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Deep hashing has been an important research topic for using deep learning to boost performance of hash learning. Most existing deep supervised hashing methods mainly focus on how to effectively preserve the similarity in hash coding solely depending on pairwise supervision. However, such pairwise similarity-preserving strategy cannot fully explore the semantic information in most cases, which results in information loss. To address this problem, this paper proposes a discriminative dual-stream deep hashing (DDDH) method, which integrates the pairwise similarity loss and the classification loss into a unified framework to take full advantage of label information. Specifically, the pairwise similarity loss aims to preserve the similarity and structural information of high-dimensional original data. Meanwhile, the designed classification loss can enlarge the margin between different classes which improves the discrimination of learned binary codes. Moreover, an effective optimization algorithm is employed to train the hash code learning framework in an end-to-end manner. The results of extensive experiments on three image datasets demonstrate that our method is superior to several state-of-the-art deep and non-deep hashing methods. Ablation studies and analysis further show the effectiveness of introducing the classification loss in the overall hash learning framework.  相似文献   

Multi-modal hashing can encode the large-scale social geo-media multimedia data from multiple sources into a common discrete hash space, in which the heterogeneous correlations from multiple modalities could be well explored and preserved into the objective semantic-consistent hash codes. The current researches on multi-modal hashing mainly focus on performing common data reconstruction, but they fail to effectively distill the intrinsic and consensus structures of multi-modal data and fully exploit the inherent semantic knowledge to capture semantic-consistent information across multiple modalities, leading to unsatisfactory retrieval performance. To facilitate this problem and develop an efficient multi-modal geographical retrieval method, in this article, we propose a discriminative multi-modal hashing framework named Cognitive Multi-modal Consistent Hashing (CMCH), which can progressively pursue the structure consensus over heterogeneous multi-modal data and simultaneously explore the informative transformed semantics. Specifically, we construct a parameter-free collaborative multi-modal fusion module to incorporate and excavate the underlying common components from multi-source data. Particularly, our formulation seeks for a joint multi-modal compatibility among multiple modalities under a self-adaptive weighting manner, which can take full advantages of their complementary properties. Moreover, a cognitive self-paced learning policy is further leveraged to conduct progressive feature aggregation, which can coalesce multi-modal data onto the established common latent space in a curriculum learning mode. Furthermore, deep semantic transform learning is elaborated to generate flexible semantics for interactively guiding collaborative hash codes learning. An efficient discrete learning algorithm is devised to address the resulting optimization problem, which obtains stable solutions when dealing with large-scale multi-modal retrieval tasks. Sufficient experiments performed on four large-scale multi-modal datasets demonstrate the encouraging performance of the proposed CMCH method in comparison with the state-of-the-arts over multi-modal information retrieval and computational efficiency. The source codes of this work could be available at https://github.com/JunfengAn1998a/CMCH .  相似文献   

Similarity search with hashing has become one of the fundamental research topics in computer vision and multimedia. The current researches on semantic-preserving hashing mainly focus on exploring the semantic similarities between pointwise or pairwise samples in the visual space to generate discriminative hash codes. However, such learning schemes fail to explore the intrinsic latent features embedded in the high-dimensional feature space and they are difficult to capture the underlying topological structure of data, yielding low-quality hash codes for image retrieval. In this paper, we propose an ordinal-preserving latent graph hashing (OLGH) method, which derives the objective hash codes from the latent space and preserves the high-order locally topological structure of data into the learned hash codes. Specifically, we conceive a triplet constrained topology-preserving loss to uncover the ordinal-inferred local features in binary representation learning. By virtue of this, the learning system can implicitly capture the high-order similarities among samples during the feature learning process. Moreover, the well-designed latent subspace learning is built to acquire the noise-free latent features based on the sparse constrained supervised learning. As such, the latent under-explored characteristics of data are fully employed in subspace construction. Furthermore, the latent ordinal graph hashing is formulated by jointly exploiting latent space construction and ordinal graph learning. An efficient optimization algorithm is developed to solve the resulting problem to achieve the optimal solution. Extensive experiments conducted on diverse datasets show the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed method when compared to some advanced learning to hash algorithms for fast image retrieval. The source codes of this paper are available at https://github.com/DarrenZZhang/OLGH .  相似文献   

