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康建明  韩冰雪 《高中生》2011,(10):38-39
暑假应邀到韩国拜访一位朋友,虽然在那里逗留时间不长,但收获很大。他们有许多东西值得我们学习和借鉴。拼用餐桌,省力节能韩国饭店配置的餐桌一般为方形,很少有圆形的,为的是节省空间。更特别的是,在韩国餐馆,只有当一张桌子坐满后,才允许用另一张空桌子。一开始我不知道这个规  相似文献   

Electromagnetic radiation is all around us, and essential for the survival of all lifeforms. It provides valuable information about the physical world around us, feeds us by providing energy to plants, allows us to maintain human metabolism, and cures us of various diseases. This article deals with the various properties of electromagnetic radiation, its sources and detectors, its nature, and its uses. A brief discussion on the absorption spectrum of the Earth’s atmosphere and the atmospheric windows, and celestial objects seen through optical and radio telescopes is also provided.  相似文献   

The last ten years have seen a revival of interest in ‘community-oriented’ forms of education as a result of wide spread disillusionment with the trends of social change which have been experienced both in developing and in more highly developed countries. Much of the recent thinking about the dysfunctional nature of conventional schooling in poorer countries has emphasised its alien nature, regarding it as an importation ill-adapted to the development needs or cultural context of these countries. It is too often overlooked that problems of reforming or replacing conventional educational patterns largely derive from the fact that these patterns are in fact firmly rooted in the local situation and up to this time have drawn much of their strength from their very considerable success in performing the tasks allocated to them by their various clienteles. In this paper it is argued that whilst there may well be a pressing need for reform in order to meet changing circumstances and, notably, the mass education situation in which we now find ourselves, we are unlikely to achieve successful reform unless we examine the roots of our problems more thoroughly than we have often been inclined to. There is real danger that we may be carried forward on bandwagons of doubtful relevance to our real situation and that we may once again be distracted from the careful analysis of our own experience without which our judgements and decisions may well prove ill-founded.This paper seeks to examine some of that experience in the hope of identifying some of the considerations we should bear in mind as we consider the potentiality of forms of community education which are currently being urged upon us.  相似文献   

Fifteenth and sixteenth century European arithmetic texts set new standards and procedures for the learning and teaching of mathematics. Commercial problem solving situations both directed and reinforced the mathematical concepts presented. A new dynamic, active problem solving, now became the central feature of mathematics learning and teaching. This article surveys the format and contents of fifteenth and sixteenth century arithmetic books. It discusses the types of problems that were most popular in these early texts and briefly analyzes problem contents. The residual educational influence of fifteenth and sixteenth century arithmetical and instructional practices is noted.  相似文献   

In this article, the “goodness of fit” between ISD and chaos theory is explored by applying the key concepts of chaos theory to the process of developing an alternative ISD model. After a brief introduction to chaos theory and an exploration of the limitations of and/or the problems with conventional ISD models, the theoretical implications for developing an alternative ISD model are explored. The assumptions of a conventional ISD model are compared to those of chaos theory and dynamic nonlinear systems in order to derive theoretical implications and recommendations for future research and practice in instructional systems design and development.  相似文献   

世界在追问,乔布斯靠什么创造奇迹?是创新精神、"改变世界"的信念、技术主义、商业运作,抑或不可复制的"旷世天才"?乔布斯说:"我的秘诀很简单——聚焦和简化。简单比复杂更难,但是这一切到最后都是值得的,因为  相似文献   

"爸爸,我会回到哈佛拿到我自己的学位。"为了实现这个承诺,我等了约30年。哈佛生涯对我来说是一段难忘的经历。这里的学术气氛让我留恋,我曾经上了很多我都没有资格去听的课。我在哈佛学到了经济和政治方面的很多新思  相似文献   

Research in the last ten to fifteen years has provided a strong knowledge base for understanding how children learn to read and write in naturally developing ways. *These findings and conclusions are drawn from the wealth of early literacy research. The research provides a keener understanding of how the learning environment contributes enabling children to construct their own personally meaningful rule systems for making written language work for them, even at very young ages.Stevie Hoffman is Professor of Early Childhood Education in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, and Larry Kantner is Professor in the Departments of Curriculum and Instruction and Fine Arts, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO.  相似文献   

Jeff Davis explains how the challenges of students on the autism spectrum shine a light on the often‐invisible impediments of first‐generation students.  相似文献   

("天才物理学家"发明了一种可以使人隐身的技术,下面是他向别人介绍他的发明依据。)我们能够看见一件东西,是由于这件东西能对光线起作用。你知道,物体或者是吸收光线,或者是反射光线、折射光线。如果物体既不吸收光线,也不反射光线或折射光线,那它就根本不能被看到。例  相似文献   

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