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探讨大学英语互动教学模式及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本以理论为依据,通过具体的例子,探讨了大学英语互动教学模式,即以学生为中心,以培养学生的交际能力为目标的教学模式。  相似文献   

In 2009 Rupke and Blank noted that the Chinese students in their study sang American songs that the researchers had never heard. This perceived dissonance could have a multitude of causes, but the authors of this article turned their attention to the curriculum used for teaching English in China to further understand the popularity and persistence of some American songs in China. Drawing on literature from teaching the discipline and language of English through the use of popular music, the literature on teaching English in China, and Stuart Hall's seminal “Encoding and Decoding,” the authors examined both popular American music and American music utilized in the Chinese curriculum through the lens of cultural studies and their unique experiences teaching English. Data were varied, but all songs examined fell into Hall's “negotiated code,” offering potential and limits for “communicative exchanges” between cultures. Recommendations offered include paying more careful attention to the selection process for curricular materials.  相似文献   

文章基于问卷调查和访谈,研究大学生和中学生对EFL口语课堂纠错的看法及其差异,涉及错误类型、纠错时机、纠错主体、纠错方式四个方面,认为有必要从教师角度探讨纠错问题,使EFL课堂口语学习活动效率更高。  相似文献   

Hedges, as a common linguistic phenomenon, are used in daily communication to make sure that the communication can move on smoothly and to attain specific goals by speakers. If the hedges are used properly in class, they could make talks between teacher and students become more polite, flexible and effective and facilitate effective teaching and learning. Based on the writer's past experience, this paper intends to analyze the specific application and pragmatic functions of hedges used by both teacher and students in EFL class.  相似文献   

EFL教学效果与学生的情感因素密切相关。本文首先简要介绍了情感以及情感对教学效果的影响,并归纳总结了前人对于情感教学的相关论述。在此理论基础上,结合高校学生和EFL的特点,提出了在高校EFL教学中实施情感教学的具体策略。  相似文献   

拟从英语阅读理解课入手,通过调查问卷和数据收集,分析阅读课存在的问题;通过教学观念和教学方法的调整,制定阅读课行动计划以培养学生参与课堂的积极性并训练其阅读策略和技巧。通过教学行动研究反思教与学,从而探索英语阅读课师生最认可的有效的教学模式。  相似文献   

从话语分析的角度 ,通过课堂观察 ,对大学英语教师在英语读写课教学时的课堂提问形式、师生交流内容和反馈状况进行了系统的分析。强调课堂教学在以学生为中心的教学前提下 ,教师在教学中的主导作用仍然贯穿于整个教学过程。教师通过展示性提问与参考性提问的有机结合、对时代性和真实性的话题的合理采用以及积极反馈方式的运用 ,既保证了教学计划的完成 ,又使学生的积极性得到了充分发挥  相似文献   

Teacher talk and teacher-student classroom interaction have always been the central issue among the various classroom researches. Teacher talk is undoubtedly important in EFL (English as a foreign lang...  相似文献   

丁薇 《青海师专学报》2010,30(2):108-111
有效的EFL课堂讨论包含任务适切性、能力培养多元性、学生参与自主性、过程体现合作性、蕴含教育性等基本特征。教师应该从明确讨论的目的、优化讨论的话题、合理设计讨论的形式、选择讨论的最佳时机、营造良好的课堂讨论氛围、加强组织调控、及时并恰当地反馈评价等方面对课堂讨论进行优化设计。课堂讨论实施过程中还要体现学生为主体、激励性、知识与能力并重等原则。  相似文献   

Teacher talk and teacher-student classroom interaction have always been the central issue among the various classroom researches. Teacher talk is undoubtedly important in EFL(English as a foreign language) classroom in China. This paper attempts to discuss the features of teacher talk in EFL classroom, mainly of NNS(non-native speaker) teachers and the implications and suggestions of how to make teacher talk more appropriate and stimulative.  相似文献   

The school teaching work is the main form of the classroom teaching reform,classroom teaching,improving teaching quality,to the classroom teaching scientific assessment of the most attention,is our task.The new standard advocate carry open learning way,the interactive classroom mode,built equality,democracy and relaxed classroom atmosphere,the student get quite big the initiative and have more self-expression,selfdevelopment opportunities.  相似文献   

许多研究表明,语言课堂里的互动通过影响课堂气氛、课堂中的反馈以及学生的参与程度,进而影响课堂教学的效果和语言学习的好坏。本文着重介绍了良好的课堂互动对外语教学的影响以及我国高校英语教学的课堂互动状况。  相似文献   

本文在Fairclough提出的批评话语分析(CDA)三维分析框架的基础上,与阅读教学不同阶段相结合,构建适合英语阅读教学的批评性阅读分析框架,并结合不同阅读文本进行实例分析,探讨在英语阅读课中,如何运用批评性阅读来提高大学生的社会意识和批评性阅读能力。  相似文献   

本文在第二语言习得理论中有关动机和课堂气氛等理论的指导下,对大学英语课堂中英语教学进行观察、调查和研究,通过面向学生和老师的问卷,指出了二语课堂上经常出现的一些问题以及教师经常使用的一些解决此类问题的办法,同时针对这些问题提供更多的有效地解决方案,为在二语教学课堂上如何创造让学生自主学习的和谐环境提供了可行方案。  相似文献   

基于大学英语大班教学的现状, 协作性学习作为一重要手段具有特别优势, 可大量应用于大班外语教学。通过各项分组教学活动, 可以改善学生学习积极性, 加大课内课外学生练习度, 提高学生学习效果, 弥补大班语言学习组织课堂之不足。  相似文献   

信息、知识呈现的可视化趋势正改变着学习者获取知识和学习语言的方式。视觉学习已成为外语学习者最主要的学习方式之一。在外语教学的三个重要环节,即输入、互动、输出中充分利用各种视觉媒介,遵循学习者为中心、输入情景化、教学环境视觉化、知识呈现可视化、语言输出互动性五个原则,采用吸引、讲解、交流、展示、互动、创造、反馈、评估的策略,将视觉化教学策略融入到外语教学中,有助于促进语言的习得。  相似文献   

师生互动自古就有,不同的时间背景下互动的形式、特点存在有不同之处.现在教学多媒体的介入,使得师生互动有了新的特点,在中学化学多媒体课上的师生互动,结合了化学课的独特之处,给化学教师在进行多媒体教学时提供了一定的借鉴之处.  相似文献   

This paper is intended to offer a synthesis of some researches on teaching EFL writing in China, and the author suggests that more efforts should be directed toward studying in this area in order to help not only teachers but also students to resolve this dilemma in the EFL writing classes in China.  相似文献   

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