The paper is concerned with similarity search at large scale, which efficiently and effectively finds similar data points for a query data point. An efficient way to accelerate similarity search is to learn hash functions. The existing approaches for learning hash functions aim to obtain low values of Hamming distances for the similar pairs. However, these methods ignore the ranking order of these Hamming distances. This leads to the poor accuracy about finding similar items for a query data point. In this paper, an algorithm is proposed, referred to top k RHS (Rank Hash Similarity), in which a ranking loss function is designed for learning a hash function. The hash function is hypothesized to be made up of l binary classifiers. The issue of learning a hash function can be formulated as a task of learning l binary classifiers. The algorithm runs l rounds and learns a binary classifier at each round. Compared with the existing approaches, the proposed method has the same order of computational complexity. Nevertheless, experiment results on three text datasets show that the proposed method obtains higher accuracy than the baselines.  相似文献   

Although deep learning breakthroughs in NLP are based on learning distributed word representations by neural language models, these methods suffer from a classic drawback of unsupervised learning techniques. Furthermore, the performance of general-word embedding has been shown to be heavily task-dependent. To tackle this issue, recent researches have been proposed to learn the sentiment-enhanced word vectors for sentiment analysis. However, the common limitation of these approaches is that they require external sentiment lexicon sources and the construction and maintenance of these resources involve a set of complexing, time-consuming, and error-prone tasks. In this regard, this paper proposes a method of sentiment lexicon embedding that better represents sentiment word's semantic relationships than existing word embedding techniques without manually-annotated sentiment corpus. The major distinguishing factor of the proposed framework was that joint encoding morphemes and their POS tags, and training only important lexical morphemes in the embedding space. To verify the effectiveness of the proposed method, we conducted experiments comparing with two baseline models. As a result, the revised embedding approach mitigated the problem of conventional context-based word embedding method and, in turn, improved the performance of sentiment classification.  相似文献   

With the rapid growth of multimedia data, cross-media hashing has gained more and more attention. However, most existing cross-modal hashing methods ignore the multi-label correlation and only apply binary similarity to measure the correlation between two instances. Most existing methods perform poorly in capturing the relevance between retrieval results and queries since binary similarity measurement has limited abilities to discriminate minor differences among different instances. In order to overcome the mentioned shortcoming, we introduce a novel notion of instance similarity method, which is used to evaluate the semantic correlation between two specific instances in training data. Base on the instance similarity, we also propose a novel deep instance hashing network, which utilizes instance similarity and binary similarity simultaneously for multi-label cross-model retrieval. The experiment results on two real datasets show the superiority of our proposed method, compared with a series of state-of-the-art cross-modal hashing methods in terms of several metric evaluations.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new method for semi-supervised clustering of data that only contains pairwise relational information. Specifically, our method simultaneously learns two similarity matrices in feature space and label space, in which similarity matrix in feature space learned by adopting adaptive neighbor strategy while another one obtained through tactful label propagation approach. Moreover, the above two learned matrices explore the local structure (i.e., learned from feature space) and global structure (i.e., learned from label space) of data respectively. Furthermore, most of the existing clustering methods do not fully consider the graph structure, they can not achieve the optimal clustering performance. Therefore, our method forcibly divides the data into c clusters by adding a low rank restriction on the graphical Laplacian matrix. Finally, a restriction of alignment between two similarity matrices is imposed and all items are combined into a unified framework, and an iterative optimization strategy is leveraged to solve the proposed model. Experiments in practical data show that our method has achieved brilliant performance compared with some other state-of-the-art methods.  相似文献   

Semi-supervised multi-view learning has recently achieved appealing performance with the consensus relation between samples. However, in addition to the relation between samples, the relation between samples and their assemble centroid is also important to the learning. In this paper, we propose a novel model based on orthogonal non-negative matrix factorization, which allows exploring both the consensus relations between samples and between samples and their assemble centroid. Since this model utilizes more consensus information to guide the multi-view learning, it can lead to better performance. Meanwhile, we theoretically derive a proposition about the equivalency between the partial orthogonality and the full orthogonality. Based on this proposition, the orthogonality constraint and the label constraint are simultaneously implemented in the proposed model. Experimental evaluations on five real-world datasets show that our approach outperforms the state-of-the-art methods, where the improvement is 6% average in terms of ARI index.  相似文献   

