一种专门从事撮合男女不正当关系的牙婆类型,薛婆、王婆就是这种"马泊六"式牙婆的典型代表。通过对薛婆、王婆形象的分析可以看出她们既让人鄙视憎恶,但同时又令人觉得可怜可悲。  相似文献   

英国作家吴尔夫与上海作家王安忆是两位著名的女性作家,这一西一中两位作家在其作品《达洛维太太》与《长恨歌》中对女性意识有着两种独特的表现。这种认识既不同于西方女权主义的霸权意味,也有别于中国当下文坛的身体写作。吴尔夫在《达洛维太太》中通过克拉丽莎.达洛维太太的意识流动,回顾了30多年的人生历程和情感纠缠;王安忆在《长恨歌》中则通过王绮瑶30多年的人生经历讲述了一位女性和4个男人的情爱故事并流露出浓浓的怀旧情结。同是回忆,克拉丽莎与王绮瑶却呈现出女性意识瞻前与顾后的两种不同情感取向,吴尔夫通过克拉丽莎的怀旧更多呈现的是一种苦闷的思索;王安忆通过王绮瑶的怀旧更多表现的是女性沉醉于审美的天然嗜好。其具体表现为对爱情的追求和固守,对时间的恐惧和优游。  相似文献   

伍尔夫文学创作特别关注人物的内心世界,表现出强烈的自我意识。小说《达洛卫夫人》表现了达洛卫夫人的三重人生困境:对爱情与婚姻的两难抉择,自我迷失以及对生死等人生意义的终极追寻.《达洛卫夫人》可谓伍尔夫探索女性丰富复杂精神世界的代表作。  相似文献   

贵族遗孀林太太长期寻求外遇、"四海纳贤"。她的偷情行为既受到内心正当性欲的驱使,又受到明代后期市民阶层反封建礼教思想观念的影响。这体现出林太太对禁锢人身心的封建礼教的反叛。为了保全一位贵族夫人的切身利益,又不失去儿子,林氏并未改嫁,因而只能以偷情的方式来满足其正常性欲,这是林太太精明的表现。林太太和西门庆的交往各取所需,并非前者拜倒在后者的脚下。  相似文献   

李侠 《海外英语》2011,(9):272-274
Though the themes in Howards End and Mrs.Dalloway are many and varied,the master theme is a connection of fragments and divergences,and the powerfully drawn female characters have long been the focus in the interpretation of the theme of the novels.In this paper,tentative conclusions are drawn that connection the heroines have seemingly fulfilled in the end is problematic for its vulnerability and superficiality through a careful study of narrative techniques in the molding of Mrs.Wilcox and Mrs.Dalloway;and that such problematic connection revealed in the human relationship is,to some extent,the expression of an ambiguous stance of Forster and Woolf towards the definiteness of connection in a modern binary world.  相似文献   

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