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For the athlete training hard, nutritional supplements are often seen as promoting adaptations to training, allowing more consistent and intensive training by promoting recovery between training sessions, reducing interruptions to training because of illness or injury, and enhancing competitive performance. Surveys show that the prevalence of supplement use is widespread among sportsmen and women, but the use of few of these products is supported by a sound research base and some may even be harmful to the athlete. Special sports foods, including energy bars and sports drinks, have a real role to play, and some protein supplements and meal replacements may also be useful in some circumstances. Where there is a demonstrated deficiency of an essential nutrient, an increased intake from food or from supplementation may help, but many athletes ignore the need for caution in supplement use and take supplements in doses that are not necessary or may even be harmful. Some supplements do offer the prospect of improved performance; these include creatine, caffeine, bicarbonate and, perhaps, a very few others. There is no evidence that prohormones such as androstenedione are effective in enhancing muscle mass or strength, and these prohormones may result in negative health consequences, as well as positive drug tests. Contamination of supplements that may cause an athlete to fail a doping test is widespread.  相似文献   

Many athletes use dietary supplements as part of their regular training or competition routine, including about 85% of elite track and field athletes. Supplements commonly used include vitamins, minerals, protein, creatine, and various "ergogenic" compounds. These supplements are often used without a full understanding or evaluation of the potential benefits and risks associated with their use, and without consultation with a sports nutrition professional. A few supplements may be helpful to athletes in specific circumstances, especially where food intake or food choice is restricted. Vitamin and mineral supplements should be used only when a food-based solution is not available. Sports drinks, energy bars, and protein-carbohydrate shakes may all be useful and convenient at specific times. There are well-documented roles for creatine, caffeine, and alkalinizing agents in enhancing performance in high-intensity exercise, although much of the evidence does not relate to specific athletic events. There are potential costs associated with all dietary supplements, including the risk of a positive doping result as a consequence of the presence of prohibited substances that are not declared on the label.  相似文献   

The goal of training is to prepare the distance athlete to perform at his or her best during major competitions. Whatever the event, nutrition plays a major role in the achievement of various factors that will see a runner or walker take the starting line in the best possible form. Everyday eating patterns must supply fuel and nutrients needed to optimize their performance during training sessions and to recover quickly afterwards. Carbohydrate and fluid intake before, during, and after a workout may help to reduce fatigue and enhance performance. Recovery eating should also consider issues for adaptation and the immune system that may involve intakes of protein and some micronutrients. Race preparation strategies should include preparation of adequate fuel stores, including carbohydrate loading for prolonged events such as the marathon or 50-km walk. Fluid and carbohydrate intake during races lasting an hour or more should also be considered. Sports foods and supplements of value to distance athletes include sports drinks and liquid meal supplements to allow nutrition goals to be achieved when normal foods are not practical. While caffeine is an ergogenic aid of possible value to distance athletes, most other supplements are of minimal benefit.  相似文献   

Dietary supplements are widely used at all levels of sport. Changes in patterns of supplement use are taking place against a background of changes in the regulatory framework that governs the manufacture and distribution of supplements in the major markets. Market regulation is complicated by the increasing popularity of Internet sales. The need for quality control of products to ensure they contain the listed ingredients in the stated amount and to ensure the absence of potentially harmful substances is recognized. This latter category includes compounds prohibited under anti-doping regulations. Several certification programmes now provide testing facilities for manufacturers of both raw ingredients and end products to ensure the absence of prohibited substances. Athletes should carry out a cost-benefit analysis for any supplement they propose to use. For most supplements, the evidence is weak, or even completely absent. A few supplements, including caffeine, creatine, and bicarbonate, are supported by a strong research base. Difficulties arise when new evidence appears to support novel supplements: in recent years, β-alanine has become popular, and the use of nitrate and arginine is growing. Athletes seldom wait until there is convincing evidence of efficacy or of safety, but caution is necessary to minimize risk.  相似文献   

黑龙江省的冰上运动只有加强后备人才梯队建设,输入强大的体育人口,才能为我国成为真正的奥林匹克运动强国做出应有的贡献。认为体育政策与各级体育管理者的重视程度,各级队伍的教练员专业素养,后备人才培养与筛选体系,退役运动员的再就业与安置等问题是制约黑龙江省后备人才梯队建设的主要影响因素。提出优先发展冰上运动战略,以冰带雪,逐步实现冰雪运动全面发展的战略,同时以我国申办冬奥会为契机,加强各级体育管理者对政策的理解与执行力度,加强各级教练员的业务培训、知识更新与组建复合型教练员团队,构建二级后备人才培养与选材体系,建立退役运动员实训基地,拓宽就业渠道,大力推进黑龙江省冰上运动的发展。  相似文献   

参加运动时的良好身体状态,除了能为运动员创造高水平成绩打下基础外,也能有效地减小运动损伤的可能性。现在,无论是运动训练专家还是教练员们都同样认识到,不适宜的身体状态是运动损伤的主要原因之一。肌纤维的分布不均衡,不合理的时机掌握等,都是由神经肌肉之间的不协调联系所引起的。不合理的肌力分布或者心血管状况、不合理的肌肉体积、柔韧度以及与身体组成成分有关的问题是一些运动损伤的基本原因,这些都不利于正常的身体状态和运动训练。  相似文献   