Knowledge graphs are widely used in retrieval systems, question answering systems (QA), hypothesis generation systems, etc. Representation learning provides a way to mine knowledge graphs to detect missing relations; and translation-based embedding models are a popular form of representation model. Shortcomings of translation-based models however, limits their practicability as knowledge completion algorithms. The proposed model helps to address some of these shortcomings.The similarity between graph structural features of two entities was found to be correlated to the relations of those entities. This correlation can help to solve the problem caused by unbalanced relations and reciprocal relations. We used Node2vec, a graph embedding algorithm, to represent information related to an entity's graph structure, and we introduce a cascade model to incorporate graph embedding with knowledge embedding into a unified framework. The cascade model first refines feature representation in the first two stages (Local Optimization Stage), and then uses backward propagation to optimize parameters of all the stages (Global Optimization Stage). This helps to enhance the knowledge representation of existing translation-based algorithms by taking into account both semantic features and graph features and fusing them to extract more useful information. Besides, different cascade structures are designed to find the optimal solution to the problem of knowledge inference and retrieval.The proposed model was verified using three mainstream knowledge graphs: WIN18, FB15K and BioChem. Experimental results were validated using the hit@10 rate entity prediction task. The proposed model performed better than TransE, giving an average improvement of 2.7% on WN18, 2.3% on FB15k and 28% on BioChem. Improvements were particularly marked where there were problems with unbalanced relations and reciprocal relations. Furthermore, the stepwise-cascade structure is proved to be more effective and significantly outperforms other baselines.  相似文献   

Recently, reinforcement learning (RL)-based methods have achieved remarkable progress in both effectiveness and interpretability for complex question answering over knowledge base (KBQA). However, existing RL-based methods share a common limitation: the agent is usually misled by aimless exploration, as well as sparse and delayed rewards, leading to a large number of spurious relation paths. To address this issue, a new adaptive reinforcement learning (ARL) framework is proposed to learn a better and interpretable model for complex KBQA. First, instead of using a random walk agent, an adaptive path generator is developed with three atomic operations to sequentially generate the relation paths until the agent reaches the target entity. Second, a semantic policy network is presented with both character-level and sentence-level information to better guide the agent. Finally, a new reward function is introduced by considering both the relation paths and the target entity to alleviate sparse and delayed rewards. The empirical results on five benchmark datasets show that our model is more effective than state-of-the-art approaches. Compared with the strong baseline model SRN, the proposed model achieves performance improvements of 23.7% on MetaQA-3 using the metric Hits@1.  相似文献   

Pretesting is the most commonly used method for estimating test item difficulty because it provides highly accurate results that can be applied to assessment development activities. However, pretesting is inefficient, and it can lead to item exposure. Hence, an increasing number of studies have invested considerable effort in researching the automated estimation of item difficulty. Language proficiency tests constitute the majority of researched test topics, while comparatively less research has focused on content subjects. This paper introduces a novel method for the automated estimation of item difficulty for social studies tests. In this study, we explore the difficulty of multiple-choice items, which consist of the following item elements: a question and alternative options. We use learning materials to construct a semantic space using word embedding techniques and project an item's texts into the semantic space to obtain corresponding vectors. Semantic features are obtained by calculating the cosine similarity between the vectors of item elements. Subsequently, these semantic features are sent to a classifier for training and testing. Based on the output of the classifier, an estimation model is created and item difficulty is estimated. Our findings suggest that the semantic similarity between a stem and the options has the strongest impact on item difficulty. Furthermore, the results indicate that the proposed estimation method outperforms pretesting, and therefore, we expect that the proposed approach will complement and partially replace pretesting in future.  相似文献   

A methodology for automatically identifying and clustering semantic features or topics in a heterogeneous text collection is presented. Textual data is encoded using a low rank nonnegative matrix factorization algorithm to retain natural data nonnegativity, thereby eliminating the need to use subtractive basis vector and encoding calculations present in other techniques such as principal component analysis for semantic feature abstraction. Existing techniques for nonnegative matrix factorization are reviewed and a new hybrid technique for nonnegative matrix factorization is proposed. Performance evaluations of the proposed method are conducted on a few benchmark text collections used in standard topic detection studies.  相似文献   

【目的/意义】通过概念层次关系自动抽取可以快速地在大数据集上进行细粒度的概念语义层次自动划分, 为后续领域本体的精细化构建提供参考。【方法/过程】首先,在由复合术语和关键词组成的术语集上,通过词频、篇 章频率和语义相似度进行筛选,得到学术论文评价领域概念集;其次,考虑概念共现关系和上下文语义信息,前者 用文献-概念矩阵和概念共现矩阵表达,后者用word2vec词向量表示,通过余弦相似度进行集成,得到概念相似度 矩阵;最后,以关联度最大的概念为聚类中心,利用谱聚类对相似度矩阵进行聚类,得到学术论文评价领域概念层 次体系。【结果/结论】经实验验证,本研究提出的模型有较高的准确率,构建的领域概念层次结构合理。【创新/局限】 本文提出了一种基于词共现与词向量的概念层次关系自动抽取模型,可以实现概念层次关系的自动抽取,但类标 签确定的方法比较简单,可以进一步探究。  相似文献   

