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浅议成就动机的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对个体成就动机理论的介绍及其对形成过程的分析,提出了对个体成就动机的培养建议;成就动机的培养有利于当前我国素质教育的实施,有利于开展成功教育,提高教育质量。  相似文献   

在全面推进素质教育的过程中,偏爱“差生”是一种全新的教育观念,一、偏爱“差生”能够产生最佳心理效应,符合素质教育的要求;二、偏爱“差生”符合因材施教的原则,是一种更高的教育教学艺术,不会产生负效应;三、人生需要赞美,绝大多数“差生”是可以转变的。  相似文献   

A classroom practical exercise exploring the reliability of a basic capture‐mark‐recapture method of population estimation is described using great whale conservation as a starting point. Various teaching resources are made available.  相似文献   

<正>今天我家来了一位客人。我爸爸二十年前的一位同学刘叔叔回来度假,他们见面非常高兴,于是谈了一整个下午。我爸爸决定去餐馆吃饭,我非常高兴,因为我还从来没有去餐馆吃饭。我们刚进饭店,一位服务员就把我们领到一张桌子旁边。她给我们上了茶,然后递给我们一张菜单,菜单上有许多不同的菜肴。刘叔叔点了一些蔬菜,我爸爸点了鱼和鸡肉。爸爸问我:你要什么?我说:我要一些饮料和羊  相似文献   

创造动机是支配创造者从事创造行为的内驱力.从创造动机的理论背景看,其研究领域较为复杂,通过了解不同学派和学者有关创造动机理论的研究,可以更加全面地探讨创造动机.从事创造活动的人所处环境不同,其创造动机也可能不同,不同类型的动机之间存在相互的联系和影响,使我们更加清楚地了解到只有对创造动机进行深入研究,才能使我们更明确地选择创造力的培养途径.  相似文献   

艾米 《海外英语》2003,(3):28-29
The puns are coming fast and furious.What the devil is that?The devil is inthe details.The devil made nle do it. We groan and titter(偷偷地笑)at the same time,enjoying the coolmidnight air.After more than an hour of waiting,things have disintegrated Here’s the situation:A small group of Tasmanian first-timers are gatheredinside a safari(旅行团,旅行队)tent,two telescopes pointed off into the distance.Our eyes occasionally wander back to the road—killed wallaby(小袋鼠)that has beenpropped up as bait.  相似文献   

Confidence intervals are often misinterpreted. This article describes an activity which helps students understand what it means to have confidence in a Process.  相似文献   

马克思主义哲学的特点和中国文化所具有的兼容性是马克思主义哲学中国化的基础和决定因素.中国知识分子对马克思主义哲学进行解读和传播,是马克思主义哲学中国化的第一个阶段;中国人民运用马克思主义哲学理论进行一系列实践,是马克思主义哲学中国化的第二个阶段.  相似文献   

As soon as my brother Mac was born,he completely stole my heart.Even at almost 11 years old,I created a 1)bond with this tiny little baby. You learn about responsibility.Sometimes,I was allowed to take care of the baby,and I learned just how important it was to protect this little life.You watch a child grow up.I remember the first time Mac 2)crawled,walked,and said my name.It's cool to think about the 3)entirety of his life and how far he has come.I have been able to experience that.  相似文献   

Never before have Americans been as responsible for keeping themselves skilled and employable as they are today.I tell people to expect to have as many as nine different careers in their lifetime,with an average of three jobs in every one.……  相似文献   

Learn the kind of English you need for social occasions. This month: having lunch.  相似文献   

Having Dinner     
你是不是一只小谗猫?如果是的话,你要先捂住自己的嘴巴,再看下面的美食哦,不然你的口水都要流下来了!  相似文献   

Meeting Needs of Young Children at Risk for or Having a Disability   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Poverty-related factors place children at higher risk for disabilities and also serve as barriers to families accessing services for their children and themselves. Early childhood practitioners can play a critical role in supporting families by providing services to overcome these obstacles and by working in partnership with specialized early intervention programs to assure the families and children receive those services. Families (N = 3,001) enrolled in the Early Head Start (EHS) Research and Evaluation Project were randomly assigned to the program group (who received EHS services) or the control group in a rigorous, experimental design study in order to evaluate program impacts. All participating families were living in poverty, included a pregnant woman or a child below age 1, and were eligible for EHS. The majority of children enrolled in the EHS Research and Evaluation Project was identified as having at least one of a great variety of disability indicators (e.g., family received Part C services, child has been diagnosed as having asthma). There was a very small number of families, however, actually enrolled in Part C services. Enrollment in EHS was associated with children being less likely to have cognitive or language delays and their families being more likely to receive early intervention (Part C) services and have Individualized Family Service Plans (IFSPs) when they needed them.  相似文献   

班主任是班级工作的组织者,是班集体建设的指导者,是学生健康成长的引领者,是学生思想道德教育的骨干,是全面实施素质教育的重要力量。但目前许多一线的班主任都感觉到,班主任工作劳心费神、繁琐艰辛,难以承受巨大的压力,工作简单重复,缺乏激情,缺乏成就感。  相似文献   

在高中文言文阅读教学中,要注重语言分析,要有全息视野。在具体分析时,要注意从文言句读、文章气韵节奏、人物情思个性等角度入手,才能在虚词教学中虚中见实、枯中见腴,嚼出语文味儿。  相似文献   

中国政府正处在向法治政府演进的过程中,中国的行政法不仅起源于这个过程的起点,而且是推进这个过程的主动力。法治政府的演进轨迹折射了行政法的运演过程,法治政府的逻辑外现有有限政府、理性政府和责任政府,而中国古代有关行政的法律制度仅仅停留在纯粹的行政管理层面,完全没有法治政府的价值趋向,不是真正意义上的行政法。  相似文献   

创作动机是表现作家的审美情感.它既是非理性的无意识活动,更是理性的意识活动;既具有相对的稳定性与保守性,又是活动、变化的动态系统;既包含多种复杂因素,又以一种因素为主导;既具有外在的社会性、群体性,又具有内在的心理性、个体性.  相似文献   

在阅读过程中,不但认知的因素在起作用,动机(Maotivation)等非智力因素也在起作用。本从心理学的角度探讨了动机对阅读活动的影响,着重分析了在内在动机(Intrinsic Motvation)和成就动机(Achievement Motive)在阅读过程中的作用。  相似文献   

本文从激励与员工活力的关系出发,阐述了激励对激发员工活力的作用;分析了我国现行激励机制存在的问题,对如何完善激励机制作了论述.作者认为,在开放经济的条件下,必须建立以人为本、有自己特色的激励机制.  相似文献   

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