Strength and power athletes are primarily interested in enhancing power relative to body weight and thus almost all undertake some form of resistance training. While athletes may periodically attempt to promote skeletal muscle hypertrophy, key nutritional issues are broader than those pertinent to hypertrophy and include an appreciation of the sports supplement industry, the strategic timing of nutrient intake to maximize fuelling and recovery objectives, plus achievement of pre-competition body mass requirements. Total energy and macronutrient intakes of strength-power athletes are generally high but intakes tend to be unremarkable when expressed relative to body mass. Greater insight into optimization of dietary intake to achieve nutrition-related goals would be achieved from assessment of nutrient distribution over the day, especially intake before, during, and after exercise. This information is not readily available on strength-power athletes and research is warranted. There is a general void of scientific investigation relating specifically to this unique group of athletes. Until this is resolved, sports nutrition recommendations for strength-power athletes should be directed at the individual athlete, focusing on their specific nutrition-related goals, with an emphasis on the nutritional support of training.  相似文献   

运动营养补剂研究进展综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过文献检索,对近15a中外运动营养补剂的研究进展进行综述,结果表明:对补充能量类营养补剂研究较多,成果显著;体液补充类营养补剂的研究较少理论上的突破;中药运动营养补剂的研究呈现多元化趋势,发展前景广阔。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine: 1) whether sport supplement use is related to doping and 2) whether sport supplement beliefs mediated this relationship. In Study 1, athletes (N = 598), completed measures of sport supplement use, sport supplement beliefs, and doping attitudes. In Study 2, athletes (N = 475) completed measures of sport supplement use, sport supplement beliefs, and doping likelihood. In both studies, sport supplement use predicted doping outcomes indirectly via sport supplement beliefs. Our findings provide novel evidence to suggest that sport supplement users, who strongly believe that sport supplements are effective, are more likely to dope. For anti-doping organisations wishing to prevent doping, targeting an athlete’s beliefs about sport supplements may improve the effectiveness of anti-doping prevention programmes.  相似文献   

本文运用文献资料法,通过按运动能力的主导因素对竞技运动项目进行的分类,对不同项目运动员的营养补充特点进行总结发现,不同项目运动员的营养补充的种类、比例、时间等都存在差异。期望本研究能够对以后的训练以及对运动员营养补给体系的研究有所帮助。  相似文献   

运动训练分期理论的本质、现状和发展前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姚颂平 《体育科学》2012,32(5):3-11,33
运动训练分期理论由Л.П.马特维也夫为代表的前苏联学者们创立于20世纪60年代。运动训练分期理论的核心是通过训练大周期的分期形成竞技状态,以便使运动员能在奥运会等重大国际比赛中以最大概率获得优异的运动成绩。阐述了形成竞技状态的客观规律性作为训练分期的自然依据;训练大周期作为形成竞技状态的完整结构单位;"波浪型"负荷动态是形成竞技状态的必要条件;"延缓传导"现象反映了负荷量动态与竞技状态之间的联系;竞技状态在全年训练过程中可能出现的次数;分析了近年来对运动训练分期理论出现某些不同的看法;同时分析了全年多周期方案的特点,阐述了现代阶段运动训练分期理论的特点和发展前景。  相似文献   

研究我国现役运动员的文化学习问题,对我国高水平运动员退役后再就业有着积极的指导作用和现实意义。本文针对运动员文化学习现状,提出相应对策:加快体教结合进程,鼓励继续教育,推进职业技能培训和运动员职业化发展等对策,不仅保障运动员退役后安置问题,更有利于我国体育事业健康有序的发展。  相似文献   

为给中国射箭世界大赛备战提供理论支撑与智力支持,运用文献资料、逻辑演绎等方法对中国射箭运动存在的问题进行细致深入的剖析,作者认为:同韩国相比,中国运动员表现为基本功不扎实、体能不足、训赛一体化程度不高、瞬时应变能力差、心理韧性不足。基此提出若干射箭世界大赛备战相应对策:体能训练方面着重提升运动员的专项力量素质、技术训练方面着重提升运动员对关键技术把握的准确性、心理训练方面着重提升运动员的强对抗能力。  相似文献   

对中跑运动员运动性疲劳恢复的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用文献资料法、实验法、数理统计法,对中跑运动员运动性疲劳恢复进行研究。结果表明:中跑运动员运动性疲劳后采用积极的整理活动、合理的补充营养、保证休息和睡眠等恢复方法,对运动员专项成绩的提高有着显著的作用。事实证明,恢复和训练对提高运动成绩具有同等重要的地位,是训练后必不可少的重要环节。  相似文献   

由“李娜法网效应”探讨中国网球运动的发展战略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王强  路峰 《湖北体育科技》2012,31(2):155-157,165
对目前我国网球运动的"李娜法网效应"进行分析总结得出:我国网球运动将在今后得到快速的发展,能够极大提升网球运动在青少年运动员中的影响力,推动我国体育产业的飞速发展,推动中国网球向着更加注重运动员身体体能和力量素质的方向发展,更加注重网球运动员个性的发展。但同时我们还面临着网球群众基础薄弱;网球运动员职业化程度不够;建立健全青少年的发展机制等问题亟需解决。  相似文献   

