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1.【误】If he had told me his address last week,I could have visited him now.【正】If he had told me his address last week,I could visit him now.【析】last week与now暗示该句为混合虚拟条件从句,因此主从句应采用不同的动词形式。  相似文献   

【原句】What’s your name-(上U1)【真题】—did the teacher talk to youthis afternoon5—Something about our sports meeting.(2005山东省济宁市)A.Why B.WhatC.Where D.How【解析】本题答语是一个省略句,完整的句子是:The teacher talked to ussomething about our sports meeting.由此可推断出空白处应当是疑问代词,而A、C、D三项均为疑问副词。答案为B。【原句】A:Is this your pencil-B:Yes,it is.It’s my pencil.(上U2)【真题】—What did you do at the weekend5—I did homework.(2005南京市)A.me B.myself C.my D…  相似文献   

It was a fine day.We went to clean up the playground with our teacher.We'll have a sports meet next week. We picked up the stones.Some stones were very big.I couldn't remove them by myself.So some of my classmates helped me.  相似文献   

1.天一直在下雨,我们不得不再在这儿呆一个星期。【误】It' s raining all the time. We must stay here for another week.【正】It' s raining all the time. We' ll have to stay here for another week.【析】have to与must都有“必须”、“不得不”的意思。其主要区别是:have to强调客观因素使之“不得不”,而must表示主观要求“必须”。此外,have to有多种时态的变化,而 must没有。2.他想在这儿找份工作。  相似文献   

We had a class meeting last Friday,the theme for which was what we want to be when we grow up.The meeting was very exciting.Everyone took the chance to speak out their dreams,and so did I.Some students said they would be doctors so that they could help people recover from illnesses and live a healthful life.  相似文献   

1.我们坐在教室的后面。 【误】We sat on the back of the classroom. 【正】We sat in the back of the classroom.  相似文献   

【词语过关】finallyfinally是副词,意思是“最后;最终”,不带任何感情色彩。与finally意思相同的词语还有in theend或at last。in the end表示经过许多变化或周折,某事才发生,虽可与finally换用,但in the end常用于句首或句尾,finally常用于动词前;at last有时可与finally互换,但含期待的感情色彩更强烈。例如:He tried many times and finally succeed-ed.他试了很多次,最后成功了。(陈述此事)Did they get married in the end?(在经历变数与周折后)他们最后结婚了吗?James has passed his exam at last.詹姆斯终于通过了考试。(好不容易终于通过)【中考链接】(根据句意及汉语提示,填写所缺的单词)We could hardly believe that they couldfinish the work,but they______(最后地)didit.(2004佛山市)【解析】填finally。【短语突破】turn onturn on是由“动词...  相似文献   

1. The meeting will be finished on December the ____(twenty-three). 2. I"m ____(real) worried about my exams, though I study hard. 3. The dictionary you gave me last week is very ____(use). 4. Which city is ____(big), London or New York? 5. There"re thous…  相似文献   

《氧化还原反应》双语教学的过程设计如下(1)回顾复习,根据已有的知识自然过渡到今天要学习的内容。【导入】Class is beginning.Good morning!Boys and girls.In last lesson,we leant the basictypes of chemical reactions.We classify thereactions into four basic types.  相似文献   

1.I spent 200 Yuan to buy the coat last week.我用了200元钱买了这件上衣。(选错改错)【一点通】spend(花费,度过,过去式为spent)常见的句子结构有两种:①人 spend 时间\金钱 on sth.“某人在……上用……时间\钱.”I spend much time on my homework every day.My wife spe  相似文献   

一、miss与lose两个词都有“失去、丢失”之意,但其真正的含义有区别:1.miss意为“未能赶上穴抓住雪,错过”;“失去,漏掉”。而lose意为“丢失,失掉”;“迷失方向,迷路”。如:It’s a pity you missed the sports meeting last week.你错过了上周的运动会,真可惜。I listened carefully so as not to miss a word.我认真地听,为了不漏掉一个词。He lost his watch穴father熏way雪.他丢掉了手表/失去了父亲/迷路了。2.“没搭上火车”,美国人习惯说miss the train;英国人则说lose the train。3.当用作定语穴或补语雪时,lose的过去分词lost与…  相似文献   

Unit8[原句]No,we can/t put off making a plan.【试题精选】1.We have our sports meeting till next Monday because of the badweather.A.put on B.put off C.put down(2005年哈尔滨市)2.Never till tomorrow what you can do today.A.put down B.put off C.put on(2005年自贡市)[考点点拨]put off意为“推迟”、“延期”。注意该短语动词与下面的短语动词的区别:①put away把……收起来;放好②put back把……放回原处③put down放下;记下④put on穿上;戴上;(戏剧等)上演⑤put up举起;抬起;贴(广告等);搭建;(留……)住宿。3.—Jimm…  相似文献   

1.Lin Tao jumped_______of all thestudents at the school sports meeting.A.farther B.farthestC.far D.high2.I think that’s______piece of mu-sic at the moment.  相似文献   

1.Tibet is the last place where I want to g o . 西藏是我最不想去的地方。 【析】“the last 名词 to do;the last 名 词 定语从句”中的 last 的意思为“最不愿意; 最 不可能”。 He’s the last man I want to work with. 他是我最不愿意一起工作的人。 He is the la  相似文献   

一刁卜口叹奋二、~l刁、.口【说明:依高考原题号,未作任何变动)21.Many studentssigned uP for the_raCe In A. C.the sports meeting to be held next week.800一meter--long800 metor lengthB .800一meters一longD .800meters length简析:“数词+名词十形容词”是复合形容词充 简析:“impress sth on sb/sth”为一固定短语。其意义为“……给……留下印象”,“将……铭记在心里”。 23.An aceident hapPenedat_eross-roads a few metres aw叮from_bank. A .a…a B./…a C./…a D.the…/当前置定语的一种形式。在使用这种形式的时候…  相似文献   

【PartA教学设计】一、热身师生日常对话交流,复习有关家庭成员的内容。在师生交流中运用上一课新词hobby。二、导入1.出示课文中双胞胎姐妹Alice和Ann的图片。T:Now,look at this girl.She’s Alice.And here’s another girl.Wow!Is she Alice?Listen!2.播放自编的录音资料。Alice:Hello!I’m Alice.Ilike sports.Ann:Hi!I’m Ann.I like art.Alice&Ann:We come from Australia.We are twin sisters.We look the same,butwe don’t like the same things.Haha!3.引导学生根据录音回答相应问题。  相似文献   

一、重点句型解析1.-ed分词作宾语补足语【教材例句】We found the room decorated with framed ads on the walls.【高考链接】Television has so many advantages.  相似文献   

We had a class meeting last Friday, the theme forwhich was what we want to be when we grow up. The meeting was very exciting. Everyone took the chance to speak out their dreams, and so did I. Some students said they would be doctors so that they could help people recover from illnesses and live a healthful life. Some said they would become soldiers to safeguard our country and the people' s lives. Some others said they wanted to become scientists or inventors to im- prove our lives with their inventions, but I wanted to go to teach in a school and pass knowledge on to our children.  相似文献   

Class Assignment
The assignment in composition class was to write about something unusual that happened during the past week. Little Irving got up to read his: Papa fell in the well last week... he began.  相似文献   

Last Saturday our school had a sports meeting on theplayground. Class 3,Grade 3 did very well. Nancy won thegirl’s 100-metre race. Ben did very well in the boys’long  相似文献   

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