Previous federated recommender systems are based on traditional matrix factorization, which can improve personalized service but are vulnerable to gradient inference attacks. Most of them adopt model averaging to fit the data heterogeneity of federated recommender systems, requiring more training costs. To address privacy and efficiency, we propose an efficient federated item similarity model for the heterogeneous recommendation, called FedIS, which can train a global item-based collaborative filtering model to eliminate user feature dependencies. Specifically, we extend the neural item similarity model to the federated model, where each client only locally optimizes the shared item feature matrix. We then propose a fast-convergent federated aggregation method inspired by meta-learning to address heterogeneous user updates and accelerate the convergence of global training. Furthermore, we propose a two-stage perturbation method to protect both local training and transmission while reducing communication costs. Finally, extensive experiments on four real-world datasets validate that FedIS can provide more competitive performance on federated recommendations. Our proposed method also shows significant training efficiency with less performance degradation.  相似文献   

This paper presents a robust and comprehensive graph-based rank aggregation approach, used to combine results of isolated ranker models in retrieval tasks. The method follows an unsupervised scheme, which is independent of how the isolated ranks are formulated. Our approach is able to combine arbitrary models, defined in terms of different ranking criteria, such as those based on textual, image or hybrid content representations.We reformulate the ad-hoc retrieval problem as a document retrieval based on fusion graphs, which we propose as a new unified representation model capable of merging multiple ranks and expressing inter-relationships of retrieval results automatically. By doing so, we claim that the retrieval system can benefit from learning the manifold structure of datasets, thus leading to more effective results. Another contribution is that our graph-based aggregation formulation, unlike existing approaches, allows for encapsulating contextual information encoded from multiple ranks, which can be directly used for ranking, without further computations and post-processing steps over the graphs. Based on the graphs, a novel similarity retrieval score is formulated using an efficient computation of minimum common subgraphs. Finally, another benefit over existing approaches is the absence of hyperparameters.A comprehensive experimental evaluation was conducted considering diverse well-known public datasets, composed of textual, image, and multimodal documents. Performed experiments demonstrate that our method reaches top performance, yielding better effectiveness scores than state-of-the-art baseline methods and promoting large gains over the rankers being fused, thus demonstrating the successful capability of the proposal in representing queries based on a unified graph-based model of rank fusions.  相似文献   

Text classification is an important research topic in natural language processing (NLP), and Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have recently been applied in this task. However, in existing graph-based models, text graphs constructed by rules are not real graph data and introduce massive noise. More importantly, for fixed corpus-level graph structure, these models cannot sufficiently exploit the labeled and unlabeled information of nodes. Meanwhile, contrastive learning has been developed as an effective method in graph domain to fully utilize the information of nodes. Therefore, we propose a new graph-based model for text classification named CGA2TC, which introduces contrastive learning with an adaptive augmentation strategy into obtaining more robust node representation. First, we explore word co-occurrence and document word relationships to construct a text graph. Then, we design an adaptive augmentation strategy for the text graph with noise to generate two contrastive views that effectively solve the noise problem and preserve essential structure. Specifically, we design noise-based and centrality-based augmentation strategies on the topological structure of text graph to disturb the unimportant connections and thus highlight the relatively important edges. As for the labeled nodes, we take the nodes with same label as multiple positive samples and assign them to anchor node, while we employ consistency training on unlabeled nodes to constrain model predictions. Finally, to reduce the resource consumption of contrastive learning, we adopt a random sample method to select some nodes to calculate contrastive loss. The experimental results on several benchmark datasets can demonstrate the effectiveness of CGA2TC on the text classification task.  相似文献   

We propose a CNN-BiLSTM-Attention classifier to classify online short messages in Chinese posted by users on government web portals, so that a message can be directed to one or more government offices. Our model leverages every bit of information to carry out multi-label classification, to make use of different hierarchical text features and the labels information. In particular, our designed method extracts label meaning, the CNN layer extracts local semantic features of the texts, the BiLSTM layer fuses the contextual features of the texts and the local semantic features, and the attention layer selects the most relevant features for each label. We evaluate our model on two public large corpuses, and our high-quality handcraft e-government multi-label dataset, which is constructed by the text annotation tool doccano and consists of 29920 data points. Experimental results show that our proposed method is effective under common multi-label evaluation metrics, achieving micro-f1 of 77.22%, 84.42%, 87.52%, and marco-f1 of 77.68%, 73.37%, 83.57% on these three datasets respectively, confirming that our classifier is robust. We conduct ablation study to evaluate our label embedding method and attention mechanism. Moreover, case study on our handcraft e-government multi-label dataset verifies that our model integrates all types of semantic information of short messages based on different labels to achieve text classification.  相似文献   

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