许多冬季项目都具有比较高的损伤风险,如单板滑雪、高山滑雪和自由式滑雪等。如何帮助这些高风险项目的运动员应对运动损伤的挫折和康复治疗的挑战,是备战北京冬奥会面临的重要课题。研究介绍了心理保障团队如何帮助一位中国自由式滑雪空中技巧受伤运动员LGZ应对康复困难并重返国际比赛的心理康复历程。基于中国运动员心理建设系统,为LGZ的心理康复训练制订了三重目标:1)减少运动损伤的心理应激,积极参与康复治疗,尽早回归正常的训练和比赛;2)提高自我控制能力,形成良好的行为习惯,以平稳的心态参加训练和比赛;3)提升文化素养和精神境界,不断完善自我,促进终生发展。从2017年2月—2018年2月,在历时1年的心理训练中,共对其进行了5种心理干预:提供心理支持、实施表象训练、开展心理讲座、制订比赛预案和提供心理咨询;还通过心理测试来监控运动员的心理状态,并采用运动员个人评价、主管教练评价和竞技比赛表现来评估心理训练的效果。在为期1年的心理训练结束时,这名运动员逐渐克服了运动损伤所带来的焦虑,建立了伤后康复的自信,提高了自我控制的能力,并在平昌冬奥会上取得了她个人的最佳成绩,获得了冬奥会奖牌。这一案例提示我们“术道兼修”的心理训练具有一定成效,也带给我们许多反思。  相似文献   

运动员紧张刺激水平与个性   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
紧张刺激是一种身心的自然状态。适度的紧张刺激对运动员发挥成绩是有益的。过度的紧张刺激则会导致一些副作用,影响正常训练和比赛成绩。笔者将运动员紧张刺激与个性二者结合加以研究,以揭示运动员紧张刺激水平与个性的关系,为运动训练的科学化和竞技水平的提高提供可参考的科学依据  相似文献   

科学合理的营养补充是运动员取得良好运动成绩的前提条件。通过营养素的使用,使运动员能够跟上训练节奏,较好地完成教练员的训练计划。通过长期的运动训练实践,总结出如何进行力量训练的营养补充,以及达到怎样的恢复效果。有针对性的、合理的营养素(糖、电解质、维生素等)补充,可以帮助运动员加快运动后疲劳的恢复。  相似文献   

Physical training and competition in football markedly increase the need for macro- and micronutrient intake. This requirement can generally be met by dietary management without the need for dietary supplements. In fact, the efficacy of most supplements available on the market is unproven. In addition, players must be cautious of inadequate product labelling and supplement impurities that may cause a positive drug test. Nonetheless, a number of dietary supplements may beneficially affect football performance. A high endurance capacity is a prerequisite for optimal match performance, particularly if extra time is played. In this context, the potential of low-dose caffeine ingestion (2 - 5 mg . kg body mass(-1)) to enhance endurance performance is well established. However, in the case of football, care must be taken not to overdose because visual information processing might be impaired. Scoring and preventing goals as a rule requires production of high power output. Dietary creatine supplementation (loading dose: 15 - 20 g . day(-1), 4 - 5 days; maintenance dose: 2 - 5 g g . day(-1)) has been found to increase muscle power output, especially during intermittent sprint exercises. Furthermore, creatine intake can augment muscle adaptations to resistance training. Team success and performance also depend on player availability, and thus injury prevention and health maintenance. Glucosamine or chondroitin may be useful in the treatment of joint pain and osteoarthritis, but there is no evidence to support the view that the administration of these supplements will be preventative. Ephedra-containing weight-loss cocktails should certainly be avoided due to reported adverse health effects and positive doping outcomes. Finally, the efficacy of antioxidant or vitamin C intake in excess of the normal recommended dietary dose is equivocal. Responses to dietary supplements can vary substantially between individuals, and therefore the ingestion of any supplement must be assessed in training before being used in competition. It is recommended that dietary supplements are only used based on the advice of a qualified sports nutrition professional.  相似文献   

音乐作为体育运动项目的一种表现形式和运动训练的辅助手段,在近代体育运动的发展过程中已逐渐被一些体育项目所采用。但在散打运动中,到目前为止,还尚未把音乐与训练有效的结合起来。为弄清楚音乐能否给散打训练带来正面的影响,文章运用文献资料法、调查问卷法、数据统计法、逻辑分析法等研究方法对劲爆音乐在散打准备活动中的作用和意义进行了研究,从准备活动在散打训练中的必要性及作用、散打运动员的情绪特征、劲爆音乐在准备活动中的作用、劲爆音乐与运动员心理和生理的关系以及音乐与训练结合对运动员情绪的影响等五个方面来进行分析,证实准备活动中结合劲爆音乐能调动起运动员的积极情绪,而达到提高训练效果的目的。  相似文献   

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